Rapid Fire With Jeevika

Voted as one of the sexiest Asian women, Jeevika is an extremely humble and down-to-earth person. Enjoy the journey of her discovery through this Rapid Fire and wish her success in life.

Prized Possession
My iPhone

Favourite food
Dal makhni, in fact, all Punjabi foods

Favourite sweet
Dark chocolate

Favourite colour

In your free time, you..
Watch English movies on my iPad

A secret we don’t know about you..
So much has been written about me that no secret is left now (grins)

Your hobbies
I love dance, especially Zoomba, and I enjoy painting too

You are most comfortable in..
Jumpsuits, shorts and tees

Can’t live without..
My family

Ideal person
I aim to be like my mother

Family is..

Friendship means to you..

Love is..
Unstable, with conditions applied (smiles enchantingly)

A partner is..

Marriage is..

A good habit..
I am an extremely positive person, even in the worst scenario. I love this about myself

A not-so-good habit..
I am very emotional but unable to express myself even to my close ones. They often get hurt but I like the way I am

You like in others..
Intelligence, so I can have a conversation

You dislike..
People who use abusive language and talk loudly

In your bag you carry..
Perfume, kajal, lip gloss, mobile charger, camera, shades, my house keys, wallet and car keys

Essentials you don’t leave your house without..
Keys, credit card and my mobile

Favourite travel destination
In India, Goa and internationally, Canada, as my family is there

Your earnest desire
I have a vague imagination that I am in a huge garden, with two children and a little dog (smiles dreamily)

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