[V] The Buddy Project 21st November 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 21st November 2012 Written Update by -RD-

-Kiya tells KD that she hates him and saying so walks out and her words of hate keep ringing in his ears and he goes after her

-Ranveer gives a true rock performance and Panchi is really happy seeing him perform the way he does and the crowd ,Princi ,Banga all applaud his performance

-Kiya is pissed as no car today and KD comes there and asks her to listen to him and she calls out for a taxi and sits in one and leaves while KD keeps telling her thats it was a misunderstanding and that he shud get a chance to explain .KD is hurt .

-Inside the taxi Kiya remembers Kd’s confession and his whole thing abt friends and trust and is in tears

-Samar-Piddi and the girls playing truth and dare and while Piddi does his dare act Samar and the gurls leave ..bechara Piddi is left behind and he starts to run behind their car

-Juhi Panchi conversation abt how awesome Ranveer’s performance was and Juhi asks abt Samar’s where abts and all and she also fixes Panchi’s hair and Alien c’s that

-Once Juhi leaves Alien comes to Panchi and says now that she knows abt Panchi’s real preferences she is mighty relieved as she took Panchi to be her competitor and offers to be her friend while Panchi rejects the offer of friendship right away

-Samar n co come to take Piddi back and he is at first pissed but then is okay and the gang gets into trouble for speeding but the Delhi girls save the day

-Panchi gets to know Aliens real strategy and is worried for Ranveer and Ranveer calls up Kiya and asks her to not back out from the competition splly bec of that loser KD and KD calls up Kiya but she she doesnt take his call and both KD n Kiya remember each other and their moments together.

-Precap- Ranveer calls KD a traitor and says u have no place in this team and JJ tells the buddies that u r under contract with me and will do as i say

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  1. KSG!!
    November 21, 12:00 Reply

    No Kiys please forgive KD

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