Punar Vivah 26th December 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 26th December 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 26th December 2012 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
At the breakfast tabel, when gayatri asks vidhi about arti, she tells her that arti’s dressing kids for school. Vidhi, pankaj and prateik then start teasing yash asking him if he declared his love for arti last night. suraj notices this and tells them that yash’s silence proved that he didnt. prateik and pankaj decide to talk to arti on his behalf since yash himself is unable to do so. Just then prashant enters. Yash is shocked to see him. Suraj and gayatri leave while prashant sits down and listens to prateik’s planning to tell arti about how yash feels. Yash decides that he would finally say it to arti. Taking a napkin, he writes I LOVE YOU on it. Everybody is happy but prashant is disturbed. yash folds the paper and gives it to prashnat and asks him to give it to arti. Prashant thinks to himself that yash hasnt yet talked to arti about last night nor told the family too. He unconfortably takes the napkin and gives it to arti who has just come out of her room, and is shocked and uncomfortable too seeing prashant there. She takes the napkin, opens and reads and is very angry. Seeing this, prateik clarifies that prashant was just the messenger and infact yash had written it to her. She is confused and goes from there without saying anything, when vidhi tells her to take her stand too and confess her love for him when yash has made the first move. While vidhi thinks that she went because she was shy, and that her silence meant her affirmation, yash thinks otherwise that as he has lways told that arti is different from other girls, here too her silenec means negation and that she still hasnt forgotten her first love and therefore didnt say anything to him.

Scene 2:
Location: Yash’s house
In her room, arti is overwhelmingly happy looking at the napkin and thinks that she has waited for an eternity to hear these 3 words from yash and that she cant express in words how happy she is as if yash has given her, a new life by saying this. yash enters and finds arti weeping with the napkin in her hands. He mistakes the tears of joy for sorrow and remembers what arti had said in the hotel. He walks towards her. sensing footsteps, she too turns back to face yash. Before she can say anything, yash says that there are some troubles and misunderstndings that clouds their seemingly perfect relationship and even if they want to see, there is something in between them. Arti asks what is anticipation. Yash answers first love. Arti is confused and somewhat guilty too. yash goes on to clarify that he was right that love happens just once. He takes the napkin fron her and says that the second time around its only compromise that they do for the sake of their family and its happiness. And they cannot name this compromise as love. arti tries to intervene saying that in love, there’s no compromise, but he cuts her short saying that he may have taken out arpita’s photos from their room, but her memories still reside in his heart which he hasnt been able to erase. Thats the difference between paintings and memories. He says he was right that love happens once and also that they both have had it in their lives already. arti is hurt and boggled too to hear this. He says that his family tols him to confess, hence he wrote on the napkin but she doesnt have to take stress due to that and disturb her health and the baby’s. He assures her that whatever she wants would happen. He bends down to her belly’s height and pretending to talk to the baby sys that she doesnt need to take stress of any kind of relation or pressure at all and that his happiness lies in complying to her wishes. He crumples the napkin and throwing it on the floor, he leaves.

Arti is confused but she too talks to the baby saying that he doesnt need to take stress since his dad loves his mother very much and that he may be ignoring the fact that love is finally creeping back into his life, she wont admit defeat. she has the fullest faith that one day, he would definitely confess his love for her.

Scene 3:
Location: Yash’s house
In the drawing room, again yash is being teased by his family for not being able to say I LOVE YOU to arti. Arti comes to his rescue saying that prateik and pankaj underestimated their brother and that he in fact confessed his love. while everybosy is overjoyed to hear that, yash is confused as to why she lied. Prashant too is seemingly happy for them. Vidhi then says that since after confessing their love to each other for the first time, they feel like a newly married couple according to prateik, they should then indulge in pouring out their feelings for each other in the form of poetry. Arti smilingly asks yash to say, he is lost and confused. Sensing his dilemms, she takes the initiative and says some beautiful lines for yash.


The screen freezes on yash’s confused face.

Precap: Seeing arti folding hands in front of prashant in the foyer, from the balcony of his room, yash misunderstands again thinking that arti may have said poetry for him inside in front of the family, but here she is apologizing for that from her first love. He doesnt understands what is arti’s helplessness that she is lving such a dual life.

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  1. Afreesh
    December 27, 09:16 Reply

    Suni….I think we become okey with the current track of pv just because of our advance analysis…
    Anyhow, we don’t have clear idea about Arthi characterisation which is very confusing & complicated… what the writters are trying to say???….whether she is guilty with Prashand or afraid with yash???? What is bothering her????….
    You know Suni…..I feel these two man Prashand & yash didn’t know how to handle her. Prashand might’ve attempted very hard to dominate her and finally endup with other choice whereas yash didn’t try to control her at all he just provided her the full freedom and he made himself flexible to abide her words. Whatever the changes happened with her was achieved without a demand from yash. I don’t know whether yash’s treatment is right or not???….perhaps she refused Prashand’s domination due less respect on him but I don’t think she will refuse yash’s demands if he raised. Why yash allowed her to rule him from beginning??? Is that yash much attracted to her strong personality by which Prashand run away????….
    Then the other thing is Arthi is not giving much importance to yash’s feelings but yash is respecting her feelings more than his feelings. Whether she deserve it ????….

