Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 11th June 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 11th June 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 11th June 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Bala saying they can solve the news matter and everyone thank him. Raman and everyone get glad. Ishita tells Raman that Simmi has gone to meet Subbu along with Ananya. He is shocked and asks is she mad to let them go and panics. He tells this to everyone, and Ishita says she tried to stop Simmi. Raman calls Simmi and says she is not taking call. They leave and everyone worry at home. Raman and Ishita reach the apartment and rush. A man says lift is not working and Raman takes the stairs. Raman comes to Subbu’s home and does not see anyone there. He gets worried.

Ishita asks the guard about a woman coming with a little girl. Raman looks in the rooms and does not find Subbu. Raman gets worried. He tells Ishita that they are not there. He says lets go to police station. Ananya’s slipper falls on them, and they look up towards the terrace. They are shocked seeing Simmi and Ananya, along with Subbu at the terrace. Subbu asks Simmi to jump and scares her knowing the knife. He asks her to jump along Ananya, else her family problems will not end. Simmi asks him not to do this. Raman and Ishita run to the terrace.

Simmi asks Subbu to think about Karthik. Subbu says my son is dead, now I will make you all feel the pain, Bhalla family should know the pain to lose loved one, jump, else I will push you down, jump if you want to save your family. Simmi says no Subbu please and cries. Ishita falls and asks Raman to run, she will come. She gets Vandu’s call. Vandu asks about Simmi. Ishita tells her about Simmi and Ananya are on the terrace. Vandu says what, and informs Bala and everyone.

Subbu asks Simmi to save her family, and recall Raman and family’s problems. Raman and Ishita come there and are shocked. Ishita says stop Raman, he can do anything to Simmi. Raman makes plan to divert Subbu so that he can save Simmi. Simmi says leave my daughter. Subbu says no one thought about my son, he was innocent. He cries and Simmi says Bhai silently. Raman signs her. Subbu says jump, else I will kill you. Raman goes ahead hiding. Everyone come to Sujata. Sujata asks what do you all want.

Bala asks them to help them, Subbu has taken Simmi and Ananya to help, he is forcing them to jump, please help. Sujata says why to stop him, let him do what he wants. Mrs. Bhalla asks what nonsense, he is taking their life, if anything happens to my daughter… you have gone mad, how can I see my daughter dying. Sujata says my daughter Laxmi and her son died this way, if I can bear, why can’t you, Subbu is doing right, he is not wrong.

Shaila reaches Bhalla house and guard asks whom she wants to meet. She says Bhallas. The guard says they left. Subbu’s mum asks Sujata to stop Subbu, this is crime, I have also lost bahu and grandson, I don’t want to lose my son, will you feel better if Subbu goes to jail. Shaila calls Romi and says she is outside their house, she came to tell them the truth, is Simmi fine, I m worried. Romi says stay here, I m coming to take you. He leaves. Sujata thinks even she came here, good. Bala asks Sujata to come for Subbu’s sake.

Raman signs Ishita to come. Ishita comes to Subbu and asks what is he doing, is he mad. He says I m not mad, I m doing this right. Subbu asks her to go, as she can’t understand the emotion of having a child, as she can’t conceive. She asks him to stop. Subbu asks Simmi to jump and shows the knife. Simmi falls with Ananya. Raman holds her hand. Ishita pulls Subbu back. Subbu pushes her down and stops Raman from saving Simmi. Everyone come there and see this from the ground level. Subbu beats Raman. Raman does not leave Simmi’s hand. Mrs. Bhalla screams seeing Simmi. Ishita beats Subbu with the stick and helps Raman.

Everyone panic seeing Simmi and Ananya hanging. Raman and Ishita hold her hand, and pull them up. Raman hugs her and says I have come, its all fine. Subbu gets up and holds his head. They see Subbu angrily. Raman beats Subbu and everyone come on the terrace. Bala stops Raman, while Sujata and Subbu’s mum hold Subbu. Shaila comes there. Mrs. Bhalla hugs Ananya and cries. They all see Shaila. Shaila sees Subbu and says he is the one, his wife has died because of him, she died because of her bad character and bad doings. Subbu says stop this nonsense, I did not do anything, you don’t know anything, Bhalla family ruined my life. Shaila says he is murderer, he killed his wife and son. Subbu says I could never kill her, I lost everything. Ishita asks him to say what is the matter. Shaila says he is shameless. Subbu says I loved Laxmi a lot, its all because of you, I will not leave you. They all get puzzled.

