Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Mamu turns around just in time to find Razia adjusting a sandbag, not knowing that Badi bi is inside it. razia is shocked to see him, and when he asks why is she standing there, she avoids it saying that he should change while she serves him food. After he hears this, he turns around to go, but then turns again, and moves to Razia, who is shocked. He tells razia that he knows that she is worried for humaira, and that soon everything would be alright. razia is relieved as mamujaan leaves. She again gets back to work, and fixes the bag. Razia puts the bag in the store, and turning on the exhaust, she gets to her work.

Mamujaan hearing noise from the cellar, wonders who is there, and goes to find out. As razia is busy in her work, tying badi bi top the chair, she doesnt realise that mamujaan is walking towards her. She is shocked when he hears his voice knocking and asking who is it inside. Finally razia says that its her. He is surprised and asks her the reason, and why has she locked it. Badi bi has tears but is unable to say anything. She comes out and locks the store, and is asked by mamu about the reason. Razia says that there’s valuable stuff inside, and she has sprayed medicine on the expensive carpets. Hence didnt want anyone to get infected, hence locked the room. Mamu leaves from there, while razia is relieved. She eyes the store and the lock on it.

All are having dinner, while rashid asks for badi bi. Razia says that she went out to meet someone. Rashid is surprised who is it, and at this hour. He decides to call her, scaring razia. But fortunately, the phone doesnt get through for razia. She says that maybe there’s no siganl, and she would call when she reaches. Rashid still is upset at this inexplicable behaviour. Ayan comes in talking to the inspector, while searching for something. He jots down something, while the family watches in tension. Ayan tells them, that agirl has been found in the clinic in the outskirts, and that could be humaira. All are excited and tensed too at this.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Dilshad is given a gift by Daijaan, and is asked about asad. she and nazma get tensed. Just then, asad enters, in a dishevelled state. He wishes Daijaan, and is given Prashad of a very known place, saying that he shouldnt lose hope, and also gives him a taveez, for his good health. She asks him to leave her to her house.

Scene 3:
Location: Orphanage
Asad crosses the orphanage, while having left Daaijaan oblivious that zoya’s there, who also doesnt know that asad’s car is passing through. He stops ahead of the orphanage, having just realised something. He gets out of the car, just in time that zoya walks in. He again sits dejectedly in the car, and starts it. But he hears a shattering noise of the glass, and a huge commotion of people that follows. Due to the accident, a child gets hurt, and zoya rushes out and carries her into her arms, while asad sees her in the rear view mirror, and is overwhlemed to have finally found her. He sees them going inside the orphanage and rushes out to go inside.

Asad comes to the caretaker and asks about zoya, who he just saw and expresses his desire to meet her. The caretaker agree, but says that she wont meet as she has told that she doesnt want any visitors. He says that he just wants to know if she’s okay. He tells asad that she is distraught and all the time either prays or sits alone, and since she doesnt want anyone to meet her, he cant give her permission too. He asks asad who is he and if he knows the reason for her behaviour. He tells him that somebody has broken his heart, and asks him to wish that whoever did this to her, should get such a punishment that he doesnt ever dare something like that again. He asks asad who is he to her.(SAD MITWA) He is speechless and walks off. He stands beside the car, and is in tears.

Inside the lady announces asad’s arrival, to zoya, who is shocked to hear this but then is plesantly surprised and rushes outside to go to meet him, overwhelmed that he finally came seeking out for her. But then she stops herself, and is tearful to see asad with his back towards her. As he turns around, she ducks so as not to be seen, barely controlling her tears. He gets into the car and begins to start to drive off. Zoya stealthily comes outside completely in tears and is asked by the lady caretaker as to what is it, that brings her outside. As she sees asad’s car going away, she tells the lady that next time anyone comes looking for her, they should be told that she doesnt live here anymore. This surprises them. The screen freezes on Zoya’s teary distraught face.

Precap: Humaira comes back to the house along with the nurses, while the whole family is excited to have her back. As razia asks her where had she gone, she tells them that they all are mistaken. She says that she isnt Humaira but Rajni Shukla, shocking them completely. In the orphanage, while zoya is spreading clothes on the roof, she is strangled by a cloth by Tanveer. tanveer gaga her, and then lays her, and makes a brick wall around her, so that she suffocates and dies, before anyone can find her there.


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    July 01, 22:54 Reply

    Chris Hemsworth has a pimple on his face…. The mask wont fit properly… 😛 bale is the perfect batman… Chris Hemsworth can stay as thor… 😀

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:56

      Yeah , Bale needs the mask more 😛

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:58

      Bale isn’t attractive … Neither is Thor lol

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:54

      I know , but you put Iron man b4 her . I think that you spent too much time in the well as Batman .

