Saraswatichandra 26th December 2013 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 26th December 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 26th December 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kusum arguing with Kumud. Kumud is shocked to see Kusum saying this. Kumud says you are misunderstanding me. Kusum says you did this, as you want to get Saras. Kumud shouts. Kusum cries and leaves. Kumud runs after her. Danny talks to Saras about Grah Pravesh. Saras says yes, you are newly married, the time is less, come with me. Danny says will Kusum agree. Saras says what do you think. Danny thinks about Kusum and says maybe. Saras says if you feel so, she will surely come. Saras and Danny hear Kumud stopping Kusum.

Dada ji and everyone arrive home. Saras says we came early as we have to do Kusum’s Grah Pravesh. Kumud is worried. Dada ji asks Saras to do the arrangements. He asks Badimaa to help Saras. Badimaa asks Kumud to make Kusum ready. No one hears Kumud and leave. Kalika thinks what happened to Kusum, why is she silent. Yash takes Dada ji inside while Kumud tries to talk to him. Saras comes to his house and is making the arrangements with Danny. Kumud comes to Saras. Saras says its good you came, we are confused. He says I asked Danny to bring flowers and he brought this plastic ones. He says you keep this.

Kumud says so you did this. Saras says what did I do. Kumud says why is Dada ji talking out marriage. Saras says I don’t know anything about this, who told you. Badimaa comes and says dad thinks it will be good for Kusum if you both marry, she will forget Saras if you both get married. Badimaa says even I think dad is right. Danny hears all this. Kusum is in her room staring at the mirror. Kalika comes to her and fills her ears against Kumud. Kusum cries. Kalika smiles seeing her.

Kusum says what should I do, no one understands me, everyone are pushing me towards this marriage. Kalika says go and stand up against this marriage and tell everyone that you won’t compromise. Kalika says you have to fight with everyone to get your right, go and tell this to Dada ji that you won’t keep this relation, he will listen to you. Kusum leaves. Kalika laughs and says poor Kusum.

Kumud is watching Saras do the arrangements for Grah Pravesh. She smiles seeing him and he acts rude. She comes to him and he moves away. The flowers fall on Kumud and she smiles. Saras looksa t her. Mann ke Dor………….. plays…………………… They have an eyelock and the petals are still dropping on them. A petal sticks to Kumud’s nose and he tries to take it off but does not. She removes it and also some petals from his head. She says this time it was my mistake, but I don’t do much mistake, so its fine. Saras says do you mean to say sorry. They smile seeing each other. Saras gets closer to her and she closes her eyes. He removes the petal over her head and she laughs.

Kusum comes to Dada ji and finds him resting. She knocks the door and Dada ji says come in my princess. He gets up and says come, sit here. Kusum sits by his side and says Dada ji, I want to tell you something. He says say. She says its about me and Danny. She says the time has come to take the decision. Dada ji starts feeling unwell and his hand shakes and he holds his chest.

Guniyal comes to Kalika and asks where is Kusum. Kalika says I don’t know, she went from her room, she was saying she has to talk something important to Dada ji. Guniyal rushes to Dada ji fearing Kusum can say anything to him. Kumud asks where is Danny. Saras says I have sent him to bring flowers. Kumud says Dada ji is thinking what you are thinking. She says do you think, if we get married, Kusum will settle down with Danny. Badimaa comes to them and says Guniyal called and said about dad’s health………. Saras and Kumud are shocked.

The doctor checks Dada ji and tells everyone about the blockage in his heart and the need of operation. The doctor asks why did you not do his treatment before. Saras comes and says because Dada ji did not tell anyone that he is really ill. Saras talks to Dada ji and says you cheated me, if I knew this, I would have not asked you to help me. Kumud says don’t joke about your health, why did you not tell me that you are really ill. Dada ji says to teach you a lesson. Dada ji says I have to get you married to Saras, I won’t die without doing this work. Saras says you have broken the rules and my heart by hiding this fact, I m annoyed with you.

Guniyal asks Kalika what did Kusum tell to Dada ji. Kalika says how would I know. Guniyal says tell me what is it. Kalika says promise me that you won’t tell Kusum that I told you this. Guniyal says ok. Kalika says Kusum went to tell Dada ji that she does not want to do Grah Pravesh with Danny as she does not want to be Danny’s wife. Guniyal is worried and gets angry and leaves. Kalika smiles. Kusum is crying in her room. Guniyal comes to her and says now are you happy, see what did you do with Dada ji. Kusum says I did not tell him anything. Guniyal does not believe her and says I know everything, you are adamant. She says if anything happens to Dada ji because of you, I won’t ever see your face, go and apologize to Dada ji and tell him that you are ready for Grah Pravesh. Kusum says but mum……. Guniyal says go.

