1. Kriiiiissssssssssssss

    I could cook!!!!! All thanks to the Naparima Girls Cook book!!!

    This morning I was so tired, I almost didn’t wake up in time to say prayers and start my fast.
    I really do think I have to slow down, but the hubby is working so hard to finish all the repairs on our home, I don’t like to leave him alone to do everything, sometimes when we come home after work, we work on the house till 2 or 3 in the morning. But I guess the savings we are making will be all worth it.

    Amaica!!!!!!! I making style now I made a pineapple upside down cake! And it taste boss!!!

    • kris
      July 18, 14:04

      wow congrats my dear,
      I know ll about doing repairs dear, I am still doing but all the hard work and sleepless nights working till early hrs in the morning pays off big time when you see the finished product. you would be so proud that you did it wit yor own hands.
      keep up the good wor,k

      Naps girls cook book, great book, my aunty Polly wrote that book with me other aunties and sis in law contributing, but some recipes I noticed need some adjustments and viola you have a perfect whatever you make.

      no lightening, so perfect time to go out and play in the rain, pity i don’t have a yard to do that, might as well dance in the streets of sando lol

  2. Hi guys hope all is well.

    Having a great day I love the rainy weather!

    Phoenix you and your bro, I swear I will smack him if he continues to brag about Madrid!!!!!

    Well I finally sat and watched some zee shows last night,well all I can say is I wanted to reach into my tv and smack the crap out of people!!!!!!! Only QH looked good, and somebody give me tanveer beauty secret! Now how d A*# they didn’t age her character! Oh common man the chick look younger than her kids in the show.

  3. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 18, 09:02 Reply

    Good Afternoon / Morning / Evening / Night !!!
    Namaste , Vanakam , Assalamu Alaikum .Wish you all a lovely time of day !!!! ❤️❤️

  4. kris
    July 17, 22:48 Reply

    Another thing I wanted to share with you all,
    recently in the news we are hearing about incest and rape of young children,
    So many came to light over the past week or so.
    there is one in particular where the perpetrators actually filmed the outrageous and unashamed assault on an 11 yr old and the magistrate has to view this video. I cannot tell you how traumatising this past week and a half has been. some we are not hearing about in the news. some cannot even be in the news. It is really really , I can’t even begin to put into words how I feel right now. and to think a father is the one to protect his child from these monsters and it turned out he himself is a monster.
    So so so sad

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 18, 08:55

      Kris , we live in a country of reactors
      who only try to solve things after the sh## has hit the ceiling fan . But , this problem is not systemic it seems , but rather , it’s more endemic .
      The Mahabharata speaks about Kali Yuga and I grew up hearing elders speak of it ; I shudder to think that I’ll become an elder , and still be hearing about it . I also wonder about what manner of men are these , who can do such atrocities . I once heard a case involving a mother helping such abuse upon her daughter . It sickens us , churns our stomach and I can’t think of any reason other than this being the work of the devil himself to destroy young people , deprive them of their innocence and inner peace .
      The first 3 years of a child’s life is of utmost importance to development .
      A baby is born with tabula rasa or a clean slate ; some say they have original sin , meaning the sin of all man that was passed on since Adam and Eve’s time . .. So how , when , why do they become monsters ? Something is rotten at the core of parenting in Trinidad . I see mothers at bars with babies in carriages . I see little babes in bikinis gyrating in front of amused and encouraging parents . I see mothers pushing prams on the streets of Carnival Monday and Tuesday . I once saw , with my own eyes , a mother leaving her child in the waiting area at T.G.I. and going to the bar and it wasn’t a very young mother either .
      Fitz Gerald speaks a lot of crap , but one thing he said , a long time ago , still resonates in my mind . He said to observe a female dog with her young , if someone tries to take one she’ll snarl and bare her teeth and attack if necessary . He said mothers must be like that with their children .
      I wonder , where has this primal instinct gone from women ? When and why have they become more self oriented than child oriented ? Why are they having children , but having no time to care for them . Why are they choosing the type of men who turn out to be these monsters ?? The west is always trying to change the East , but I think one thing we can learn from them is drastic action where it is necessary . The law here is to lenient on these devils in disguise of men . Castrate just a few and the others will fall in line .
      There is a shabby looking man , who walks around with a back pack in Debe , and I once saw him at Cross Crossing where there are the road side eating places . I was told that he sells pornographic material and I suspect that in such a place as ours , child porn would also be in that sack of his . .. I once heard people referring to him as blues .

