Qubool Hai 13th February 2015 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 13th February 2015 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 13th February 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Gazalla and razaak, ant the new bride get tanveer inside, who asks them to leave her lone. they silently comply. tanveer gets emotional seeing rehaan’s pic. Tanveer says that she didnt want him to go so far away, and clutches his pic tight to her chest, saying had she known this was going to happen, she wouldnt have let him go. she says that had he stayed here, he would have hated her, but atleast she would have been with him, and close to him. She wipes her tears, and then eyes her hands, that killed rehaan, thinking how could she kill him, when he was her son. she wonders what a wrong mother she was, as she didnt do any of the motherly chores a mother does to her son. she says that she isnt that bad a mother, that she could kill her own son, herself. She says that she knows that he always felt that she didnt care for him, but for all life, she was in the effort that she could prove him wrong, but that day didnt come, as she couldnt tell him how much she loves him. She remembers the new bride’s instigation, and believes that the sisters are behind this and not her. She is determined that she wouldnt leave the trio, ahil, seher and sanam, and she would kill them all for her revenge. she is frustrated. She eyes the mirror and wipes her face. she goes over to the dressing table. Tanveer eyes rehaan’s pic, and untangles her hair and swears that till the time she doesnt take any revenge from the sisters, she wont tie her hair. she remembers the new bride’s instigation. later, as she changes into grieving clothes, she remembers her moments with rehaan, while she is distraught to see the door open, and ahil walking in with rehaan’s dead body on the stretcher. She is apalled beyond consolation. She storms out to find her son’s body wrapped in white clothes. She is completely berserk, as she clutches at the dead body, still doesnt leaving her pretense to be blind. Rehaan’s face is revealed, and she asks him to open his eyes, while ahil tries hard in vain, to compose her, while she keeps screaming rehaan to wake up. All are grieved to find tanveer in such a state. Ahil hugs tanveer, and they both cry inconsolably. ahil clutches tanveer tightly saying that he would have the revenge and that he wont spare rehaan’s murderer. the new bride and tanveer get tensed. tanveer asks him not to worry, saying that the reason due to which rehaan died, wont be alive for long, as she would have her revenge, thinking that she wont spare him, as due to saving him, her son died, and what she does with him now, even god wont be able to save him. She eyes him angrily, but he doesnt notice it, as he grieves on her shoulders. Ahil cries desperately.

Meanwhile, seher asks her if she can ask something from her. Sanam complies. seher asks if she can become sanam and see rehaan one last time. Sanam is distraught, as tears stream down both their cheeks, each deeply grieved. They both hug each other, each trying to solace the other.

Scene 2:
Location: Rahat’s residence
Meanwhile, haya does faiz’s bandages. she thinks that he didnt get hurt much, but thinks that she has ample time to torture him more, as the more he suffers, the more rahat’s soul would be pacified. she goes to get milk. The phone rings and she picks it up. Haya gets sanam’s call, saying that rehaan is dead, and tanveer killed her. haya is in shock, as she repeates it, and faiz gets alarmed as he remembers the new bride throwing away the revolver from the car. sanam tells haya that she needs to come there, as seher needs both of them. Haya is distraught, thinking what going wrong, as god never parts those who love, then how could he do this. faiz hears this and is tensed, and thinks that she still grieves for rahat, hence he would have to free her from this pain and he knows how it would happen. He wonders of his luck, that the weapon that killed rehaan, is in his hands. faiz thinks that if haya wants to help seher, then she would have to seek his help. he smiles evilly.

Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
At the grieving downstairs, Seher comes and is apalled to find the dead body, as she remembers rehaan’s loving promises to her. She comes in a state of daze and shock. tanveer sees her approaching, and gets enraged. As she comes near, she pretends to be blind asking who is here and is told that its sanam, by the new bride. Oblivious, seher comes and sits beside them all, eyeing rehaan, frustrating Tanveer, who thinks that this is sanam. As seher tries to see his face, tanveer asks seher not to even dare touch her son, as she has no right. haya comes inside and finds this happening. the new bride watches them both conversing, that tanveer knows that its seher, and that she killed her son and not herself. seher is shocked at her shamelessness, and asks how could she not flinch killing her own son. ahil is stunned and surprised too. Complying to tanveer’s wish, ahil makes her swear on him, to go inside, right now, as they all are grieveds. Haya consoles seher, while all are apalled. The screen freezes on Seher’s face.

Precap: At the burial ground, tanveer is told by seher that she would avenge rehaan’s murder from her. The new bride comes from behind and hits her on the head, and she falls unconscious. She tells tanveer that its time to avenge rehaan’s death. tanveer stands tensed..

