Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 12th November 2014 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 12th November 2014 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 12th November 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raman bringing Mrs Bhalla to give statement. Mrs. Bhalla apologizes to Ishita for making the stupid plan with Amma, and this all happened. Ishita says its fine, don’t be sorry. The inspector talks to her. Mrs. Bhalla says Ishita is Yashoda Mayya, she gave so much love to Ruhi, than her own mum, she can’t burn Adi’s hand, and about the old case, it was a joke, fake case, we did this to make things fine between her and Raman, we accepted our mistake, you are doing a big mistake by keeping her here. Raman says yes, she loves my daughter Ruhi and can’t hurt any child. The inspector says we are helpless, the child welfare will question Adi and take his statement, we have to arrest the one who is culprit, and can’t do anything before morning. Mrs. Bhalla says how will Ishita be here all night. Raman asks Mihir to take her.

Mihir takes Mrs. Bhalla. Raman looks at Ishita. Yeh hai mohabbatein…………plays…………..

The doctor treats Adi and gives medicines to Parmeet asking him to give Adi. Ashok says see how Ishita did this, and gave lecture to you Shagun. He says everything will be fine, don’t worry. She says I know, I m worried about Adi, but I don’t understand how did he get hurt, I got mad seeing him hurt, but Ishita can’t do this, I know her, something is not right. She asks Adi to tell honestly how did this happen, did Ishita did this. She asks who did this. Ashok says he is kid, its ok. She says he did big mistake, I did not say anything, this time, be honest, look at me, tell me.

Adi cries and says Ishita made you cry, she has hurt you… She asks to tell the truth. Raman comes and says I will tell the truth, what will Adi say. They look at him. Ashok asks what are you doing here. Raman says sit down, I came to tell the truth, Ishita did not do anything, she did not touch Adi, he is lying. Adi says you always take her side. Raman says shut up Adi, I won’t bear this, you will come with me to police station and tell truth. Ashok says you are not his father to have this right. Raman says fine Adi, don’t come, you called in child services to complain, I will call them here, they will take you back and reopen accident case, go to jail if you want to become criminal being 10 year old.

Shagun asks will he send him to jail. Raman says yes, its better, he is learning this from you, and asks Adi to decide will he stay here, tell the truth or go to jail. Shagun says wait, I will come with you Adi. They leave. Parmeet. Ashok and Suraj laugh. Mani talks to inspector. The inspector says don’t be annoyed, you should have told me you know minister. Mani scolds him. The inspector says we can’t do anything in child abuse case, I m doing my duty. He brings Ishita out and Mani asks are you ok Ishu. She says ya. He says Raman’s all problems come on your head, his kids, his ex wife always taunt you. She says don’t tell anything to him, I married him, and marriage means to accept happiness and pain, Adi is doing this as he is misguided, his mum does not guide him well and don’t explain him relations, no one understands him, think about the trauma on him, Shagun’s marriage will be pressure, Raman is worried for me, I know till I get out of this, Raman will care for me.

Mani says the questioning will happen now in this case. Raman says I will shut this case now. They turn and see Adi and Shagun. Raman says he is Adi and asks inspector to talk. Appa is worried about the matter, and why do Adi hate her so much, Ishu has always forgiven him. Mrs. Bhalla says let Ishita come, we should think about her, we will see Adi later. She says don’t know when will we get rid of Shagun. Mihir says yes, she has again been a problem for us, we did so much for her, but she can never change.

Adi says I was angry, so I did this mistake. He cries. Raman says now you agree that Ishita did not do anything, Adi did this. The inspector says fine, we won’t make case on child. Raman asks him to say sorry. Adi says no. Shagun gets angry knowing this and slaps Adi. She says you did big mistake before too, and disappointed me again, say sorry. Adi says you slapped me, I did all this or you. The inspector asks Raman does he want Adi to be punished under criminal act. Ishita says no, its our family matter and we will solve it. Raman thanks Ishita and asks Ishita and Mani to come. Shagun takes Adi and leaves.

Raman and Ishita are on the way. She opens the window and gets some fresh air. Raman thinks Ishita always faces problems because of my kids, she accepted all pain of my life. She thinks he will blame himself, how to explain him its not his mistake. He asks is she fine. She says yes. He asks will you have anything, icecream. She says no, its cold. They have a talk. He stops the car and says Adi did all this, and I did not like it. She says he is kid. He says we have to explain him, why did you forgive him, you have a big heart and I try but you are still hurt, my life has problems. She asks is your life not mine. They smile. Yeh hai mohabbatein……..plays………

She says lets go our home and they leave. Mihika says I know Akka, I have to explain Shagun… Ashok comes to her. She asks about Adi and Shagun. He says they are in police station, I m fed up of them, I want to get rid of them, but what to do, I m getting married. He says he would have gone mad if you were not there and holds her. She gets annoyed and thinks creepy Ashok, I wish Shagun comes here and sees his truth. Shagun comes there. Mihika sees her and smiles. Ashok understands by her smile and asks is she fine, is her eyes fine, go and wash your eyes with cold water and moves away.

