Punar Vivah 11th December 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 11th December 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 11th December 2012 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: In the court
Pari happy to be accquitted hugs prateik who tells her that he had always said he wouldnt let anything happen to her. Seeing Kiran leave with the constable, the whole faamily expresses their thanks to her for having done such a huge favor for giving her statement and by saving not only pari but also the respect of Scindia family in bhopal. she says that she did no favor, instead she did what she should have done long back. and in fact if they have to thank anybody, they should tahnk yash and aarti who came in time to convince her to come to bhopal and present herself in court. She commenst that as long as they are in the family, no trouble can cast a shadow on them and leaves. gayatri takes everybody home to light a diya in the temple. yash stays behind with arti to thank her especially as without her help it wouldnt have been possible. She says that as a member of this family its her duty that she did. She says she’ll always be with him and gives her hand in his. Yash smitten in love, is again lost in her when she pulls him back out of his trance and leaves the court with him.

Scene 2:
Location: yash’s house
The whole fmily is celebrating pari’s accquittal in the case. Yash is absent from there. When prateik thanks arti for helping as it wouldnt have been possible without her, buaji butts in saying that its what god wanted and not really her credit but silences when she is eyed by suraj. He then goes upto pari and explains that she has been given another chance by her family and that she should make it her duty to be responsible in hr behaviour. she apologizes again and says that she wouldnt give them another chance to complain. when suraj goes on to give gayatri sweets, she refuses to eat as she had made a MANNAT that she would go to their kuldevi mandir if the case resulted in their favour. they all decide to leave then to be able to reach by the evening. seeing arti waiting for yash, pratiek tells her not to teasing her about waiitn with bated breath and giving her yash’s letter after torturing her a little.

In her room, arti opens and reads what yaash has written. He says that arti for him, has been the fairy godmother that figures in all mothers’ fairy tales who corrects everything whenever something goes wrong in childhood. he says that she has considered every problem of the family as hers and given her full support to them without ever complaining or demanding anything in return. he thanks her for such diligent behaviour towards his family. he also tells her that he has a surprise planned for her in the evening and he would himself come to pick er up after he finishes his meeting. He tells her to be ready. Arti is happy and surprised and anxious to know what the surprise might be. Her thoughts are interrupted by gayatri calling for her to leave for the temple.

When she comes to the drawing area, vidhi suggests that since the road to the temple is not smooth and long too, given her condition its best that arti stays home. Gayatri too agrees with the situation also thinking about yash and his food when he returns from the meeting in the evening. she asks arti to stay back assuring her that she would do arti’s prayers too. they leaves and arti goes back to her room.

Scene 3:
Location: Prashant’s house
Prshant thinking about how arti and he used to resolve their differences by saying sorry to each other and how they had promised they wont be mad at each other for more than an hour, introspects that he understands that he has pained arti a lot but its never too late and that now he has realised his mistake he would go back and apologize to her and she would forgive him just like she always did.

Scene 4:
Location: Yash’s house
Arti is in hr room gazing happily at herself in the mirror when she notices the bed completely strewn around and reprimands herself for being so careless and had yash seen such disorder in the room he would have talked about it. she bgins to arrange the bed and is continually being distracted by lookign at every surface that reflects back her image to her. She is revelling in the glory of the surprise to come and yash’s concern for her when the door bell rings and she thinks its yash but also nervous since she didnt expect him so soon.

When she opens the door, she finds prashant standing on the door, who sensisng her disgusted face, makes an excuse of having come there to see yash. She tells him to leave yash and her alone as she has told him numerous times that she doesnt like him seeing yash or interfering with her perfectly married life. she reminds him that she has already had to face a lot of troublr for hiding his identity from yash’s family. He apologizes for that but then starts coughing bad which prompts arti to call him inside, even if she was not willing to, for a glass of water. She closes the door behing him. The screen freezes on arti’s troubled face.

Precap: NONE

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  1. Judhi
    December 12, 02:29 Reply

    Hell Prashant!! who do u think you are. After all the ugly things you said to AArti and abt Ansh, the way you left her and married someone else not considering Aarti was pregnant, and now tht yr down and out you expect her to forget evrything and forgive you. You have the damnest cheek. You must see and cry all yr life seeing Yash so much in love with Aarti. (I think yr very handsome and like yr roll but, go and find someone else)

  2. Suni
    December 11, 17:29 Reply

    It seems as though Prashant’s reality is even more far fetched than his dreams .

    • SJ
      December 11, 18:50

      See you got that right, I call Parsant is our friend, afresh call him my friend.
      I thing he is no one , he s a friend to himself

    • Suni
      December 11, 20:10

      Well said SJ .

  3. Suni
    December 11, 17:27 Reply

    SJ , you made me laugh yaar you are so sweet and funny . When will Yash arrive with the lemon shower ? I sent a reply to your kind words before , thank you .

    • SJ
      December 11, 18:11

      Well you have to wait until yash arrive, well yash in bathrobe with lemon shower in highest demand, he might visit so any of them , I am afraid until he comes to you will any lemon shower Smell left or just hs dripping sweat because he will be running LOL….

