Sasural Simar Ka 7th August 2012 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 7th August 2012 Written Update by deepika_fun

Episode starts with Simar warning khusi that “i know you replaced the actual with fake jewellery…Tomorrow you should accept all the mistakes in front of family otherwise i will tell truth to the family..which one will you prefer telling the truth..or going to jail “…Khusi cries tell ” No ddi” .


Sidharth in bed reading a book…Roli comes and asks Sid “tommorow you need to go office early na “…Sid doen’t reply…Roli asks ” Just tell me which book are you reading? “…Sid seriously shows the book,Switch off the light and sleeps…


Khusi comes near veeru and tells ” Simar knows about the jewellery that they are fake”…veeru shocks, holds khusi’s hands and tells Khusi that “You keep revenge beside and come with me we will escape”…khusi tells she can’t come and says i have an idea and tells Veeru about the idea…veeru tells it’s a good idea..Idea is to “ROB THE JEWELLERY IN LOCKER”

Simar comes to kitchen for water and to take medicine…Prem calls simar and asks what is she doing?Simar tells she came for water to have her medicine…prem tells”That’s the reason i told i will not go to marriage…otherwise i would have taken good care of you…Prem Asks “today how many times did her baby remembered her father”Simar tells “Not Even one time”.

After the call simar is about to go to her room…Khusi comes and tells “I have done nothing didi…trust me”…on the other side Veeru secretly goes upstairs…Simar screams at khusi to stop shedding her fake tears…Veeru is about to go he hits a showcase it falls down…Simar tells what is the sound?khusi shocks and tells what soung didi?i didn’t hear any sound…Simar tells i heard the voice and goes to upstairs…

Veeru goes to mataji’s room…Simar comes upstairs and sees around and finally goes to her room …Veeru is with bunch of keys tries to open the locker…Khusi also comes to mataji ‘s room and tells “Till now you did not open the locker…my eyes are now red by shedding tears in front of simar,but you did not open”…Frustated veeru asks Khusi to shut her mouth and tells he is trying…Locker opens Khusi and veeru sees money and jewellery and smiles..


Roli in bed thinks “Today is RAKSHABANDHAN…I Did not get a chance to meet my sister and flashback is shown..Simar tying RAKHI to her brother…Roli asks simar to tie rakhi to her also..Simar tells Rakhi should be tied only to brother…Roli tells…Tie the Rakhi …i will also protect you like brother…

Roli wakes from bed and goes near window…and thinks my heart is still tensed for you didi…You are alone in that house…

Simar comes to her room and is about to sleep and remembers that she forgot to take other medicine…Roli calls Simar..Simar attends the call and comes out of her room..Simar asks how is she?roli tells she is fine…Simar tells why did you call latenight? roli says thinking about you didi…Simar sees shadow of someone moving in mataji’s room…Simar thinks who might me in mataji’s room…Screen freezes at Simar’s face .

Precap: Roli at nighttime coming to bharadwaj house…In bharadwaj house…Simar shouting at veeru to leave the bag(money)…khusi is also there with veeru…Veeru pushes Simar.

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