Punar Vivah 2 26th September 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 2 26th September 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 2 26th September 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Hotel in Mumbai and jagotia’s residence
Vikrant is tensed to see that raj has heard all this. raj is very tensed to hear all this. raj is in the lobby remembering sarits’ outburst. He is confused as to how’s shiela concerned in this. Raj calls up shiela and asks whats she hiding. Raj asks shiela on the phone, as to what was the helplessness that sarita married vikrant. He makes her swear and saySarita says that she sacrificed herself for the family and herself. She relates everything to raj. He akss why did she hide this, as they loved each other. She says that when she came, they were already married, and she made shiela swear that she wont tell this to raj. Raj angrily asks her to shut up. Raj says that now he would see how vikrant stops him from making Sarita his. Shiela asks him not to do anything like that, as they are married now, and he too is engaged with divya. She advises him not to overcomplicate relationships. However, raj is tensed, and highly boggled. Shiela wonders what to do now, and how would sarita be dealing with all this, and hopes that everything turns out okay. raj thinks that sarita doesnt love vikrant, and just sacrificed her love for the family. raj says that she just enacted infront of him, and that she loves him even more than he loves her.

Divya says to sarita that she has got red roses for raj. sarita says that choices change in ten years and so have Raj’s. Sarita says that much has chnged in these years, and maybe he doesnt like what he used to earlier. She asks divya to give the roses nevertheless, and maybe he likes them. Sarita says that whosoever maybe in love, love never changes, and that she herself and her roses would definitely change the heart, and that the colour of the flowers dont matter. Sarita says that love’s an unbreakable bond and cant be strained. Divya feels light talking to her and begins to leave, but sarita stops her. Sarita asks her to light the candles, as its better to confess in bright lights. As divya leaves, She thinks that she wont let divya bear the brunt of ther bitterness of her past with raj.

Divya romantically sets up the room, waiting for raj to arive. he arrives a little tensed. divya asks him how did he like the surprise. raj tries to be cheerful. She asks if he remembers whats tom orrow, as its very speacial for her, as they met for the first time, 12 years ago, and that tomorrow they would spend it her style. she reminds him of the college day, of the first meeting. but all raj can remember is the first bike ride with sarita. She reminds the drama competition’s casting, whereas raj remembers how sarita got him back into acting, and how he had helped sarita get makeup on and did a makeover of hers. while she remembers the past days, and how he had taught her acting, but raj is lost and tensed. She reminds him the candlelight dinner, while he remembers it with sarita. She says that she wants to freshen the memories. But raj says that they would go downstairs for food. Divya insists that they would be eher only. But raj says not tosay. divya asks why’s he eascaping from her and if he’s tensed, despite him telling her that this would give them the chance to be together, but she’s noticing that he doesnt pay attention to her, and is always lost somewhere else. Raj says that she’s right, and that he’s unable to be here despite being here, and that he actually wants to be alone. He asks her to understand, and asking her to have her food, he leaves, while she’s frustrated. Divya is angry at raj’s behaviour, even after meeting after ten years, and wonders whats the reason. She says that she will talk to him right now, and wants him to answer every question of hers.

In the lift, Abhi senses that vikrant and sarita are again fighting, and wonders what to do to get them to be friends again. He ties sarita’s pallu to vikrant’s belt, without them knowing about it. As the lift hauls, vikrant and sarita are in a tangled state, and frustratedly try to be free from the other, giving each other cold stares. Abhi smiles. Vikrant understands that abhi was behind all this but doesnt say anything and leaves. Abhi winks at sarita. In the lobby, while they are going ahead, they are followed by raj, and sarita sees this and is scared. She tries to avoid him, and thinks why’s raj following her, as if vikrant sees this, then there would be a problem. Raj thinks that he would have to talk to sarita alone, and find out whats sarita feels and then he would talk to vikrant.

Scene 2:
Location: Jagotia’s residence
Kamla is very angry that raj and divya have gone at the last minute. Soham asks her not to worry, and asks about shiela instead, and if she’s okay and not thinking of running away again. kamal retaliates saying that she too is worried, but shiela herself is to be blamed for this. She says that the best way now is to get her married somehow. Shiela comes and soham leaves. She tells kamla that she’s right in blaming her, and that she herself has brought infamy to herself and the family, but she herself would rectify it. Kamal retaliates and says that now she’s bringing on her all the more trouble. shiela says that she doesnt want to get married, as thats not the end of life, but that she would have her revenge first, and then thjink others. Kamla is angry that she’s thinking on the wrong track yet again. shiela says that she’s a modern woman, and wouldnt let anyone get away with hurting her. As she leaves, kamal is frustrated.

