Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 16th August 2014 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 16th August 2014 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 16th August 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with pandit telling the importance of the fast to Ishita. Mihir tells Raman that this will ruin their business too. Raman says I know, I did this for Ishita. Romi hears everything. Raman says I don’t regret, I deserve this. The pandit asks the women to take their husband’s name and do the puja. The puja is done. Raman says there is some relation where any kind of sacrifice looks small, Ashok and his brother revoked Ishita’s license, she works as its her passion, not for money. Mihir asks but there might be any other way. Raman says Ishita is very important to me, she made many sacrifices for me. Mihir says I m thinking about company’s future, Ashok won’t be quiet. Raman says let him bark, everytime we can’t see profit and loss, there is something called family, which is important.

Ishita prays for Raman’s prosperity and her family. Raman says I did this for Ishita, I don’t know its right or wrong, Ishita deserves it. If Ashok asks my companies, I will give him, whats the presidentship then. Romi thinks Raman sacrifices so much, business, reputation and everything, all for Ishita, I think I should tell this to her. He leaves. Mihika tells Ishita that Raman resigned from presidentship and recommended Ashok. Ishita says but why did he do this, he did not tell me, I think its Ashok’s plan, he is taking revenge. This is personal.

Romi comes and says Raman did this for you. He says I heard Raman and Mihir talking. Raman did this so that Suraj returns your license, do you think Raman will be scared of Ashok and do this. Ishita says why did I not think this, all cake drama and fight for my license. She thinks about Raman and Suraj’s argument in the hospital. She thinks of Raman’s words. She says he did all this for me. She says he resigned from his position. She gets sad and cries.

She says this is not done, he should have asked me once. I can’t make him do this. Romi says its about your career and you know Raman, he tried hard and when nothing happened, he did this agreeing to Ashok. He says Raman did so much for you. She says yes, but its not small, its very big thing, he was the president and his years long reputation ruined because of me and my license, I can’t even think about it, why did he do all this. She says I should have understood Suraj won’t take case back so easily as he is Ashok’s brother, I m so stupid, I did not think how I got it back. Romi asks her not to cry, think he did this for you.

She says yes, he did it for me, it does not mean I will make him do this. He says please don’t tell Raman about this, else he will hang me, I told you as I thought you should know everything. She says I won’t ask Raman anything, but today I kept a fast for him, for his honor and position. I will teach a good lesson to Suraj and get back Raman’s position., Mrs. Bhalla makes Shravan wear the Pagdi. She says you are looking Punjabi. He says I m looking cartoon. She laughs and says no, you are looking better than Ruhi, you show her being Punjabi kid. Amma sees Shravan and asks why is he wearing such clothes. Mrs. Bhalla comes and Amma argues.

Ruhi comes and laughs saying Shravan is looking multi color cartoon. Shravan goes to change. Mrs. Bhalla and Amma argue. Mrs. Bhalla asks her why did she tell everyone about Romi. Amma says nothing like that, I was tensed and I told Vandu and then everyone knew, I m sorry, I did not mean so. Amma says punish me Santoshi. Mrs. Bhalla says Toshi ji. Amma folds her and Mrs. Bhalla holds her forgiving her. Ruhi comes dressed in Punjabi clothes and Mrs. Bhalla hugs her.

Ishita and Romi are on the way and she says she wants to talk to Suraj why he did this and she is doing this for Raman. Romi says they are wrong people, we will take Raman’s help. She says I want to confront him, if you want to come, you can. She sees Suraj meeting some guy. Romi asks are you sure, I know both of them. Ishita says I can’t care about them. Romi says he is biggest bookie of Delhi. He smiles and says got it, the match is starting and they are match fixing. She asks is he sure. Romi says yes. Ishita says see what game I play now for Raman.

Mr and Mrs. Bhalla hear the news about Raman’s resign. He calls Raman and puts on speaker. Romi and Ishita come and hear it. Raman says it happens in business. Mr. Bhalla says what will people think. Raman gets angry and asks him not to interfere. Mr. Bhalla gets annoyed and ends the call. She says he is worried, leave him alone. He leaves. Ishita feels bad seeing this.

