Veera 3rd January 2015 Written Update

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Veera 3rd January 2015 Written Update by Amena

Veera 3rd January 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Baldev asking Chai ji and Ratan how can they think he killed Nihaal. He says fine, I m glad that Veera trusts me and so she has married me, and asks Ranvi not to curse him. Ranvi says I will give curse or bless you, you will be punished. Veera says Veer ji………..Ranvi shouts don’t dare to call me Veer ji, I m not your Veer ji now and you are not my sister. Veera cries.

He says I did not ask for a sister for this day, that you forget all relations and me. Get lost, the house’s doors are closed for you. Gunjan says the marriage is over now, why all this now. Ranvi says we are not related to her now. He asks Veera to take her belongings and leave from the house. Veera says Chai ji and Biji… they go to their rooms. Baldev pacifies Veera. Veera says Veer ji can’t forgive me for this, I have lost my family today. Baldev says once I m proved innocent, everything will be fine. Veera says all my memories are here and goes to her room to get her belongings. She looks at her room. Rabba……………..plays…………

She recalls her childhood with Ranvi. She keeps her doll. Veer ki ardaas Veera……………..plays…………….She takes come childhood toys and puts in a box. She sees the home and cries, recalling about Ratan and Ranvi. Baldev says come, and takes her. Bansuri and Balwant wait for Baldev at home. They are shocked seeing Veera and Baldev married. Balwant smiles and Bansuri gets angry. He asks her to welcome Veera and get aarti plate. Bansuri asks why did Baldev marry Veera, as she is not even loyal to her family. Balwant says she is our bahu now. Baldev says if you can’t accept Veera, we will leave. Bansuri says I can’t accept Veera, but I will do a mum’s duty.

Bansuri does the aarti and welcomes Veera inside the house by doing her grahpravesh. Veera sees Gunjan and Ranvi’s pic there and cries. Balwant blesses her. Baldev takes Veera to the room. He asks her to stand outside, and give him two mins. He says I did not know you are coming here, I want everything to be fine for you. He cleans the room. He says I did not think our wedding night will be like this. He asks her to come inside. He talks to her and says he is very happy. He gives her roses and she turns crying. He gets shocked seeing her attitude.

He asks why is she sad, as they did not marry as per her dream and Ranvi did not give us permission to marry. He asks her not to cry, as her happiness is most imp to him, and I m glad your love and trust is with me, I can fight with the world, no matter what they think about me, and what Ranvi thinks, I don’t care, I m innocent. Its good that Ranvi broke relation with you, else how would you call that man brother who wants to send your husband to jail. She says Ranvi can’t be wrong. Mahiya……………..plays……………she says he is giving statement against you as he is sure you killed Nihaal, he will say in court what he has seen. Baldev looks on shocked. Baldev drops the rose and moves away.

Veera says everyone knows your anger and if they ask me in court, even I can’t refuse, but I love you. Baldev gets angry and says if you love me, then you will not believe even Lord saying I m murderer..

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