Scene 3:
Location: Hotel in mumbai
At the dining table, abhi notices that sarita is pouring chilli sauce continuously, while lost in thoughts. vikrant reprimands and asks her that it may be difficult for her to get her attention to this table, but can she respect that and asks if she can bring back her attention to this table. Sarita says that her attention is at this tabel, but he wont be able to understand as he hismelf is preocccupied. He reminds her about the chilli sauce. Sarita says that she likes chilli sauce and hence she has taken so much. vikrant irritatedly pours all the more, and asks her to eat now, while she and abhi are tensed. He says that this would prove that her attention was here only. Abhi asks her not to eat, as it would burn in her mouth. But vikrant says that his mother likes it, and hence wont have a problem to eat it. The screen freezes on sarita’s tensed face.

Precap: Sarita eats the food, despite it being full of chilli. As she gasps for breath, and wants some water at the earliest, vikrant asks her not to think that she has defeated her by eating this. Sarita frantically gasps for breath and her mouth is burning, but Vikrant says that she has strengthened his doubts regarding her and proved that she’s trying to hid eher relationship with raj.

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  1. Latika
    September 26, 21:33 Reply

    I am a big fan of Karan or raj..but the producers are making his character like a selfish..vikrant is not good too..but like saraj jodi..why are some guys stealing id from others?

  2. Anjali
    September 26, 21:30 Reply

    Hi,Ridz..I suggest you not to be on this forum..there are other forums like desi tahsan,panjabi junktoon,india forum and etc..read update from there and comment there..atleast there are no fighting and no one steal id from others..we all saraj fans welcome you..

  3. Ridz
    September 26, 21:25 Reply

    Hello,Kaira..Naina,jarind,orita,arsh,marita,anjali,risha,ishana and other saraj fans,where are you?why are not commenting these day?missing all of you very much..I am a fan of Saraj too..give all saraj fans greetings from me..

  4. sara
    September 26, 17:14 Reply

    Iam new can aanyone friendship with me

    • MU
      September 26, 18:22

      welcome :)to the family and board

    • jes
      September 27, 05:07

      hi sara…welcome to the family

    • Umai
      September 27, 07:01

      Welcome sara to our family.Introduce yourself

  5. simmi
    September 26, 15:03 Reply

    i just hope things work out good for both couples

    • jes
      September 27, 05:14

      yup…sooo true

  6. MU
    September 26, 14:47 Reply

    vikrant is being a bastard

    raj a moron

    come on vikrant you are the one that is lost in all these thoughts while poor sarita is burning away

    Vikrant and Raj are both bastards

    Poor Sarita is suffering for these two dogs who are fighting over her like a bone


    Sarita dont back down and move forward! Its your life so control it!

    And Shiela oh how I love your attitude! Dont let Rohan get away with what he did to you!

    Go wreck havoc in their lives Shiela!


    • Daisy
      September 26, 18:13

      I agree with you MU, both men are dogs, Vikram forced Sarita into marrying him even though she told him she was in love with Raj., so why is he so surprise and acting like a fool. He don’t expect her to just fall out of love over night, instead he should be patient with her and gave her time instead of treating like crap.. Sarita should kick both of them to the curb and move on with her life.

    • jes
      September 27, 05:13

      i agree the same too…bt i still feel bad 4 vikrant…who wont b jealous if if u c someone ur starting to love and care 4 in someone else arms

  7. kris
    September 26, 14:33 Reply

    Hi Jes, Umai, I know you all must have gone to bed already,
    Maria, and the other people here, hi all.

    Like all serial on zee these day, nothing too good to take the stress off and take on some good zee tv entertainment.

    Raj is being unfair, how many times we gonna bash him? Sigh

    • Umai
      September 26, 14:38

      Hi kris.On my way to go to sleep.Felt like giving a synopsis to BF as short as i could and just now finished.Ok.Bye.Take Care.Hope everyone at your place gets well soon.Its the same scene you see at my place.

    • jes
      September 27, 05:09

      hey kris…yeah ur right..

  8. Umai
    September 26, 14:14 Reply

    Hey all friends who are not here yet…Have a good day or Good Sleep((Different people are having different times on their countries.Why God???))

    For the first time from the time i know im felling sleepy so early.Must be for the capsules im using for cold.Ok.Bye friends.Meet you all tomorrow.

    • kris
      September 26, 14:26

      Sleep well dear and take lots of rest. Everyone has a cold in my house. Lots of liquid and rest 🙂

  9. BUTTERFLY !!!
    September 26, 14:09 Reply

    .Was sarita already married with vikrant.? Plz anyone tell me.. And from where she came with married person…

    • jes
      September 26, 14:10

      she was married to raj first 4 10 years

    • Umai
      September 26, 14:16

      Hi BF!!!Sorry i forgot you on my first post.have to leave noe.Bye.Take Care.Hope you have a good day.

