Saraswatichandra 21st March 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 21st March 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 21st March 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Danny thinking he will say everything to Kabir. He drives somewhere and is stooped by the police check. He gets tensed. He takes the car back but is stuck. The inspector knocks on his window. They check his car. They ask his name. Danny says Danny. They get the suitcase with drugs. Danny says its not mine, I was coming to you, I will tell you everything. The inspector says our information was right. Danny says I will tell you. The inspector says we should shoot people like you and arrests him. Danny cries.

Kumud is worried about Danny. Saras comes home. She says Danny….. and gets a call from Danny. Danny says police caught me. Kumud is shocked. He says they stopped me on the way, checked my car and arrested me. She tells Saras that Danny is arrested. Saras is shocked. Ghuman asks how can it be, he went to factory. Saras talks to Danny and asks are you fine. Danny says I did not do anything. Saras asks what did you do. Danny says I started the project which you asked me not to, they cheated me and put drugs instead of samples. Saras says how can you do such stupid thing. They take Danny’s phone. Saras calls back and says I have to talk to Danny. The inspector says he is in lock up, you can’t talk. Saras says I have to go to police station.

Saras gets angry for not telling him before. He says how can Kabir do such a big mistake. Kabir calls Saras. Saras puts on speaker. Kabir says I m sorry, there is big problem. Saras says I know, why did you not tell me about this project. Kabir says I did not know that Danny did not tell you. Kabir says I have found out from my sources about that man, he have contacts with police also. He says once we lose that man, it will be tough to save Danny. He says we should inform police about him. Saras says we can’t take risk, tell me his location. Saras tells Kumud to go to police station and he will go to get that man. He leaves. Ghuman thinks about Kabir’s words. She stops Kumud and says I will also come with you.

Ghuman calls Kabir and says how dare you do this with Danny, you trapped him in drugs scandal, police took him. Kabir says trust me. Ghuman says I don’t want to know your plan, my son won’t be in jail, go and bring him. Kabir says Danny will come home till evening, but as Saras’s step brother and your son. Ghuman cools down. Saras comes to the cottage and gets the man. The man runs and Saras tries to catch him. The man misleads Saras and calls Kabir. He says I have done your work. Kabir talks to someone and says I will get you out of jail soon. He brings him to police station. Kumud and Ghuman looks on.

Kabir says he is the man who has kept drugs in Danny’s bag. Danny says yes, he has trapped me and took my photo to blackmail me. The man admits that its true and gets arrested. Danny is released. Ghuman hugs him. Danny asks where is Saras. Kabir says I know he should be with you, but its fine, I m like your brother. Ghuman fills Danny’s ears. She says where is your brother today? Danny feels sad. Kumud says Saras went to bring that man. Ghuman says but Kabir brought him, he tried not to come in this case. Ghuman says this is called being a step brother. Danny thinks about Saras’s words. Ghuman says I will do whatever I can to get you free, Saras will not come to get into problem. Danny looks at Kumud and leaves. Ghuman and Kabir go with him.

Ghuman asks Danny not to worry as Kabir saved him. Saras comes home and is happy seeing Danny. Danny stops him. Ghuman smiles. Danny says be away. Saras says what happened to you. Kusum comes and asks what happened. Danny says I got arrested my police as someone kept drugs in my bad, but my elder brother did not come to see me. Kusum says drugs, police station, why did anyone not tell me. Danny is angry on Saras and says why would you help me. He misunderstands Saras. Saras says listen to me, don’t you understand why I said no for it.

Saras explains to Danny. Danny claps and says you are lying good. Danny says you don’t care about me, Kabir saved me. He asks why did you not come to take me, where were you. Saras says how can you think so. Danny says as I was in police station, I was scared being alone. Danny says I felt my elder brother will come and take me, I was wrong. Danny says i always felt secure with you, as I know you will understand and protect me. Saras hugs him. Both the brothers cry. Danny says people called Ram and Laxman, then why did you do this. Saras says listen to me. He asks Kumud to tell Danny. Danny says you are my step brother. Kumud says what are you saying. Danny says enough Bhabhi. Ghuman is happy seeing this. Danny asks Ghuman and Kusum to pack their bags as they are leaving. ‘

Saras tells Danny you don’t need to go, Kumud and I will leave this house.

