Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th June 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th June 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th June 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Vandu getting shocked seeing Raman Bhalla as baby name. Ishita and Raman are shocked too. Raman asks the nurse is she mad. The nurse says he told her, when she asked him. He recalls and holds head. He says he thought she is asking his name, does she not have common sense. Vandu says how will my baby name look like this, Raman Bhalla Balachandran. Bala asks nurse what did she see, how can Iyer daughter be named Raman Bhalla. The nurse says she will ask baby name, why will she ask his name. Bala asks her to change the BC. The nurse says she can’t make, and asks them to make affidavit and change it in court.

Raman says calm down, we will ask Pathak, he will change. Ishita laughs and asks Vandu to relax. They take pics with the baby. Vandu is brought home and they get a good surprise, by Mrs. Bhalla welcoming them in Iyer house in Tamilian way. She says why can’t I welcome them, Amma has given me all instructions. They play Tamil music. She does tilak and aarti. She does all the rituals and welcomes Vandu and baby. She ties black thread to baby’s hand.

She says something in Tamil and laughs. Vandu thanks her. Everyone smile seeing Mrs. Bhalla trying Tamil. Mihika and Simmi bring the cradle. Shravan comes and shows a teddy for the baby. He talks to the baby. Raman jokes and they all laugh. Mrs.Bhalla says she is missing Amma/Mrs. Iyer. Adi talks to Vinni at the coffee café and sees the rates. He says I m sorry, I can’t afford 250rs on coffee, I have to value money. She says don’t worry, I will pay for mine and its good you said truth. Other guys join them and they ask them to join them. Vinni insists and Adi agrees.

The baby cries a lot. Ishita asks Vandu to take rest and she will take care of baby. Bala comes and takes baby. The baby stops crying and then starts again. Mihika says Amma used to sing lullaby. Everyone try to calm the baby and take her turn by turn. They try everything to stop her cry. Shravan says he will dance for her and dances. Everyone dance for the baby. Vandu says I know why is she crying, as she knows her name is Raman Bhalla, so she is upset, what did he do. Raman comes home and asks where is everyone. Romi says they all went to see the baby, she is crying. He says he is hungry and looks for food. Raman goes to see everyone.

The nurse calls Romi and says she has just seen the girl he was finding. He says what, I m coming. Vinni and Adi are on the way and says they did not tell us its adult movie. He says it has full action. She asks him to come to her home, they will download and watch it. He gets thinking. Vinni’s mum calls her and asks her to manage, she is going out. Vinni tells Adi that her mum is going out, and asks him to come. He agrees. She thanks him and asks driver to take them home. He says he will message dad that he is coming late. The baby does not cry as Raman takes her. Ishita asks him how did he do this. He says its called talent, she slept by fan air. They say babies should not be kept under fan air. Raman says she wanted some cool air, and anyways just Raman can manage Raman. They laugh. He leaves. Ishita says he has talent.

Romi comes to city hospital and asks the nurse. She says she has gone. Romi says how did she go. Abhishek comes and looks on. Romi asks did she take her address. The nurse says she went, how could I take address, I have seen it was Sarika, I called you and you are scolding me. Abhishek heard everything and comes to Romi. Romi asks how is he here. Abhishek asks how is he here, is he finding anything. Romi says no. Abhishek says you looked serious at reception, I came here to find someone. He gets Sarika’s pic and Romi sees it. He lies to Abhishek and says he is finding his friend. He makes excuses and leaves. Abhishek says why is Romi lying to me, why is he finding Sarika, do they have any connection. Adi downloads the movie. Vinni says we will watch it on hall big tv. He says nice idea and they sit watching the movie. It’s an A certificate movie. Vinni’s dad comes and sees the A movie caution on the tv. He asks what are they watching and scolds Vinni and Adi. Vinni says she has called Adi. He asks does Raman Bhalla know this, I think I have to call him now. Adi says sorry, don’t call dad.

Ishita sees Raman sleeping and taking care of the baby. She keeps his laptop away and smiles seeing him and the baby. She takes their pic. She says Ruhi will be happy seeing pics and gets Ruhi’s call. She talks to her and says Papa loves you, he is missing you a lot. She goes out and talks to her. Neelu gives Raman’s phone and says its ringing since much time. Ishita takes the call and Vinni’s call complains about Adi, and he will take action and send his son to police. Ishita gets shocked.

Adi and Vinni try to explain her dad. He raises hand on Adi. Ishita stops him holding his hand and asks how dare you, no one can slap my son, learn to talk to kids, then come to talk to me and my son, Adi will not give explanation to anyone except his mum and dad.


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  1. Sachini
    June 26, 09:12 Reply

    Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way.

  2. Sachini
    June 26, 09:12 Reply

    Some things are better left forgotten

  3. Sachini
    June 26, 09:11 Reply

    Start making your own happiness a priority

  4. Sachini
    June 26, 09:11 Reply

    Nobody deserves to be treated like an option.