Raman meets the Association head who asks him why is he resigning, they need him. Its still time, reconsider your decision. Mihir asks Raman to think and Raman says its final. Ashok and Parmeet come there and Raman is about to sign. The head says we will announce formally tomorrow about Ashok being the president now. Ashok taunts Raman. Raman signs on the papers and closes the file. Raman says they does not like the things he gives him. He says I have given you everything. You have all the things I rejected, it suits you.

Romi tells Ishita that we have to act smart as Suraj is a big man. Ishita says we have to workout our plan, before Suraj goes form that hotel, we have to catch them red handed and before they take over the post from Raman. Romi gets an idea and smiles.

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  1. Rainbow
    August 18, 02:28 Reply

    SBB seg IshRa fight

    they are fighting over the saree that Raman gifted Ishita
    ranan saying he is tense ..couldnt catch the whole dialogue
    DT said its a very natural fight audiences will be able to relate to it
    and it happens many times both husband n wife say different things
    rep said that just now u were having varalakshmi pooja how come ur fighting suddenly

  2. Rainbow
    August 18, 02:27 Reply


    Favorite 2015 Telly Calender Girl Poll is finally over
    the winner is :
    Divyanka Tripathi!!!

  3. Rainbow
    August 18, 02:14 Reply

    CV’s and SIMMY

    Asst Female CV : We thought to check on how you’re doing? Its been so long.

    Simmy : Great actually … life is so good Big smile
    Asst Female CV : Err … really?

    Simmy : Oh yes, just the other day I was attending this party with my husband given in honor of my brother. He looked HOT.

    Asst Female CV : Your brother?

    Simmy : What NOO… My husband f’course. He’s back in town you see.

    Asst Female CV : Yes we know. Wasn’t he kicked out of his job for sexually harassing a woman?

    Simmy : Nah, that was all a misunderstanding … a huge MU. That woman thought my hubby looked HOT and hit on him. Can’t really blame her you know, he is HOT.

    Asst Female CV : Right … you already said that. But isn’t he the same guy who left you at your maternal home while gallivanting across the world.

    Simmy : For the love of God … a man needs to have his pleasures, doesn’t he? Plus I was busy here too.

    Asst Female CV : Doing what exactly?

    Simmy : Well the normal … eating, gossiping with mum, quarreling with the Madrasi’s, eating some more, judging the Madrasi’s, putting my niece’s life in danger, gossiping some more. Time just flew by.

    Asst Female CV : It must have. What does your hubby do, now that he’s back.
    Simmy : Oh please, he doesn’t have to do anything. My bro’s rich … what’s one more mouth to feed?

    Asst Female CV : Mooching does come naturally to you & hubby dearest *snort*

    Simmy : Uhh?

    Asst Female CV : Nothing. So he shifted with you into maternal home?

    Simmy : Yeah well, the dingy lodge he kept me in was boring. No neighbors to fight with and gossip about. Plus Paramji was getting worried, he would have to take care of us permanently.

    Asst Female CV : Quite a tragedy. So you came home?

    Simmy : Yup. My sis-in-law helped us and my brother gave us loads of cash. You see we had to pay off a wanton woman chasing him. She just couldn’t get over my hubby’s awesomeness.

    Asst Female CV : How nice. But free loading wasn’t enough right?

    Simmy : What does that mean? We are really good at it … and my brother is good to us.

    Asst Female CV : But …but wasn’t the guy recently beaten to pulp and kicked out by your brother?

    Simmy : Oh that was all another misunderstanding.

    Asst Female CV : Again ?

    Simmy : My sis-in-law too thought my hubby looked HOT and wanted him. But my bro just couldn’t let it go, it was all some crap about Ruhi ke liye aur Ishita ke liye *bahhh*

    Asst Female CV : You must be pretty upset with her.
    Simmy : Ahh well, can’t really blame her, as I said … my pati is HOT.

    Asst Female CV : But … isn’t her husband hotter?
    Simmy : For heaven’s sake … what does her husband have that mine doesn’t?

    Asst Female CV : Well let’s see – Intelligence, success, a home, a character, loads of oozing sexiness and the best of the lot … a cute dimpled smile .

    Simmy : Oh please *pfft*. My husband has so much more. Women around the world die for a chance to LOWE him. Poor guy … no two days go by when he doesn’t get accused by a woman for ruining her.

    Asst Female CV : This is way too disturbing. Let’s just talk about something else shall we? Is he a good father?