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  1. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:21 Reply

    9. He gets annoyed. He asks where did you go. She says I went to find something. He asks what. She says Ka… Kabir enters and she stops saying. She says I had to go to school. Saras says but you did not go to school today. Kumud lies.

    Saras says why did you not wake me up today. She says I thought I will be back soon but….
    Stinkin’ Kabir ruined everything. Kumud was so close to telling Saras about Kabir, but he just came in the nick of time. πŸ™ And poor Kumud had to lie. πŸ™ I hope she finds some evidence and is very successful!!! πŸ™‚

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 22:21

      Yeh waali achi hain. πŸ™‚ You can see her face. πŸ™‚

  2. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:19 Reply

    8. Saras comes home and hugs Kumud. He says how can you go without telling everyone, I was worried and was going to police station now.
    Awwwwwwww…this scene was so adorable!!! πŸ™‚ Beautiful SaMud hug!!! πŸ™‚ Love you SaMud…SaMud4Ever They care so much for each other and have unconditional love for each other!!! πŸ™‚ Best couple ever… πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 22, 06:20

      hyyy totaly agreed… bestest cople in whole world them alot by botom of my herth

  3. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:18 Reply

    7. Saras tells Kabir she is nowhere. Kabir says don’t worry. Saras says lets go to police station. Kumud calls Saras. Saras asks where are you, are you fine. She says yes, I came home just now. Saras gets angry. She says I will tell you everything, come home. Saras tells Kabir don’t worry, Kumud came home.
    So nice to see that Saras cares so much for Kumud!!! πŸ™‚ You could tell he was relieved to hear that she was home. πŸ™‚ Love you Saras; you are the best pati ever!!! πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 22, 06:21

      yes patni wrata pati…. luv him alot…. luvvvvv u saras

  4. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:17 Reply

    6. Saras tells Kabir that Kumud did not come to school today and tries calling her. Vidyachatur calls Saras and says Kalika told me you came here for Kumud, Ghuman said no one is at home. Saras says yes, she is nowhere, I checked everywhere. He says Kabir is with me, I will find her and let you know. He says Kabir, lets go to market. Saras looks for Kumud.
    Bichaara Saras. Kumud, aap ki pati aap ki raha dekh raha hain. πŸ™

    • smiley
      March 22, 06:24

      aaajao kumud aisa na tadpao uuse… but rockstar this scene was in yday epi na!!!

  5. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:16 Reply

    5. He opens the suitcase and there is no samples but some drugs packets. Danny is shocked and reopens it.
    OMG, I felt so bad for Danny. His smiling face instantly became scared and worried. Bichaara Danny… πŸ™ I felt crying for him. πŸ™

    • smiley
      March 22, 06:26

      hmmm me too

  6. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:15 Reply

    4. Danny is excited and says Saras will be happy knowing this and Kusum will be so proud of me, I will take everyone out today.
    Awwwwwwww…Danny looked so cute in this scene!!! πŸ™‚ I felt so happy for him. πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 22, 06:28

      yes he is so cute n sweet n also like saras patni wrata pati

  7. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:14 Reply

    3. I felt whomever I love will go away from me, like my mum. Kabir applies brakes. Saras asks what happened.
    Ooooohhh…looks like Kabir was hurt hearing this line and was remembered of his past or other relationships. I can’t wait for Kabir to reveal he is Saraswati’s son. πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 22, 07:00

      just imagine wen saras cum to know that kabir is his bro…

    • smiley
      March 22, 07:03

      hwz his reaction

  8. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:13 Reply

    2. He says how can she be so special to you, can I know your love story. Saras says its very long. He says dad fixed our marriage and I did not believe in marriage, so I write no to her in letter. She replied me to come and tell no infrront of everyone. We had a video chat in which I could not see her but feel her. When I came here, we saw each other after a long time and fell in love. Then our marriage was fixed, but my fear overtook me,
    Awwwwwwww…love you SaMud!!! πŸ™‚ And your love story is adorable and original!!! πŸ™‚ SaMud4Ever… I was smiling the whole time Saras was telling the story until he got to the part about the day before the wedding. πŸ™