    July 01, 22:47 Reply

    Yeah i was abt to say that… Scarlett would have been a better choice…. But anne wasnt too bad either… And i dint like that miss tait also… And rachel daws of dark knight…. Rachel daws of batman begins was good… I forgot her name, it was some kate, right ??? Tom cruise’s wife…

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:49

      I liked Maggie Gyllenhaal .. Better … Kate homes still reminds me of Joey from Dawson’s Creek

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:52

      Tom Cruise ex wife . She was smart enough to leave his mad self .

    July 01, 22:43 Reply

    Nope…i havent watched qh since two months…. I just read the written update…. That too, just to understand other’s comments…. Ever since tanveer’s entry, this serial has become a crap…

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:50

      I may not have minded the well to much , if Chris Hemsworth was Batman . . . but Christian Bale isn’t too attractive in my opinion .Another reason not to watch .

    July 01, 22:34 Reply

    @star i think she did a good job….
    Y do u not like her ?? Or is it becoz dale likes her and u r jealous 😛
    (abt anne hathaway)

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:37

      I still think Michelle Pfeiffer was the best Salina Kyle ..
      Sexiness … personified

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:43

      They needed someone as sexy as her …
      I don’t think Hathaway was sexy enough …
      Now Scarlette Johanson … Is very sexy

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:46

      Oh , the Princess Diaries girl . .
      Yeah Scarlet Johanson is beautiful .

    July 01, 22:30 Reply

    @suni the villan’s name is bane…
    And ya i have a sister only….no other siblings….

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:37

      Thanks 🙂 .

  6. Suni
    July 01, 22:23 Reply

    I’ll watch it Zac 🙂 . Tomorrow , I promise . . I didn’t get a chance to get it today .

      July 01, 22:37

      U better watch it…or i’ll put u inside the well, where bruce wayne was kept in the movie…. 😛

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:40

      I think you’re watching to much Qh 😀 . That sounds like a plan Tanveer would come up with . .

  7. Suni
    July 01, 22:22 Reply

    Howz Dale and Ruby today Star ?

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:29

      Dale is in Miami until Wednesday .. I had to get up early to go drop him off
      at JFK …
      Ruby is actually behaving herself …

    July 01, 22:22 Reply

    Ok star then convince suni to watch it…she wont listen to me… She says, it would b scary …

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:26

      The Dark Knight Rises … Isn’t close to being scary … Lots of action ..

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:19

      You have only one sister Zac ? Or do you have other siblings ?

  9. Starlight
    July 01, 22:15 Reply

    Asad .. Needs to shave … Not liking all that facial hair on him 🙁

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:17

      I don’t mind facial hair , but I agree , Asad’s is too much .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:19

      I don’t like facial hair on men .. A days growth is ok … But not full on beard ..

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:21

      5 O’clock shadow 🙂 .

  10. alia(ARMAN)
    July 01, 22:09 Reply

    hey gud morning zac and congratulation 😀 😀 and bye to

      July 01, 22:32

      Thanks alia 🙂 have a good day…

  11. Starlight
    July 01, 22:09 Reply

    Zac .. It was great … Bane was out if this world .. I think they could’ve found someone better
    than Hathaway to act as Selina Kyle .

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:18

      Bane or Bale ?

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:32

      Ok 🙂 . .I get it now , Chris Bale as Batman and some character named Bane .

  12. aki
    July 01, 22:09 Reply

    Again one more emotional epi…….when these emotional scene re going to be finished now we need some action bwt asad zoya n tanu 😀
    what humera is back telleing her identity as some one else ooh poor lover ……..may be she is lying as she knows that ayan doesnt love her its only a compromise……..indeed a true lover who changes for there love…..now ayan will only roam around her will ask her tons ok ques why re u doing all this …….mistake is mine ,….dont give pain to family ….n blah blah blah……
    Finally precap thing is gone happen in today epi……means that new promo thing will happen after asad saves zoya ..ou this precap part is also only a future trailer 😀


    • Suni
      July 01, 22:13

      Good Morning to you Aki . . Very nicely said dear .
      I personally am not surprised that Humira tripped and became a delusional . After all , Razia is her mom and Manmujhan being her father, doesn’t help her either. . .

  13. ritu
    July 01, 22:03 Reply

    sad epi..
    but superbb acting by ksg and surbhi,
    precap is exciting and shocking too..
    but i knw, our hero ll save zoya

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:04

      Hi , I also believe that he will .

