Sadda Haq 21st March 2014 Written Update

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Sadda Haq 21st March 2014 Written Update by Nishi

Sadda Haq 21st March 2014 Written Episode

Vidushi expresses her feelings to Parth, but he rejects her. He apologizes to her in case if he gave any wrong hint to her, she has always been his friend since very start. Vidushi blames Sanyu for Parth rejecting her. He tries to tell her it’s nothing like that, but in vain. Vidushi cries.

Randhir is getting restless thinking about Sanyu and Parth’s closeness. YoYo is looking at Kastuki’s room’s window in hope to see her. Randhir joins him. He gives him tea. Randhir also looks at the window and wonder what’s wrong with him, why he’s looking at Sanyu’s room window. He wonders if YoYo mixed anything in tea. Parth passes from there and Randhir sees him.

In morning, Sanyu wakes up and doesn’t find Vidushi. Just then she comes. Sanyu sees her upset and asks her if all okay and if she even slept. Vidushi says she didn’t wash her face properly last night, so she’s looking stressed out, but all okay. Sanyu remembers about Parth’s message and says she forgot about reviewing material that Parth asked her. Vidushi hears and doesn’t like it.

Randhir and Parth are doing their exercises. Jiggy is trying to do push-ups. He says one is superman, other is hitman, and he can’t even do one push-up. Parth tells him keep trying. Randhir taunts Parth (in normal tone) telling Jiggy if captain said, then it will surely happen. Nowadays he’s busy distributing knowledge among others. Parth can’t find his laptop. Randhir says to ask whom he was teaching last night.

In a classroom, he asks Sanyu. She says she didn’t see and tells him they will search properly after class ends. She goes to Randhir and asks him to let her work. He asks her to back off. She asks what happened to him now. Yesterday he was fine. She asks how many mood swings he has in a day. She still works on it, and sparks come. Both start arguing again. Vardhan comes and finds it interesting that Dream Team got divided in three groups. He asks Sanyu a question which she blows up. Vardhan tells Parth it’s more important to make basics strong first. He leaves. Parth asks Sanyu why she didn’t review when he told her to. Randhir taunts if there is time pass in night, lovely talks in lab, then shock circuits are sure to happen. Class ends and Randhir leaves.

Sanyu stops him and asks him not to talk anything about her character. He talks about love story between Parth and her, and she gets mad. Randhir says he doesn’t care what she’s upto and leaves. Parth hears it. Sanyu asks why he didn’t say anything. He says let it go, people keep saying. When something is not possible, one shouldn’t care. Sanyu says she can’t let it go. He says in his mind, love only happens once which has already happened with him.

All are back in the classroom. Parth’s hands are dirty. He calls Sanyu to take out a book from his bag. He reads. Sanyu then says she will do it for him, he says no and doesn’t let her touch engine parts. Both get close. Randhir and Vidushi get jealous. Sanyu’s hands are also dirty now. She loses her balance on Parth and his t-shirt gets dirty. Sanyu says she will clean it. He tells her to clean her hands properly first. Sanyu cleans it on his chest with his t-shirt. Randhir and Vidushi look shocked and very jealous. Sanyu then smells her hands and Randhir just cannot believe it. Sanyu then says she likes that smell of grease/oil.

Police come to arrest Parth. He’s taken to Dean’s room. Everyone goes there. Dean accuses Parth for stealing and transferring FITE Dream Team’s money to CITE and planning to go back to CITE. Only he had access codes. Vardhan asks Parth if that’s true. Parth says he’s innocent and even he’s searching for his laptop since morning. Police forcefully take him. Vardhan wonders how he made mistake in identifying Parth.

Precap: Randhir questions Sahil where he was yesterday night. Sahil says he was studying with his friend. Randhir thinks none of the Dream Team student from Sahil, Jiggy, Kastuki, Sanyu was with Parth. Only one left. Police is taking Parth away. He tells the cop he can’t call him a thief until he’s proven guilty in court. The cop gets mad and asks him if he will teach him the laws. He raises his stick to beat Parth, but Randhir grabs it from back.

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  1. Sandhiya
    March 25, 02:10 Reply

    I m lovin to c jeolous randéér n eager 2 c lovin randeer… Waiting 🙂

  2. hardhika
    March 22, 16:06 Reply

    When ll sandhir unite??? Want to see them together. ……

  3. Kia
    March 22, 12:40 Reply

    Lolz …
    @yehh: i second you ….sandheer fights make me crazy too….they fight like cat and dog…god knows when will they stop their fights…

    • Saanvi
      March 22, 13:23

      Same here!!!

    • Yehh
      March 22, 13:27

      I mean like come on they have nearly completed 100 episodes

    • Aathmika
      March 23, 05:09

      We all will jst say like tht but whn thy fall in luv thn marry
      nd gv more imptnts 2 eachother wll make boring……

  4. nimisha
    March 22, 05:46 Reply

    i think aftr this incident parth and randhir will bcme best buddies….. and parth has already loved someone….. intresting very intresting……. 😀

    • tania-1
      March 22, 06:29

      so he’ll not love anyone else….
      other than that mysterious woman….
      thank god….
      parth will not love sanyu but she will fall for sanyu n randhir for sanyu(though it has already happened)
      yar this serial has again come into its own form…
      there is that much interest as it had started with…
      now i love this serial….

      i love u param
      u r dashing, hot, n handsome…. :heart:

    • tania-1
      March 22, 06:31

      i’m sorry it ‘ll be parth not sanyu in the 4th line….

    • Saanvi
      March 22, 13:26

      Yehh , but parth might fall in love with Sanyu
      I mean like think bout it , he says he has already loved someone
      N obviously that girl doesn’t love him back , if she did he would fold atleast Sanyu about his love
      Maybe he might fall in love again…. With Sanyu

  5. Alice
    March 22, 04:07 Reply

    Randhir is getting jealous.
    Hope randhir and sanyu work together to save parth.

  6. nimmithacholi
    March 22, 03:12 Reply

    I am not liking sayu and parth together, what ever reasons it may be, I only need sayu with randhir, again if they show sapar together, i will get mad, i will leave this show…………

  7. Adnirv
    March 22, 00:06 Reply

    Nice episode.Seems like Randhir is acting good nowadays. But previously he use to blame others.Hope he remains the same!

  8. nidhi
    March 22, 00:03 Reply

    wow…….. Gud to see randhir jealous

    • nimmithacholi
      March 22, 03:14

      randhir is not just getting jealous , but sayu is getting away from randhir , which i cannot tolerate.

    • yehh
      March 22, 05:14

      Personally I don’t really mind Sapar….they are quite cute 2gether
      plus randhir n sayunkta’s fights r driving me crazy and up the wall
      it would be nice to see something fresh

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