Punar Vivah 14th December 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 14th December 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 14th December 2012 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
Seeing yash in a drunk, romantic mood, Vidhi and pari are amused whereas arti is confused and boggled. Yash says that he has something to say to arti. Vidhi takes pari out of the room with an excuse of some work in the kitchen. When arti offers to come along with them to help, vidhi tells her that they would manage in the kitchen, she should control the situation in here first as thats more important. Arti, looking at yash, smiles to herself in anticipation of whats to come. as yash approaches her, she is shy and awkward as to how to react. He gets her to face him and then is about to say what he wants to but is interrupted by persistent hiccups. An exasperated arti, gives him some water. while he drinks, she reprimands him for drinking so much when he being such a health freak, knows about the ill effects of drinking. She turns her face away from him, unable to contain her laughter any longer.

She gets busy arranging the pillows and the bedsheet while yash under the influence of lcohol is groggy and trying to compose himself sits on the sofa. seeing her busy with unnecessary stuff, he sarcastically tells her to change the curtains. She gives him a taste of his own medicine when she actually agrees to it and begins changing the curtains. he stops her to ask if she doesnt ever think about anything beyond pillow covers, bedsheets and curtains. arti pretends to know what he’s talking about and coems close to him. While he closes his eyes, she makes a serious face and apologizes for leaving the wet towel on the sofa when she knows how much he hates that. Yash irritated now, takes the towel and deliberately keeps it on the sofa, messes everything on the bed. arti asks him that he loves order and decorum in the house, then why messing up now. He says that he used to love not anymore since he has changed and because of her. He again comes upto her but trips on the way and is about to fall but arti catches him mid-air.

Outside yash’s room, pari and vidhi are trying to listen whats happening inside. they are confronted by their husbands who jokingly reprimand thm for eavesdropping on yash and arti. Vidhi says its because arti and yash have a unique love story, as they were parents first to each other’s kids, then became friends and finally lovers. Their spouses ask them to concentrate on their own love stories and while prateik takes pari away, vidhi goes with pankaj.

Inside the room, arti makes him lie on the bed. He says that what he has been trying to say is that…while arti waits in anticipation to hear the golden words, yash says that he loves how she manages their room so nicely and makes it look so beautiful. Resigning heerself to yash’s hesitation, she gets up but yash tells her to sit again and says that what he was trying to say was…again arti’s aniticipation build up, but he says that he loves the way she takes care of everybody in the family and that she is the best mom his kids could get. Frustrated now, but not showing it on the face, she asks him to doze off. While he closes his eyes, she takes off his shoes and pulls the sheet on him and is about to go, when yash holds her hand and makes her lie on top of him in mid sleep, and says that he thanks her for coming into his life. Arti is very happy to hear that and thinks to herself that what he couldnt express in words, his heart said it all. She wishes that this moment never ends and becomes the rest of her life.

Scene 2:
Location: yash’s house
Next morning, ansh gathers everybody in the drawing room and tells them about the latest acting reality show for kids, starting on zeetv and tells arti that since the first audition is in their city, bhopal he would definitely tke part in it and she would have to help him out. Everybody is excited to hear of this show and rti assures ansh that she would help him to get through the audition and get selected.

Scene 3:
Location: Prashant’s house
Prashant who is sleeping, feels the sunlight in his face, and seeing a dream, tells arti to close the curtains to keep the sulight from his eyes. Shobha, passing by from his room, hears him say this and comes inside. he is still murmuring arti’s name and telling her not to trouble him on a sunday morning. She spots a glass of water on the bedside and spills the water on him. He wakes up in a tizzy and still with his eyes closed, and in dream, reprimands arti for doing that and opens her eyes to face shobha. She tells him that when arti was with him, he never cared for her. But now that she’s happily settled in her married life, he’s thinking about her. He clarifies that he was watching a dream about her hence thee name calling. she asks him to remember that it was just a dream and not the reality of his life. That the arti who loved him, has no relation with him anymoreand that she is ahppily married with a loving husband and wonderful kids, so its better that he forgets about her and stops thinking about her even in his dreams. Saying so she leaves. The screen freezes on his troubled face.

Precap: yash apologizes arti for being drunk excessively last night and wants to know if he did or say anything to her, under the influence of alcohol that he shouldnt have. Arti maintains a stoical face all the while.