Subbu says we were so happy together, Laxmi was a good wife and a good mum, I was everything for her. He recalls the happy moments in FB. He says he has seen many dreams for Karthik. He cries and says his dreams broke, because of them. He says Laxmi died. Sujata consoles him. Subbu says one day Neha Vanraj came in our life. Raman says she is…. Subbu says she is your cousin.

Subbu says she is the real culprit, who made my Laxmi and Karthik away from me, and that woman is…..


Pictures by bombshell.

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  1. sneha
    June 12, 03:37 Reply

    why are there problems in ishra life?

  2. s
    June 12, 02:46 Reply

    poor simmi.

  3. s
    June 12, 02:45 Reply

    felt bad for simmi.

  4. sneha
    June 12, 02:44 Reply

    i didn’t thought that subbu can go to such extent.

  5. sneha
    June 12, 02:44 Reply

    omg! subbu is really so bad.

  6. Queti
    June 11, 19:50 Reply

    2 lines? At least something than nothing, it’s ok man, you’ll get the hang of it. 🙂
    I wonder how hard it would be translate Chinese if Italian itself was hard. 😛

  7. t-c
    June 11, 19:46 Reply

    Btw I answred ur question about English on the previous page

  8. t-c
    June 11, 19:41 Reply

    It’s quite late so c u tomorrow munchkin (hopefully this doesn’t translate to random stuff in google translate 😉 )

    Good night!!!

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:43

      Lool yeah, you never know. 😛

      Cya later, take care, goodnight! 🙂 Sweet dreams, sleep tight! 🙂 Have a beautiful Friday tomorrow! 🙂

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:45

      Enjoy ur Friday aswell 😀

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:50

      Grazie! 😀

  9. t-c
    June 11, 19:39 Reply

    We have a women’s World Cup at our school cuz it’s a girls school and yunno they love these things. My team has 3 ppl already and I’m trying to persuade the other 2 to play but not many girls are keen on footy :/

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:41

      You in the team then? Keep persuading until they don’t agree. 🙂
      When’s the Sports award? 🙂

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:45

      Yh I’m in the team. There will be different teams of 5 and they will represent the different countries

      Sports presentation is on 9th July and for sports leaders I’ve got more than 34 hours so I get the gold award but not platinum as that’s 60 hours. 1 girl has 170 cuz she does sport hire shop every lunchtime 😯
      There goes my chance of being sports leader of the year down the drain :/

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:55

      Cool stuff! 😀

      Hey hey it’s not about the reward only, you tried naa that’s what counts, try again next year. 🙂 Keep trying until you don’t win the award! 😉

  10. Queti
    June 11, 19:38 Reply

    Shine bright like a diamond

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:39

      And with that we get a new page

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:40

      Diamonds does the trick. 😉

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:37

      U changed ur dp

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:40

      I did, I think I get bored of seeing the same thing again and again.. 😛

  11. Queti
    June 11, 19:35 Reply

    Done with R.E ahora Espanol.

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:38


  12. t-c
    June 11, 19:32 Reply

    OMG! I got a message in Italian on dtb from zain and so I translated it…

    “Va bene io vado caio buonsera
    Ci vediamo”

    And it means I am a dick, (didn’t translate buonsera). See u soon

    Then I searched buonsera and it means good evening. If u remove caio buonsera the writing says I’m going now see you soon

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:33

      Google translate can be so confusing at times!

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:34

      Hahahhahahahahahahahahhaha!!!! :’D Hahahhahahhahahahahahahahhah Loooooool!
      Google translate can be soo wrong!

    • s
      June 12, 02:47


  13. t-c
    June 11, 19:21 Reply

    My day was good. Had re but had to revise which I didn’t as I was too busy talking with my table 😉
    Science was also boring cuz we were revising but then we were playing rubber band catapulting to each other which was really fun!
    English was dreadful 😕
    Maths was fun cuz we were watching the imitation game
    Lunchtime was yummy= chocolate cake 🙂
    And then computing was amazing! It’s such a happy and good lesson and I just love it!

    And the icing on the cake was that it was amazing weather today!!

