1. Pu
    June 30, 11:08 Reply

    U know d 1 thing tt bugs me & is drivin me nuts, is 2 find out how on earth does d Villian get into d haveli undetected when there’s supposed 2 b security guards stationed at d house? Remember d time when Laila was escorted by a guard 2 d house durin her re-entry track? Moreover he’s a Major right? Isn’t 1 of d perks bein in a high position(in army esp.) 2 hav d right of havin guards stationed @ ur house? Besides, he seems 2 b magnet 4 trouble bein fearless & ready 2 tak down any badasses(d time when he fought d terrorists…sigh…he was soooo valiant fightin them tooth n nail). So s a precaution, shouldn’t he hav security installed in haveli?

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