Tashan-e-Ishq 27th October 2015 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 27th October 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 27th October 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Twinkle gets ready to take bath from cow’s pee, Kunj comes and PRECAP, Usha pours pee on Twinkle’s head, Kunj thinks that Twinkle hasnt entered house and this is happening with her, he leaves from there.
Nikki brings Twinkle to Kunj’s room and says dont mind but you are stinging, Kunj would vomit to smell it, i suggest you to use perfume, you sting and its spread in whole house, if you need anything then tell me, welcome to inlaws house, she leaves, Twinkle start using perfumes, Kunj comes and ask dont you dare touch my perfume, Twinkle says i am stinging, i have to use it, Kunj says i tried to stop them but.. Twinkle says i had to bath with cow’s pee and you are thinking about your perfume, Kunj says why should i think about you? its your problem, you can take bath with anything, i had problem with the ritual, you dont matter to me, Twinkle says you keep giving explanation, i dont care if you care for me or not, Kunj says i cant live with you, i will kill myself, Twinkle says i will suicide too if you remain with me, leave from here, Kunj says this is my room, Twinkle says they said this is my room too so i wont go anywhere, Kunj closes door, Twinkle ask why did you close the door? Kunj starts coming near her, Twinkle says stay away, why are you coming near me, she falls on bed, Kunj leans in on her, he smells the sting, he takes pillow and says i cant even talk to you as you sting, i have no interest in coming near you, i can go to guest room but then people will talk about it so i will sleep in balcony, Twinkle says you are right even i dont want parents to get worried, Kunj goes in balcony and sit on rocking chair, Twinkle stares him, he turns his chair away from her but keep looking at her, he sleeps, Twinkle opens her luggage and sees her and Leela’s picture, she recalls her harsh words, Twinkle says i will become good daughter in law.
Some goon calls Manohar and says if you dont give us money on time then your family will be in problem, we will kidnap your grandson, Manohar says i wont give you money, do whatever you can, he ends call, Usha ask about matter, Manohar says its none of your business, he leaves, Usha thinks if same problem has cropped up again.

Scene 2
Its morning, Kunj is trying to adjust on chair while sleeping, Usha comes to Kunj’s room and starts knocking it, Twinkle wakes up and says maa is knocking it with so much noise, she opens door to find Usha there, she says Mummy you here, Usha says i am not your mother but your mother in law and daughter in laws of Sarnas doesnt sleep till late, now let me go in and wake Kunj up, she goes in, Twinkle is worried if she finds Kunj sleeping on chair then, she turns to find Kunj sleeping on bed, Usha finds him sleeping and says wake him up, you both will kdo dushhera pooja, she leaves, Twinkle comes to Kunj and ask why is he sleeping on her bed? wake up, she removes his blanket to find him sleeping without wearing shirt, she turns away, Kunj wakes up and ask her to stop irritating him, you should thank me that mother didnt see me sleeping in balcony, this is my bed, i can sleep here, Twinkle says first you should start wearing clothes, Kunj says you go and sleep without AC in balcony then i will see, he wakes up, covers himself with sheet and leaves.
Leela wakes up and comes to Twinkle’s room, she misses her and recalls her good time with Twinkle.
Twinkle does aarti in Sarna’s home, she gives aarti and parsad to everyone, she gives Ishan(Nikki’s son) candies, Ishan goes to garden, Twinkle says dont let him go alone, Nikki says he goes alone only, we cant appoint bodyguards everywhere, i am his mother and i know what is right, she leaves, Twinkle prays to Lord, Kunj ask who did horror channel turned off and this traditional channel started? Twinkle says i am modern but i know rituals, i am not like you, Kunj says i am impressed, Twinkle says i didnt find anything in you that can impress me.
Some goons kidnap Ishan, Twinkle comes out and sees them taking Ishan, she runs behind them but they leave.

PRECAP- Twinkle comes to Yuvi and ask did you kidnap that innocent kid? Yuvi says you came to me finally, Twinkle says what will you get doing all this? Anita comes and says you are right we wont sit quiet till we dont destroy you, your mother and your new family. .

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  1. salma Aarya.LOVE
    October 28, 15:13 Reply

    Yuvi u r cute but a pain in the neck u irritate me nowerdays i hate u
    U’ll bring a conflict btw kunj and twinkle(kunkle)me bohot tumse pyaar karta kunkle

  2. Ras
    October 27, 16:54 Reply

    she should share this with kunj 1st before going to yuvi. each and every episode the couple are fighting bring little change.

  3. Tia
    October 27, 13:55 Reply

    They are cute but why is she being stupid and going to Yuvi now she’s probably going to get in trouble

  4. Suguna
    October 27, 12:20 Reply

    I love kunj and twinkle alooooot

    • ashi
      October 27, 13:18

      me too….both are very cute

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