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:29

      You had fun didn’t you! 😀 Lol. 😛 I barely work in Science anymore, I just sit and talk with my table.

      What was in English btw? 😛

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:37

      We r doing AQA English Lang now as we’ve finished literature. We ha to prepare for the extended writing control assessment and we had to write an intro which she will mark on the weekend. I wrote 2 lines :/

      She didn’t really explain to us what we have to do and we’ve never done this before. It’s like giving u a Chinese text to translate

  14. Queti
    June 11, 18:45 Reply

    Here’s a snippet:

    (1 of the five possible causes of tensions in a marriage and solutions)

    “End of love. Love never dies, it’s just sleeping and you are supposed to awaken it, rekindle the love. Live as if it’s the first day after you’ve been married, live everyday like this, go down memory lane and fall in love with your partner again.”

    For R.E this is very fun, sometimes you need to think like a human being not as a RC. :’D Oh myy!! I wonder how much criticism I’m going to get for this. 😛

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:08

      So cba for this!

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:18

      Lol! U could talk about financial crisis, culture clash, general idifferences etc

      Yunno once in RE, we watched a clip of Upen Patel. He was in one British film and it was about interfaith marriage and miss showed us a clip of where he is getting engaged to a blondie

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:24

      Yep, done with this. 🙂
      Now doing the last bit..arguments for sex outside marriage..harder than I thought it will be but just 2 more points to go and done! 😀 Then Spanish till 1 or something. 🙄

      Lol, that must have been exciting. 😛 We don’t watch many vids and if we do it’s from Busted Halo. :’D

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:29

      I would’ve given you my notes cuz I’ve already done that but I cba to get out of bed and to find my re book

    • Queti
      June 11, 19:30

      Nope, you don’t worry, I’ll be done everything is in my book and things. 😛

    • t-c
      June 11, 19:33


  15. Queti
    June 11, 18:42 Reply

    Lool, I’m actually enjoying this though Tc. 😛
    This is fun! I’m writing as El not the answer my teacher wants me to write, my partner is going to enjoy peer marking this tomorrow. 😆 #Excited. 😀

    On the other hand…3 paras to learn for Spanish speaking tomorrow, 😐

  16. Queti
    June 11, 17:37 Reply

    That one forgotten homework that pops up at the wrong time. 😡

    • Queti
      June 11, 17:43

      Music will get me through. 😆

    • t-c
      June 11, 18:36

      Ik what u mean but my only hw was to search up the definition of encrypted #fliplearning

    • Queti
      June 11, 18:45

      Lucky you! 😐

    • Preet
      June 11, 17:15

      He’s so funny

    • Queti
      June 11, 17:37

      Well done Tg! 🙂

    • s
      June 12, 02:55

      hi preet.

    • Preet
      June 11, 17:14

      Shall i just get that 100

  17. Preet
    June 11, 17:13 Reply

    She wont leave me alone 🙁 i cannot be bothered to guess these songs she’s humming

  18. Preet
    June 11, 17:10 Reply

    My sister is being such a weirdo 😐

  19. Preet
    June 11, 17:07 Reply

    When people in your groupchat just blow up your phone, please leave me alone 🙂

  20. Preet
    June 11, 17:03 Reply

    Preet, why do you like the villain ? BECAUSE HE’S SMOKING HOT 😉 AND I LOVE HIS ACTING

    my cousin just asked me this, why is he so dumb ?

  21. Preet
    June 11, 16:57 Reply

    It’s the beginning, of starting over

    • t-c
      June 11, 17:00

      How was ur day?

    • Preet
      June 11, 17:04

      Im day was okay i did some work but i need kick loads in wbu ?

    • t-c
      June 11, 16:57


    • Preet
      June 11, 16:58

      Varun looks 😛

    • t-c
      June 11, 17:01

      They came on nach valour and then shraddha sang it live and it was a funny episode

    • t-c
      June 11, 17:02


    • Preet
      June 11, 17:04

      Ohhhh i love them both !

    • Preet
      June 11, 16:55

      Why hello there 😉

    • t-c
      June 11, 16:57


  22. t-c
    June 11, 16:51 Reply

    Let’s make 100 TC

  23. Queti
    June 11, 16:08 Reply

    Charlie Chaplin died on Christmas day? 😐

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