Kumud says Dada ji you have decided about my and Saras’s marriage, when were you going to tell me. She says I know you took this decision for Danny and Kusum, even we want this, but we know Kusum, she will be more hurt by my and Saras’s marriage. Dada ji says Saras will speak on my behalf. Saras tells Dada ji that Kumud is right, I want to marry Kumud as I want to spend my life with her, but as you say if the hearts are linked, the relation is not dependent on sindoor. She says Kumud and I are united and will always be, so we don’t want to hurt Kusum and make the start of our marriage.

He says when Kusum and Danny accepts each other, that day we will……. Kusum comes to Dada ji and says she is ready for her Grah Pravesh. Kumud, Dada ji and Saras are happy. Kalika hears this and smiles.

Kusum is doing the Grah Pravesh with Danny. The petals fall on Danny and Kusum. Kalika is happy and claps thinking everything will be ruined in few days.

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  1. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:11 Reply

    @Titli Not to be weird, but are you a girl or a boy?

  2. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:05 Reply

    Saras tells Dada ji that Kumud is right, I want to marry Kumud as I want to spend my life with her, but as you say if the hearts are linked, the relation is not dependent on sindoor. She says Kumud and I are united and will always be, so we don’t want to hurt Kusum and make the start of our marriage.

    Amazingly said Saras. I couldn’t have said it any better. I totally agree. I don’t want SaMud to get married because of Kusum, I want them to get married because they want to and feel the time is right. Saras is right, SaMud are willing to wait for their whole life to marry each other. 🙂

  3. Titli
    December 28, 00:04 Reply

    Realy Samud4evr ur cments I love 2 read it.

    • SaMud4Ever
      December 28, 00:06

      Thank you so much!!! 🙂

    • Titli
      December 28, 00:08

      Thnx ki jarurat nhi hai! Realy main achise cment nhi kr pati. Bt agar ur cments parkar sb chez clear ho jati hai.

    • SaMud4Ever
      December 28, 00:10

      You are so nice!!! 🙂 You made my day!!!

    • Titli
      December 28, 00:12

      Haha Thnk u!u r vry nce 2!

  4. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:04 Reply

    Saras gets closer to her and she closes her eyes. He removes the petal over her head and she laughs.

    I love how she expected Saras to touch her hair, but Saras just removed the petal. Really beautiful moment. 🙂

  5. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:03 Reply

    She says this time it was my mistake, but I don’t do much mistake, so its fine. Saras says do you mean to say sorry. They smile seeing each other.

    Really cute…I love Saras and Kumud’s facial expressions. They were flawless. 🙂

  6. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:02 Reply

    She comes to him and he moves away. The flowers fall on Kumud and she smiles. Saras looksa t her. Mann ke Dor………….. plays…………………… They have an eyelock and the petals are still dropping on them. A petal sticks to Kumud’s nose and he tries to take it off but does not. She removes it and also some petals from his head.

    I loved this scene. It was so romantic and cute. I love SaMud!!! 🙂 They make an adorable couple! 🙂 I love their eyelocks!!!

  7. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:01 Reply

    alika says you have to fight with everyone to get your right, go and tell this to Dada ji that you won’t keep this relation, he will listen to you. Kusum leaves. Kalika laughs and says poor Kusum.

    Of course, Kusum would listen to Kalika. -_-

  8. SaMud4Ever
    December 28, 00:00 Reply

    Saras says what do you think. Danny thinks about Kusum and says maybe.

    Danny is so cute, and he really loves Kusum.

  9. Palak
    December 26, 21:24 Reply

    Luvd SAMUD scenes today…

  10. sadia marium
    December 26, 13:46 Reply

    enjoying holidays very nicely and what about u? do u read nithya s comments.

    • arti
      December 26, 13:48

      that’s great. my holidays are awesome. busy and spent with my family. 🙂

    • arti
      December 26, 13:40

      hi sadia! hope you are well and enjoying your holidays!

  11. arti
    December 26, 13:30 Reply

    SaraswatiChandra: Kusum to challenge Kumud to get Saras one day
    In spite of getting married with Danny, Kusum still loves Saras (Gautam Rode) and now Saras will take a decision to make Danny and Kusum closer in SaraswatiChandra on Star Plus.

    Saras will realize that Kusum is trying to come closer to him and she is using Danny.

    Solving the all problems, Saras will tell Kumud (Jennifer Winget) that they should have to get married so that Kusum could forget him.

    Kalika will tell this news to Kusum and Kusum will get angry on Kumud.

    Kusum will challenge Kumud that one day Saras will be only hers and she (Kumud) will be alone.

  12. arti
    December 26, 13:29 Reply

    as expected!

    Saraswatichandra: Kusum against family for Saras-Kumud marriage
    Saraswatichandra: Kusum to interrupt wedding plans for Kumud-Saras

    Star Plus’ Saraswatichandra is planning to show some internal storms from Saras (Gautam Rode) and Kumud’s (Jennifer Winget) through Kusum’s jealousy.

