Qubool Hai 08th April 2014 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 08th April 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 08th April 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Zoya is angry that asad spent so much time with tanveer, while he tries to say that this was all the part of the facade. He asks that it was all her idea and now she is reprimanding him. He tries to say that its all a part of the plan and that if she is uncomfortable, then they can shelve it. Asad is amused when zoya starts to say that she was sorry for reacting like that but he has to make his distance from tanveer as much as possible.

Shirin is shocked that so much happened to nikhat, and she didnt even tell them. nikhat says that she has grown and matured and maybe she wouldnt have done all this, had nazma not been by her side. Shirin looks at her surprisedly as she enters. nikhat gets her to meet shirin, whop tells her that dilshad took her meds and is resting and asks her not to be tensed. She begisn to go but shirin asks her to sit beside her. She complies. shirin askls about her health and her pregnancy. nazma finds them all excited about her fifth month of pregnancy. they both put their hands on nazma’s belly, and experience the baby’s kick. shirin gets excited and asks if she can. there is an awkwardness. nazma breaks it by taking her hand and putting it on her belly. shriin feels the baby and kisses her, saying that had rashid been here, he would have been very happy. Nazma gets sad, but shirin composes her saying that he may not be with them, but he is with them, in the heart. They all compose each other.

tanveer comes in razia’s room and finds her surfing through the almirah, and when razai sees her she locks it. she faces tanveer, while she is confused. razia tells tanveer, that they both are linked by mamu, and since their husband is in jail right now, hence they dont have any need to share the room. tanveer is surprised when razia says that she has shifted tanveer’s stuff in the guest room. while tanveer is frustrated, razia is amused. She slams the door on her face. She wonders if there’s anything in the almirah kept in razia’s room that she could use against her, what razia was threatening her about earlier.

Later, when nazma and nikhat are walking togetehr, they find asad and zoya talking and cuddling up, but realise that it wasnt and that they are actually fighting. zoya leaves in a huff. both the girls are tensed. They are surprised when they find tanveer coming upto him, and trying to compose him, while asad too saying that they should forget zoya and all the problems. Asad takes tanveer’s hands and takes her inside his room. both nazma and nikhat are tensed as to whats going on. Nazma is about to go angrily and talk to asad, when humaira stops them and takes them aside to tell about their plan.

Tanveer is surprised to find asad, taking her to the roof, to be able to spend some time alone with her. he says that he feels like having cofee aand goes to make for both of them, while tanveer sits happily. Zoya and humaira watch from the door, slightly ajar, as asad puts on the video recorder. asad pours something in tanveer’s coffee, and then sits down to drink it with her. asad begins to sweet talk with her, while she is happy too. He asks her to take the coffee. she doesnt citing that its hot. She says that she can relieve his tension, by giving him a massage. humaira and zoya watch resignedly. tanveer tells that every person makes some mistakes, she too, and he has also done some things which are wrong, like zoya. Asad says that he takes some time in knowing people, but now he has mastered this craft. asad gets up and again makes her sit down, and asks her to enjoy the coffee. Tanveer almost falls into his trap, and is about to take the coffee, when the girls, watching them, hiding from a distance, collide in the door, causing a noise, which alarms tanveer. Asad is surprised too. tanveer is tensed and begins to find otu who it is. asad says that it must have been something having fallen from the wind. While the girls hide, tanveer begins to find out whats going on, and then sees the four girls, in the opposite mirror, and understands that she is being trapped. asad is tensed that she might know her plan. tanveer tells him that they should go up, to enjoy the coffee, on the rooftop in the open. Asad asks her to drink the coffee again. tanveer says that she definitely would drink the coffee and if not the coffee, she would even take the poison. While zoya follows them, asad points to zoya that his job is done. While asad is looking away, she throws the coffee in the potted plant. She exclaims that it was wonderful coffee. zoya is alert with the recorder, as both wait for tanveer to start spilling the truth. Asad says that such a point, when two friends meet, they have secrets to spill out. Tanveer pretends to be dosed and says that there are lots of secrets that she wanst to share with him. He asks her what. tannveer takes him by the shoulders, and says that she wants to marry him. Both asad and zoya are shocked. tanveer says that if he doesnt comply, then she would leave the house forever. asad tries to buy time, saying that marriage needs prep. tanveer says that she is ready to marry him even tomorrow if need be, as she is in a hurry, or else she would think that this was all a facade. She gives him time till tomorrow to decide. After she leaves, zoya and asad lok at each other, distraught and stunned. The screen freezes on Zoya’s tensed face.