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  1. Loraine
    February 14, 09:30 Reply

    Is it only me ? The writing in this show is awful beyond reason reality.

  2. Sisi
    February 14, 07:30 Reply

    I hate today episode because they showed Rehan die and same time my father called and said my grandmother die 2 :(:(

    • gree
      February 14, 07:32

      oh so sad 🙁

    • sweety2
      February 14, 07:56

      Oohhhhhhhh so sad Sisi 🙁

  3. gree
    February 14, 07:24 Reply

    gud 75 dislyks… hmm bt 26 lyks may b sahil fans… haha me also sahil fan yaar nd also sehan

  4. gree
    February 14, 07:22 Reply

    nw wat seher also dies e kya….

  5. gree
    February 14, 07:21 Reply

    plz get back rehaan… its is simpl in QH na…. magics nd miracles r common in dis soap na…. so kuch bhi karke rehaan go vapus le avoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cvs…..

  6. gree
    February 14, 07:20 Reply

    GK mam e kya kar rahi hey aap…. atlst u nd ur cvs knw wat u guyz r dng… totally lost ur brains…

  7. Umat Sehgal
    February 14, 02:42 Reply

    Happy birthday to my mossssst dearest friend Riza.
    Hoping you guyz remember me ? Lol i am umat.

    I had a friend more than just a friend a soul sister. Named riza and today her birthday. May she live a long and prosperous life. And may she get everything she want. Ameen.

    Hey mehak Alia ani i miss you a lot tooo 🙂
    Akii ? Remember me ?

    Stay happy all

    I hope anyone from you guyz will read this msg soon. 🙂

    Riza waiting for your mail. Muaah :-*

  8. Tori
    February 13, 23:24 Reply

    Ahil is so blind he’s so annoying when he didn’t let. Suhenhri look at rehan no sanam go to the room Coe. On who do u like mom or sanam sanam loves u but u don’t love her back now I am watching this show because of surbhi they took all the cut guys out like rehan rahat

    • gree
      February 14, 08:36

      hmmmmmm dey dnt lyk manly heroes lol…

  9. parvez khan
    February 13, 22:56 Reply

    do you know why QH maintain its TRP’s ,i think due to changing the story day by day,and other shows only one story that’s boring,now QH3 going to start with a new story due to this its makes its TRP’s high,i see this show only for surbhi,and i think only surbhi

    • gree
      February 14, 08:40

      me 2 watchng nly 4 SJ SJ SJ

  10. sahil
    February 13, 18:04 Reply

    Can’t wait to watch qh season 3 I just hope sahil are reunited

    • §àñvì:
      February 13, 21:22

      Qh 3????? God!!!!!! I don’t want…..

    • gree
      February 14, 07:19

      ha qh33333333333333333333333333333…………… hehehe

  11. jasmine
    February 13, 16:34 Reply


    • gree
      February 14, 08:50

      hmmm ameen….

  12. Alisha
    February 13, 15:54 Reply

    Let me get this right – they killed off Rehan before Haya could discover he is her half brother?!!! I guess she was too busy running between 2 brothers Rahat and Faiz and taking revenge on both of them so she had no time for anything else. The twins also failed to discover Rehan is an almost cousin – through Haya. Ohh well

    • gree
      February 14, 08:50

      oh well said…

  13. saher
    February 13, 15:30 Reply

    I thought they rehaan heart will get transplant with tanveer n somehow rehan will survive……but this serial really suvks now …..its a rral headache now

  14. saher
    February 13, 15:28 Reply

    Why the hell they have killed rehaan??
    This is the worst serial……uff they must change the name n keep it tanveer

    • Sami
      February 13, 16:26

      u r right

    • gree
      February 14, 08:48

      yup qubool karo billu ka khel….. dis suits bttr lol…

  15. Sia
    February 13, 14:36 Reply

    Y is faiz alive then if u wanted to kill rehaan and rahaat….. Both were so cute……. what will happen of seher now……. I’ll read for ahil now……. Seriously nothing’s left in it now…….

    • Seher
      February 13, 14:54

      Lol…Huh…..Raihan is the Best not Aahil okkkk…….

    • alisha
      February 13, 15:32

      Seher chill out evry1 has their own choices
      fr alk those who like aahil u can’t criticise them fr their likes coz even I don’t like rehan but dat dosent mean I should start forcing my likes on others
      so just behave urself!