    Simmy : Oooh the very best Big smile. You won’t believe that my daughter’s first words were “Papa”.

    Asst Female CV : Interesting. He must be really involved with her … must have been overjoyed when you gave birth to your little angel right?

    Simmy : He was. So much so that he din’t bother to drop in to see or name her.

    Asst Female CV : Oh … so you named her on your own?

    Simmy : What NOOO … I would never take that away from him. Meri bacchi kay baap hain woh. I chose not to name my baby. I just call her …well “BABY”.

    Asst Female CV : Oh my!!! *gasps*

    Simmy : Don’t worry. My bro paid for a grand naming ceremony *just when my little one was giving up hope to get a name*. Infact my sis-in-law made all the arrangements for it.

    Asst Female CV : How sweet. Did you thank her?

    Simmy : Hell no. My husband walked in for the ceremony, demanded gifts and then made a move on her in front of my entire family. Can you believe her nerve … what a b*tch I tell you.

    Asst Female CV : *gasp* *Choke* *gasp*

    Simmy: Are you all right? Shall I call my Param ji?

    Asst Female CV : What NOOO. I don’t want him to hit on me *ewww*

    Simmy: Nah don’t worry … he is really busy nowadays.

    Asst Female CV : Doing what?

    Simmy : Plotting and planning … against my brother, against his boss, against his boss’s brother, against his boss’s girlfriend, against just about anything that he sees. You won’t believe the kind of hard work it takes. I barely get to canoodle with him *sigh*.

    Asst Female CV : But didn’t his boss get him out of jail & give him a job?

    Simmy: Oh yes, also invited him to move in with him and his girlfriend. Whattay a threesome I tell you.

    Asst Female CV : You mean you are good with it Shocked

    Simmy : Why not? In fact I wanted to move in with him. But he feels a foursome is just not as much fun …am still trying to convince him though. Think of the things we could do.
    Asst Female CV : Oh my … you do take your patni-vrata ness to another level… am almost afraid to ask.

    Simmy : Why more plotting and planning f’course. We could even throw in some bitching. It’s my dream lifestyle.

    Asst Female CV : Looks like your life is set.

    Simmy : There’s just one thing that really upset me recently though?

    Asst Female CV : The lack of character on his part?

    Simmy : How dare you? He might be evil, but he is MY MAN. Also he is not really evil evil you know. He is hot … and well “pati hain woh mere”.

    Asst Female CV : Err look let’s just leave it here, shall we. What’s been upsetting you though?

    Simmy : Well recently I learnt that everyone on India-Forums loves my hubby so much, they fondly call him PERVY.

    Asst Female CV : Lol they do? … I mean “Oh they do?”

    Simmy : Yup. I actually made a post there saying how apt PERVY is for my guy Embarrassed

    P for Pati Parmeshwar mera

    E for Enna sona munda, haan ji.

    R for Rascal na ho toh *giggle*

    V for Very Very Gabru Jawan ji *sigh*

    Y is for yummee … oye, ice-cream wala ji.

    Asst Female CV : Wow. I have no words … literally.

    Simmy : Hai na *blush*. But then the forum posted a reply saying PERVY actually stands for

    P for Pervert, parasitic & puckish.

    E for Evil … pure unadulterated evil.

    R for Repulsive and a rodent too.

    V for Vile, vainglorious, vicious & villainous.

    Y for Yucky, just plain Yucky.

    Asst Female CV : Err … That must have been really upsetting.
    Simmy : You bet it was … I did not understand a single word in there

    • Rainbow
      August 18, 02:03

      Two Shot: Tera Saath Hai Kitna Pyaara

      Note: this os is based on the current storyline where after completing the varalakshmi puja, mihika informs ishita that Raman withdrew from the president post.

      **Not proof read**


      Ishita felt like she was the happiest person on earth today. Firstly, she completed her first varalakshmi puja post marriage for her husband without any hindrance and secondly, she got the best gift today- her licence was re issued.

      But her happiness turned into sadness when mihika told her about Ashok taking over the presidentship and Raman resigning from it. She wondered what could have made Raman agree to resign from his post.

      As she entered bhalla house, she saw Romi who was watching tv where they showed Raman fighting with journolist in his office while the reporter was imposing false allegations on how Raman had given money to buy the president post.

