Shakti 17th April 2017 Written Update

Shakti 17th April 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Shakti 17th April 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Harman thanking Saya for accepting his request. He says I knew that shagun will come from Shanno’s mayka and Preeto will taunt Soumya. I want Soumya to feel the motherly love and want to tie her in all relations so that she can stay with us. Saya says you are the only one who differentiate between the people, and says she is happy to do something for Soumya. Harman thanks her. Preeto cries sitting in the toy room and says toy room is empty. She tells that she gave away all the toys like she gave her heart, and cries hugging Harak Singh. He also cries. Preeto asks him to stop toys manufacturing and start stone factory, says we will become stone.

Soumya cares for her baby and says she wants their baby to be accepted by everyone. Harman smiles. Harak Singh says Harman is born
to us, and we are not born to him. He says we will not show our tears to him and asks her to promise and not to cry. He wipes her tears.

Bebe gives tea to Maninder. Maninder asks where is Surbhi. Bebe says she is sleeping along with Nani. Maninder says he is thinking to talk to Soumya as she is the only one who bring her life on right track. He says once Soumya comes to know that Surbhi is here and wants to get divorce from Harman, then…Surbhi comes and hears him, says wah Papa. Bebe says we love you. Surbhi says if you do this, then I will think that you don’t care for me. Nani tells Surbhi that Maninder loves you very much. Surbhi says yes,, I know.

Soumya smiles looking at her baby. She kisses baby’s hand and recalls Nimmi’s care and love for her. She kisses her baby. Shakti song plays….Harman comes and says you are lucky to get your mum’s love, and says she don’t care for me. Soumya says I am lucky to get him and says kids don’t differentiate between normal humans and kinnars. Harman tells her that even he don’t differentiate and likes her very much. Soumya tells that she is worried about Choti. Harman says she will come. Soumya says she is going to kitchen. Harman says what do you think that Preeto will let you step in the kitchen after the mahabharat. Soumya says it is her duty to go to kitchen. Harman tells baby that he wants to romance with Soumya, but she don’t care for him.

Balwinder apologizes to Raavi. Raavi says mistake was not yours fully. His phone rings. Raavi asks him to pick the call and face him. Balwinder picks the call, hears Kishan Lal and tells Raavi that he told him that if he don’t return by evening then he will not give him property. Raavi asks him not to worry and says she will talk to Harak Singh and get her share. Varun hears him and says his fight will get easy with more people claiming over his property. Soumya comes to kitchen and tells Preeto that she will make tea. Preeto gets irked and asks her to make whatever she wants else Harman will do drama, and goes. Chintu tells Soumya that he will take care of baby while she works in the kitchen and asks her to make chocolate milk for him. He takes baby to hall. Preeto looks on at the baby. Raavi says today Soumya is making tea and thinks something is going on in Maa’s mind. Preeto asks Chintu to get her medicines from room. Raavi understand her plan and takes Chintu with him. Baby is left unattended. Preeto goes and looks on from far.

Soumya is working in the kitchen and makes tea. She comes out and sees baby about to fall down from the sofa. She is shocked and drops tray from her hand. She runs towards the baby and holds the baby before he falls down from the sofa. Preeto is shocked as her plan failed to harm the baby.Harman comes running and asks what happened? Soumya says nothing. Harman sees broken tea cups and comes to Soumya. He asks how did these things fall? Soumya tells that it fell down from her hand. Chintu returns with Raavi. Harman asks are you sure? Soumya says yes. Chintu gives medicine to Preeto. Preeto looks on tensed at Harman.

Harman asks them to make two dresses for babies. Raavi says only Shanno’s baby naam karan will happen. Harman says even his baby’s naam karan will happen with Shanno’s baby. Everyone looks on.

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