Precap: Haider, humaira , zoya and asad are sitting together, planning their next step. haider tells asad that he shouldnt have said no to marrying tanveer, as she wont confess otherwise. Asad says that if he says no, then she would leave rightaway. zoya is tensed. Asad decides that there must be some other ways to get her to confess the truth. He says that their mission was unaccomplished uptil now but not anymore. Later, zoya in tension, tells asad that there are just 12 hours left for his marriage to tanveer and they are no closer to finding the truth, or any evidence that could implicate tanveer in rashid’s death. Asad is tensed too. Humaira and zoya are searching around the store for evidence, when they come across the dartboard, that was testimony to tanveer’s evil plan, that had the five pics that tanveer had displayed on them. Zoya concludes that this was all a part of tanveer’s preconceived conspiracy, and that they wwere all pawns and she was playing them all along. She decides that this evidence is enough to expose her in front of anyone.


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  1. zaara
    April 08, 21:14 Reply

    yeah di
    she is rlly nice n cute
    hehhehe also sorry 4 wrting too much di
    i tlk damn too much

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:16

      No 🙂 , it’s ok . .
      My net is a bit slow . .
      I keep having to refresh the page . .

  2. zaara
    April 08, 21:11 Reply

    hhehehhe di
    me too dnt like kalpi
    i like pakhi

  3. zaara
    April 08, 21:07 Reply

    yes di
    u ryt those 2 shw going gr888888
    no pakhi is nt kamla daughter
    she is neetu daughter

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:12

      Then I like Pakhi 🙂 and it Kalpi that I don’t like much . .
      Pakhi is really nice , very unlike her mom and more like Kamla tai . .

  4. Aadhil
    April 08, 21:06 Reply

    Meanwhile zaara I’m too very bad at sports

    • zaara
      April 08, 21:08

      hi fiveeeeeeeeeee
      me toooooooooooooo
      but me damn sure
      i am worse dn u

  5. zaara
    April 08, 21:05 Reply

    rlly di
    i do save my energy
    like this sometimes
    jst need soome1 start arguing me
    dn thts it..
    hehhehhe poor guy di
    i alys help him
    but he do only 60% to me
    me also nt less di

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:10

      Ok , ok I understand 🙂 . .
      Then he deserved it 😀

  6. zaara
    April 08, 20:58 Reply

    di iagreeeeeeeeeeeee with u 100000000%%%%%
    rlly nw its so boring
    i also damn bored to watch
    but still watch
    🙁 🙁

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:03

      Do dil Bandhe is going better than this 🙂 . .
      I watch Ek Murthi Asaam sometimes but I can’t stand the girl Palki . .
      Palki is Kamla’s daughter right ??

    • Aadhil
      April 08, 21:05

      Akka she is kalpi….!

      Pakhi is neetus daughter

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:08

      Thank Aadhil 🙂
      I don’t like Kalpi much , she’s always looking in a sour mood . .

  7. zaara
    April 08, 20:56 Reply

    hehheehe do
    rlly i wsnt pay attention at all
    n the topic ws sooooo boringgggggggggggggg
    i hve test abt tht topic
    n i kn only 20%
    damn wht the heck i will do my test
    di he whispered me
    n i heard sumthing else
    n said tht
    dn my teacher said no
    u wrong lay attention
    dn i ws so mad n i look at my patner
    angry..n said wat wht i will do u in lunch
    dn he said hey i said ryt answer ok
    u heard wrong
    dn i said oh rlly
    me sitting next to u n u think me stupid
    dn i start fighint with him
    n didnt tlk with him 2 classes
    teacher said share ur answer with ur patner
    n i didnt even tlk with him
    n said i knw tht answer
    i dnt wanna waist my energy