  5. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 17, 22:30 Reply

    Trinity !!! The best news I’ve heard in a while is that Keylor Navas might be going to Real !!!! 😀 😀
    That means they’ll be almost unstoppable now .
    I’m praying to all Gods that Barca don’t get their grimy , curropt hands on him 🙂 . .
    Hope you and my bro. are good ❤️ .
    Good Nifht

  6. kris
    July 17, 19:24 Reply

    Picture of the Week:

    When Keshia Thomas was 18 years old in 1996, the KKK held a rally in her home town of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Hundreds of protesters turned out to tell the white supremacist organization that they were not welcome in the progressive college town. At one point during the event, a man with a SS tattoo and wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with a Confederate flag ended up on the protesters’ side of the fence and a small group began to chase him. He was quickly knocked to the ground and kicked and hit with placard sticks.

    As people began to shout, “Kill the Nazi,” the high school student, fearing that mob mentality had taken over, decided to act. Thomas threw herself on top of one of the men she had come to protest, protecting him from the blows. In discussing her motivation after the event, she stated, “Someone had to step out of the pack and say, ‘this isn’t right’… I knew what it was like to be hurt. The many times that that happened, I wish someone would have stood up for me… violence is violence – nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not for an idea.”

    Thomas never heard from the man after that day but months later, a young man came up to her to say thanks, telling her that the man she had protected was his father. For Thomas, learning that he had a son brought even greater significance to her heroic act. As she observed, “For the most part, people who hurt… they come from hurt. It is a cycle. Let’s say they had killed him or hurt him really bad. How does the son feel? Does he carry on the violence?”

    Mark Brunner, the student photographer who took this now famous photograph, added that what was so remarkable was who Thomas saved: “She put herself at physical risk to protect someone who, in my opinion, would not have done the same for her. Who does that in this world?”

    Keshia’s choice was to affirm what some have lost.
    Keshia’s choice was human.
    Keshia’s choice was hope.”

  7. kris
    July 17, 18:58 Reply

    You know I wanted to mention but did not get the time and forgot too, that well all Trinis know about Malalla. she was targeted by an extremist group to keep her from getting an education. It happens, whatever her father or her family was doing it does not give authority to any person, especially using the name of God, to shoot anyone. I support her just for that, nothing else. whatever goes on in her country is not unique. It is happening her in our own country, but we don’t see it.
    Yesterday, one such extremist group in the name of Allah, (with all due respect by me) threatened to kill, maim and do away with certain people, all in the name of their Almighty God, all knowing etc etc, with quotes from their sacred book, they were verbally violent and disrespectful, whole place had to be shut down and people running scared. We are presently living in fear due to these so called “religious” gangsters. It is the Holy month for them and they have no respect for others. but I am not going to judge all of them by these few extremists.
    A very very close relative of mine, Hindu, married a Muslim extremists, she is highly educated, earning much much more than him, she converted to Islam, after three kids, he finally dawned on him, “you not a muslim get out of my house, I don’t want to be married to you anymore” dry dry just so. But since she is earning thousand and tens of thousands more than him, she kept his family from going bankrupt after they lost their business, his family stood by her, knowing that she saved them and she is now a devout muslim. Ok that done, he couldn’t find anything against her, now he wants her to stop working after she got promoted to a very high position and earning even more money, he stopped supporting her financially, but she could support 100 families with her salary, that not enough he asked her to stop working, WHY????? his reason, you now in a position that you will be dealing with men on a daily basis. Muslim wives are to be covered up and stay at home and not interact with men. That’s his reasoning, she again stood her ground, she came from a very poor family, her father sacrificed and did without shoes and clothes for 7 yrs for her education, she said she is not gonna quit her job.
    Now that is one Muslim out of quite a few who think like that, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE TO JUDGE ALL AS BEING THE SAME.
    There are extremists in all aspects of life all religion all races and all casts, to condemn one for our selfish motives or biased thinking is wrong. Everyone is free to express themselves and give their point of view and defend themselves.
    That is what Malallah is doing. The situation her experience, what she went through, had she died, she would not be all over the world today to tell her story. THIS IS HER STORY SHE DESERVES to say what she went through just like other people have the right to condemn her.

