Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 10th March 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 10th March 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 10th March 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Adi asking Shagun to come along. She says no, you have everyone there, they love you, its matter of few days, I will be alone, I will miss you a lot. She asks him why is he confused. He says he will convince dad and everyone, then they will leave together. She says just go there and enjoy, I love you, sleep now. Its morning, Ishita wishes everyone happy holi and Bhalla family wish each other. Ruhi comes and asks Ishita to come. Ishita asks her not to play with water, she will catch cold. Ruhi asks about Adi. Mrs. Bhalla says he will come soon. Mihir and Rinki come and greet everyone.

Raman asks them to apply color. Mihir and Rinki apply some color. Raman puts lot of color. They gift Mihir for holi. Mihir says I won’t take. Raman insists and Mihur says this is last one. Pammi comes and greets them. They all go downstairs to play Holi. Ishita makes faces seeing Raman and goes. He says she has allergy with color, I will end this today. Everyone play Holi. Ishita does not let anyone color her face and sees Raman, who is fully covered by colors. Raman applies her color and she says she is not playing, it does not suit her. He asks why, you played last year.

He applies color again. Ye khatti meethi takraar hai ya pyaar……… She also colors his face. He lifts her and throws her in the water tub and puts water color on her. She also throws water color on him. Yeh hai mobabbatein……………plays………….. She goes from there and he smiles. Mihika sees last year Holi video and cries. Vandu comes to meet her and hugs her. She says she came to wish her happy Holi. Mihika gets glad. Vandu asks about Ashok. Mihika says he went out for meeting, its good I can relax.

Vandu gifts her and applies color. Mihika too applies color to her and hugs her crying. Ishita is irritated because of Raman and comes to take shower. She says why is this not working. Raman comes and hugs her. She says leave me, I don’t want to talk. She asks did he have bhang. He says he promised he will take their relation ahead, when Adi’s problem gets solved, now Adi is with us, I m ready to express my feelings, which I have not told you till now, I m sure your feelings are also same. He starts the shower and they stand under it.

He holds her close and hugs her. Hasne laga sehra………plays……………. They have a romantic moment. He gets intimate and stops her from leaving. He moves her hair strands and she holds his hand. She gets shy and hugs him to avoid his striking stare. Music plays…………… He lifts her and she smiles. He brings her to the bed and touches her face. He cups her face and kisses her. Ruhi comes and knocks the door. They smile. Raman says she went on me, she spoils all the work. Ishita says I m coming. Raman stops her and she hugs him smiling. She leaves. He thinks he will get everything today, Adi will come to him, and their relation will have a new start.

Mrs. Bhalla is anxiously waiting for Adi. Raman calls Shagun and gets angry as she does not take the call. Simmi asks will she come. Raman says she will come, she signed legal docs, its not joke. Mrs. Bhalla says why did she not come. Mr. Bhalla asks him to try again. Raman calls her hotel and comes to know she left. Ishita says she has doubt on Shagun. He asks them to be positive, she is just torturing in last min. He calls lawyer and can’t connect. Shagun brings Adi and asks whats their problem.

They all get happy. Mrs. Bhalla does his tilak and aarti. They all shower love on Adi. Adi hugs everyone. Ruhi comes and asks him to come, as Ishita and she has kept some surprise for him. Raman thanks Shagun for getting Adi. Shagun says why thanks, its legal deal. Ishita asks what deal? Shagun asks did he not tell. Raman says there is nothing, I know what to tell her and what not. Shagun says it does not matter to me. Ishita asks what. Raman says just shut up. Shagun says don’t talk to me like this, I m not your wife. Ishita asks what is it. Raman says fine, she sold Adi to me, I will give her 4 lakhs per month. Shagun asks what money, did I sell my son. He asks what are we discussing in meeting. She asks him to get the papers and all confusion will be gone. Raman goes to get papers.

Ishita asks whats written in it, her heart is sinking, how can he sign without reading. He says let me find it. Raman checks the papers and is shocked. He drops the papers and she asks whats written, tell me. He recalls how he signed on the papers and is shell shocked. Ishita reads the papers and is in shock too. She cries and says no. She beats him with the papers and asks whats this Raman. He stands in shock. She asks whats his problem, he did this bad deal. He says I… She says the papers had his sign, he signed without reading, he always hides things from her, see the result. He says this can’t be legal papers. She says I won’t let his happen, its all your fault.

Ishita tears the contract. Shagun says Raman wrote this in stamp paper, you can’t breach it, you all started this, I had just Adi, you wanted to snatch him, now I will see what you do. Everyone cry.