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:02

      Hahahaha 🙂 . .
      I’m sorry dear , but poor guy did try 😛 😀 . .
      It’s funny , you say your not good at sports ,
      but I see what you save your energy for 😛

    • zaara
      April 08, 21:02

      so sorry di
      4 my speeling mistk
      as i wrote fast

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 21:04

      It’s ok , I understand 🙂 . .
      I’m not testing you 😀

  8. Aadhil
    April 08, 20:52 Reply

    Ya dee im fine too….n ya i saw it in g+

    • zaara
      April 08, 20:57

      oh got it

  9. zaara
    April 08, 20:50 Reply

    hhehehheh yeah di
    i mean seriously
    i didnt saw yet epi
    but i cme hre to chq ur last night comment
    n today precap
    n whn i saw i ws like wht…

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:56

      I haven’t actually watched an episode since last week sometime . .
      It’s jus so boring now because I know how it will end . .
      That was terrible of the public relations people to release info, that AsYa will die 😐 . ,
      It’s like reading the end of a book first 😐 . ..

  10. Aadhil
    April 08, 20:50 Reply

    Hey zaara did u bought that golden outfit u liked….?

    • zaara
      April 08, 20:51

      so u saw na
      its awesomeeeeeee
      i jst loved it
      i wish i ws able to buy na
      but damn i cnt
      either i cn wear
      🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  11. zaara
    April 08, 20:48 Reply

    hi di
    hehhehhehehhehhe thts funny
    di hmm my day ws ok ok
    nt good
    gosh i had 2 periods of science
    n made me sleep like hell
    i ws jst keep looking at the clock
    dn suddenly my teacher clled aout my name
    n asked quetion.
    dn i ws lost di as i didnt knw whts going on
    dn next to my patner
    i pinch him n said
    tell me the answer
    he didnt
    dn i said tell me idiot

    hehhehehhe di
    i knw hw to draw
    only flower,tress,
    baby stuff

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:52

      Hahaha 🙂 . .
      It’s tough to concentrate , I understand 🙂 . .
      The teacher must have noticed that you were only there physically 🙂 ..
      Did he eventually give you the right answer ?
      Or did you have to pinch him again ? 🙂

  12. zaara
    April 08, 20:44 Reply

    1st time seeing
    giant precap
    felt dizzy kinda
    😛 🙂 😉 🙄 🙁

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:47

      Hahaha 😀 . .
      The precap is like a recap , because half of it was on yesterday’s precap 🙂 . .

    • Aadhil
      April 08, 20:48

      Ya indeed….meanwhile hw r u suni dee.

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:50

      I’m very good Aadhil 🙂 . .
      How’re you ?

  13. zaara
    April 08, 20:37 Reply

    hi diiiiiiiiiiiii
    hehehhehhe even me sucks in art
    i jst knw baby drwaing u knw
    somtimes its rlly hard for me in science
    class to draw things tht i cnt do at all
    wow di u play
    mst be good player
    nt like me

    luv u toooooo di
    hope u fyn na

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:46

      Hiii 🙂 …
      I can swing a bat pretty ok 🙂 . .
      Nice to see you , how was your day ??
      MWAH . . ❤️

      I can draw very well if I have a picture to copy ,
      so diagrams and maps aren’t difficult . . But , I can’t draw people or scenery
      and I’m not great at pottery , which we had to do once 😐 . . yuck 😀 . .

  14. penny
    April 08, 18:12 Reply

    Lovely moment between Shireen and the 3 girls. Very touching I think, knowing how Shireen seemed to be towards Dilshad’s fam.

    Got very irritated by Zoya and the girls for disturbing the plan. HOW STUPID IS THAT! And now Tanveer has outscored them yet again. Writers please don’t make the characters look so dumb!!!!

    Very disappointed in Asad’s behaviour. Why does he had to use drug. He’s supposed to be a smart man, doesn’t need that kind of things. I find it very shallow of his character. Writers, again, please stop this nonsence now. Make AsYa heroes and not dumb asses.