Shagun asks what happened. Ashok says thank God you are here, I was so angry. Shagun sends Adi and hugs Ashok. He says its ok, did Ishita forgive Adi. Shagun says yes. He asks her to take rest. Mihika looks on. He says boys kept the bachelors party and I think Mihika kept hens party for you. He leaves. Shagun says what a hectic day, I was wrong, Ishita was right, I felt that I should apologize to her. Mihika says if you feel this by heart, then apologize to her once, she will forgive you. Shagun says yes, but I want to become her friend. Mihika says fine, I know she will accept it. Shagun asks will you help me. Mihika says yes. Shagun says I want Ishita to come in hens party, please convince her to come, if she does not come, I will think she did not forgive me.

Mihika says fine, take rest and take care of Adi, we will talk to her in morning. Raman and Ishita come home. She says don’t tell anyone what happened today, they are already worried. She says I think Shagun is also worried, if the functions were at our home, we would also be worried, so lets the matter end here. Mihir is with his sister after long time, keep their relation stable. Raman says he can’t do this. Mihir gets angry. They ask him not to blame himself.

They are glad seeing Ishita. Ishita says she is fine. Mihir apologizes to her and says she is more than sister to him, he gave second chance to Shagun, and she showed she does not deserve any relation, I promise once she gets married and goes from my home, I won’t keep relation with her and Ashok. Ishita says no, Shagun came to police station, she has scolded Adi, she felt bad, you can’t break relation with her. Mihir says no, I m sorry and leaves. Raman says I will talk to Mihir, we will talk about this later. He asks Simmi to take Ishita. He thinks everyone is blaming Shagun, but this happened because of me, my past overpowers my present.

Precap: Ishita rests to sleep. Raman gets up and looks at her. He goes to sit by her side. Music plays………………


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  1. nivi
    November 12, 11:35 Reply

    wat a surprise ??

    shagun bcom gud…i hope she’ll knw abt tat stupid ashok soon..

  2. nivi
    November 12, 11:33 Reply

    mihika i thnk u r dumb…

    mihir i lyk ur loyality…mihika doesnt deserve u…

  3. nivi
    November 12, 11:25 Reply


    hw r u all…

    came here after a long tym..

    @rainy hw r u dear…

    am nt feeling show s going well…bt raman care for ishu s so nyc…i lyk tat…

  4. pri
    November 12, 11:20 Reply

    is any one there?????????? here heavy rain so i was not able to come

  5. preethu
    November 12, 10:41 Reply

    Wts wrong with dis mihika

    Y she is always supporting fr shagun..damt
    She dnt deserve

    All iyer sisters r like plated heart

  6. soumithri
    November 12, 10:39 Reply

    really ishra convo in car is awesome…….

  7. Suba
    November 12, 10:36 Reply

    too good to see that raman’s blackmail of Adi and shagun also do today so sweet true mom’s feel that’s she is right ishitha tooo good to forgive him.. but how much pain for her for that kindness

    • pri
      November 12, 11:18

      i loved the way raman talked with adi.. he deserved it…

  8. preethu
    November 12, 10:29 Reply

    Poor mihir hw long he can tolerate that stupid shagun’s nonsense…

    Today she did a good job slapped adi fr reveal d truth

  9. preethu
    November 12, 10:27 Reply

    Simmi realize her nt sure may be she will go nd see parem. Becoz she is blind in love

  10. preethu
    November 12, 10:25 Reply

    1st time raman supporting ishu aginst of adi

    Adi learns frm shagun hw to hurt others..he is kid bt have to learn some good things.

  11. Miss Unbeleivable
    November 12, 10:17 Reply


    I want to see the shocked looked on his face when his own mother slapped him

    thats whats suppose to happen when a child does wrong

    love the way Raman blackmailed him. You want to act like an adult so i’ll treat you like one. Thats what raman did. Blackmailed him

    im glad Shagun realises her mistakes and starts being a better mother and woman

    ashok ashok ashok….when will you ever learn

  12. preethu
    November 12, 10:05 Reply

    Adi deserve that tight slap frm shagun..