  9. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 22:11 Reply

    Scenes and moments from Thurday’s episode:

    1. The Episode starts with Kabir asking Saras to sit in the car and he will drive. They leave to look out for Kumud. Saaras is worried. Kabir says we will get Kumud, I feel happy seeing your care and worry for her. He says I have not loved anyone like this.
    Wow, Kabir was actually being genuinely nice. πŸ™‚ Hope to see him like this more often!!! πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 22, 07:05

      hmmm haan yaa he is nic but not with danny na…

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:47

      Ooooooohhh…I like your picture!!! πŸ™‚

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 22:01

      thanx but can u see one funny thing jenny’s head is lost in the pic hehehe

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 22:09

      Yeah, in this one too. Lols. That is weird. πŸ™‚

  10. smiley
    March 21, 21:30 Reply

    srry guy’s i hv sum problem with net… i will back after sum time… hey rockstar hw r u??? bye kk n rockstar tc

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:30

      Bye, hope you can come back. πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 21, 21:22

      hey kk im fine wbu???

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 21:24

      Iam also fine what r u doing

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:21

      Hey Smiley!!! πŸ™‚ Yay, Smiley and Kajal!!! πŸ™‚ Sorry, if it takes me long to reply, as I have guest over. πŸ™

  11. k@J@L
    March 21, 21:14 Reply

    Hi iam good wat abt u my sweet friend …

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:20

      Mein bhi theek hoon. πŸ™‚ Whatchya doing? πŸ™‚

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 21:24

      Just chatting and sitting u have guests at home na it’s ok don’ tbe sorry

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:25

      Thanks for understanding!!! πŸ™‚ So did you finish your test? πŸ™‚

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 21:36

      samud my last exam is after 2 weeks then iam having 2 weeks holiday after 3 months i will do a doctor training

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:42

      Ooooooooohh..are you excited? πŸ™‚

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 21:49

      Iam veryyy Excited But then i won’t be able to come to dtb most of the days will miss u guys alot

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:50

      Awwwwwwwwww…I will miss you too. πŸ™ At least, I have your email, so I can email you!!! πŸ™‚ How long is the training? πŸ™‚

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 22:00

      1 year

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 22:09

      Wow, that is very long. So you won’t be here for one whole year? πŸ™

    • k@J@L
      March 21, 22:12

      no i will come as i will get time and maybe on weekends i can come

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 22:13

      Ok, good. πŸ™‚ Otherwise, that would be way too long. πŸ™

  12. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 21:12 Reply

    Thank you Amena Di for the superb written update!!! πŸ™‚ Please do upload pictures tomorrow!!! πŸ™‚ Keep up the awesome job!!! πŸ™‚

  13. SaMud4Ever
    March 21, 21:11 Reply

    Hello to all my dear SCians!!! πŸ™‚ Especially Zaaru, Choti, Smiley, Kajal, Nikky, Sia, Noor, Tithi, Titli, Malsha Di, Arti Di, Suni Di, Anu, Ayo, AnnaS, Ananna, Rainbow, Sadia, Honey, Vivek, Shashank, Shurafa, Thiyu, Thani, Neena, Miss Unbelievable, Minu Priya, Sonya, Avni, Zarin, Aathmika, Amena Di, and the others!!! πŸ™‚ How are you all? πŸ™‚ Take care and love you lots!!! :)Hope we can chat very soon!!! πŸ™‚

  14. k@J@L
    March 21, 17:34 Reply

    Ghuman is a very stupid mother….She cannot care of her son danny but just fills his ears and makes plan to make the brothers far away from each other

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 21, 21:29

      Yes, she is a dumb woman. I hate her so much. -_-

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