Saraswatichandra 4th June 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 4th June 2014 Written Update by Amena_Hasan

Saraswatichandra 4th June 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Vidyachatur praising Kumud. She says no, the credit goes to Saras for being here and saving the school. Badimaa says Kumud and Saras are incomplete without each other, if they meet, they can do anything. Danny says we should praise Anushka too, as it was her idea to tell the oarents how education is important for kids. Kumud thanks Anushka. Anushka smiles and says I will tell you everything cool spot of Mumbai. Saras gets Mehta’s call and says I will come Mumbai tomorrow. He tells Vidyachatur that I will leave tomorrow.

Badimaa says fine, I will make your fav food today as you won’t get this in Mumbai. Saras looks at Kumud. Kumud comes in her room and is tensed. Saras looks at her and says I understand whats going on in your heart, its fine if you don’t want to come Mumbai, see I have to go, I have committed them, I promise I will come back soon. He hugs her. Its night, Kabir looks in Anushka’s room and says its good if she does not stay here. He bumps into table and she sees him hurt.

She also acts like him and he thinks super irritating. She enacts him every bit and Kabir simply looks on. He says idiot. She says Sadu and leaves. She says my slipper broke and he is acting like me, how insensitive. He says my leg is hurt and she is acting like me, how bad. Saras sees them and asks why did they walk like this, did anything happen. Kabir says my leg is hurt so I walking improperly, but she enacted like me. He complains and Saras leaves.

Kabir comes in the hall and dresses his foot. Anushka sees this and understands he was hurt. She comes to him and are you really hurt. He says no, I was walking like that as I was fun. He says you made fun of me. She asks when. He says you also acted like me. She says my slipper……… he says I don’t care, go from here. She says fine, bye. Danny comes and gives her a slipper as her slipper was broken. Kabir hears this and realizes she did not copy him. Danny leaves. Kabir tells Anushka that he did not know her slipper………. She says I don’t care. She leaves. He says idiot.

Saras is in his room. Kumud comes to him. He looks at her and is upset. He asks why are you quiet now, Kumud I told you I will come back very soon. She asks will you be able to live without me. He asks her the same. He says w don’t have the answers. He holds her hand and says some great man said to support each other, its not necessary to be together. He says Lord sends us far so that we come more closer. He kisses her forehead. He hugs her. O piya…………….plays……………….She cries.

Its morning, Saras is leaving for Mumbai. Everyone bless him. Saras hugs everyone asking them to take care. Saras asks Danny and Kabir to take care of house and factory. Anushka says if there is any problem in Mumbai,, give me a call. Kabir says how can there be any problem as she is here. Saras looks for Kumud. Danny says lets go. Vidyachatur says did you take everything. Saras says yes. Yash’s mum says check again. Danny smiles. Saras says I kept everything. Badimaa says see is there anything left. She tells about Kumud.

She asks how will you live without Kumud. Everyone smile. Kumud comes smiling. Vidyachatur says go, be happy. Saras smiles and says you? Vidyachatur says yes, your wife will always live with you. Saras gets much happy. Danny says we kept her luggage in car. Kumud asks Saras could you not wait for my answer, I can’t live without you. She gets tears in her eyes and asks did you get the answer now. He says yes. Piya re……………..plays………………. She smiles and says lets go. He says com. Kumud hugs everyone and takes their blessings. Vidyachatur asks her to call him once in a day. She says sure. Badimaa says take care of yourself and Saras.

Kumud asks Danny to take care of Kusum. Saras holds Kumud’s hand and they start leaving waving bye to the family. Danny and Kabir take them to the airport. Everyone wait for Saras and Kumud’s call. Vidyachatur sounds much worried. Badimaa pacifies him. The plane lands in Mumbai. The city is shown. Anushka hears everyone talking about Mumbai. She says the city is very good, it accept everyone, the city never sleeps, you can get autos at 3am too, people work at night. She says the city makes dreams fulfilled.

Saras and Kumud are excited to see their new home. Saras says welcome to Mumbai, Mrs. Kumud Saraswatichandra Vyas.