    • ritu
      July 01, 22:07

      hi @suni

  14. MK
    July 01, 22:01 Reply

    Well off to bed now Big Bang theory finish, too tired and sleepy.
    Night starlight and Suni,
    Have a good day Sachin and others.

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:02

      Good night , sweet dreams dear .. . See you tomorrow .

    • MK
      July 01, 21:58

      I’m good, and you?

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:00

      I’m good .. You haven’t been here for a while now ..
      How are the kids ?

    • MK
      July 01, 22:02

      They’re good, spent the weekend at the beach so, tired and sleepy so off to bed ow. Have to attend a prayer tomorrow and Wednesday so will not be around in the afternoon.
      Take care. Good night
      Night Suni.

  15. Starlight
    July 01, 21:52 Reply

    Try a Zumba class Suni .. It’s lots of fun ..

    Forensics as in debates lol

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:54

      Lol , I was thinking CSI type . I’ve heard that Zumba is really good . . Thanks for the advice . .

    • MK
      July 01, 21:56

      Hi starlight, Suni. Good night.
      Suni, I’ve heard a lot about the gym in sting. Need to get my daughter to start a training program there. I myself trying hard to lose 15 pounds.

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:58

      It’s a good gym MK , a lot of equipment .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 22:02

      You can shed the pounds quickly with Zumba and a healthy diet of course … No more cookes Suni lol

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:03

      🙁 🙁 .

    • MK
      July 01, 21:54

      Well hope you get a job soon. Or do you already have one?

    July 01, 21:50 Reply

    I liked it, becoz its similar to batman….
    A young spoilt Billionare gets stranded on an island for 5 yrs … Learns martial arts there…. Returns home and starts killing the ppl who ruin his city…. Uses a bow and arrow….

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:53

      Batman wasn’t spoilt though , he grew up without his parents . Sure he had money , but he also had a heart and he wasn’t out for vengeance initially , if I remember correctly .

  17. Veer
    July 01, 21:47 Reply

    i hope asad will be one saving zoya from that witch taveer and they meet!!!!! but when will they solve raziya murder she killed zoyas ammi and ruined her and asad, his ammi and abbus life.

    July 01, 21:45 Reply

    @suni have u seen this series – arrow ??

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:46

      I’ve never even heard of it .

    • MK
      July 01, 21:52

      Hey Sachin, my son Sachin knows the show, he likes those types.
      And congratulations in making you own arrow. Hope you know to use a bow and arrow. It interesting.

  19. Suni
    July 01, 21:45 Reply

    Jimmy Choo Starlight ?

    • Starlight
      July 01, 21:55

      Jimmy … Manolo … Louboutin … I love my designer shoes and bags

    • Suni
      July 01, 22:00

      Nice 🙂

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:46

      He is immortal , like the Wolverine 😀

    • Starlight
      July 01, 21:59

      I think Cupid is going to need more than one arrow to catch Zac lol
      Poor Cupid sure has his work cut out for him … Smh

  20. Suni
    July 01, 21:44 Reply

    Star , I think that Zac is tired of waiting for Cupid . He is building his own arrow 😛

    July 01, 21:43 Reply

    Hey star, what do u think of the movie- the dark knight rises ???

    • MK
      July 01, 21:47

      Hi Sachin saw you comment on PV. Congratulations on becoming a full fledged engineer. That’s a great accomplishment. What field of engineering?
      I’m good, bit tired, was off to bed early but got caught up looking at Big Bang theory.

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:43

      Congratz 🙂 .

    July 01, 21:40 Reply

    Hey yesterday i was getting bored, so thought of doing something adventurous…. I thought i would make a bow and arrow, and work on my archery skills… I had made them numeruos times when i was a kid, but this time i needed better… So i searched on google for the perfect design…aerodynamic design…
    And guess what i got a tv series named arrow…. Completed 6 episodes yesterday…. Have u ppl seen it??? Its too good….

    July 01, 21:35 Reply

    5 inch heels !!!! Seline kyle huh ???? The jewel theif…. Size of heels is a match…. 😛

    • Starlight
      July 01, 21:39

      I’m no cat burglar … Plus mine are nicer lol

  24. Starlight
    July 01, 21:35 Reply

    5″ heels don’t bother me at all … I love heels .. the higher the better … I’m only 5’2″ .. I have to compensate somewhere lol

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:37

      I’m tall enough . ,5 “8 . I don’t need 5 extra inches 🙂 .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 21:41

      I’m jealous 🙁
      I wish I was at least average height..

    • Suni
      July 01, 21:48

      Your height is nice , you get to wear heels 🙂

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