[V] The Buddy Project 18th December 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 18th December 2012 Written Update by Mais

Episode starts in Panchi’s hospital room. Panchi’s mother tells Panchi that RV didn’t leave the hospital even for a while. He took great care of her. Juhi adds that RV hardly came to school and used to sit outside this room. Yesterday, one patient’s relative thought RV was one of the staff member. Piddi laughs at this. Just then, RV enters the room and informs Panchi’s mother that doctors are calling her to discuss further treatments. She leaves. RV is looking at Panchi and Samar clears his throat and says they met enough and let the Buddies talk now. They all leave (PanSh scene hua All just left whereas KD specifically patted her cheek and smiled at her ) RV walks to Panchi (Bin Tere Reprise plays in BG) and has fbs of pre and post accident.

He sits beside her and asks if she is okay? She doesn’t look at him. He continues that he was so scared that he lost her. He says he missed her, missed her company and puts his hand on Panchi’s. Panchi’s pulls her hand from under his hand. RV says he knows she is upset and it’s all justified but for old times sake, won’t she forgive him? Panchi turns away from her and says she is tired and wants to rest. He looks at her for a while and gets up and leaves after tending to her a little. As he leaves, Panchi opens her eyes.

[SS – Yaaron Dosti Badi Hi Haseen Hai from the movie Pal]

Night time. RV in his room with a shirt in his hand which has RaHi’s pic on it. It’s from Panchi’s birthday. Then he picks up a toy bike and smile. Then he picks a gorilla teddy and smiles. Then some cards. Various cards like friendship cards, sorry cards and birthday cards. He hugs them all then sees pics of RaHi on computer (THEY ARE ALL UNSEEN PICS! MEREKO CHAIYE!! ) and says you will forgive me Panchi.

On the other hand, KD messages Kiya on FB with a sorry message. Kiya gets irritated reading this. Anya comes from behind her and reads the message. She taunts Kiya that she is having a lover’s tiff and asks what would she do now? Kiss and makeup? Kiya gets angry and says Anya not to read her personal messages. Anya retorts that Kiya is only in school and she wants that much freedom. Kiya asks her to mind her own business and not interfere in her life. Mrs. G comes there and scolds Kiya for talking back to her sister. Kiya tells that Anya was reading her personal messages. Anya tells Mrs. G that Kiya is on FB, 24×7 and is talking to a boy whom she calls her Buddy and asks Kiya won’t she tell mom about the lovey dovey messages she gets. Kiya says she is not talking to any one. Anya asks if she isn’t talking to him, why is he calling her his Buddy? Kiya says he was her friend but now…now she only hates him. She leaves after warning Anya not to talk to her like that again as she won’t accept such nonsense.

Princi with JJ. He says that Banga has to accept you back in RA. JJ says it’s not possible that Banga would accept him back. Princi replies that he said Banga HAS to accept him, not WILL accept him. He hands JJ a letter. JJ reads the letter and gets ecstatic and asks Princi if it’s for real? Princi nods and JJ happily says, I’m back.

Next day in canteen. Piddi is irritating Bobby by offering her a bread pakoda . KD comes there. Bobby asks him to stop Piddi but KD sees Kiya and goes to her. He asks her why won’t she reply to his messages? Kiya doesn’t seem interested. KD says that there is a MU between them which won’t be solved without communication and her silence is complicating things. Kiya gets up to leave and KD blocks her path and says that he agrees that he did a terrible mistake and he wants to apologize. Kiya asks but she is a bad girl, right? He used to call her Chicklet. She is rich spoilt bad girl. How does he expect her to behave? He is an idealistic middle class hero, why would she have any reason to talk to him? KD is mad hearing this. Kiya adds that they belong to different worlds and that’s it. She begins to leave and KD holds her and angrily shouts, “KIYA GUJRAL!”

Kiya removes his hand off her. KD says that this MU should be cleared. He is so guilty he can’t spend his days in peace. He is ready to do anything to clear it. Kiya asks really? Will he do anything? KD replies, anything. Kiya says she will give him one chance but will he agree. KD again says he will do anything. Kiya tells him to think again but KD is adamant. Kiya says if he’ll go down on his knees, bow in front of her with his nose touching the ground and says, “I’m sorry Kiya Gujral” then she might listen to him. Everyone is shocked hearing this. Kiya asks, Keshav Desai, will you do it?

KD steps back and goes down on his knees and bows. Kiya smirks seeing this. Before his nose could touch the ground, Piddi stops him and makes him stands. He asks KD what is he doing? Kiya is insulting him and he is obliging. If she wanted to solve the matter, she won’t make him do such stuff. KD replies he is doing this for himself, not her. Piddi gets mad on Kiya and says KD is doing all this for her and she is enjoying it. Kiya shoves Piddi away and says this is a matter between herself and KD, he shouldn’t interfere. To KD she says, how nice he looked on his knees because frankly that’s where he belongs. And one more thing, she is not interested in his guilt trip. All she knows is that he betrayed her so she isn’t interested in his innocence. KD says all mistakes have punishments and he is ready to be punished in any way. Kiya replies some mistakes don’t have forgiveness and punishments. She won’t ever forgive him and she lets him know that she hates him. She leaves from there.

Precap – Panchi says to RV that she isn’t interested in his personal matters anymore. RV says but they are buddies! Panchi replies, they were buddies…not anymore. RV crying in his car. In class, KD stares at Kiya and says in his heart, “I’m sorry Kiya.” Kiya looks at him.

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  1. vishu
    December 20, 07:59 Reply

    why is this dum kiya like this cant she never excuse at least once kd has always helped her this kiya cant even help once by forgiving kd

  2. sara
    December 18, 23:38 Reply

    i hate the character of kiya gujral.she is just not a good person.

    • sadia
      December 19, 05:02

      i love kd and piddhi.but i hate kiya.

    • vishu
      December 20, 08:00

      she was a good person but has again changed

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