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  1. prsv
    December 17, 09:13 Reply

    hello guys, i have read about entry of amita udgate entry in pv as prashant kaki.i am much worried yaar, what strom is going to come in yash and aarti(just now they are happ).really cvs is killing us with suspense and thril.hope every thing will be fine with out aarti’s life.

    • Suni
      December 17, 11:04

      Thanks for the info , much appreciated . I didn’t read that yet , so I am surprised to hear it . Yes , it sounds like another storm .

  2. SJ
    December 16, 18:51 Reply

    Today I am so very upset, me and my friend drve to sandy hook schl, in newtown CT
    This s so heart breaking kids were 6 and younger UFFF could not see the parents . How heartbroken like gin to pass out. I do not knw hw e sck mind work there re 200 millions + gns out there. D not now controlling guns will help or curing sick mind will help.

    Whole area was blocked , we could hear parents grandparents relatives crying.
    Litte kids and their teacher who did not even see the proper light yet in this world. RIP litte angles

    • Anu
      December 16, 18:58

      I know it is the saddest thing on Earth, my God best their families with strenght and courage to get over their terrible loss and by God’s grace may no more suffer!

    • Suni
      December 16, 19:08

      SJ , I cannot imagine the pain as parents , brothers , sisters , grandparents etc. of those little angels . I would wish for death rather than their pain . Also the relatives of the deceased adults . I heard one of the parents offering his condolence towards the relatives of Adam Lanza . He is an amazingly forgiving person . It made me wonder at how strikingly different people are . While some seek to destroy , others seek to heal and comfort .
      I admire your compassion that moved you into wanting to help these shattered souls . I know that feeling of helplessness to change reality . All we can do is pray my friend and hope that the souls of those deceased are in a much better place than this earth . I often question what manner of men we live amongst . So sad yaar ..

    • SJ
      December 16, 23:27

      Suni yah many vitims families are giving warm shoulder to shotters family. That is a hunanaties
      We lst see very close in 9/11 in word trade center. I know our amily never cursed of go ad on bin laden, every one said please show bad people some light and wisdom so they do not harm anyone
      I don’t knw Suni tears keel coming, I could not sleep last night litte children 6 year or younger
      Everyone put kids an decease photoes lots of candle people dd not care about money o anything , bringing food, stuff holding them
      I felt so helpless for a moment I felt If God ask me right now I can grant ou one wish n your life time wha will be I felt I would say please bring thse kid ack just reverse what happned.
      I am so upset , how many sick people around and do things do not realize what will happned to
      The family. You know Suni , small small kids playing piano, dancing, eating icecream ,playing in yards, sitting on swing, In ponytails, recitle ,mom and dad were holding kids were holding heir kids like they will protect them and never will let them go.
      Seeing all these photo , it hit me so hard, like does not matter what ever you say to the parents not going to help them.
      One lady was telling , that her daughter was the only child they have, she said she could not conceive , she said
      I went to vitriol 3 times than I conceive my daughter, now she is gone.
      Suni when you see all tat hw you can reconcile within you , no answer.

    • Suni
      December 16, 23:45

      You are correct SJ , no answers for such things . I am so sorry for their loss and I can feel your pain . I know how much you long to be able to change the tragedy that happened . But you can’t my friend . You can only help them to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on with this journey we call life . Your presence there lends support , your energy will help them heal . Sometimes we have to be brave when all we want to do is run and hide . Life forces us to move onwards with broken spirits and expects us to learn lessons . Sometimes all we want to do is curse our faith instead of accepting it . I wish I could give you a hug to comfort you . You need to look around and realize that those are all good people and they shall overcome this evil . They shall not allow this to change their belief in the goodness and kindness that exists within the human race . SJ , I am so sorry this happened , you are a good human being for wanting to change what happened , but there is no way to undo this .

    • Suni
      December 17, 00:24

      SJ , I will say a prayer for everyone affected , it is all I can do from here . I will also pray that you can get some rest tonight . Good night yaar , keep faith and trust in God .

    • SJ
      December 17, 00:32

      Thanks Suni, you are so kind, I did not wanted to tell you ow I feel because I knw how sensitive you are and mom s sick you av to ae care so any things , I am upset, why am I upsetting you.
      Thanks , see we do nt ave any relation with those people but as a human, you feel a retain when you see someone in pain , you have to paste a smile at your face while you hurt seeing see in pain. It is to hr away from where I am, coupe f friend will go again will try to vsit every one house if we can . Thanks agan to listen me nd sorry for upsetting you.
      Love and happiness

    • Suni
      December 17, 04:38

      SJ , Afreesh gave me the most wonderful advice . Cry when you feel to cry and smile when you feel to smile . I heard Obama’s heart touching speech and he remembered the bravery of a little boy who offered to lead the way to safety saying that he knows karate . I believe he survived .The parents will have many precious memories to share .You will help by listening to their stories , offering a shoulder to cry on . Do not feel that you are doing nothing to help . Each of us can do the little we can , it all adds up , it all counts . Thank u for thinking about me even in such a frame of mind . I am ok SJ , taking each day as it comes .I must thank you for caring so much that you want to make a difference , the world could use more people like you .

