Tumhari Pakhi 22nd January 2014 Written Update

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Tumhari Pakhi 22nd January 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Tumhari Pakhi 22nd January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Anshuman admitting his love for Tanya. Lavanya is angry on Girish and says its good I did not tell this to Anshuman else Anshuman won’t leave now. She says I hate you. Girish says but I love you. She asks him to sign the divorce papers. Girish still has hope. Its night, Anshuman comes home in anger. He meets Pakhi and is irritated seeing Hing Kong plans. She asks him what happened. He says I m little tired. She asks again. He says I m worried because of you, you are the reason, I hate you, you are like cancer for me, I brought you here to keep you our of my house, why this drama with Ayaan, just go from here.

Pakhi shakes Anshuman, it was his imagination. She asks what happened. He leaves being annoyed. Its morning, Ayaan wakes up by alarm at 5am. He thinks who has set the alarm and calls the servants. Pakhi says good morning. She comes to him and says I have set this alarm. You have to get up early as kids have to get up at 5am in hostels, practice this so that you don’t have a problem there. Ayaan says you are lying. Pakhi scares him about hostels. She asks him to finish the milk. She leaves.

Tanya is working out. Mr. Rana comes to him and asks why did you ask Anshuman to go on vacation with Pakhi. I think Anshuman is feeling for Pakhi. Tanya says I want to show her place, its human psychology. She says Anshuman is impressed by Pakhi, but when he stays with her, he will feel suffocated. He says if this does not happen then. She says it can’t be, she is going without Ayaan and this is making her fall in Anshuman’s sight. She says Anshuman talks about her all day. I will kick her out of his life. She says I know how to handle Anshuman and praises Anshuman, he has one weakness, he is very nice. He says I like your confidence.

Anshuman and Ayaan are at the breakfast table. Pakhi asks them what happened. Anshuman says everything is fine. She gives him the sindoor box. He applies the sindoor on her maang and the calender. She says leave your credit card, I will book the tickets. Ayaan says he wants burger. Pakhi says you have to adjust as you are going to hostel. Anshuman looks on. Pakhi says Ayaan has few days, he has to prepare here itself. Ayaan says you are very worried about me. Anshuman is annoyed hearing all this.

Lavanya meets her friends and hears about someone’s divorce. They talk that there is no true love these days. Lavanya thinks how to prove to Girish that she does not love him. She sees her friend cheating on her husband. She gets an idea from her that she has to show Girish that she has someone else in her life. Ayaan is watching tv. Pakhi comes to him and switches off the tv and prepares him according to hostel life.

She asks him to do his homework. She tells him that she is going with Anshuman on vacation and has to pack. She packs her bag. Ayaan looks at her and hides. She sees him and smiles. She stops him from eating chocolates. She asks him to go and take bath.

The servants talk how hard hearted Pakhi has become. Ayaan keeps his clothes but Pakhi changes the clothes. He comes back after a bath. She says I will turn that side. Ayaan sees the changed clothes. She tells him you can’t wear colored clothes in hostel on weekdays. She says do your homework now. Ayaan is playing but she stops him and gives him books. Anshuman sees this and is angry. Ayaan goes to his room and closes the door. He says I m caught taking hostel’s name. He says I made a mistake.

Anshuman thinks about Pakhi’s words and can’t believe what he is seeing now. He sees Pakhi packing. He thinks about Tanya’s words. Pakhi shows Anshuman her packing and says I have booked the tickets too. She says I m missing something. Anshuman is angry. She goes to bring slippers. Anshuman calls Tanya and says I can’t believe its the same Pakhi who used to think about others. Today I came to know she thinks only about herself, she is selfish, I hate her.

Pakhi and Tanya have a talk. Tanya says Anshuman now hates you. Anshuman argues with Pakhi.

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  1. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 23, 20:32 Reply

    Cam , about your comment on the 22nd , Hahahaha. . .. 😀 . ..l understand 😀 , he looks like he’s not easy to teach 😀 and yes , easy to bow away , hahah . ..
    Lucy , don’t worry sweetie , this don’t concern you 😛 . ..

  2. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 23, 02:48 Reply

    Cam !! My pulchritudinous , ingenious , sophisticated diva 😀 . …
    Good Morning !!

    • cam
      January 23, 18:29

      hey sweetheart how are you, I know I know I’m a day late but better late never never right 😉
      love u 2 dear, tc 😉

  3. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 23, 02:45 Reply

    Good Qmorning Lucy darling !!!
    Hope that you have a great day at school !!
    L❤️VE You !! MWAH !!

