Suhani Si Ek Ladki 12th January 2016 Written Update

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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 12th January 2016 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 12th January 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Leela telling Dadi that Gupta proved Gauri is mad, is this true. Dadi says no. Leela asks why did you not tell this to me before, we may lose the case. Dadi says we really saw Pankaj coming out of the room. Gupta tells Suhani that this is only way to save Pankaj. The case resumes. Leela says I want to call a mentally stable man in the witness box, and calls Yuvraaj to know what happened that night. Yuvraaj goes in witness box. Menka asks Rags why did Leela call Yuvraaj, when he is supporting Suhani. Rags says wait and see.

Leela says Yuvraaj, it will be tough situation for you, as Gauri and Pankaj are on either sides, you are great, you have forgiven Pankaj who forced you to marry Suhani. Yuvraaj says situation is different now, I know Pankaj well, I m sure he can’t see any girl wrong way, in fact he regards Gauri as his daughter. Leela says I think situations can change person, just Gauri knows what happened with her. Yuvraaj says I know that Gauri won’t lie, I still feel there is some misunderstanding, someone else did this, we have to find that person. Leela says your thinking is right, I also don’t wish any innocent man to get punished, tell me what happened that night. Yuvraaj says puja was going on, Gauri was crying and shouting, Pankaj came after her. Leela says we know this, tell me what happened before that, do you feel Gauri is saying right. He says yes. She says I feel Gauri is lying about something. Menka tells Rags that this is a twist.

Leela asks Yuvraaj did he go to Gauri’s room. He says yes. She asks did you see anyone going, maybe you saw Pankaj going. Leela asks were you in corridor, did you see anyone going to Gauri’s room. Sharad tells Lata that Leela is doing something big. Leela asks Yuvraaj whom did he see there. Suhani says why is Yuvraaj not saying anything. Yuvraaj says yes, I have seen someone. Leela asks whom did you see. He looks at Pankaj. Pankaj says yes, I was there, Yuvraaj is not lying, but I did not do anything. Gupta stops Pankaj. Leela says Gupta ji, let Pankaj accept his crime. Pankaj says no, I collided with Yuvraaj. Leela asks him did he go in room again. Yuvraaj says wait a minute. Leela says if you hide truth Yuvraaj, I will get you arrested.

Pankaj says I did not do anything. Yuvraaj says he did not do anything. Leela asks how can you be sure, were you with Pankaj or Gauri. Yuvraaj says no. Leela asks did you see Pankaj outside Gauri’s room or not. Yuvraaj says I collided with him outside Gauri’s room, he went to Gauri’s room, but he did not do anything. Leela thanks him. Suhani worries. Gupta asks her to sit, and says no questions. Pankaj says its not like Leela is saying, I will say what happened. Judge asks him not to say anything. Gupta asks Suhani did you know this. Suhani says no. Leela says I want Yuvraaj to say what happened that night. Yuvraaj says I was going upstairs… FB shows Yuvraaj colliding with Pankaj and saying sorry. He sees Pankaj going to Gauri’s room. Saurabh says it means Yuvraaj has seen Pankaj going to Gauri’s room. Leela says so its proved now. Gupta says I want to know what Pankaj has to say, he has full right to defend himself.

Gupta asks Pankaj what happened that night, is Yuvraaj lying. Pankaj says no, but I will say what happened. FB shows Pankaj colliding with Yuvraaj, and Yuvraaj apologizing. Pankaj picks his fallen phone and hears sound from Gauri’s room. He asks who is there and leaves from there. Leela says he is lying. Gupta laughs and says I feel its any children classroom, Leela does not have any evidence. Judge says he is right, we can’t punish Pankaj, Leela did not prove Pankaj was there. Gupta says I can prove my side, I m sure there was someone else in that room, but I have to get that room checked well, if court permits. The judge says fine, you are permitted, we will give next hearing date soon.
Inspector tells Suhani that we have to take Pankaj. Pankaj asks Suhani not to worry, and its not easy for Yuvraaj, be with him. Bhavna says whatever people say, you will always be innocent for us. He says your trust is my strength. Aditya walks to Pankaj and beats him publicly. Suhani and Bhavna try to stop him. Yuvraaj stops Aditya and pushes him on the ground. He says Aditya you are not any judge to punish Pankaj, till court decision comes out, you can say Pankaj is culprit. Menka and Rags go to Dadi. Menka asks Dadi if Yuvraaj saw Pankaj going to Gauri’s room, why did he not say anyone till now, is he ready to leave Gauri for Suhani. Aditya argues with Yuvraaj, and says you told in court that you saw Pankaj going to Gauri’s room, what type of brother are you. Suhani says shut up, no need to explain relations to Yuvraaj, leave. Aditya goes. Bhavna asks Yuvraaj do you feel Papa did this with Gauri. Lata says I also want to know, that he has seen Pankaj there, why did he say this. Suhani asks Yuvraaj why did he hide this. He says I did not recall this before, else I would have told this. Suhani says but blames are getting true on dad because of this. He says I wish I understood this before, really sorry. She says I m sorry, I did not know this will happen there. Saurabh says why did Yuvraaj not tell this to us before Anuj, I can’t believe this. Anuj says I don’t understand. Leela says its good Gauri told this to us. Pratima makes Gauri sit in car. Dadi says I understood everything. Yuvraaj says we are fighting and not finding real culprit. Dadi says I know who is the culprit, they tried to prove Gauri mad to save Pankaj. Suhani says Dadi, we did not do anything. Dadi scolds her. Pratima says Gauri needs us more, come. Suhani asks Pratima to listen. Pratima says I can’t listen anything, I can just hear my daughter’s screams and cry now.

Suhani says if dad heard some sound here, there should be something broken here. Yuvraaj shows Suhani some glass pieces. Suhani says it had blood marks on it.

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