Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th January 2014 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th January 2014 Written Update by JujuK

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th January 2014 Written Episode

Gopi hears Meera’s cry and everyone rushes to the store room. Kokila picks up an injured Meera and blames Gopis’ carelessness for the incident. Baa was apprehensive and asks they all should go to visit the kuldevi pooja.

Kinjal and Mudhu make Urmila massage Kinjal’s head.

Gopi is disturbed because of Meera.And Hetal and Kokila console her.

Hetal invited Madhu and family to visit the mandir with them but Madhu refuses because of Kinjal’s health. Rashi tells Urmila and she promises to come.

Radha upon seeing Gopi and Meera promises to finish her.

Kinjal finds out that Urmila is going and pretends to be ill. Madhu locks the door and asks Urmila to serve her pregnant Daughter in law.

Rashi is waiting for Urmila to arrive and keeps delaying their departure to the mandir. Kokila is annoyed.

Madhu pretends to be hurt when Urmila pulls out the keys from her waistline. She threatens to tell her brother about it. Kinjal seconds her.

Meera was alone in the car and just when Radha is about to do something Kokila sits in the car.
On their way, Meera was looking outside window.

Precap – Truck approaching, Radha tries to push Meera outside the window when kokila and Gopi aren’t looking.

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  1. Madhu
    January 28, 08:58 Reply

    Hoo no…this radha is sick…..

  2. rashmi
    January 28, 08:19 Reply

    what a stupid story,use little more brain,trp may rise.and use good looking face,not ugly like radha.this serial on television not street drama.

  3. Aadhil
    January 27, 20:30 Reply

    We should lodge a complaint against this show in the board regarding child abuse…and bludy fu** radha she is a damn idiot and jerk.

  4. Dulce
    January 27, 12:12 Reply

    Radha’s getting on my nerves she’s gonna kill off that poor baby

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