Saraswatichandra 28th February 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 28th February 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 28th February 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ghuman telling Kusum that Kusum made a place in your heart and also in your bank accounts. Kumud supports Kusum. Saras says Kusum expects only Danny’s love. Ghuman says Kusum is clever, but Danny can’t be hers. She says lets go to Dubai Danny. Danny does not move. He says if you want to go, you can go. He stands by Kusum’s side and says I won’t go anywhere leaving my Kusum. Ghuman asks is this your last decision. Danny says yes. GhumanΒ  says fine, but remember if this time I go alone, then I will be gone away from you forever. Ghuman cries. She says decide Danny, me or Kusum. Danny says no mom, how can I do this. She says ask your heart, is she more important to you than your mom, if yes, I will not turn back to see you, tell me, me or Kusum.

Danny says mom please. Ghuman says answer me Danny, who will stay here. Danny is silent. Ghuman says I got the answer, fine Danny, I will think I did not have any son. Kumud stops Ghuman and says you have the first right on Danny, this is your son’s house, you should not leave. Kusum says I can’t prove how much I love Danny, but a mum does not need to, no one can love a son more than a mum, and the son can also not stay happy without his mum. So I decided that I will go from this house. Danny says what are you saying. Kumud says she is your wife and is right. She says I know it will be tough for you to stay away from each other but Kusum won’t be happy making you away from your mum.

Kusum says I respect Danny’s love, I accept your decision. Danny says Kusum, you won’t go anywhere. Kusum says I don’t want to go but if you have to choose betweenΒ  me and your mum, i can’t see this. I have only one way which she has shown me. She says I have to go Danny and cries. Ghuman smiles. Everyone at home are upset. Kalika sees them and thinks what might be happening at Saras’s house. Guniyal says don’t know whats happening there, I don’t think Ghuman will forgive Danny and Kusum. Vidyachatur says lets wait for them to call us. Badimaa says we know Ghuman, don’t know what she is going there with Kusum.

Vidyachatur says I trust Danny that he will support Kusum. Guniyal says yes, we can trust our children. Kalika smiles and thinks she won’t let the fire end. Danny tries to stop Kusum. He asks Ghuman to give one chance to Kusum. Kumud says it was Kusum’s past which we all forgot, why to punish them for the past. Ghuman says if you stop her, I would have to leave. Ghuman leaves. Danny says I can’t live without Kusum. Kusum says you have to. Danny says I will also come with you. Kusum says no, I will wait will your mum accepts me and the day when you come to take me back by her wish.

Kumud says we decided we will manage the house together, but…. Kusum says I regret what I did with you, I won;t be able to forgive myself if anything happens with you because of me. She says I m leaving Danny here on you both, please take care of him. Kumud hugs Kusum. Kumud says I promise I will bring you back soon. Kusum says Saras, today because of me…….. Saras says nothing, don’t worry, everything will be fine.

Kusum leaves the house. Kumud cries. Danny looks at Ghuman and walks to his room. Saras gives an angry look to Ghuman. Guniyal is worried and cries. Kalika wishes everything goes wrong. Kabir comes smiling that he delivered the consignment and its first cheque. Vidyachatur is happy. Kabir asks him why are everyone worried. Vidyachatur says Danny took Kusum there. Kabir says so you fear Ghuman will reject Kusum. Vidyachatur says Ghuman is not wrong this time. Kusum comes to them. Everyone are shocked seeing her with her luggage.

Ghuman tells Danny that she is making the divorce papers ready. Danny says what and why. She says so that I can find a girl for you, so that you forget Kusum. He says she is my wife. She says she is using you, you were not her first choice. Danny says but she is my first and last choice. He asks her to give his happiness, can’t she see how much hurt he is. Danny says you can’t keep Kusum away from my heart. Guniyal asks Kusum what happened. Kusum cries and hugs her. The phone rings. Badimaa talks to Kumud and comes to know that…………… Badimaa tells everyone that Ghuman has asked Danny to choose between her and Kusum. So Kusum came from there herself.

Vidyachatur says Ghuman is pressuring Danny. Kalika is happy. Badimaa says I spoke to her about Kusum, but she taunted me. She says Ghuman is not at home now. Vidyachatur says did she leave. Badimaa says yes, Kumud told me that Ghuman went somewhere. Ghuman is driving somewhere. Kabir comes infront of her car. She stops the car and gets out. She asks why did you stop me. He says I want to know where are you going. She says move from my way.

She asks what do you want why don’t you leave me alone. He says Danny chose Kusum, you might be hurt. He gives her a hanky. She says Ghuman is not so weak that someone has to wipe tears. He says I know. She says why do you think so much about me. He says even I don’t know what is this. He says I feel hurt seeing you hurt, I can’t see you leaving after losing. Ghuman looks at him.

Ghuman says I don’t know what you want but I m not interested, so don’t waste your time. Kabir says now I m using my time right.

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  1. Avni
    February 28, 22:50 Reply

    hi sia how r u?

    k@j@l dont worry u wll becum a doc i was also worried like u but i passed and see now i will becum a doc so best of luck

    • K@J@!
      February 28, 22:53

      thank u

  2. @n@nn@
    February 28, 22:49 Reply

    Hey..sia di..kajal..titli..good morning..hw r u guyss ?

