Sasural Simar Ka 3rd October 2016 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 3rd October 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 3rd October 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Prem says simar Anajli knows everything. Why should we pretend now? Simar says we should make her believe what she is thinking is not right. Prem says but thats right. Prem says I can’t do this anymore. I have decided. I am taking the taxi. Simar says in heart I cant give up. We came so far. I promised myself.

Simar and Prem come home. Anjali says we have the proofs. Khushi says we are successful. Now we have the proofs. Now see how we kick her out of this house forever.
Simar and Prem arrive. Khushi and Anjali are on gate. Khushi says you are so shameless, you are entering this house after lying as well. You are so shameless. If I were in your place, I would never have entered this house with your face. Simar says the person who has bad intentions is ashamed.
Anjali says we have the proofs. we are gonna tell everyone that you cheated. Simar says go tell them. Keep one thing in mind, unless I am done what I am here for I won’t leave this house. Nor can anyone kick me out. Khushi shouts hey.. Simar says enough. This is between me and my daughter. You better not speak between us. Anjali says but you lied to us. You and dad can’t be one. Simar says thats what you think. Simar says what will you tell everyone? You will say that we argued? Every husband and wife argue. You can’t prove anything. Soon you will realize that me and your papa are together. Our relationship is for ages, a video can’t prove otherwise. Prem is dazed. Simar and Prem go inside.
Khushi says don’t worry Anjali the real game has just started.

Prem comes to room and says what rubbish was that? I told you I can’t do this anymore. simar says listen.. He says you listen to me. Prem says I won’t give mataji any false hope. I am going to tell her the truth. Simar holds his hand and says you know how would she feel? Prem says when she gets to know later she would be hurt. It can even take her life. I am gonna go and tell her everything.

Prem comes to mataji’s room and says I lied to you Mataji. I wanna tell you tell you the truth about me and Simar. Are you listening? he comes near Mataji. Prem says matjai open your eyes. Simar says she has fainted. Please call the doctor. Doctor checks mataji and says she shouldn’t take any stress. Don’t give her any kind of tension or depression. Mataji opens her eyes and says simar prem sit here. Mataji says its Navratri. I want everything to be like it used to be. I want simar to do havan like before. She holds their hands together and says you two will sit in havan together? Prem nods. SImar says yes we will mataji. mataji says to Piyush help simar in preps. I will help too. sImar says no you just rest. Prem and I will handle everything.

Scene 2
The havan starts. Prem and Simar come. Mataji says wife and husband do the havan together. Anjali says to Kb nothing is going right. Khushi says I don’t know why they are late. SImar and Prem sit and do the havan together. Pandit ji says the havan is over, Keep the parsad with you. Police comes in. Prem says what is it inspector? Inspector says we have complaint against simar that she is not following the rules. Mataji says who said that. He says Khushi Bharadwaj. Khushi says what I said is truth. She went to calcutta and left her daughter. She went for fun. See I have proofs. She shows the video. She says simar is playing this game to rope on everyone in this house. She is fooling everyone. You should arrest her. She doesn’t respect rules. Mataji says you are getting it wrong. Simar is our daughter in law. Lawyer says she broke the law. We have to take her from here.
Lawyer says take her inspector. Mataji says don’t do this. They take Simar with them. Mataji says stop them Prem. Prem says stop.. Simar turns back. Prem says a video made this clear that she broke the law but I was in the video too. You didn’t ask me what truth is. Whats is the video is not right. Truth is that Simar is a good mother for Anjali. No one understands anjali like she does. She didn’t want to go to Calcutta. I forced her. I filed the first complaint so you shouldn’t listen to irrelevant people. Lawyer says you wasted out time Khushi Bahradwaj. they leave.

Precap-Khushi says to Prem stop this acting. We all know you are lying. If you are not lying then go to temple and fill her hairline. Prem takes Simar’s hand and takes her to temple. He fills her hairline.

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1 Comment

  1. Ash
    October 04, 00:50 Reply

    I love sasural Simar is better than Kasam. Kasam use to be good, but no any more. Whole series
    Rishi is taking to himself, then Tune start taking to herself, and again the old lady start talking to herself the whole story is like that. It is getting really boring.

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