    • Afreesh
      December 17, 06:34

      SJ & SunI….. it’s very difficult to face that affected soul…. when I heared the news I instantly thought some parent may have only one child and you said it….we have no answers for such grief. Please do your service without loosing yourself & make your soul clean & clear without negative energy. I’m worried much about the parents than those little angels….what a terrible tragedy ??…how could they come out of it???… This bitter memory would be remain with them as long as they live in this world….as Suni said we can’t do anything for them except prayers…I have heavy headache from yesterday and tablets couldn’t help so taking frequent steaming & sleeping. I will discuss with you later…..sorry Sj….

  3. prsv
    December 16, 09:42 Reply

    i dont mind suni,all the best (even i too know how difficult that is).

  4. prsv
    December 16, 09:02 Reply

    suni,when i read ur comment about yash and aarti are not given time to find soul mates.i want to some thing to u,i just can say this is a game played by destiny to bring them close.if yash had not been married to arpitha,definitely they might have not accepted aarthi as she is orphan,with no one.they is no need for them to compramise at that time.yash also might not have fallen for aarti,as she is not as soft as arpitha.she is totally diferent from yash(we can see that she will not much bother about cleanlness and her attitude).punar vivah has given them to respect each other and then to know each other well and punar vivah made them to fall in love.

    comparision between between prashant and paridi is also well.i can say that they are one and only for their respective parents unlike sindiya’s.they shever all their love to their child.they grew up their children by giving what they want but could not mold them properly.that may be the reason why prashant is not as good as shobha and even shobha could not stop prashant from giving divorce to aarti.any other mother in her place might have given big slap at his face and made him to be with aarti but it is shobha’s fault in growing up prashant.

    suni,one more thing ur discussion about parents also correct.parents should be first teacher to mould them,as i have as modern thinking unlike parents but i will never forget some principles and morals which my parents thougth upto now.i might have spoiled by this generation without their guidence.

    • Suni
      December 16, 09:39

      Prsv , forgive me , I will reply soon . Relatives coming over and I need to entertain them . I was busy cleaning and I need to cook, if only you guys lived near , I would beg for help , lol . I checked in before and immediately went to my conversation with Afreesh . I need time to read your comments properly , just know that I am not ignoring you , dear 🙂 .

    • Suni
      December 16, 23:15

      Prsv , your points are excellent and noteworthy . I appreciate your point of view . I know what you mean about not being able to accept that destiny played games with Yash and Aarti . However , we need to accept that not everything goes our way . By us they say ” what is for you will be yours one day ” .
      You have brilliantly surmised that Yash’s family may not have accepted an orphan . I agree that they would have hesitated , but like they accepted Pari , they would have found a place in their hearts for Aarti . If you remember Arpita , she was not an ideal personality match for Yash . Yash had wanted to go for a night on the town , Arpita was shy . Aarti was eager to go , but Yash could not bear his memories .
      Yash did not seek his alliance with Aarpita , it was arranged . Why didn’t he look for a bride like Pratheik ? He accepted a wife from his mother’s choices . He did not seek love , he accepted it when it was handed to him .
      You are very correct to say that Aarti must have been taken in by Prashant professing his love for her . She was led astray by her eagerness to have a family for the first time . However , both marriages ended and instead of it being only their lives and well being at stake , it now involved their children .

  5. Srinija
    December 16, 04:18 Reply

    Hi prsv ur cmnts r amazing n all the dears sj,afreesh, suni, sophia r asusally rocking frnds. I just love all ur comments n likes all the concerns towards each others . I feel very proud n great 4 leaving atleast any one cmnt in this forum n 4 receiving ur concerns also. Have a Lovely, Superb, Awesome, Excellent, Enjoyable, Happy, days through out the life frnds.

  6. prsv
    December 16, 01:09 Reply

    u get irritated about it sophia but when i watch just a secene,i feel like throwing my tv set outside.thank god my mother wont watch them.now why to worry about that soaps. lets discuss about pv.