    • gree
      February 14, 08:47

      haha cuz cvs r d lovrs of FAIZ… nd enmys of REHAN nd RAHAT.. sia

  16. www
    February 13, 14:23 Reply

    Rehan but you are too handsome to die,i wish to see him very soon in some other show as a lead hero,if he can make a simple boy like Rehan so special then i am sure he will rock in rich,bad boy,angry young man etc. type characters which attracts audience more,he is very goodlooking and his acting is also too good for a newbie actor,but for some unknown reasons he is so underrated,actually for me from all the newcomer male actors best one is Harshad Arora and second is Shehzad ,anyway,wish him good luck in his future career and about QH i can only say i’m done with it but wish good luck to beautiful Surbhi Jyoti and most talented KV also

    • §àñvì:
      February 13, 21:25

      I don’t think so.bcz his cutie pie face doesn’t suit for grey r dark charecters.

    • kavathikaka
      February 14, 01:08

      I completely agree with you WWW

    • gree
      February 14, 08:46

      an actor is d 1 who shws all colors 2 viewers… hope ur wish cum true http://www...

    • www
      February 14, 12:14

      Sanvi maybe you’re right that his cute face wont suit for that kind of characters,but again maybe we just used to see him as Rehan,so it’s difficult to imagine him different and besides,my favourite tv actor Barun Sobti also has cutie pie face but despite this he created the best angry young man of tv as ASR of IPKKND, also Shehzad kinda resembles young John Abraham,who mostly plays bad boy type characters

  17. Seher
    February 13, 13:56 Reply

    I don’t understand who has liked today’s Episode…are they gone mad or whttt???I was only watching this show 4 Seher and Rehaan…Not for Aahil and Sanam…What a boring and irritating show is this???

    • gree
      February 14, 08:45

      hmm may b d lykrs r sahil fans….

  18. sh
    February 13, 13:55 Reply

    i think there will be a duplicate of rehan to enter… which both sis will use to reveal the truth from tanveers mouth.. u never know with the crazy writer… she may be actually doing this

    • gree
      February 14, 08:43

      wow clone of rehan nyc idea…. cvs c dis cmnt u brainless fellows… do sum miracle 2 get back rehan

  19. SSS
    February 13, 13:48 Reply

    Excuse my language but who gives a f##k about this show any more. It’s gone from bad to worse to just just irritating and dumb. In my opinion and this is my view alone, the show Qubool Hai was totally ruined from the moment they got Zoya married to Ayaan and then finished when KSG left the show. After that it’s been downhill ever since. The 20 or 17 year leap nonsense was never part of the original concept. The show was supposed to be based around 1 girl Zoya in search of her father and 2 brothers Aaad and Ayaan and their warring families. All this Ahil, Sanam, Seher, Rehan and Haya and Rahat nonsense was an excuse to revive a failed show. Unfortunately, Gul Khan messed up again big time. The show is only about and revolves around Tanveer and every other character is DUMB and main leads like Rehan is killed off (or is it all some stupid plan, beyond caring now) and he gets a funeral and Rahat is pushed to his death but gets no funeral?? A psycho like Faiz is burnt and stabbed to death but returns from deaths mouth without a scratch and evil Tanveer adds another murder to her sleeve and gets away with it. Utter nonsense. Do viewers a favour and just end this show on a happy note. It’s long overdue now.

    I QUIT THIS SHOW AS OF TODAY. Good luck to those who plan to continue watching Billi Ka Vaar QH

    • gree
      February 14, 07:42


  20. manaal
    February 13, 13:45 Reply

    I started hating this show…I hope everyone stop watching this Show… Huh….

    • gree
      February 14, 07:41

      me also ngry on dis soap …. bt i cant cuz it jst became part of my lyf….

  21. sheir
    February 13, 13:41 Reply

    So U telling viewers tan kill all those pPl before get away come bk kill she son an nobody see not even the writers OK old man gets shot no police asking questions looking for suspect come on man write better than that, lk how they end same suphane .

    • gree
      February 14, 07:39

      hmmm true….

  22. Safeera
    February 13, 13:38 Reply

    Isn’t there any chance for rehaan to come back alive?