    • Afreesh
      December 27, 10:24

      Suni ……Who is going to awaken her senses towards her denial yaar???….it seems evidently Yash won’t do anything against her deception then who???….that confused ANT doesn’t have power to convince her then who???…. yesterday’s episode Paridhi was looking at Prashand with disguise. Is that Paridhi is going to recover Arthi from her denial???…
      Whatever….you mentioned Yash’s ego was visible while sending the letter through Prashand. I don’t know that man Yash aware of those aspects in his life!!!!!
      I believe he took effort to verify the truth behind their sensitive relationship because he knew Prashand’s expectations & regretted feelings towards Arthi and also Arthi’s tenderness towards Prashand. Basically, he arranged a practical test to Arthi where she failed to prove her love to yash due to her confused emotions.
      Then you quoted yash lied to her….he wanted to relieve her from the guilty feelings of keeping her first love memory alive…..it proves his eternal love yaar how could you consider it as a lie???

    • Suni
      December 27, 11:23

      Afreesh , Plato one of the grand fathers of Philosophy had written that there is absolutely no way tho turn a circle into a square and that 2+ 2 will always = 4 . This he considered an absolute truth . Similarly a lie by any other name is still a lie . Future philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle broadened his theory to include reasons for untruths with an emphasis on the persons awareness or perception of what is truth and lie . But I believe in what Plato said . What can you call what Yash himself is doing ? No matter how we rationalize it , it is most definitely what it is . If it walks like a duck , quacks like a duck then most likely it is a duck . Should we attempt to defend Yash , then we must also defend Aarti .
      I don’t know if Pari can reach Aarti . I am not convinced that she has fully learnt her own lesson .She might be Bua’s pawn in some way . Pari has information on where Asrti was that night . This girl may have become silent for now , but only time will tell how much she has really changed . I can’t forget her kicking the rice when she entered the Schindia house .
      I am also not so sure that Yash wasn’t thinking about himself just a little when he spoke to Aarti about him still loving Arpita . No matter what , he is a man of flesh and blood and very prone to selfish and manly behaviour . This awareness that the world is not covered with roses is new to him and , for his own betterment in the future , he has to learn to be more alert . He trusted Prashant to quickly , he welcomed him as a friend without knowing much about him . While it is a noble quality to be so kind and trusting , it is also quite dangerous to ones self to let the wrong people into your life . He knew very little about Prashant when he accepted his advice .
      When Yash had his own troubles Aarti was the only one to reach him . In order to do this she had to search her mind to figure out what she could have possibly done wrong to drive Yash from an improved state to an almost hopeless state . Aarti had Aman to help her . Aman was a friend who sought her well being for no other reason than the fact that she was his friend . Aarti do not have that many selfless people in her life . She almost always had to rely on herself and the universe for guidance . The universe guides her in the right direction , but PEOPLE lead her astray .
      Yash is different . He is surrounded by well wishes but he doesn’t seek their advice . He needs to be more aware of all that he has been blessed with . Remember the priests words . Yash is comfortable , happy when others are happy . He needs to understand Aarti’s dilemma but he doesn’t have all the facts . He has to find a way to figure out what is wrong with Aarti . He fell in love with the innocence that shone from her soul through her eyes . He , just like Asrti did , needs to seek answers . He cannot simply give up on her . Aarti did not give up on him .
      There is a very heavy weight word in the dictionary called compromise . Both Aarti and Yash has to learn what this means . Yash accepted Aarti with her thorns . But Asrti should have lowered those thorns because she loved Yash . When you love someone you change for the better . I think that Aarti has become too defiant at this point . Yash did the same thing when he defied the Gods and prayed for Aarpita despite being remarried . Notice that he told Aarti about her complying to her wishes . Yes she is getting what she wished for .
      The fact is that both these characters have changed tremendously since they first met . They need to be tested . Are they going to display the knowledge that they have acquired from their experience or are they going to return to square one ? It is their choice and their test . Walk together towards their future or return to their past avatars .
      Change begins with acceptance . Aarti hasn’t accepted that she is wrong . It is very easy for her to lie to the outside world but she faces an ordeal when she has to face herself . However her personality is so stubborn , she believes that she can accomplish any task alone . Why then is she seeking Yash’s love ? She has to realize that the reason is that he quiets end her soul , she loved him beyond a reason why . Similarly Yash’s life was filled with supporters , why does he need Aarti’s love ? True love is worth fighting for .