      Ishita had tears in her eyes as she stood there trying to figure out what’s going on.
      Romi saw ishita and switched off the tv. He walked up to ishita who was still in shock and tried to explain that it’s all false rumours but ishita didn’t let him speak. She asked him if he knew anything about Raman resigning from the president post and demanded him to tell her the complete truth.

      Romi told her everything as to how Ashok and his brother made a deal with Raman to resign from the president post in return of Ishita’s licence and how raman made sure that he gets her licence today itself.

      Ishita couldn’t believe at first but slowly, as she registered the entire scenario, she felt lucky to have such a caring husband who sacrificed his reputation and his hard earned position just for the sake of her happiness.

      But at the same time, she felt guilty that it’s all because of her that today he has to suffer all this. She then slowly composes herself and promises to raman in her heart that she’ll not let him sacrifice his position and let it go to the wrong person like Ashok.

      She requests Romi to help her catch Suraj and to prove herself innocent so that raman doesn’t need to bow his head before Ashok or anyone ever again.

      Together they leave in her car as she calls suraj and asks him to meet her at a cafe.

      At the cafe, ishita meets suraj as romi records their conversation in which suraj, out of his overconfidence accepts that he had refused for anesthesia and he ate within 2hours of his root canal procedure inspite of her advice since he wanted to ruin her and Raman for messing with him.

      Ishita smiles proudly at the success of their plan as she leaves the place but after warning Suraj that “aapne Raman kumar Bhalla ka gussa to dekha hoga, ab unki biwi ka apne pati ki insult ka jawab bhi dekhlena.!”

      She walks away from there as Suraj looks on with a smile underestimating the power of truth thinking that she can’t do anything.

      Its evening and Ishita wore the red kanjeevaram saree that she selected in the morning as a gift from Raman. She wore matching red bangles and a heavy necklace with earrings which was gifted by Toshi.

      She saw herself in the mirror and smiled thinking about how much Raman did for her silently yet he would show as if he never cared.

      She took his photo frame from the bedside table and ran her fingers over his photo making a cute pout and talking to the frame “kitne khadoos lagte ho ravan kumar iss photo me. Thoda sa hass dete to aapka koi nuksaan nahi ho jaata!”
      She then hugged the photo and closed her eyes as she thanked him in her heart for all that he did.

      She remembered his words today morning when he casually told her to not fast for him as he doesn’t want to live long and rather would want to go far away from her soon.

      A lone tear escapes her eyes as she prays to varalakshmi goddess “hey devi ma, itni si dua hai aapse ki raman ki lambi umar ho, unko duniya ki saari khushiyan aur kamyaabi milen chahe unki zindagi me main rahun ya na rahun. Bas meri yahi praarthna hai aapse.”

      She comes back to her senses when she hears Raman clearing his throat. She opens her eyes to see Raman standing at the doorway of their room with crossed legs and folded arms,leaning on to the door staring at Ishita who’s still hugging his photo frame.

      He slowly walks towards her as she is still standing in the same position. She follows his eyes which gesture her asking about his photo in her hands.

      She quickly realises and puts back the frame while fumbling with words trying to frame a reason for what she did.

      Ishita : wo wo…

      Raman: wo wo kya huh? Bhook ke chakkar me apple bina chabaye nigal gayi thi kya jo Gale me atak gaya?

      Ishita: huh kuch bhi? Yahan maine subah sr ek boond paani nahi pii aur aap hai ki kuch bhi bakwas karte ho!

      Raman realises she kept her fasting inspite of him advising her against it. He is genuinely happy that first time someone kept fast for him but his ego doesn’t let him express his feelings.

      He fakes anger shouting at her “tumhare dimaag me koi baat seedhe ghussti nahi hai kya? Mana kiya tha na maine vrat rakhne ko? Aur mere photo ke saath kya kaand kar rahi thi abhi?”

      Ishita pouts at him saying “how mean! Aur waise bhi vrat aapke liye nahi rakha. Mummyji ki khushi ke liye rakha. Rahi baat iss photo frame ki to aapki shakal 24×7 waise hi dekh dekh ke pareshaan hu! Aapki photo me koi interest nahi hai. Wo galti se mere haat se gir gayi thi to uthaliya tha maine bas.”

      She lowers her gaze and pouts as he secretly smiles at his innocent wife who cannot even lie properly.