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  1. Loose
    June 04, 16:14 Reply

    Dasum u gone

    • zaaru
      June 04, 16:16


    • dasum
      June 04, 16:14

      don’t mistake me loose just for fun I remembered u, wat u told abt urself…. ( u only told dat u r blind)


      gud n8 to all sc ianzzzz

    • Loose
      June 04, 16:16

      no i actually cant c prprly u kno 🙂
      dnt say sorry
      u also going Dasum 🙁
      ok gud nyt 🙂
      tc, see u soon 🙂

  2. coco
    June 04, 16:00 Reply

    I know Dasum 🙁 but sometimes i don’t like being small 🙁
    ok Good Night guys, I have to go, take care see you soon everyone 🙂

    • Loose
      June 04, 16:06

      gud nyt COCOA 🙂

  3. dasum
    June 04, 15:55 Reply

    even though u r teen…. u r a small one in dis sc page coco

  4. Loose
    June 04, 15:54 Reply

    it does dnt it , missing Sri 🙁

    • coco
      June 04, 15:52

      Good night Rainbow 🙂

    • rose
      June 04, 15:54

      Bye di see u soon

      Gn sd t
      Love u n missed u

    • Loose
      June 04, 16:04

      GOOD night RAinbow 🙂
      sleep tight 🙂
      sweetst dreams 🙂

  5. Loose
    June 04, 15:48 Reply

    im 15 Dasum 🙂
    so wait there are friends smaller than 15 here 😮 i actually didnt know dat 😮

    • dasum
      June 04, 15:52

      dats y u told u r blind

    • Rainbow
      June 04, 15:53

      choti,ruchi, neer, sahala rand newshi s below 15

    • Loose
      June 04, 15:57

      I know I got an appointment to the optician next week 🙂

  6. Rainbow
    June 04, 15:47 Reply

    m fyn Dasum.. u??
    @lucy: ur name reminds me of Sri..
    @coco: which r ur fav serials

    • dasum
      June 04, 15:51

      fine rainbow…. missing dasum scenes a lot and waiting to c their scenes and ur dedication to me (wen der s dasum scenes)

    • coco
      June 04, 15:51

      Sorry I was having dinner that why I was gone 🙂
      Looks like I am small Dasum 🙂
      but I am a teen 😛

      SC, KB, YHM, EHT 🙂 what about yours Rainbow?

    • rose
      June 04, 15:53

      Hi di
      Hw r u

      N hi guys hw r u all…..

  7. Rainbow
    June 04, 15:41 Reply

    coco s smallest.. i ll find a good surname to COCo

  8. dasum
    June 04, 15:39 Reply

    hi rainbow hw r u???

    plzzz don’t mention my name rainbow…

    • dasum
      June 04, 15:44

      every one left

      k bye gud night….hope to chat with u all

    • dasum
      June 04, 15:41

      I think coco s young …13 yrs only

      wat abt u loose

  9. Loose
    June 04, 15:33 Reply

    Hi guys im here for 10 mins 🙂

  10. coco
    June 04, 15:29 Reply

    Rainbow it was raining today and I found it hard to walk, I just could not be bothered to walk in the rain 🙁 Same even I missed a bit of SC but I watched the last 10 mins so I saw some SaMud scenes 🙂

    How was your day Rainbow?

    • Rainbow
      June 04, 15:36

      day was okay bt missed SC 🙁 😥
      hi minupriya
      @lucy: yday Zarin askd U?? she s missing U n sri
      Hwz d day?? Class?

    • Loose
      June 04, 15:41

      since skul z on im not here, day was boring trust me absolutely boring i was dying in my science lesson and maths was crap 🙁

      How aree u Rainbow???

    • coco
      June 04, 15:30

      Hi Dasum 🙂

    • dasum
      June 04, 15:34

      hi coco ….u r very young one in dis SC page

    • Loose
      June 04, 15:37

      How are you Dasum?
      Yup everyone is saying i am the smallest 🙂

    • Loose
      June 04, 15:38

      oh sorry that was for coco i wonder how i read Loose Lol looks like these glasses are useless, im quite blind you know 😛 no jokes 😛

  11. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 15:20 Reply

    Bye to all my SCians!!! 🙂 I don’t know if I will come back today. 🙁 Bye Zaaru, Rainbow, Ruchi, and Coco!!! 🙂 Take care and love you lots!!! 🙂 Hope you all have a great day ahead!!! 🙂

    • coco
      June 04, 15:31

      Bye 🙂 You too have a lovely day ahead 🙂 Take care. See you soon 🙂

    • Rainbow
      June 04, 15:38

      Bye Samud4ever.. hope tat one day we can chat

    • Rainbow
      June 04, 15:19

      m der little coco

  12. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 15:02 Reply

    8. Loved the precap and I just can’t wait for tomorrow!!! 🙂 Love you SaMud!!! 🙂 To tell you the truth, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, but “MUMBAI HERE WE COME!!!” 🙂

    • Rainbow
      June 05, 02:18

      Saras welcoming Kumud to mumbai was best. I tot tat he s welcoming us for Mumabi track