    Kusum still harbours love feelings for her sister’s lover Saras, despite Kusum’s marriage to Danny.

    Kalika is trying to stop happiness from coming into Saras and Kumud’s life.

    Kalika puts her mother in law and Kusum in her confidence.

    Kusum thinks Kalika is thoughtful about her and falls in her bait.

    Kalika overhears family members discussing about getting Saras and Kumud married soon.

    Kalika will tell this to Kusum who will turn green with envy.

    While Saras is planning marriage to Kumud since he loves her a lot, he is also hoping that Kusum will maintain distance from him after Saras and Kumud ‘s wedding.

    Lets see if Saras is able to marry Kumud this time or if Kusum creates problem in the wedding plans.

  13. Miss Unbelievable
    December 26, 13:29 Reply


    I wish Danny saved her instead because if Sara’s does kusum sill never leave him alone

    Saras should let the bitch die everyone would be sad except us the fans lol

    Danny would remarry with a better love
    Sara’s and kumud would marry
    Kalika would admit defeat
    Pramad should remain lost forever

    • arti
      December 26, 13:40

      kusum is doing al this for saras’s attention. she will go to any length for a little attention from saras.

  14. arti
    December 26, 13:27 Reply

    kalika is trying to hard to fill kusum’s ears against kumud/saras and danny but its actually pushing kusum/danny closer. good job.

  15. arti
    December 26, 13:26 Reply

    saras has a this part. personally I feel kumud/danny relations needs to become stronger and then samud can take the next leap.

    Saras tells Dada ji that Kumud is right, I want to marry Kumud as I want to spend my life with her, but as you say if the hearts are linked, the relation is not dependent on sindoor. She says Kumud and I are united and will always be, so we don’t want to hurt Kusum and make the start of our marriage.

    • arti
      December 26, 13:26

      kusum/danny..stupid typo!

  16. arti
    December 26, 13:24 Reply

    elders always knows best. im happy that dadji understand everything that is happening around him. mission samud!

    Dada ji says to teach you a lesson. Dada ji says I have to get you married to Saras, I won’t die without doing this work. Saras says you have broken the rules and my heart by hiding this fact, I m annoyed with you.

  17. arti
    December 26, 13:21 Reply

    shes betraying her own sister over and over again. I just cant take much of this. kalika we all knew is a vamp. how can kusum trust kalika all because she wants saras for herself.

    Kusum is in her room staring at the mirror. Kalika comes to her and fills her ears against Kumud. Kusum cries. Kalika smiles seeing her.

  18. arti
    December 26, 13:19 Reply

    The girl simply has no shame. she wants what she wants and would do anything. Right now the entire family is at its wits end with her and her tantrums. I really hope they change her character soon. cant tolerate much of her anymore.

    The Episode starts with Kusum arguing with Kumud. Kumud is shocked to see Kusum saying this. Kumud says you are misunderstanding me. Kusum says you did this, as you want to get Saras

  19. arti
    December 26, 13:18 Reply

    hey all..hope everyone had a good Christmas. sorry im super busy not much free time. wish everyone a great and safe holiday!

  20. Priya
    December 26, 12:36 Reply

    I hate kusum . But here lot of fans for kusum and supporting her she is right like tat

  21. n
    December 26, 12:22 Reply

    kalika,kusum,ghuman…this show is full of vamps.. 😛

  22. Miss Unbelievable
    December 26, 12:21 Reply

    Dada ji please marry them before the operation

    Tell the family that with the operation may not live so therefore marry kumud and Saras now before the operation

    Cant stand kusum throw her out the house now guniyal should have slapped her tightly 4 times
    Slap for betraying kumud
    Slap for seducing saras
    Slap for hurting Danby
    And the biggest slap for being a bitch

    • arti
      December 26, 13:17

      im right behind you!
      happy holidays!

  23. nithya
    December 26, 12:18 Reply

    Kusum comes to Dada ji and says she is ready for her Grah Pravesh.

    oh..that’s the power of brainwashing 😀 by her mom

  24. nithya
    December 26, 12:17 Reply

    Guniyal does not believe her and says I know everything, you are adamant. She says if anything happens to Dada ji because of you, I won’t ever see your face, go and apologize to Dada ji and tell him that you are ready for Grah Pravesh

    You don’t believe your daughter…but believe kalika..what a difference between u & yash mom! Every1 emotional blackmailing poor kusum 🙁

  25. nithya
    December 26, 12:17 Reply

    Guniyal comes to her and says now are you happy, see what did you do with Dada ji.

    what she has done? really…this entire family gone mad.If that old man has blockage in heart wat kusum will do? stop harrasing kusum dumbhead

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