      Toshiji calls ishita for the pooja rituals and so she leaves. Raman smiles to himself shaking his head while mumbling “puri pagal hai ye madrasan…par achi hai…jaisi hai…meri hai”

      He realises his words and looks around hoping nobody listened to him. He then hits head and scolds himself for talking nonsense while he still has a smile on his lips.

      In the hall, ishita is listening to the karvachauth katha and doing the rituals as toshiji is advicing her whe ruhi sits beside holding her ishima’s pallu. Raman hides behind the wall as he steals glances at ishita doing the puja with utmost sincereity.

      While doing puja, ishita catches raman looking at her when he tries to manage the situation and walks out of the door faking to be on an important call.

      Ishita smiles secretly knowing that raman was just looking at her.

      After completing the puja, toshiji tells ishita and all other members to gather on the terrace and wait for the moon.

      Raman is constantly looking at the sky waiting for the moon so that ishita can break her fast.
      Ishita noticed and asked him softly “aap ek min me pachas baar moon ko dhoond rahe ho raman. Don’t worry abhi time hai”

      Raman gave her a stern look saying “oh hello! Tumhari fikar nahi hai mujhe. Ye tham jham jaldi rafa dafa karo to aur bhi kaam hai mujhe.”

      Ishita smiled looking into his eyes which betrayed his words. Her sharp stare pierced his soul as he lowered his gaze and turned away.

      Ruhi came running to ishita and asked innocently “ishima, aapko bhook nahi lag rahi? Subah se kuch bhi nahi khaya aapne. Ye moon kyun itna late aata hai?”

      Raman seemed busy on call standing few meters away from ishita. She smiled at Ruhi and.knealed infront of her, kissing her on the cheek as she replied “meri Ru kitna care karti hai ishima ki. Mera sabse pyaara baccha! Mujhe bilkul bhook nahi lag rahi hai beta. And moon to apne sahi time pe aayega. Sirf thodi der aur wait karna hai.”

      Ruhi asked “daadi ne bola aapko ye fast karne ke liye? Main daadi se permission le lu ishima ki wo aapko khaane de? Daadi ko main mana lungi.”

      Ishita smiled at her innocent daughter’s love for her. She took Ruhi’s hands in hers as she explained “Ru, beta ye fasting ishima ne aapke papa ke liye rakha hai. Unki lambi umar aur kamyaabi ke liye. Moon ko dekhke hi fasting break karte hai. Aur meri ruhi bhi apne papa se bahut pyaari karti hai to aapko ishima ko support karna chahiye. Haina baby?”

      Raman who was on call but who heard everything spoken by Ishita to Ruhi was touched to see how much ishita thinks about him and did this vrat with sincereity and devotion for him and not just for the sake of his mother or to show off to anyone.

      He thinks to self- Itni achchi kyun ho tum Ishita? Kabhi ek pal tha jab mujhe tumhare naam se bhi nafrat hoti thi…aur aaj sochke bhi darr lagta hai ki kahin tum mujhse door na chali jao.

    • Rainbow
      August 18, 02:08


      Few minutes later, the moon appeared and toshi gave her the puja thaali and explained the procedure.

      Ishita saw the moon through the seive and offered the water. She lowered her gaze as Raman came and stood infront of her.

      She slowly lifted her eyes to see her husband through the seive as a blush appeared on her face with a peaceful look. Raman looked into her eyes through the seive with a content smile on his face.

      She bent down and touched his feet as he reflexively pulled her up and said “ye sab karne ki zaroorat nahi hai…” when she cuts and says firmly but softly “lekin mujhe zaroorat hai!”

      They exchange looks as he makes her drink water and feeds her payasam made by her mother.

      Everyone claps and is enjoying seeing the divine couple together as Romi offers to click their pic.

      Ishita and raman stand slightly far so romi keeps telling them to come close and more close. Raman initially hesitates as does Ishita but on everyone’s insistence, he pulls ishita closer towards him by putting his arm around her shoulder as she blushes while looking at him smiling at her. Romi captures their moment into a picture.

      Back to the room, ishita is busy clearing the mess created by Ruhi and sravan while playing around when Raman comes with the dinner plate for her.