      You know Suni , I went ack and read all your comment, you are so talented , intellegent
      You writing is superb . You shoud write a book, I mean that. I used to write some poetery
      I do have any time so. Stopped.
      You know as much I like Parsant , I do not like him so much to interacting in Arthis life. It is not if air, poor arthi keep crying all the time ths and that.she need to read and ave fun time in all tat commotion she even forgot how to do romance with yash before she is the one keep looking at him with love eyes, yash would not understand. Now it seems she have been lost so much in Parsant delema , forgot romantic life .not Fair when arthi was alone n the house, it should not be Parsant to come shoul be yash and te should be running in th whole house and dancing
      Nice hug to each other put their head n each oter shoulder so they can forget all the worries for a while wh no one listen me man hu hu hu …… Arthi is being a dork now why she let Parsant let him in
      After she av him water should ask him to leave, otherwise it will never end. Why Parsant does not go to his second wife he was begging her not to leave and she left. You know ths looser
      Will bring storm in arthi and yash life.please Yashjee, stand by arthi and kick Parsant ‘ s
      BU……. Just upset upset upset seeing Parsant in sinthia’s house alone with arthi
      Shobhajee yo got best sasujee award not bes mother so Coe and help arthi nd stop Parsant
      Other thing is if Parsant leaves before yash comes, arthi should him Parsant’ s visit.
      I am telling you arthi is digging her own grave? Let me call yash again so he does not run out
      Lemon shower smell…….. La la la la….

    • Suni
      December 11, 20:08

      Lol SJ , you are an amazingly good doctor with those laugh pills . I am getting all this professional advice for free !! Laughter is indeed the best medicine . I also wrote some poetry , maybe one day we can share . Aarti is shouting one thing and doing another . Her logic is being eroded by that lie . Couldn’t she just hand him the water and shove him out the door ? I am all for him having rights to his child , but if he maintains the delusion that Aarti should casually return to his arms , then he needs to get his head examined this time . Has he forgotten that she is pregnant with Yash’s child ? He isn’t helping his chances with that fake cough . Who wants a sickly ex husband to woo them away from a healthy , strong , handsome , to -die- for guy like Yash ?

    • SJ
      December 11, 20:59

      yes Suni we can share sometime, our poetry, see you did not get anything for free, I got
      Such a nice kind, bright , intellegent , caring friend lie you and afresh in return, now tell me who got for free , thus is me. Yah that is what I said , arthi should not let Parsant in home, after giving him water should ask Parsant to go, somewhere I feel arthi being kind nature she s having soft corner in her heart for Parsant. she can not see his intention that will create a big hurdle in Arthis coming life. By the way if Parsant leave before yash arthi should tell yash about Parsant visit.which won’t happned, arthi will hide from yash and Parsant will tell yash that he went to vsit him and he missed him, ay be I am wrong. I am libra

  4. Amaica Devi Maharaj
    December 11, 15:32 Reply

    Artie is so naive,Prashant know your weakness.
    and is playing you.Don’t fall for it Artie.Trow
    him out….as soon as possible.
    If Yash should return.Expose Prashant’s reality.
    Yash will accept you for what you are.He love you,
    Don’t be afraid.Cross the hurdle and move on.It will
    only make your relationship with Yash stronger.

  5. #teamarya
    December 11, 15:16 Reply

    I’m loving the twists that pv writers are throwing in and I think its perfecting timing for Aarti ‘s secret to be revealed. She has proved herself to the schyndia family and they now know the real Aarti. They have come to love her and know how much she has done for their family and most importantly yashs has finally admitted to himself and to parshant, so its time for yashs now to fight for Aarti as he has done little of so far and which she has fought for him time and time again. And if the writers write it realistically I know for a fact a man in love like yashs who realizes Aarti ‘s vitality in his life will go to any extent to fight for what he truly desires! Although yash hates lies I think he will come to except Aarti ‘s past BC of how he dealt with pari ‘s infidelity towards his younger brother whom he loves so much!!! So excited can’t wait for what happens next!!!!

    P.s I just wish gurmeet couldn’t have waited to choose his life partner as I think the actress that plays Aarti would have been perfect for him! Their chemistry is amazing or maybe the are just great actors like sharukhan and lanolin in the making lol

    • Amaica Devi Maharaj
      December 11, 15:44

      Oh No!…Gumeet’s wife is an angel..she is beautiful and intelligent,They are suited for each other that’s why they got married.Do your research before making such comments.

  6. Fashd
    December 11, 13:48 Reply

    Ooh no wt di hell x wrng with arti?? I dnt jst get her.she easily allow prashnt in 2 hr room arti beware prshnt x a devil wt if yash cọme back!!

  7. Chandu
    December 11, 13:40 Reply

    Maa ki chut arti ki prasanth ko chudne k liye bulaya h kya andr

  8. Raji.trs
    December 11, 13:07 Reply

    Prasanth a paarthale yerichala iruku. I hate prasanth. Y prasanth come back to aarti’s life.

  9. Raji.trs
    December 11, 12:57 Reply

    When Yashji tell love for aarti? When aartiji tell truth for yash? Yash and aarti both r do very late..

    • SJ
      December 11, 18:52

      That is what my prediction lets us see

  10. Raji.trs
    December 11, 12:52 Reply

    Prasanth is a saithan. He is acting. Prasanth’s health better now aarti u dont know. Y aarti u not understand prasanth’s evil mind. Aarti u r a stupid…

  11. Anu
    December 11, 12:49 Reply

    UGH!!! why did Prashant have to be n this episode it could have been perfect! I hope Yash tells her he loves her soon!!

  12. Raji.trs
    December 11, 12:46 Reply

    Aarti Enna avasiya prasantha veettukulla vita. Prasantha is very bad person. Aarti y u do this?

  13. Raji.trs
    December 11, 12:41 Reply

    Nice. . . Im waiting for tomorrow episode.

    • Zoya
      December 11, 15:04

      I so agree with you. I hope Aarti tells Yash the truth sooner or later.

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