    • feena
      November 12, 10:09

      s he deserves

  13. feena
    November 12, 09:59 Reply

    In coming episodes , as we informed Ishita gets ready for Shagun’s Hen Party and Raman drops her at the party,but Ishita enters another party by mistake which is next door ,Ashok’s bachelor Party.Ishita will wonder why she can’t find anyone there as Simmi and Mihika have already reached the party.
    But otherside Mihika is waiting for Ishita and calls Raman to know where Ishita is,this is when Raman tells Mihika that he himself dropped her there and how can she go missing.While Simmi is still in thoughts of what to do with Param.
    Otherside Ishita is struck with all men in the party who assume she is the woman arranged by Ashok for party and tries to misbehave.Ishita tries to explain that she came to wrong venue and runs from there where she encounters with Param.Param stops her and tells her to enjoy with them when Ishita asks if its Param’s plan to trap her there.
    Parmeet now takes advantage by misbehaving with her and making all men make fun of her.Which is when Ashok arrives and he too tells Ishita to stay back and enjoy which shocks Ishita.
    Raman who heard Ishita didn’t reach party will get to know how Ashok and Param misbehaved with Ishita and will try to hit them,but will Simmi and Shagun realize what their partners are doing behind them ?
    Do Keep up the space for more updates.

  14. feena
    November 12, 09:58 Reply

    Ishita gets trapped in Ashok’s Bachelor Party,Will this lead to Raman ending his relationship

    Star Plus Yeh Hai Mohabbatein featuring Raman (Karan Patel) and ishita(Divyanka Tripathi)have grabbed audience with their sizzling chemistry.We have seen that from past two weeks it is occupying the third place in the TRP chart.

    In the upcoming track of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein ,we will see ishita gets trapped in Ashok’s Bachelor’s party.

    After ishita coming from jail, we will see that raman will be taking care of his wife and later in the next morning ishita will be getting ready for shagun’s hen party.Raman will be speechless with her new look.He tries to confess his love but someone disturb’s them.

    As Shagun’s marriage is filled with lots of Drama.In the Cocktail party,We have seen ishita gave her gown to shagun.In Mehendhi ceremony,shagun tried to slap ruhi but ishita stops her.In Shagun’s Sangeet ceremony,Adi wants to pay back to ishita for insulting her mom.So he files child harassment case against ishita.Ishita is put behind bars.But Raman will bring her out of the jail.

    As Every function is filled with a lot of twists and turns then how can a Hen’s party be done happily.

    Ishita gets ready for hen’s party and assures raman that she will be fine.Mihika and Vandhu wil go early.Ishita tells them that she will come late as she is not feeling well.But something happens and ishita by mistakenly lands into Ashok’s Bachelor’s party.(OMG).All men in the party starts starring at her and asks her if she is the girl ashok sent to dance in the party. Ishita will be shocked and tries to go from there.

    But Param comes there and stops her.Ishita is about to leave and ashok comes there and talks with her dirtly.Ishita asks him how he can talk with her like that as he is going to be a family person.

    Ishita tries to leave from there but she is surrounded by all the men including ashok and param.They start dancing around her.Ishita gets scared and pleas them to leave her.But they don’t stop and ishita gets frightened and pushes them and gets outside.

    We don’t know will they again stop ishita from going outside or not?

    Will Raman rescue ishita?

    What will be raman’s reaction after knowing this?

    Will this incident make raman to end his relationship for ishita’s happiness.

    Keep reading for more updates of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.
    – See more at:

  15. preeti
    November 12, 09:58 Reply

    Hiii.,,loved the precAp ..n raman ishu convo in the car….

    • feena
      November 12, 10:00

      its the promo dear

  16. angel07
    November 12, 09:54 Reply

    hw ws the epi…
    i didnt watch..
    n dnt want read WU
    as all excitement ends..

    • feena
      November 12, 09:57

      excelent not bad today read it

    • angel07
      November 12, 10:05

      okay dea…

  17. sugan
    November 12, 09:52 Reply

    Aww raman so sweet
    Shagun is turning to positive charecter gud
    Mihika must stand up against that creep ashok

  18. feena
    November 12, 09:51 Reply

    Guys if u want to knw abt upcoming epi i posted in watch online side

  19. aivar
    November 12, 09:48 Reply

    Hello everyone… there is a promo that raman ends his relationship with ishita do you all think it will happen???

  20. feena
    November 12, 09:46 Reply

    Omg shagun didn’t believe Adi she supported ishu great turning point i didn’t expect this wah

    love the precap

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