      She tells him “aapne takfleef kyun ki? Main kha lungi thodi der me. Bas 2min main room theek kardeti hu. Aap aur ruhi so jayiye…main…”

      Before she could complete her sentence, raman shuts her mouth by feeding her a bite of roti.

      Her eyes widen as she chews the food while looking at Raman who says “jitni der tum apna ye lecture dene me barbaad karti ho, utne me tum ye khaana kab ka khatam kar sakti thi! Ab chup chap baito aur khana khao!”

      She sat silently at the foot end of the bed as Raman was standing beside her with the plate.

      He held out the plate gesturing her to take it but she instead stared at him.

      Irritated, he asked “kya? Lo plate aur khao! Mujhe kya dekh rahi ho?”

      She innocently batted her eyelashes tilting her head towards him as she said “aap itne pyaar se leke aaye ho to aap hi khila do na aaj”

      Raman arched his eyebrows in shock as he felt awkward with her sudden demand.

      He was about to leave when she held his hand and looked at him which melted him from inside. He sat next to her and started to feed her as she kept staring at him without blinking.

      He caught her staring at him and asked casually “kaunsa khatarnak plan chal raha hai tumhare dimaag me? Aise kya ghoor rahi ho?”

      She replied him in a serious but gentle tone “kaise raman? Aur kyun? Kyun kiya aapne mere liye itna bada sacrifice? Wo bhi uss ashok ke kehne par? ”

      Raman understood that ishita got to know everything. He tried to make it seem nothing as he casually said “maine koi sacrifice nahi kii hai. Aur tumhare liye kuch bhi nahi! Wo meri galti thi jo clinic me maine suraj se muh lagaya aur uski wajah se tumhari licence revoke hui. To usse waapas laane ke liye president ka post chodna bhi tha to koi badi baat nahi hai.”

      Ishita shook her head smiling knowing that raman would never accept his care for her.
      He continued “waise bhi, tumne degree khareedi hogi maine nahi. Agar aaj main iss mukaam tak pahuncha hu to apni mehenat se. Aur main chahu to dobara sab kuch firse haasil kar sakta hu.”

      As he was done feeding her the dinner and was about to leave, ishita stopped him by holding his shirt sleeve as he turned around to face her.

      She stood up and thanked him with tears in her eyes.
      Raman wiped her tears and asked “ab kyun ro rahi ho? Main mazak kar raha tha. Theek hai, tumne degree mehnat se kamayi hai. Ok?”

      She laughed a little at that and said “meri degree ke liye nahi ro rahi hu raman.”

      Raman asked curiously “toh?”

      Ishita held his hands in hers as she tried to control her tears and said “aaj tak kisi ne mere liye itna kuch nahi kiya jitna aapne kiya hai raman. I’m…i’m really lucky ki aap meri life me ho.”

      Raman’s eyes turned moist as he tightened his grip in her hands and looked into her eyes saying “jo bhi kiya…meri biwi ke liye kiya. Aur lucky to main aur ruhi hai. Tumne humari zindagi badaldi. aur tumhare liye kuch bhi karun toh wo kam hi hoga.”

      Ishita blushed as she smiled through her tears while raman looked on.

      To lighten her mood, Raman gave her a gift. As she opened it excitedly, a colorful toy pops out scaring her as she screams at the top of her lungs.

      He laughs at her when she looks at him angrily. He holds his ears cutely gesturing to forgive him as he takes out another gift and gives her.

      She refuses to even open it suspecting a foul play. He assures her that this is a real gift.
      She hesitantly opens it only to recognise that it’s the same white saree with black border which she liked in the morning but didn’t take it seeing the price tag.

      She looked at raman asking “ye saree…raman! Kya zaroorat thi? Maine aapki taraf se liya tha na saree. Aur ye toh bahut mehenga hai.”

      Raman shushed her putting his finer on her lips as her eyes widen and her heart beat at a faster pace that even he could hear her heartbeat.

      Moving a bit away to let her calm down, he pretended to be indifferent as he spoke “maine kaha tha na ki kanjeevaram chodo. Ab tum punjabi bahu ho. Aur paise ki chinta mat karo. Bas meri aankhon pe taras khao aur mujhe kanjeevaram se mukti do!”

      Ishita made faces at him as he continued “aur haan, tumhari kanjeevaram sarees mere cupboard me bahut space occupy karti hai! Kamsekam ye designer sarees se mere kapdon ko saans lene ki jagah miljayegi cupboard me!”