  4. lucky lucy
    January 22, 13:10 Reply

    drew darling 😛 😛 ……DREW…DREEEEHHHUUUUUUWWW 😀
    calling for drew
    drew drew drew drew drew drew

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 22, 17:02

      This gv is so beautiful :). ..
      Just like you 🙂 , I love it !!!
      I will read your posts soon . ..
      Right now , I need food 🙂 . ..
      I got home just a little while , I had to do some grocery shopping . ..
      Love you sweetie , and Cam , TP , Arti . .. ❤️❤️

    • cam
      January 23, 02:44

      how did u find out this was a good kept secret.
      drew may i borrow ur neutralizer 😀 😀 😀 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 23, 03:18

      Lucy 😀 . .. I definitely looks like Cam’s work here 😀 . . .
      But , I’ll say . . I think she let him off easy hahaha 😀 . He definitely looks like someone screwed him over big time . .. But , he looks , muy patético , I probably would have done worse than Cam and set him on fire 😀 . His singing is good , but would it hurt him to pick up a weight occasionally ?? Or go to a little rehab for that drinking problem 😐 . . Everyone knows that when you hit the Makha , you stay home and pass out , you don’t wander the streets !!! Plus , I think he was sad because he lost a guy and then Cam turned down his offer 😐 . .cant say that I blame her *~* . .
      ( Well done Cam . . 😀 .. .here’s the neutraliser catch 😀 , good luck catching her , she’s on her bike 🙂 )

    • cam
      January 23, 18:48

      aawwwww … well thank you!
      Everyone says I’ve treated him badly :-):-(
      but I could not appear anywhere with him.
      You’ve seen him yourself 🙁
      and I had lost him, I think blown away by the storm. that police officers are called fan of his. but in the end I was the one who had to listen to all his shit at home…..no baby I’m 2 young 2 be with such a tja donno
      So I let him get acquainted with the Makha 😀 😀
      oh boy that was love at first sight 😀 😀 😀
      okay maybe perhaps I’ve deliberately forgot to say that you should not sip, but should take big gulps at once
      but I swear that was my only tiny fault 😉

      caught ……. thxs for the neutraliser … lucy look

  5. lucky lucy
    January 22, 13:00 Reply

    my lovely angels how are you all 2day 😀
    sweet love and kisse to you all

    drew cam arti tp

    • cam
      January 23, 02:41

      😀 😀 😀 love u 2. have a wonderful day
      u t drew love u both lots

  6. lucky lucy
    January 22, 12:57 Reply

    okay now I hear a dog barking. 😀
    that imaginating part was very disguisting doggy

    Anshu you’re angry because Pakhi is
    NOT the wife that you imagined??? calling her disguisting 🙁

    (pakhi i have my boxing gloves on 😉
    nutcrackers 😉 I got ur back sister, drew cam u angels in)

    and you’re really disappointed that Tanya is right???

    THINK THINK THINK THINK ANSHU…SRY ..overmuch Y-chromosomes

    Unfortunately, you know nothing and … neither do we … 🙁
    What Pakhi want at this point. 😛 😛
    You’re not angry that Pakhi
    but your heart unconsciously loves Pakhi 😀 😀
    pakhi pakhi pakhi

    • cam
      January 23, 02:40

      Hey 🙁 🙁 thats tr cause why if he wants to get rid of her
      why getting angry. And he cant think.
      that putain is poisoning his mind

  7. lucky lucy
    January 22, 12:45 Reply

    okay I will admit I’m no fan of lavanya BUT…..lavanya you do not need to pretend? that u have someone…tsk tsk tsk……
    so your husband will divorce you?????
    because now u present to him a “lie” in your fragile marriage
    lavanya plz do not do this. keep your dignity and let those so called friends think what they want.
    and I really don’t think he’s gonna believe u
    lavanya it is not nice, what happened to
    you but you love your husband as much as he loves you.
    I really hope that lavanya won’t do this.
    because then she decrease? herself into the level
    of what girish DID

    • cam
      January 23, 02:36

      Hahaha ya decrease but hey maybe the teacher can help here
      but i understand wat ur saying. Lies lies that might seem solution in the
      beginning but end up messing things
      laajo once said okay i know its from gd but still it was something
      like this
      a lie seek and find places to hide but a thruth dont need to hide

  8. lucky lucy
    January 22, 12:38 Reply

    No tanya this psychological approach will/does not work.
    you looks at everything from a different perspective, the carnal and Pakhi is a spiritual person who needs God in her life so that her life goes well….tanya u will need a life time to understand this….but you can try 😉

    • cam
      January 23, 02:30

      Hey girl how are you. Tanya is acostumed to have things
      and that every whimp goes her way.
      am with u on this one 😉

  9. lucky lucy
    January 22, 12:36 Reply

    amena as always thank you for this wu
    no pics 2day??????? hhhmmmm 😉 but thxs

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