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:42

      😀 . . I agree .
      I’m totally bored with these episodes . .
      I’ve been trying my best to find something good each time . .
      All I can praise , just like you , is Shireen and Dilshad scene , but still , that’s not enough
      to make it interesting . ..
      It’s becoming even more repetitive daily . .
      The last good episode , I think , was with Haider and Humaira . ..

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 23:36

      ok mrs. khan i will need your email id.
      for posting there.
      and to send you pass word.

  15. sameer-s
    April 08, 13:18 Reply

    hey suni.
    do you like to watch horror movies.
    i mean hindi horror movies. not english..

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 13:24

      Nope , I’m not a fan of horror movies .
      I used to not like to watch anything with gore , until I started watching a series called The Blacklist .
      After watching that I can watch any horror movie 🙂 . .

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 13:31

      its about a curse on agirls family.
      since hundereds of years..

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 14:04

      hey suni…
      are you watching the movie right now..
      if not then where are you…

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 14:47

      ok i think you are watching the movie..
      i’ll be back in the morning.
      good afternoon to you.
      and good night guys….

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 15:08

      Sameer really sorry , phone was dying and I was out and unable to recharge it .
      I had 3G on since I as having trouble getting through with comments and battery life drains really fast then .
      I’ll check the link soon 🙂 . .
      Sweet dreams , good night . ..

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 20:31

      The link isn’t opening Sameer and I can’t find it online . .
      I did read the plot and I found a video from it that gives a brief idea of what took place .


      It seems interesting , not the type of movie that I usually watch .
      It’s good that although it’s a horror , it’s also a love story . .

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 23:38

      ok suni iwill send you anoyher link..
      with english subtitels..
      in afternoon..

  16. sameer-s
    April 08, 13:12 Reply

    but some times busy some times bored.
    its routine for me..

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 13:10

      So , today was a better day for you right ?
      Since last time you got bored with a quiet day .

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 13:14

      Yeah ’cause I said I would 🙂 .
      But , my responses might be a bit slow . .

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 13:16

      i think there is some problem in this site.
      and yesterday was also the same problem..

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 12:23

      hi suni..
      how is your day going..

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 12:26

      Day is ok 🙂 ,
      Moving slowly . .
      How was your day ?

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      April 08, 12:29

      Sameer I’ll be back in about half hour .
      I’m not home . . Take care . .

  17. sameer-s
    April 08, 12:20 Reply

    i have quotion for rimjhim…
    in how many or for how many websites does rimjhim writes update’s…

    • Rimjhim
      April 08, 13:45

      I update only here….but maybe other websites copy from here….anyways its good that so many loveable readfers like u are reading the update….kudos!!!!!

      where else have u seen my updates…cud u give the links….?

    • Rimjhim
      April 08, 13:52

      Thank you indeed…and whenever and as much as I can,,,i prefer to stay connected to my lovely and faithful readers….

  18. sameer-s
    April 08, 12:02 Reply

    On request of good friend Raqesh, Mohit Sehgal joins Twitter

    Did you always want to know the whereabouts of your favourite actor Mohit Sehgal?

    If yes, then you need not worry anymore!

    The actor has finally joined Twitter on the request of his good friend and co star, Raqesh Vashishth.

    Shared Mohit, “Yesterday (7 April) I created my Twitter profile as Raqesh has been after me to join the social networking site. And believe me, since the time I have joined Twitter, I have been bombarded with messages from my fans. It’s overwhelming to see how much people love me.”

    “Actually both Sanaya and I are not much on social networking. I prefer to call and talk rather than type and chat. This is my first account on any social platform and I hope that I will be active on it regularly,” he added with a smile.

    We are sure your fans would love that.

    You all can follow Mohit on his Twitter handle- @itsmohitsehgal

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 12:18

      hi mrs. khan…
      how are you…

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 12:22

      iam fine..
      you have not register yet..
      why you dont like to register..

    • mrs. khan
      April 08, 13:21

      I tried many times
      Nothing not happening
      I dont get anything in my email wen I do it

    • sameer-s
      April 08, 13:24

      if you want to creat one.
      i can help you..

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