Suhani Si Ek Ladki 25th April 2015 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 25th April 2015 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 25th April 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Soumya and Rakhi seeing each other in the shopping mall. Rakhi taunts her to be with Yuvraaj and calls her greedy. She says Krishna is fool to love her. Yuvraaj smiles. Soumya says he got 10 lakhs because of me, he sold our marriage for money. Suhani says he ruined Soumya’s life. Rakhi says Krishna did not take money, we took the money, so that Soumya gets out of his life, we took that money to bear you. Soumya is stunned. Rakhi gets tensed and turns. Soumya stops her and asks what did she say, Krishna did not take money, and they took the money, is this true.

Yuvraaj is glad and tells Suhani that her plan is working. He tells Soumya to leave this, as whoever took money, Krishna signed the divorce papers. Rakhi says no, we took his sign by forcing him, as your Dadi threatened us to take his sign, else we will not get the money. Suhani asks did they force him. Rakhi says yes, its good we took his sign, we care for him, unlike Soumya who broke his heart, Krishna has sent her love letters and what did she do, she burnt it and sent it back. Soumya says don’t lie, I have it. Rakhi says no, Krishna has the ashes.

Soumya cries and leaves. Yuvraaj goes after her. Soumya asks Rags did Soumya and Yuvraaj come. Rags says not yet. She asks what happened, is there anything. Dadi says she has a worry, Soumya and Krishna loved each other a lot, and its obvious, their relation was not like Suhani and Yuvraaj. Menka looks on. Rags asks what does she mean to say.

Rakhi comes home. Krishna asks why did she not get anything. She says there was nothing good, and asks did anyone call. He says no. She asks for mum. He says she is not at home. She says there is nothing to say and gets tensed thinking why did she tell Soumya everything, iof mum knows this, she will kill me. Soumya comes home. Menka asks did she not get anything. Soumya says she did not do shopping. Menka asks did she just had food there and come.

Dadi says shut up Menka and asks Soumya what happened. Soumya goes to the room. Dadi asks Yuvraaj to come with her and she has to talk. Yuvraaj tells her that Soumya worries for Krishna more and talks about him all the time. Dadi asks why did she not tell before. He says attachment happens as she was with him for much time, Soumya should understand, its not easy to understand her. Dadi says fine, I will explain her. Suhani looks on.

Soumya tries to find the love letters and messes the cupboard. Suhani comes and asks what is she finding. Soumya says about the love letters, she kept it here. Suhani says what will she do now, she is marrying Yuvraaj. Soumya says yes, but I have to know who burnt it and send it to him, why was I told that he took money and gave divorce, why did they lie to me. Suhani asks what will she do. Soumya says I don’t know Rakhi is saying true or not. Suhani says I think she said true. Soumya says leave me alone for sometime. Suhani asks her to have something.

Its night, Pratima says so Souma understood Dadi is using her and lied to her. Yuvraaj says it will take some time. Pratima says we don’t have time. Suhani says Soumya understood that Krishna left her being helpless, doubt breaks any relation, we should make her know the truth and make her doubt Dadi. Dadi says Soumya looks changed, don’t know what happened to her. Rags asks what did she do now.

Yuvraaj says we did what we have to go, we have to see what Dadi and Soumya do now. Suhani tells everyone that Soumya did not have food and she has anemia. Dadi asks Ramesh to call her. Soumya comes and sits. Saurabh asks Dadi what is she going to say. Dadi says she kept puja for Yuvraaj and Soumya, and Soumya has to be at home, she got a special saree for her. Soumya says fine.

Soumya asks Dadi about Krishna’s love letters. Rags and Menka are stunned. Dadi says yes, so what, why is she talking now. Soumya says did she burn those letters and send back to Krishna. Dadi is stunned and looks at Rags. Dadi says Soumya is marrying Yuvraaj, so focus on her. Soumya says then who sent the letters. Rags tells her that Dadi supported her when her mum stopped. Soumya asks her not to say in between and holds her head, getting dizzy.

They all worry for her. Rags asks is she fine. Yuvraaj asks Soumya to take her in her room. He sits and continues eating. Soumya feels bad seeing he does not care for her. Its morning, Saurabh and Sharad see Rags doing the puja arrangements and says this is not our house. Sharad says whats happening. Anuj talks to Menka and tries to know. Menka says she does not know anything, and they all catch her to know whats fishy. Menka leaves. Sharad says there is some big issue, Dadi planned something big. Yuvraaj says what. Saurabh says Rags would have known if its against us.

Dadi calls out Soumya and asks Yuvraaj. He says she may be in her room. She asks him to give the saree to wear in puja. Saurabh asks will she not give anything to Yuvraaj. Dadi says he can wear anything. Suhani asks Pratima about the puja. Pratima says even I m trying to know. Saxena comes and takes Dadi’s sign on the papers. Suhani says how can she sign without reading. Pratima says Dadi trusts him, and everyone is busy in their lives and they don’t care for business.

Saxena leaves. Suhani worries. Rags tells Dadi that everything is done, she did not tell anyone. Dadi tells her to keep the water which will make Soumya pure. Rags smiles and says I will keep it safe. Rags smiles.

The pandit asks Soumya to sit for the puja. Suhani stops the puja and apologizes to Dadi.

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