    • manaal
      February 13, 13:48

      I hope he comes back again…plz help director plzzzzzzz we want Shehzad as Raihan again plzzzzzzzzzz….Gul Khan Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help

    • gree
      February 14, 07:38

      hmm fingrs crossd der is a lot of chances in qh cuz hr no1 knws wen miracles hapnd…

  23. jasmine
    February 13, 13:33 Reply

    no one will watch it this rubbish drama

    • vireka
      February 13, 14:05

      i will watch

    • gree
      February 14, 07:37

      i ll 4 SJ…. 😉

  24. sheir
    February 13, 13:24 Reply

    I believe the writer is suffering from writer’s block, at least make a hill question tan blindness,

    • Amber
      February 13, 15:11

      Of course they are. Why else is Surbhi’ character’s made to dress up as a bride repeatedly, why is she buried alive many times and why else is the drugged and slept together nonsense story repeated over and over again. And don’t get me started on the amount of people Tanveer has massacred and gotten away with.

      The writer/s make their lead characters so dumb it’s beyond a joke. I mean these so called lead characters are so clever to become rich and successful but they’re so dumb that they don’t question basic obvious things that are happening in front of their eyes. Just so stupid just like the whole Sanam and Seher having their picnic reunion in the graveyard on Sanam’s wedding day and then returning to the house in their own sweet time and expecting Ahil and everyone to be waiting around for them. It’s stupid. The writer doesn’t know how to carry the story forward in a logical way

    • gree
      February 14, 07:35

      i thnk in cvs dictionary nly bride,death,drunk,sleep words ll b der… nothng else creativeless cvs…. 👿

  25. dvlakshmi
    February 13, 13:08 Reply

    With the presumed exit of Rehan , there is a backlash of fury and bitterness.But one must pause and think before giving vent to anger. The reason could be something beyond the capability of the crew.Here, the reference is to no particular actor , but with lucrative offers,or some other reasons , the actors might wish to opt out of the serial. It has happened in the past , not only in QH 1 but also in many successful serials in this as well as other channels.When the star wishes to leave a show, how can the story teller as well as the director handle this and convey this to the viewers. They terminate his role and this is by his death or illness or his exile to a foreign country.They have literally no other alternative .

    This may have happened in Rehan’s case . And again , this is my assumption .

    Again , all this could be avoided if the serial is slotted for a predetermined period, and with contracts from both the production house and well as the star cast that there is no breach of contract.All this has to be done in a very professional manner . That would mean , we must have a tight script, no unwanted stuff… and we have sheer magic.

    This is my point of view but if the production house had some ulterior motives, I withdraw my comments.Neither do I see nor comment much recently, for there was too much of expectations but the presentation was far from satisfactory. Still , saddened at the trend , I voice my feelings.

    • gree
      February 14, 07:31

      gud prediction dvl…. dunno y all contract leads r nly in qh..

    • dvlakshmi
      February 14, 07:50

      Hi Gree, this has happened in IPKKND 1 , when the show went off air rather hurriedly when viewers were taken aback… maybe there were more, but I know of only these two…

    • gree
      February 14, 07:54

      oh kk dvl… nw samethng is gng 2 b hapnd wid sony humsafars…

  26. durga thakur
    February 13, 12:13 Reply

    Rehaan is dead…. Seher is hurt and what the hell is going to happen to this serial I and my sister use to live it but now a data it become so horrible that she started hating it and even I won’t read the written update or watch the serial if it is not good after the next week. I am going to stop watching it or reading it. And it is true. And even there is a new billion in sahil’s life. It is a hell and a lot of bad things happen to sanam mostly whom I like the most its too bad. Why don’t they give a happy ending to this serial??????

    • durga thakur
      February 13, 12:17

      It is not live it is like , its not data but days and last it is not billion but it is villain

    • gree
      February 14, 07:28

      hmmm me 2 need hapy ending… lol

  27. RM
    February 13, 12:12 Reply

    What the fuckk is this??
    They simply have no reason to kill a character who was getting them their bloody TRP’s.
    Please tell us that he’s gone only to return.

    • gree
      February 14, 07:27


  28. skf
    February 13, 11:58 Reply

    With Rehan gone..so does his cute, innocent smile and sweet talk.
    I will miss you forever Rehan.

    There is nothing left in QH to watch anymore with Rehan gone.

    All that is left is total crap.

    Bye bye QH… I will catch up once in a while .

    • gree
      February 14, 07:27

      ha bt catch it for SJ 1nce in while

  29. samairah
    February 13, 11:55 Reply

    Gosh look how the writers turn such a nice show in such a mess. I hate tanveer so much and the new bride why on earth would they call her sanam she can’t never be compare to surbhi. The new sanam came from the garbage on the road with her ugly claw toe nail. I hope aahil and sanam reunit and also for aahil to get revenge from tanveer also tanveer should pay for her sins what she did to sanam’s entire family.

    • gree
      February 14, 07:25

      hope so

    • hometruths
      February 13, 11:36

      QH is not in the write up , K

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