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 26, 14:23

      .Thanks jes… I mean shiela words.. She married when she came.. Cant understand..,

    • kris
      September 26, 14:27

      Vickrant blackmailed Sarita into marrying her, because his first wife brother had kidnapped Sheila, Vickrant saved her from him but did not let her go on the condition that Sarita marries him.

    • kris
      September 26, 14:28

      Oh Sheila got away, but the marriage was already complete when she got there.

    • Umai
      September 26, 14:32

      BF…sarita was married to raj for 10 years but he always ignored her since he yet loves his first love Divya who left him for the film industry for her family’s sake but she never expected raj to get married.Even Raj was compelled to do it.Sarita lived a worse life than a servant all those years.Then divya returned back and she wanted saraj to become a couple and sarita wanted raj’s love to win.so after many incidents Sarita agrees to remarry.

      The groom raj looks for sarita is rohan who said that he wants to get married to shiela but not sarita.Everyone agrees and then we get to know that rohan is already married to a girl named kajri and wants to marry shiela since kajri is not able to give birth to a baby.Later on we get to know that rohan is viks brother-in law(his wife’s bro)

      rohan cheats shiela in the name guru since he wants to take revenge from this family because raj and sarita insults and sends them away when it is proven about rohan’s true identity.thats why she wanna take revenge.

      Hope i have explained it to you well the story so long.As much as i could i tried my best.

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 26, 14:38

      .Thanks kris.. I understood.. Ie.. Sarita married vikrant coz of her swear and for shiela who was kidnapped by rohan and vikrant didnt let her go coz shiela who want stop the marriage..

  10. jes
    September 26, 14:05 Reply

    @ umai..u heard the background full song d??

    • Umai
      September 26, 14:11

      not the complete song but bookmarked it.Its nearly 11.45 here now.Feeling bit sleepy.So thought of going to sleep.Good Night.

      !!====!! Bed
      ??????: Blanket
      All sending u… Now sleep like a GOOD CHILD GOOD NIGHT

    • jes
      September 26, 14:12

      gud nite yaar…its 2.20 a.m here….cntinue tmr…sweet dreams

  11. Umai
    September 26, 13:56 Reply

    Started wondering as to did our savik fans too decided not to comment..THANKS GOD!!!

    • jes
      September 26, 13:58

      hahhhaha….. im on utube nw..hearing the background song…the lyrics and tune reali matches sarita and vikrant’s chemistry and jodi

    • jes
      September 26, 13:58

      tis is u na umai aka swetha??

    • Umai
      September 26, 14:01

      yes.thought that now people would be able to identify me by my earlier comments.I mean would friends would be able to???

    • jes
      September 26, 14:04

      yes of coz..i was confirming na..hehehe

  12. jes
    September 26, 13:53 Reply

    hey fan is online…

  13. Umai a.ka. Swetha
    September 26, 13:46 Reply

    Jes it seems that you are a member of ipkknd 2 too..Was going through the comments and came across yours.I am a silent reader of MB,JA,IPKKND and sometimes QH(Because i wonder whats so special about it for it to always have a high TRP on this website)..I comment only on this page…sometimes on those pages too.

    • jes
      September 26, 13:49

      hehe..yeah..i actually comment more 4 ipkknd 2 and here 4 pv2.i am a silent reader 4 mb,pr and saraswatichandra..i comment once in awhile 4 qh…qh is goin thru a sad phase nw

  14. Umai a.ka. Swetha
    September 26, 13:39 Reply

    Hey friends would anyone say me as to how could i have a picture for my ID on this forum??

    Was also wondering whether would anyone be able to make a vm for savik???I have no idea how to do it…so

  15. Umai a.ka. Swetha
    September 26, 13:34 Reply

    I was wondering whether the reason why those people started using our names was because they have decided not to comment on this page but these people cannot avoid it.

    Anyway lets forget it…But would teach them a good lesson if they repeat it.Those people are more interested on my,your and MU’s names…Have no idea why it is.

    • jes
      September 26, 13:38

      yup..duno…maybe coz unique…hahahaha…maybe coz we were veri straight forward in pointing out our points…ur ryte..it surely will

    • jes
      September 26, 13:39

      y sorry??

    • Umai a.ka. Swetha
      September 26, 13:42

      I types your name as you on that comment under the impression i was replying you!!!Anyway Jes what time is it there??Its 11.10 here at my country.Was just wondering.

      It seems no person online here today other than us!!!

    • jes
      September 26, 13:45

      owh ok..i was shocked when my name appeared with those comments…its 1.45 a.m here in malaysia

    • fan
      September 26, 13:52

      im here ladies..

