The unknown romance between Jalal and Jodha is the USP of Jodha Akbar – Creative Head, Palak Kapoor

Balaji Telefilms’ Jodha Akbar on Zee TV has gained phenomenal popularity in no time, and is growing in numbers with every passing week. Palak Kapoor, Creative Head on the show, attributes the super success of her show to the combined effort put in by the entire team.

Says Palak, “The personal inputs of Ekta Kapoor (Producer) always play a very important role. We also have a very talented director Santram Verma (won an award recently for Jodha Akbar too) who makes things easy. Last but not the least, my creative team works very hard to give viewers a visual treat.”

Ask her on what makes the show tick and she quickly states, “The unknown romance between Jalal and Jodha is the USP of our story. Plus we also provide a lot of information about that phase of time. For example, the manner in which Jalal became Akbar, the political interactions between the Mughals and the Rajputs, the tale related to the Navratnas (Todarmal, Birbal, Tansen etc) entering the court, the rich culture, monuments, language and costumes of the Mughal era also attract the audience. For the first time, Balaji Telefilms has given romance such a huge canvas and it is being lapped up by viewers as the rising TRP graph shows.”

She also does not pay much attention to the opposition coming from certain groups. “We hardly bother as these things happen when you get successful. A similar issue had arisen with Ashutosh Gowariker’s film Jodha Akbar as well. We are very clear that we are not hurting the sentiments of any particular community. But people do need to realize that creative artists like us need a certain amount of cinematic liberty to tell the tale effectively. ”

“We have also shown that as history says, Jalal was born when his mother was sheltered in a Rajput family; hence he has full respect for them. He allows Jodha to follow her religion and also light a diya. We ultimately want to show that love between two individuals can transcend all boundaries. ”

In closing, she refuses to spell out how the story will pan out in the coming episodes. “Yes, over time the love between Jodha and Akbar will reach zenith amidst the political and personal rivalries that abound the court of one of the greatest emperors of India.”

Great going, Palak…

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  1. lili
    February 10, 11:28 Reply

    listen religion is created for us not for fighting each other
    no religion asks you not to pray to other gods
    and this is stupid too
    all god is one
    we all live in earth
    and not like muslim or hindu or christian in other planet
    we all belong to same species too
    soooooooooooo plssssssssss stop talking about religion
    does ur religion say u to insult others belif
    so stop this act!!!!!!!

    • avni
      February 10, 11:31

      U r rite….

    • tithi
      February 10, 20:39

      U r super r8

  2. Maria
    February 10, 11:20 Reply

    Asya you may don’t know but it is not permitted in our religion to bow anyone else accept for Allah …. So plllz stay out of this ……

    • avni
      February 10, 11:23

      Its just a serial. ..dnt get deep into it:-)

    • Asya
      February 10, 20:38

      Maria I have know to many people who are Muslim who don’t give a shit about who they bow down in front so long it is a form of God…so take a flying leap if you can’t accept my opinion no one asked you to comment on it.

    • Asya
      February 10, 20:39

      We are hear to talk about the beautiful romance blooming between Jodha and Akbar so let us focus on that instead.

  3. sanam
    February 08, 02:44 Reply

    totally agree with palak..its the unknown romance between akdha that attracts people.

  4. Kadeisha
    February 07, 10:29 Reply

    I do not see anything wrong in a Muslim bowing to a Hindu idol.
    There should not be any criticism about that. We must all respect each others religious beliefs and as far as I can see Akbar was doing just that so people should not be worried about that to the point of making adverse comments.

  5. Pialy
    February 07, 02:43 Reply

    unknown n unpredictable luv

  6. Mahi
    February 06, 15:28 Reply

    Transcend all bounds is a deep thing to say. Not everyone becomes blind by love and forget religious values.

    • Pani
      February 06, 17:18

      I agree with you Mahi. Bowing before an idol when your God specifically asks you not too is a limit love cannot blind off.

    • Asya
      February 06, 18:33

      There is nothing wrong with bowing your head in front a idol. No matter what form we pray our god they are all the same in the end. No matter what religion we are we all believe in the same god in different ways and forms. So shut it and accept it instead of arguing about. It is annoying the rest of us.

    • Maria
      February 10, 11:18

      Aysa you may don’t know but it is not permitted in our religion to anyone else accept for Allah …. So plllz stay out of this ……

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