  13. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 15:00 Reply

    7. Awwwww…the poor family looked so sad and lonely without their SaMud. 🙁 At least we still have Kabir and DaSum there!!! 🙂 That was funny when VC got up and they asked him, “Where are you going?” and he answered, “Mumbai”. 🙂 Lols. 🙂

    • Rainbow
      June 05, 02:19

      badimaa n Yash’ mom too got up to go wid him LOL..
      such a cute family

  14. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 14:59 Reply

    6. That was sad when Kumud said bye to her family and that was cute how she slightly slapped Danny’s face, and said, “Take care of my Kusum”. 🙂 How cute! 🙂

    • Rainbow
      June 05, 02:21

      I love danny more so enjoyed dis scene..
      bt Kusum nd Guniyal are absent 🙁

  15. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 14:58 Reply

    5. That was really cute and sweet how Saras kept on looking into the house, waiting for Kumud. And then the family started teasing him and asking him if he had forgotten something very valuable. And then our Kumud walked out, looking drop dead gorgeous in that beautiful anarkali, and our Saras was struck with happiness and he started smiling. 🙂 Then Danny laughed and said, “We already put Bhabhi’s luggage into the car.” Saras looked so shocked, yet so happy and so did our Kumud. 🙂 We all knew that they can’t live without each other and our point was proven again. 🙂 Our Kumud even said, “Saras, I can’t live without you.” and SaMud made me senti like always. 🙁 And then the beautiful BG music…piya re…starts and I start jumping with happiness!!! 🙂 SaMudEver!!! 🙂

    • Rainbow
      June 05, 02:24

      wow.. wat a scene. I was expecting such a scene for a long tym.. Saras was very sad n d begining n wen he sw kumud, he was d haapiest man n dis world..
      our danny and oders are teasing sara. Badima said that he s leaving the very expensive and important thing n desai home..
      Kumud s his soul

  16. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 14:52 Reply

    4. The scene where SaMud was leaving made me really senti and I got teary-eyed. I realize that I really want SaMud love scenes in Mumbai, but at the same time I will really miss SaMud with their family like SKD scenes… 🙁 We won’t get to see SaMud and Dughba, and so many other types of scenes. 🙁 I will really miss those scenes as they brought a smile to my face. But at the same time we have to remember that, “We have to give things up to receive things.” 🙁

    • Rainbow
      June 05, 02:25

      to recieve samud mumbai scenes we have to miss der scenes wid family:(
      Samud hav d greatest bond wid evryone n d family..

  17. zaaru
    June 04, 14:50 Reply

    swthrt ruchi
    whnevr me in dtb acc
    my net getting so slow
    but me i watching u guy through my mails

  18. coco
    June 04, 14:47 Reply

    Hi Zaaru 🙂
    How are you?

    @SaMud4Ever is there a chance I can talk to you guyz without revealing anything about me except my age which is 13?

    • zaaru
      June 04, 14:48

      hmmmmm 13 na 🙂 🙄

      nt tht gud
      hw r u 🙂

    • coco
      June 04, 15:01

      I am tired but fine 🙂
      Hope you are fine soon 🙂

    • SaMud4Ever
      June 04, 15:03

      That is fine. 🙂 So you are the youngest? 🙂

    • coco
      June 04, 15:05

      I think so 🙂

      So how is your day going?

  19. zaaru
    June 04, 14:46 Reply

    goin ok ok dear
    n damn borin

    • ruchi
      June 04, 14:47

      di if u nt wanna miss the fun
      better come online 🙂

    • SaMud4Ever
      June 04, 15:04

      Do you have school or are you on break? 🙂

  20. SaMud4Ever
    June 04, 14:45 Reply

    3. The Anushka and Kabir nokh-jhok scene was cute!!! 🙂 This confusion is quite normal before a couple falls in love. Before they know it they will miss these small fights. 🙂 I love how Anushka said, “Saruness to it’s height.” I love how they thought they were making fun of each other while they were both hurt. Luckily Danny cleared everything. 🙂 That was funny how Saras said, “Anushka talks 24 hours and you don’t talk at all. Seems like a good balance.” Lols. 🙂

    • Rainbow
      June 05, 02:28

      I loved saras dialog abt Kabir anushka couples..
      this confusion s seen n almost alll dramas 🙁
      Y did kusum left wen anushka came here to stay?
      he need to be here wid her na.
      writers: plz dnt write illogical things

  21. zaaru
    June 04, 14:42 Reply

    hey swty ntt gud
    hw r u
    me tooooooooooo missed u alot
    yes aftr soooooooooooooooooooooooo long ltrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • SaMud4Ever
      June 04, 14:46

      I am great. 🙂 So how is life? 🙂

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