1. SaMud4Ever
    January 12, 15:28 Reply

    I missed Jennifer’s laugh so much and now it is finally back!!! 🙂

  2. SaMud4Ever
    January 12, 15:28 Reply

    I loved it when Jennifer was teaching Gautam how to say Maha Sakranti!!! How adorable… 🙂 They made my Sakranti for sure by wishing me!!! 🙂

  3. SaMud4Ever
    January 12, 15:18 Reply

    This one was my favorite!!! 🙂 That’s like my Gautam and Jennifer. 🙂 Gautam making jokes and Jennifer laughing hysterically. Too cute. BTW, Gautam I would die if I could attend SaMud’s wedding!!! 🙂

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