      Ishita muttered under her breath “ye ravan kumar ka kya karun!”

      Raman replied “koi choice nahi hai. Tumhe isi ravan ko zindagi bhar jhelna padega.”

      Ishita smiled instantly thinking to herself that she’ll happily bear her ravan kumar forever.

      She remembered about the recording and told Raman about their plan and how she’ll submit the video recording as a proof of her innocence and so raman doesn’t need to resign his post.

      Raman is impressed at his wife’s smartness. He genuinely appreciated her in his heart that she stood up fearless infront of those bad people not only to prove herself innocent as a dentist but also to prove herself as his wife who will not let her husband’s self respect and reputation be at stake.

      She snaps him out of his thoughts as she asks “kya hua raman?”

      Raman shakes his head in amusement saying “tum ho kya yaar? Har role me perfection kaise? Chahe ruhi ki ishima ho ya Bhalla’s ki bahu, mere bhai-behen ki bhabhi ho ya ek hardworking dentist ya meri…”

      He realises what he was about to say as ishita awaits for him to complete his sentence.

      He looks proudly at her and completes his sentence with a smile “ya meri BIWI ho… har responsibility tumne poori kii hai ishita. And wakai I can proudly say that you’re not just my Ruhi’s mother but you’re Raman Kumar Bhalla’s wife!”

      Ishita smiled shyly on hearing the words from him. He opened his arms wide to hug her while his eyes were trying to read ishita’s mind.

      She stared at his open arms waiting to embrace her. She lowered her gaze as she stepped back hesitantly which made Raman assume that she is still not comfortable with him at the physical level.

      He was about to retract his arms when suddenly he felt her crashing into his arms and hugging him tight burying her head into his chest with her eyes closed tightly and a blushing smile on her lips.

      He stood still in shock till he realised that his wife is in his arms as he hugged her back tightly for a long time.

    • ishitha
      August 18, 02:44

      Is tis really gonna happen????

    • Rainbow
      August 18, 02:56

      Its a fanfiction
      I hope ishra hug may happen

    • Rainbow
      August 18, 01:45

      in every serial edits are der

  4. Rainbow
    August 17, 15:05 Reply

    @vijikrishnan: we malayaless says ayyo

  5. Rainbow
    August 17, 14:33 Reply

    k sri..
    Wait for few mins I hav to connect modem

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 14:36

      I watch d repeat n d mrng..
      Even though pragya drunken state s dragged a lot m enjoyg it
      bt I dnt lyk Purbul story, Usual sacrificing one

  6. Rainbow
    August 17, 14:29 Reply

    wer r u sky????
    Miss u
    hope u r wel n all s fyn l..

  7. pri
    August 17, 12:40 Reply

    hello frds. y low comment……..wht happen yar…….

  8. pri
    August 17, 12:38 Reply

    hello frds. y low comment……

    • rt
      August 17, 12:14

      Wu ?

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 14:18

      I ll make it..

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 14:21


  9. malar
    August 17, 10:25 Reply

    bye rainu , good ni8….

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 14:22

      bye gud nyt dea

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 14:23

      u ll see n d mrng na
      so gud morning
      hav a pleasant monday

  10. malar
    August 17, 10:24 Reply

    I think in param’s file matter also ishu will help raman , this will create ishra to come close

  11. malar
    August 17, 10:22 Reply

    sure rainu I will post my kavithai’s…

  12. malar
    August 17, 10:21 Reply

    @Rainu:- I am really proud about u.

    whatever the problem comes u should stand in truth.

    Truth taste was not sweet but it gives faith na , which is very important in life dear.

    Iam still regreting for my attitude of saying lies.

    I don’t know completely about u , but for me u r not rude , I like u so much u r one of my best friend.

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 10:23

      k bhye..
      mom s calling

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 13:59

      frnds can tolerate my behaviour bt i hav attitude prblm

  13. malar
    August 17, 10:15 Reply

    Rainu:- do u know how to publish ur kavithai.

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 10:17

      dono yaar..
      post ur oder kavithais

  14. malar
    August 17, 10:14 Reply

    @Rainu:- do u have any guess about next forecoming episodes…

    • Rainbow
      August 17, 10:16

      param stole a file na
      dat plot s waiting

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