    • K@J@!
      February 28, 22:55

      hi sorry i have to go now iam good hope u r also good bye tk hope we can chat later

  3. sia
    February 28, 22:47 Reply

    hmm boss dunt say lyk dat. Study well n u will definitely reach ur goal ok. Best of luck. Bye tc luv u 2

    yes titli n wbu

    hi avni

    • tithi
      February 28, 22:49

      Hlo avni di and siu di.

  4. k@J@L
    February 28, 22:42 Reply

    ok guys gtg now bye tk see u soon luv u sia di and di i still can’t login to that account

  5. k@J@L
    February 28, 22:34 Reply

    becoz di iam not feeling good and also i am worried abt my exam on monday coz it’s my last exams if i fail then i won’t becum a doc so iam worried.

  6. Titli
    February 28, 22:32 Reply

    M fyn Siu . Holiday aj?

    Kk@bd kiu?

  7. sia
    February 28, 22:30 Reply

    me 2 boss. Why u said ur day bad?

  8. sia
    February 28, 22:28 Reply

    how r u kk n titli?

  9. k@J@L
    February 28, 22:27 Reply

    nothing tit my day was very bad

    • Titli
      February 28, 22:25

      Gud Mrning siu

    • Titli
      February 28, 22:25

      Wht r u doing?hw s ur day?

    • Titli
      February 28, 22:18

      M nt using cmp na main nly cmp se varifid hoskti ho.

    • Titli
      February 28, 22:12

      avi nhi hosakti kiu?

  10. k@J@L
    February 28, 22:08 Reply

    ok…ok bye tk see u soon love u too

  11. SaMud4Ever
    February 28, 22:04 Reply

    Ok, I have to go now. πŸ™ Bye meri Kajal or Titli!!! πŸ™‚ Love you lots and take care!!! πŸ™‚ I will come tomorrow…hope to chat with you then!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    • Titli
      February 28, 22:07

      ok babye dear tc !!love u 2!

  12. k@J@L
    February 28, 21:57 Reply

    no samud u said there that jenny is back thats why

    hii titli how r u

    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 22:03

      Haan. She was on vacation for Karan’s birthday. πŸ™

    • Titli
      February 28, 22:06

      hii kk m fyn

    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 21:51

      Ding dong. Lols. Kaise ho Titli? πŸ™‚

    • Titli
      February 28, 21:51

      Meri qutie pie main mast ho.wohot mis kia tmhe!tm btao apni halchal.

    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 21:58

      Mein bhi theek hoon. πŸ™‚

  13. SaMud4Ever
    February 28, 21:47 Reply

    I forgot to mention Varun did a great job doing emotional acting this week!!! πŸ™‚ He looked really cute and made me feel like crying…Love you Varun/Danny!!! <3

  14. k@J@L
    February 28, 21:46 Reply

    u too is alos soooooo sweeet

    isn’t jennifer in sc till now?

    • k@J@L
      February 28, 21:47


    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 21:48

      Awwwwwwwwww…thanks!!! πŸ™‚ And what do you mean is Jenni in SC till now?

  15. k@J@L
    February 28, 21:41 Reply

    thanx and yes i love ur comments

    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 21:44

      You’re welcome. You are so sweet!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  16. SaMud4Ever
    February 28, 21:34 Reply

    Ghuman says I don’t know what you want but I m not interested, so don’t waste your time. Kabir says now I m using my time right.
    Oh no, not another KaMan jogging scene. -_- Couldn’t they have made it a cute SaMud scene!!! πŸ™‚ It would make me so happy!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  17. SaMud4Ever
    February 28, 21:33 Reply

    He says I feel hurt seeing you hurt, I can’t see you leaving after losing. Ghuman looks at him.
    Kabir is too good. πŸ™‚ He knows how to change his character in front of others…He will trick stupid Guman so well.

  18. SaMud4Ever
    February 28, 21:30 Reply

    He says she is my wife. She says she is using you, you were not her first choice. Danny says but she is my first and last choice. He asks her to give his happiness, can’t she see how much hurt he is. Danny says you can’t keep Kusum away from my heart.
    Good job, Danny!!! πŸ™‚ We love you and will always support you!!! πŸ™‚ I am so proud of you; you have finally become independent…I know I can trust you to stay firm on your decision.

  19. k@J@L
    February 28, 21:29 Reply

    samud u r watching sc from long time na but iam watching for only a few months so can u tell me why does ghuman hates saras?

    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 21:32

      Haan I have watched SC from Episode 1 and have never missed an episode. This is the only show I haven’t ever skipped a scene. πŸ™‚ Anyways, Guman hates Saras as he is LN and Saraswati’s son, her step son.

    • k@J@L
      February 28, 21:30

      no iam reading ur comments

    • SaMud4Ever
      February 28, 21:31

      Awwwwwwwwwww…thanks sweety!!! πŸ™‚ You like them? πŸ™‚

  20. SaMud4Ever
    February 28, 21:28 Reply

    She says I m leaving Danny here on you both, please take care of him. Kumud hugs Kusum. Kumud says I promise I will bring you back soon. Kusum says Saras, today because of me…….. Saras says nothing, don’t worry, everything will be fine.
    Emotional and beautiful scene that showed the bond these two couples share!!! πŸ™‚ I am proud that Kusum stayed strong through these hard times and made the right decision. πŸ™‚

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