• izzy-girl
      April 22, 05:44

      We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give – Sir. Winston Churchill

  1. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:35 Reply

    When you give importance to people,they think you are always free,but they don’t understand that you make yourself available for them every time!

  2. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:32 Reply

    Dont hesitate to ask for advice and guidance. Successfull
    people can give you valuable insight about their experiences
    in life.

  3. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:27 Reply

    Wise saying: “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that do not work” – Quoted by Thomas Alva Edison.

  4. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:27 Reply

    “There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance” – Hippocrates

  5. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:26 Reply

    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new” – Albert Einstein

  6. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:26 Reply

    “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence” – Robert Frost

  7. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:25 Reply

    “Only a generation of readers will span a generation of writers” – Steven Spielberg

  8. izzy-girl
    April 22, 05:25 Reply

    “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless” – Mother Theresa

  9. k@J@!
    April 22, 02:21 Reply

    Yes i want to join and i saw the name iam given
    Sorry i also can’t stay here for long as i have very less mb in my phone so plzz 4give me for 2day byee

  10. izzy-girl
    April 22, 02:18 Reply

    Kau my battery is draining,,I’ve been here for two hours,,, so just continue with the mission,,to 4000,, and reply to my messages,,

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 02:16

      Hey kaju u came,,,, I heard you want to join us??

      April 22, 02:09

      Gotta go now
      Catch you on next weekends
      That’s promise

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 02:12

      Okay bree bye,,,,,, c u on weekends,,, TC

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 01:55

      Oh my,,,,,,, bree??? Where have u been all these days???

      April 22, 01:56

      I was a little bit
      Held up in school work
      So I couldn’t come
      So how are you doing?

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 01:58

      Oh k,,, gosh I missed you so much,,, am fine and bore bree….. What about you

      April 22, 01:59

      I missed you too fati
      Am fine,
      But am still busy
      I came by to read ipkknd2
      But lucky for me you’re
      So I thought to say hi

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 02:01

      Oh,,,that’s really nice of you,, so how many mins you have for me?

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 02:02

      Bree,,, how did you find ipkknd2????

      April 22, 02:04

      Yesterday episode
      Was really amazing,
      Astha was funny and cute
      Shlok was like “OMG”
      Jusssstt tttooo gooodd

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 02:08

      Oh k then,,,,I guess your ten mins is almost over,,,, yeah it was hilarious,,,, do u know the funniest part for me??? It was when shlok tasted the lemon pickle, and said “so stupid, how did she eat it?” And “how can she love me so much, mein bhi,,,,, NAH that’s not possible,,” his expression was amazing there too funny

      April 22, 02:11

      I love that scene too
      And the scene
      Where astha was teasing him
      Of leaving him and won’t comeback
      Till he says “I love you”

    • izzy-girl
      April 22, 02:13

      Yeah, I guess overall epi was goooddd

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