Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 20th August 2012 Written Update

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Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 20th August 2012 Written Update by payalibm

Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 20th August Written Episode

pankhuri and surpankhan in latka-jhatka flat and both latka jhatak and manthra are quit shoked and suprpankhan asked she here to clear the MU

manthra and her latka-jhtaka daughter is shoked to hear the truth and they asked sorry form surpnakhan… but latka jhatkaa cant have enough of the insult so she gaves a new idea to surpankhan… are you shure its not guptas who are also involved…can you gurantee this girl pankhuri is not lying and blaming all on her mamaji

all three some(teen tegdraa kaam begdraa) insults her and says pankhuri to get out…pankhuri tries to stop avantika by catching her hand but she jhtkofy her hands and say her to leave

there in kulu dadji gathers all the prestigious people from all over the town and staets all the mater in front of them and says what happened till now and how mamaji created more problem to solve on eproblem…and all are shoked to hear this and dadaji asked them to help him out as now its mater of his family prestige and this is 2nd time and mamaji is not ready to apologise to the people from mumbai…they all agrees and call mama to go and apologise and at last amamji agrees to do so as per preesure from all over

adi comes to stand outside latka khtka home and sees pankhuri comeing out and calls latka jhtake to ask why she has come to her home..what she wants..and latka khatka partially lies about it and partialy truth…and says she came to jsutify the name of her family gupats and to say its mama’s fault and all..adi is liek whats the need what this girl wants and he has to finsh it today anyhow by talking to pankhuri…and over it once and for all…

surpankhan in her office and harish comes and surpnkahn gives him 5 minutes to finsh whteva he wants to talk about…and harish starts saying he knows her anger justify btu why she blaming all on pakhuri and making her suffer and surpankhan is now turned into manthra+surpankhan = mai pankhan sai tujay latka dun…hahahaha..and she says you have come here to justify them and make that girl good in eye of adi nad bring her into his life and she wont let that happen ever as she knwos she is not right for him from any money status thinking behaving anywhere she si not comatiable to adia nd harish got quit angry and turns surpankhan towards him catching her arms and shouting at her if she doign all this to take soem kind of revenge from him then she has to stop all this nonsence and stupiditya nd stop taking decisions for adi and all the while surpankhan shouting to leave him as its hurting her…and harish is quit angry and says its mater of his son’s life and she has to stop taking decisions for him and to stop spiling his life and jsut then adi comes and gets angry on harish and jsut then surpakhan startd crying and so mama puppy starts yelping and bites harish…saying its his decison and its his personal mater and to stay away from it and if he requeres any advise it will be taken but to leve him alone and never to hurt his momy dogggee ever as thats what he always do… and hraish is having a shock of his life and he leaves office in quit broken and shoking state

harish walking by to his car some how he reaches but then he brokes downa nd he cry in hickups… and then clear his eyes fter the cry and goes…there momy’s puppy did the yelping now its leeking he starts doing that…said to momy he is his best son and will do all what she ask..he always indipendent but he wants her to take all the decison for him from now on and he wans to his mom happy like he sees his other friends mom happy…surpankhan got the ladoo she was looking for… and says she happy her son agyakare and will listen to her and trust her…and jsut then secretry comes and says time for meeting and she gets up and adi still wants to talk btu she leaves and momy puppy is now hurt and says he wants her attentiona nd she never has she has time for bussiness but not for him and never had and the man who ahd his paa harish today he himself send him away by his words and all of this because of pankhuri

pankhri sees mamaji outside her hostel and touches his feet and asks for bleesing..he gives and she asks did he went to adi’s home and he denies and says he wanted to meet her 1st and then go to adi’s home for forgivnesss… and adi listen to all this dramam between mama and bhanji

pre-cap = mamaji in dewaans home and drinking tea..adi and nana and surpankhan siting and then surpankhan said they all waiting here to ahve soem important talk with mamaji as they all have soem thing important to do in their life and dosen thave that much time and mamaji says he dosent need to show the proof of anything…

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  1. isha
    August 21, 09:06 Reply

    plz use names………. this way it is difficult to understand…….

  2. sanchitha
    August 21, 03:12 Reply

    thanks for the update
    if you would use the names it would be easy for us to understand

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