1. sandya
    March 26, 03:05 Reply

    dont wanna see roli as widow & sid, maya romance…. brng back sid..if cvs want sid, maya as pair…. or else do roli marriage with amar. and dey live happily… plz dnt show roli as widow and in memories of sid…dont want roli to be alone… plz cvs……..

  2. King
    March 25, 16:27 Reply

    Yes acha howa hai nagin k saat

  3. ss
    March 25, 11:53 Reply

    is this really end of nagin?????????????
    if it’s i am happppppppppppppppppy

    • srujana
      March 26, 03:01

      sid,maya die… ssk take 2mnths leap.. new twist is bw fmly thnkng dat sid , maya die.. but they both alive… and living togther,… and soon it it uncovered dat they are alive….

  4. sss
    March 25, 10:14 Reply

    want aviman as rosid bring sid back and rosid unit.. plz stop ds nagin drama….

  5. s
    March 25, 08:51 Reply

    like in segmnt roli kill maya but she vl back…. and as fr dat one segmnt told da mossibatein around rosim.. dey hav to find out sid…. it means after leap dey come to know sid maya alive.. and indiaforum intrvw roli said dat sid back but somethng different may be his face..i thnk it means not original sid.. hope not our sid… but dnt know… again we see sister bonding in this with to find sid after leap… and somethng changes dat may be sid charcter changes to somewhat -ve… how rosid relationship and der love bring dem we have to see in next twist… in youtube.. u can see “roli kill naagin maya “video its der… just fingers crossed for rosid back and unite soon…. plz cvs bring original rosid back ..plz.. stop nagin track..

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