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  1. Angel...
    March 10, 14:16 Reply

    nyone hv today’s ISHRA scene s linksend me plz

    • t-c
      March 10, 14:29

      Hello di

  2. ramya
    March 10, 14:11 Reply

    Ishu ,dnt worry!court had given ruhi custody to you,not for Raman!!!!!
    U can fight !!!!!!
    That lawyer !!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!how could he do this.

  3. Rainbow
    March 10, 13:34 Reply

    pri: u der
    me too went to hav dinner

  4. Vinni
    March 10, 12:42 Reply

    worst day for me
    Divan real life marriege now like lifetime dream..which is never fullfill….!!!

  5. Vanditha
    March 10, 12:36 Reply

    Pri and Rainbow pimpa take medicine on time. 😛 . I’m same age with pimpa Pri.

  6. sachiniranaw
    March 10, 12:28 Reply

    Loved the 1st prt…i can be happy on my fab day… 🙂

    • pri
      March 10, 12:30

      fab day?????

    • pri
      March 10, 12:31

      rain will hav my dinner and come…. bye

    • sachiniranaw
      March 10, 12:59

      Ahh its my bday today n i got so many surrprises, gifts n wonderful news today..only lst prt made me feel generally i can be happy with my day…

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 13:33

      Happy bdae
      Many many happy returns of the day

    • pri
      March 11, 00:52


      happy birthday yar…

    • pri
      March 10, 12:28

      hi ishu

    • ishitha
      March 10, 12:31

      Vanakkam pri akka

    • pri
      March 10, 12:32

      will hav my dinenr and come dr…

      wht is fab day????

  7. Vanditha
    March 10, 12:22 Reply

    Pri hmmmmm…. Pimpa hurt very lot friends that’s she did not comment or see YHM. She love YHM a lot friend… She now in high fever friends. She can feel love, pain, family,enjoy, and fight in YHM. 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 12:25

      tel her gree too ngt cmng here for few days

      gree cnt see anyone scoldg MY RAMAN

    • pri
      March 10, 12:26

      ho hdid she go to doctor and took medicine????

    • pri
      March 10, 12:28

      rain its entirely not ramans fault… he gav shagun doc and she chged and lawyer also was in favor of shagun i guess so raman is cheated,,, its his stupidity…

    • pri
      March 10, 12:20

      hmm me to tamil

    • pri
      March 10, 12:25

      wht r u doing dr???…………

    • pri
      March 10, 12:18

      ya she hid the twist.. na..

    • pri
      March 10, 12:19

      ya she hid the twist.. na…………..

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 12:24


      i was crying till ruhis last intrvw den i started smiling seeing her giving byts

      usually she s accompanied by oders during intrvw n she [plays

  8. Vanditha
    March 10, 12:05 Reply

    Hi everyone. I’m vanditha pimpa’s friend. From Malaysia. Pimpa tell me to inform that you all she never comment and see YHM until it become normal friends!!! She very very upset with ongoing track friens!!! She sais she can’t see ISHITA TOUCH SHAGUN’S FEET FOR !!!!!!! HOW TO SAY I DON’T KNOW FRIENDS!!!! I’M SORRRY SAY THIS….. SHE SAID WHEN IT BECOME NORMAL I WILL BE THERE FOREVER…… SHE COMMENT 7TH WRITTEN UPDATE ANYONE SAW THAT!!!!!! PLEASE SAW THAT……

    • pri
      March 10, 12:14

      thnk yar.. say her tht we miss her a lot… atleast aask her to comment… pls.. i miss her a lot… no need to see the epi or read wu…

      r u a tamilian..???

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 12:19

      we ll miss her
      alll r angry wid track bt we r just viewers

    • Vanditha
      March 10, 12:24

      I will try gys!!!! 🙂

  9. Rainbow
    March 10, 12:00 Reply

    ishra moment was so sweet
    my ruhi dstrbed dem.. so no prblm

    btw i didnt like dat raman was waitg to solve adis prblm before expressing his love n i dnt like it

    • pri
      March 10, 12:02


    • pri
      March 10, 12:15

      hope this time raman plays a game so tht adi will know the truth and ruhi will be with ishra… hope it will go for weeks or months i guess…

      i didnor expect tht raman said tht… felt bad.. he said na adi will never come bw their relation ..

  10. Rainbow
    March 10, 11:55 Reply

    Karan Patel to marry Ankita Bhargava on May 3 2015

    Marriages are made in heaven and this phrase holds true for popular TV actors Karan Patel of Yeh Hain Mohabbatein and Ankita Bhagava, who are all set to tie the knot on May 3, 2015. Ankita, who was last seen in Ekk Nayyi Pehchaan, says that it was love at first sight.