  7. prsv
    December 16, 00:51 Reply

    shopia, well thank u for u complement .i watch pv in telugu,prerently aarti and anshu are in hospital with prashant and yash is searching for them.thank u for ur advise yaar, i watch movies alot.ur correct this people are making big issue of dec 21.i am also getting irritated and u know even sunday’s book contained totally about it and i miss this weekend articles alot.

    • Sophia
      December 16, 01:06

      I to watch in telugu.but i don’t like any telugu serials.i get so much irritation if i watch those.yes,yes the sunday book of all the nwspapers is about tht only.

  8. prsv
    December 16, 00:47 Reply

    hi sophia i am happy that ur there.this weekend is good for me. i scored good marks in my weekend exames and pv ended this week happily.at present i am free and bored as there are no aone at home to spend my free time.

    • Suni
      December 16, 17:19

      Congratulations , Prsv on your achievement . I am happy to hear that you performed well in your exams …

  9. Sophia
    December 16, 00:20 Reply

    Hi afreesh.
    I’m forgeting to ask u about ur confidence.waths up wit it.is it ok.lol.

    If u observe debina-gc in ramayan they look so attractive.i didn’t keenly observe them present.

  10. Sophia
    December 16, 00:16 Reply

    Hi prsv.
    Sorry for my late reply.thank u for showing concern on me.brilliant comments yaar.really u have many great ideas.u may hear on sundays.if u watch the recent telugu fims u can get better ideas on love relationship.do u watch punarvivah in telugu which is dubed?
    These andharas r making so much mess regarding 2012 world end.u might heard this rapidly in ur areas.sometimes i wonder how foolish the man is!

    • Suni
      December 16, 17:26

      Sorry for jumping in on your conversation guys . But this end of the world crap is in my area as well . Those Mayans who saw the end of our world didn’t even see the Spaniards coming to eradicate them . I hold no belief in their outlandish predictions .

  11. prsv
    December 15, 23:13 Reply

    suni, for more clarity,i want compare aarti love for prashant and yash.

    i think prashant might have proposed aarti first(as they did give clarity about that point).she might have thought he is gods gift and started to love him(i can say it as fored love or an ajustement she made in her life).it is totally different yash case,aarti itself fallen for yash,i can say it as a love from her heart.aarti had fallen for yash due to righteones and good behaviour.what made her too fall for prashant who he is so selfish(which she doesnt like).this is reasone why i feel that aarti love for prashant is forced one(she made her mind to love him but not from heart,i think).

    her love for yash is more when compared to prashant(even shobha had said it).why aart gave divorce to prashant on his insistance,why she did not stand strong as when she was asked to give divoce to yash.she did not want loose yash at any cost(she did not like to loose yash before she realised her love for yash,may be becase of his attitude and his love for arpital also may be reason as prashant never loved aarti as yash loved arpita).she mentioned a word that IF YASH TRUNS AWAY FROM HER IT WILL BE LAST DAY OF HER LIFE.what does it mean she will die if yash goes away,but she lived without prashant for nearly 4 years.

    suni, i know u may be busy and timing problem exists,i hope u will give replie about above two comments when u will be free.(i think i am the one who is free today and irritating every one).

    • Suni
      December 17, 00:19

      Prsv , I understand clearly what you say . I am also confused as to what attracted Aarti to Prashant . Why did she selttle for such a man ? Your theory that Prashant may have presented himself in a false manner is acceptable . We saw Prashant pretending to be hurt to solicit Aarti’s attention . Here is a man accustomed to getting what he wants by using trickery , even today he is the same . He pretended to want to meet Yash . Again you are correct that he probably saw Aarti as easy game , for she had no parents to oppose him .
      Yes , she will not easily surrender her love for Yash . She knows that he is a one of a kind , amazing man . Prashant abused her and abandoned her with Ansh .

  12. Srinija
    December 15, 21:11 Reply

    Hai suni, sj, afreesh. Suni frankly speaking i was dragged into pv oly bcoz of gurmeet ha ha ha . Specially his eyes n his look attracted me to pv yaar. Try to see some more info about dubeys anniversry in fb it is already Posted yesterday in YASH AARTI PUNARVIVAH LOVERS

    • Suni
      December 16, 17:32

      Thank you Srinija 🙂 , I will check . Thank goodness for the wisdom of whoever chose GC for the role of Yash , or most of us gals mightn’t be here , lol .

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