  5. Sachini
    June 26, 09:10 Reply

    The less you worry, the less complicated life becomes

  6. Sachini
    June 26, 09:10 Reply

    The distance between your dreams and reality is you.

  7. Sachini
    June 26, 08:39 Reply

    *** Telly reviews Spoiler ***
    Raman and Ishita’s romantic union after concluding Adi’s matter in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein
    Ishita tells Raman that he saved Adi from her anger else Adi would have been slapped by her. They argue again over Adi. Ishita tells him that Adi does mistakes again and again. Ishita tells that Adi was at Vinni’s home watching an ‘A’ Certificate movie and got caught by Vinni’s dad. Raman holds his head and sits tensed. Ishita tells the entire matter to him how Vinni’s dad has warned Adi again. She has supported Adi infront of him and brought him home to seek an answer from him. Ishita regards Vinni to be a spoiled kid who is badly influencing Adi.
    Later on, Raman and Ishita are called at school and principal complains them about Adi again. Raman really finds Ishita’s worry right and thinks Adi is getting out of control. The principal wants to suspend Aditya and Vinni from the school. Ishitya defends Adi and Vinni and tells the principal that they can’t judge the kids on few instances and convinces her to give them a chance. The principal does not suspend the kids. Adi and Vinni thank Ishita and hugs her. Ishita’s doubt on Vinni gets cleared and she gives her yes to Adi and Vinni’s friendship. Raman gets glad to see Ishita managing Adi well. Abhishek got to know about Romi finding Sarika and tries finding whether Romi has ditched Sarika. What will be Abhishek’s reaction on finding the truth? After solving Adi’s matter, Raman and Ishita will be seen in peace and romancing. Keep reading

  8. t-c
    June 25, 18:22 Reply

    They see me rollin’

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    t-c on Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th June 2015 Written Update
    t-c on Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th June 2015 Written Update
    t-c on Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th June 2015 Written Update

  9. t-c
    June 25, 18:19 Reply

    #making up my own random facts that I’ve learnt in science 😆

  10. t-c
    June 25, 18:18 Reply

    People believed in the plum pudding model until 1908. It represented a positively charged ‘filling’ in which negatively charged electron “raisins” floated.

    • t-c
      June 25, 18:18

      It was then replaced by Rutherfords model

  11. t-c
    June 25, 18:15 Reply

    The sun has the right conditions for nuclear fusion.

  12. t-c
    June 25, 18:14 Reply

    Your pupils get smaller when they are exposed to a lot of light. i.e. In the morning
    And they expand when there’s not much light (night)

    • t-c
      June 25, 18:15

      (I’m talking about eye pupils btw)

    • t-c
      June 25, 18:13


  13. t-c
    June 25, 18:09 Reply

    Where’s everyone these days?

  14. mari
    June 25, 13:06 Reply

    I like what ishitha says can’t wait till tomorrow!! I think next villien is Vinni’s dumb father.

    • t-c
      June 25, 15:10

      Yeh. YHM cannot be without a villian! Now he will ploy against Raman. He’s basically the new ashok

    • Preet
      June 25, 15:11

      I dont want a new Ashok ! I want Ashok 😥

    • t-c
      June 25, 17:25

      Hopefully dad won’t be replaced

    • t-c
      June 25, 17:32

      I looked at it 🙂

  15. t-c
    June 25, 11:45 Reply

    Thanks for pictures Admin 😀

  16. Preet
    June 25, 11:05 Reply

    More of Mihika & Abhishek …. And Ashok ❤️

  17. Rameesa
    June 25, 11:01 Reply

    Episode was very funny.aaj kal adi is making dramas.sudhar ja varna ishimaa aajayengi……..:)is matter pe ishra phir se ladenge.ooofffoo

  18. Preet
    June 25, 10:59 Reply

    Vinnie’s dad is such a dumbass

  19. t-c
    June 25, 10:56 Reply

    Can I ask what is an “A certificate” movie? Because we don’t have that rating in Britain.

    • pri
      June 25, 10:57

      Only for adult audiences (18 years and over). Nobody below the age of 18 may buy/rent an A-rated DVD, VHS, UMD or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category may contain adult/disturbing themes, frequent crude language, brutal violence with blood and gore, crude sexual dialogue and sex scenes and/or scenes of hard drug abuse which are considered unsuitable for minors.

    • t-c
      June 25, 11:45

      Thanks for telling Pri. We call those films 18A

    • pri
      June 25, 12:10

      ho kk … tc no thnks bw frds yar

  20. pri
    June 25, 10:48 Reply

    adi always vinni…

  21. pri
    June 25, 10:48 Reply

    wht is this adi drama borign yar

    • Mali
      June 25, 13:26

      It is high time to stop this Adhi drama. This spoil the whole drama.its really boring .now the show becoming a comedy show.

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