Veera 15th January 2014 Written Update

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Veera 15th January 2014 Written Update by ShivinkiJas

Veera 15th January 2014 Written Episode

Baldev Home
Episode starts Every body celebrating gunjan’s alliance at her home but ranvi was sad… he was about to leave n then gunjan stopped him and Gave him sweets and asked him if he was happy then bansuri called her and she left.
Veera came n asked ranvi if he is happy… veera doubts something looking at Ranvi’s Sad face and asked Ranvi its reason… RANVI TOLD he has some work to do .. Veera said it can be done later as its Gunjan’s marriage You should stay here. Veera Sad n doubtful and then Ranvi left. Kran came there and VEERA told Karan that Veerji was sad n something sure is there in Veerji’s mind which he dun need not to tell her but it reached to her

Masjid Scene
SCENE AT masjid ..qawali’s playing … Ranvi went their and started to play guitar in pain all were shocked listening it and praising. Ranvi was sad and crying and then left from there.

Veera, Gunjan and Karan around Lohri fire and talking … ranvi came and stare at Gunjan . Veera teasing gunjan that she can celebrate Lohri in ths way in india Only not in canada .

Ranvi Home
beeji and chaiji talking about gunjan rishta and wishes for alliance to fixed.
Ranvi came sad and bothh started to ask him abt gunjan’s alliance… Ranvi stand still . then veera came doing balle and balle and said gunjan’s alliance get fixed and Shaadi is on next week.Ranvi still standing Sad. he left n veera left behind him. beeji n Chaiji happy and decided to call balwant for congratulations.
Gunjan lying on bed and then she saw Gift under her pillow… she opened it to find new bangles. she was happy and wore bangles. It Was Ranvi’s b’day gift.

Ranvi in his room staring at gunjan’s photo and crying saying how can she choose him becoz he is not able to fulfil her dreams and how can he see such a dream to marry Gunjan.

veera came and confront Ranvi that why he is hiding some Pain behind this Smile. Ranvi said No its all fyn but Veera insists.
On Veera’s Insistance Ranvi was about to tell everythig to veera but veera interrupted and saying u worried on dis small thing as she will leave for study soon too like Gunjan going after Marriage. Cute Ranveera Scene veera said she has her own dreams and wanted to go all over the world with beeji .chaiji and Ranvi. Ratan behind them listening all this.

Bansuri came to Ranvi’s home and beeji n Chahiji congratulate her. bansuri Happy and doing Praises of Boy and happy For NRI guy. she said Ratan should not get late for Ranvi’s marriage as his age is growing . What if he don’t find beautiful girl but some normal girl he will definitely get.
she goes on Taunting Ranvi about Growing age and all. Veera was watching and Angry all this and pour cold water on Bnasuri. she said sorry to Bansuri and then smirks .Chaiji was happy.
Ranvi left from there.

Dalveers Dhaba
Ranvi at dalveers dhaba and said sasri akal to balwant who was there talking to Dalveer.

Balwant was angry on baldev for neglecting everything about marriage works. Balwant told ranvi to go home with him and help him in his work. dalveer told he will help balwant and ranvi will take care of his dhaba.
balwant was telling ranvi about some work and then left with him.
Baldev at tailors shop and wanted to sticth some suit for Himself for gunjan’s engagement. he was very happy . his chamche was also with him. They called him chotta sarpanch. he interuptted and told them to call himself Bada sarpanch.

baldev was boasting about Corporate khurana will now be his relative. he said he will also do marriage but later on and he wants someone who wears jeans. Baldev wants some Angrezi mem . Hiss one chamcha said if he want some one who can ride bike then suddenly Veera appears on Bike. Baldev angry on chamchaas as they are making his jodi with Veera.

Balwant ask for forgiveness from Gunjan and crying as he never did some thing special for Gunjan… bth Hugged and gunjan told him to forget everything aboyt childhood as she is now a changed girl.

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