Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 8th April 2016 Written Update

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Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 8th April 2016 Written Update by Pooja

Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan 8th April 2016 Written Episode

Kaal Dev is not happy to see Hanuman fine. I will punish you all the more severely now. If you want your good then return.

Sugriv calls out for the Asuras. We will give answer to your cheating through our strength. They decide to climb up the mountain. The ladies and kids stay back. Anjana hopes they do it fast.

Shani Dev greets Brahma Dev. This is nto right. Kaal Dev has forgotten justice and injustice because of his anger. He is interfering in my work. He has killed Kesari without any reason, only to punish Hanuman. This isn’t right. Ma Saraswati too is unhappy with Kaal Dev’s work. He is misusing his powers. Shani Dev can see the dire consequences that the situation will bring. Hanuman is a calm kid but he is Rudra’s Ansh after all. Things can go out of hand if he loses cool. Brahma Dev says you are thinking in the right direction. That time is not far. Shani Dev suggests doing something before it goes wrong. Brahma Dev says I understand you are worried for your brother Kaal Dev but rules are above everyone. Whoever breaks them will be punished. Shani Dev fears Kaal Dev thinking himself to be above everyone else. This will only bring his doom.

Hanuman walks towards Kaal Dev who warns him to stay at his place. I wont spare you this time!

Brahma Dev says we reap what we sow Kaal Dev’s mistake can cause problems for him too. Only time will tell what will happen. We should wait.

Kaal Dev thinks of Tridevs. I need your help. He summons their powers.

Narad ji cannot believe Kaal Dev crossing all his limits. Mahadev too thinks of the same. he wishes to kill Hanuman with our powers only. Brahma Dev understands his worry. But we only gave all the powers to him. Vishnu ji agrees. We are helpless. We only gave him those powers. We will have to help him.

Kaal Dev says Om. Tridev’s reluctantly bless him with their powers. The galaxy begins to shake. Mahashakti comes to Kaal Dev. Hanuman thinks of the power of Tridev’s. A mace appears in Mahadev’s hands. Mata Parvati cannot see this. Hanuman is Swami’s son but he is also like my son too. I will support him. Tridev’s powers will have to fight with my motherly love. Ma Lakshmi too thinks to help Hanuman. I wont let anything happen to him. Ma Saraswati understands Brahma Dev is bound by rules but she will protect Hanuman. Narad ji is worried. These powers are too big. Only Kaal Dev can use them. It can even kill Tridev’s. How will Hanuman face it? Kaal Dev has become blind in his arrogance. It is unfortunate for the world and little Hanuman.

Kaal Dev says this Amogh power can kill you now. No one will be able to save you from this. Hanuman says Tridev’s are to be prayed to. I cannot go against them by fighting with their powers. I am ready to face any of their attack. Kaal Dev throws the Mahashakti on Hanuman. Hanuman stands there with his eyes closed and folded hands. Narad ji is worried that this Amoghi power is taking away all the essences from Hanuman’s bodied. He prays Tridevi’s do something to save Hanuman now. Hanuman quietly bears the pain. Tridevi’s bless Hanuman with their powers. Hanuman opens his eyes. Kaal Dev looks at the rays coming from above. Hanuman thanks Tridevi’s while Kaal Dev is aghast. Narad ji is happy. You have saved Hanuman just the way any mother saves her kid. Any power will lose before your power. Kaal Dev still does not give up. Both the powers (of Tridev’s and Tridevi’s) clash with each other. Narad ji hopes someone stops it. Hanuman wonders what to do. Time is passing by. If father has to leave Preta Loka then it will be a problem. How will I fulfil my promise then?

Two soldiers have come to take Kesari ji’s soul to the next level. He might have to take birth again and can be sent to another LOka as well. Kesari says how that can happen. My son is going through so much to save me. My wife is fighting with the Asuras. Will it all go in waste? Kaal Dev does not care about anyone’s pain or even the pleas of a little kid. The soldiers are bound by Kaal Dev’s orders. No one can change it. We are helpless.

Kaal Dev understands that Tridev’s Mahashakti is stopped by Tridevi’s powers. I wont let it go on for too long. This Mahashakti will merge in my body now. Kaal Dev expands his size all the more. No one will be able to save you from me. I will stamp you under my feet soon. He raises his foot above Hanuman who tightens his fist in anger. All Gods look tensed. Kesari shouts Hanuman.

Precap: Hanuman turns into Raudra avatar. Kaal Dev says you can do anything but you wont be able to save yourself now. Hanuman says there is only one way to stop you now.

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