  16. jes
    September 26, 13:29 Reply

    i love the background music when there is sarita and vikrant scenes..

    • Asya
      September 26, 13:42

      The song is called jeene laga hoon for ramiya vastaviya

    • jes
      September 26, 13:43

      thank u asya..i reali love the tune

    • Umai
      September 26, 14:05

      Asya thanks for the song.have been wondering for a long time.

  17. fan
    September 26, 13:22 Reply

    i can understand vikrant’s suspicion and anger..everywhere he turns there is raj. Raj and vandana is making life hell for sarita. In yesterday’s epi..vikrant sees raj holding onto sarita’s arms tightly and close. Any man would be upset to see his new wife in the arms of her ex husband. Its only natural for vikrant to be so upset. I feel sorry for sarita too..shes trying to move on. Raj is being really selfish for using divya who truely loved him all these years. When will he learn that women cannot beused and discarded. Look whats happening to shiela..isnt he doing similar to sarita? Shiela was being used by rohan and now raj is using divya for sarita.

    • jes
      September 26, 13:24

      ur right..a husband who sees his wife in someone else’s arms surely will react the same.plus vikrant is already falling 4 sarita so tis just adds up to his anger and suspicion…hmmmmm

    • fan
      September 26, 13:26

      true. anyways show is going well. now its shiela’s turn to teach kajri and vandana her lesson

    • Umai a.ka. Swetha
      September 26, 13:31

      agree with you without a second thought.All that i want is savik love scenes and abhi’s cuteness on this show.Thats all im interested on.Anyway feeling sorry for Divya…

  18. Umai a.ka. Swetha
    September 26, 13:19 Reply

    hi Jes,Kris,MU,Tani,Mahi,Zeenah,Fan,Annanba,Sunni and everyone.Hope all of you are doing good…since im having a terrible cold.Actually whole Sri Lanka is having it due to climate change.

    After a long time went to QH page…Never went after i got the news about ayan and zoya marriage and was shocked to find that most of you were there.Ok…now let me read the WU and give out my comment…but seems that it is not sooooooooooo good by reading out your comments.

    • jes
      September 26, 13:22

      yeah….tdy nt so gud yaar…i left qh forum long ago d…just 1 or 2 comments only..its veri heartbreaking

    • fan
      September 26, 13:23

      hi umai

    • MU
      September 26, 14:48

      Umai get well and have a nice day

  19. jes
    September 26, 13:10 Reply

    i feel so bad 4 sarita…vikrant became like tis coz of raj…..im sooo irritated with raj

  20. Maria
    September 26, 13:07 Reply

    why doesn’t Raj get a life…Sarita has moved on or trying to move on and you are just being a stalker…..You wanted you Dyvia for so long while you were married to Sarita…now you have her go into the clouds…and leave Sarita and Vkrant alone.

    • fan
      September 26, 13:25

      agree. hes messing her life up.

  21. jes
    September 26, 13:06 Reply

    the dupatta scene was cute

    • sana amber
      September 26, 13:11

      dupatta scene ws funny… actualy…..:-):-)

    • jes
      September 26, 13:14

      both..dat was the only scene i enjoyed tdy…raj is sooo irritating

  22. sana amber
    September 26, 13:05 Reply

    oooooppzzzzz !!!!!!!!!! todyz epi ws tooo irritatng…….
    pl pl m gonna stp watchng dzzzzz…..:-(

  23. jes
    September 26, 12:56 Reply

    waiting to c wats goin to happen next….

  24. jes
    September 26, 12:56 Reply

    raj,please stop torturing sarita…vikrant shud b more gentleman…

  25. Sanju
    September 26, 12:50 Reply

    Nice one…im irritated with raj behaviour

    • jes
      September 26, 12:51

      yeah..he is just too obbsessed…im sure sarita is slowly getting over him

    • jes
      September 26, 12:48

      thank u and hi sadiya

  26. jes
    September 26, 12:44 Reply

    hi swetha,mahi,kris,fan,MU and everyone…..i just want to inform dat starting tdy,im goin to start afresh on this page….no more fighting,insulting,and stealing ppl’s id i hope on tis page..

    • Umai a.ka. Swetha
      September 26, 13:29

      Thats great jes.Even i decided the same yesterday.Its better to ignore the posts that we dont like but i also hope that they dont again use our names to give out their comments.

    • jes
      September 26, 13:31

      yup…it was veri irritating and frustrating yesterday na..anyway,lets start afresh

    • Piu
      September 26, 21:18

      Agree with you..no more fighting,start afresh..if we respect others,they will respect us too..

    • Piu
      September 26, 21:20

      Hope,no one will steal id from today..

  27. jes
    September 26, 12:42 Reply

    thank u rimjhim

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