    • ksfan
      December 27, 11:39

      hi suni and afreesh both of u r correct. yash can say about his love on his own but he is not doing that already aarthi said in hotel that he cann`t live with prasanth why he always thiks that aatrhi doesnot want to marry him b4 but yash also married her for the sake of family.he is misunderstanding aarthi.and coming to aarthi she solves others problems intelligently but what about her own.she uses to talk with prasanth secretly instead of slapping him infront of all.why cann`t she tell to all and especially yash that she loves him.ohh but gurmeet and krathika had to act as said by the director and producer.these puvarvivah writers had gone mad if they donn`t know how to write they can take our views.we just gave puvarvivah the best serial award instead of this the punarvivah team is increasing our bloodpressure.all the nonsence is giong on if this continues pv will loose most of its audience.

    • Suni
      December 27, 11:46

      Afreesh , remember you once told me that Aarti could have reached Yash sooner . Well do you think that Yash could have reached Aarti sooner also ? I mean the universe started giving him signs since Lalitput when Prashant wore Ansh’s band . Also , he wasn’t really aware of her feelings when he kept Aarpita’s picture around and Prashant made him aware of his indiscretion .mpoor gut has to face an unknown world but Aarti also faced an unknown world when she joined his family and had to deal with his dead wife obsession . They are both very perfect for each other yarr .
      I don’t think that Prashant ever tried to dominate Aarti . If anything she did that to him . Shobha is like an older version of Aarti . Ant is always pleading for understanding from Shobha . He ran because he got two mothers instead of a wife . Shobha wanted a perfect , honest child like Aarti , but what has she done to her ? Yash has a loving family to support him , Aarti’s taunts do not affect his self esteem . Prashant lacked something growing up . The witch may show us that side of the Dubeys . We must never forget the spoilt brat that Ansh was before . I know many people do not like us trying to understand Prashant . But Ansh would have turned out just like Prashnt without Yash’s intervention . This is why I try to understand where did this character go wrong especially since he had Shobha for a mother .

    • Suni
      December 27, 11:58

      Don’t worry Ksfan , the writers will set things right in their usual style and time . They are brilliant writers despite these times . If I wrote sbout these characters I would want what is best for them so I am going to keep faith dear . But I know how you feel , as though they disappoint our loyalty at times .
      Yes Yash should know better and I believe he does . But he needs time to get over the shock . But be prepared as I feel our dear writers may seek to shock him even more when the identity of ugly blue muffler guy and mechanic man’s guy is revealed . They have this plot in waiting . I can’t wait to see how they use it .

  2. Priya
    December 27, 05:39 Reply

    I dnt undrstnd one thng y is dt dy r dragng it too much!if yash loves arti so much y dnt he jst cnfrnt her n ask her da truth!y to jst misundrstnd n shw hs premature stff!!

    • ksfan
      December 27, 06:15

      hi gud evng just the pv writters are dragging the serial and all the nonsense is going on in this serial.previously before boxing competition of yash she said to yash that she loves her but why is he misunderstanding her.iam afraid that if this continues yash might try to reunite yash and aarthi.

  3. Raji.trs
    December 27, 04:12 Reply

    Hi namashkar guys…

    Aarti and yash misunderstanding at punarvivah.
    Totally we r lose funny, comedy, romance and love all over but only balance sad

  4. Nithya
    December 27, 04:02 Reply

    Hey i hate this yash’s misunderstandings .he loves aarthi na then y he cant believe her?Aarthi ji pls confess ur true love 2 yash.AarYa should be always 2gether .

  5. Anonymous
    December 27, 04:01 Reply

    Hey i hate this yash’s misunderstandings .he loves aarthi na then y he cant believe her?Aarthi ji pls confess ur true love 2 yash.AarYa should be always 2gether .

  6. ksfan
    December 27, 01:01 Reply

    yash can say about his love on his own but he is not doing that already aarthi said in hotel that he cann`t live with prasanth why he always thiks that aatrhi doesnot want to marry him b4 but yash also married her for the sake of family.he is misunderstanding aarthi.and coming to aarthi she solves others problems intelligently but what about her own.she uses to talk with prasanth secretly instead of slapping him infront of all.why cann`t she tell to all and especially yash that she loves him.ohh but gurmeet and krathika had to act as said by the director and producer.these puvarvivah writers had gone mad if they donn`t know how to write they can take our views.we just gave puvarvivah the best serial award instead of this the punarvivah team is increasing our bloodpressure.all the nonsence is giong on if this continues pv will loose most of its audience.

    • shla
      December 27, 01:23

      Good point. Also in the episode where Aarti was talking to Prashant in Hotel, she said she loved (past tense) Prashant and now it is over. She wished him all well and he should move on while Yash listened in his own ears. But next morning within less than 12 hours Yash still wants to find out from Aarti whether she still loves him when he passes love note through Prashant.

      What PV writers are thinking here… and I don’t get it too.

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