    “Karan first saw me on January 13, 2015 and it was love at first sight for me. He later told me that the moment he saw me, he thought of me as his wife. He then approached my parents for the marriage and then they got in touch with my uncle. After this, all the wedding formalities like matching the kundali and all started. Everything worked smoothly and went like flowing water. We were destined to be together,” said the actress.

    Talking about the wedding plans, Ankita shared, “We will be having a roka ceremony this Saturday. The wedding will take place on May 3 2015. It will be a destination wedding. We are not disclosing the destination name right now but we will have a big reception party in Mumbai once we are back.”
    When asked about the rumours of her being the reason behind Karan and Kamya’s break-up, she says, “Trust me, I have never heard such a ridiculous story. There is no truth to it. Kamya and Karan broke-up in December and we met around mid January. These are just baseless stories.”

    Describing Karan’s qualities, Ankita says, “I really like the way he is with my parents. They always wanted a son and finally they have found one in Karan. He is just like me. Our thoughts, values, the way we are brought up just match.”

    • pri
      March 10, 12:13

      thts grt news.. i guess it will be a cute and best couple..

      pone more kp ddinot ditch kamya… in every interview he said she is a good frd of mine.. so pls dont say eh ditcehd her…

  11. Vanditha
    March 10, 11:55 Reply

    Pathak busy ih kumkum bhagiya serial guys!!!

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 11:57

      we knw and his assistant didnt even read the clauses
      wth s it

  12. Sana
    March 10, 11:45 Reply

    What nonsense best ceo diem read papers in Hindi soaps ly it happen spl ekta serial all logicless all are target our angel who asked rice bag in ishrahi family i am happy he be with sagun

  13. soumithri
    March 10, 11:42 Reply

    today was the initial step but i feel after this hungama and some other twists and after losing the trp completely….
    they probably going to show the second step…….

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 11:51

      trp wnt go down
      its ruhi drama nw

  14. Mimi
    March 10, 11:17 Reply

    i am sure the lawyer is in hand with shagun.

    • pri
      March 10, 11:38

      where pathak?????????????????/

  15. pri
    March 10, 11:13 Reply

    me all alone comemnting where did my frds go.. i know all got disappointed.. even i got..

    but i am happy today becoz my sister delivered a girl baby.. me happy…

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 11:49

      cngrtz to sis
      I love baby gals

  16. pri
    March 10, 11:12 Reply

    but one request cv.. pls dont ever spoil the chaaracter of raman and ishu..

    raman is smart. pls dont show like he is emtioinal fool. sry if i hurt..

    always raman in prob and u shjow like ishu is smart..

    for fan sake pls dont show like tht..cant take it any more.

    ishu and raman both are smart.. and emotional..

    • soumithri
      March 10, 11:53

      y these cv are bringing extra negative characters and no one forced mihir to marry rinki and i feel this is unnecessary twist, what i want see that mihika owns the company where raman is working and sell it to him with minimum share holding…
      tell me if this is a good twist……..

    • heena
      March 10, 23:19

      Super bakwas ending n recap… Ruhi ki custody toh already bhallas k paas hai…. Twist lana hai toh proper twist laye… It should not contradict things n moreover… It’s obivious that shagun will be alone loosing Aditya as well as Ruhi

  17. pri
    March 10, 11:10 Reply

    so this will take months i guess….

    i dono whether it is true…

    but lots of drama going to come in yhm…

  18. YHM
    March 10, 11:05 Reply

    Thats a good news!

    • soumithri
      March 10, 11:38

      what is this? this is the height of stupidity how they can something nonsense like that( romi & neelu Marriage) , i am happy with shagun’s exit but this totally crap and from now i have decided that i only watch raman ruhi and ishita scenes (Pakka)

    • pri
      March 10, 11:39

      its for fun…

    • soumithri
      March 10, 11:43

      k then i have enjoyed thought of brutal death of shagun

    • xxxx-mavariablefindme
      March 10, 11:51

      rofl can’t stop laughing..
      Seriously dis is shit…neelu? Fr romi… yEekksss.

  19. pri
    March 10, 10:57 Reply

    i thought holi cele will be today fully.. but just two scenes.. ho no.. cv.. from tomorrwo shagun drama .. ho god.

    • pri
      March 10, 11:02

      whn ishita has the custody of ruhi how can raman giv ruhi custody to shagun… cv pls think of it///

      whn the lawyer checked y he didnot say to raman abt the deal

      is lawyer in hand with shagun????

      logic is missing???

    • pri
      March 10, 11:08

      really cv logic is missing look to it…

      court it is said tht custody is given to ishita not raman,,,

    • Rainbow
      March 10, 11:47

      me too dono who it hapened
      raman dnt hav any right on our ruhi

  20. s
    March 10, 10:56 Reply

    typical ekta kapoor drama

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