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 17, 19:37

      Kris , there are 2 sides to everything and our biases tends to lean the situation one way more than the other .
      I have friends from Pakistan , females there are allowed to have proper education , because they say that Allah encourages women to be highly educated .
      Malala was shot on a political platform , this doesn’t diminish the fact that she was shot .
      Her father is a known politician and a friend once told me that he doesn’t have much respect there .
      Now Pakistan has always been a pawn of the U.N. Because of its strategic positioning .
      There former president Musharraf had gone into power via. a coup that was supposedly funded by Western enthusiasts . Much of the arsenal that the Taliban has is sent to them from outside their country . ..
      Much of what happens in the East is sanctioned by the West .
      There are still American drones in Pakistan , where is the renowned spokesperson for this ??
      Malala inspires hope for many , I congratulate her for that .
      Like I said before , her education and bravery came from Pakistan and she’s female .
      Women’s rights to education is a problem in a lot of countries , parts of India , parts of Africa , rural China etc. .

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 17, 19:38

      In this case , I will take the good that she does and leave out the rest .

    • kris
      July 17, 19:53

      My point exactly Suni,
      Now our country have a new issue, as if crime and incest is not on the rise and people have n othing better to do.

      Faris Al Rawi, hmmm,

      He is half Seukaran, Presbyterian, etc etc,
      Why should his lineage be an issue, they have nothing better to do.
      If you live the life of a devout muslim and make that claim, well we could understand,
      now not condemning the boy or anything, but for those who know him well, knows there ain’t nothing Muslim about him.
      Sorry if I offend anyone, but he is a big joke and laughing stock for those who know him personally.

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 17, 20:11

      I don’t know much about him , what did he do ?

    • Amaica
      July 18, 00:50

      Kris it’s a lot to read…

      I read quickly… Understand the message sent about the Muslims ..
      They are a unified body.. All for one and one for all..
      Sad story though about the professional wife.. I have close Muslim
      family and they are not like that..

      I don’t even want to think about the incest case.. Who can we trust.
      A set of demons… The law must be very harsh with these offenders..
      Send a message to the other bastards out there.. Give them hard labour
      with strokes.. Poor innocent children.. I have faith in the judge… Bury Him..

      Like Suni said… What about Faris.. I find him to be a very nice person..
      What does religion have to do with it..

      I must say… You girls are so well informed.. Kris use some codes when
      writing so no one will know the connections … Hope you got it..
      Got a busy day tomorrow..

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 18, 08:58

      Amaica. dear , in response to your question , the answer is today . ,
      I won’t be here for a bit , but I’ll keep you all in my heart and prayers like I always do . .
      You all are my family ❤️ . ..
      Love you , take good care until . ..

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 18, 09:01

      Good Afternoon / Morning / Evening / Night !!!
      Namaste , Vanakam , Assalamu Alaikum .

      Wish you all a lovely time of day !!!! ❤️❤️

  8. kris
    July 17, 16:07 Reply

    Hey all,
    Amaica, great to hear all tests done and all is well,
    hmmm sisters, sometimes I think you all here are way better than the real sisters I have, 🙁 honestly, yesterday at the funeral I asked mine for a small favor, and the answers I got from her makes me wonder, strangers will quicker do for me than them. Mr bro in law is a complete ass sometimes too, can’t really take on their foolishness so I keep my distance, she always complaining I now answering my phone, what the hell she think, I sit with my phone all day waiting for her call???
    Yes Suni, Seems that way, I refuse to look at what is under and beyond, don’t really want to know what goes on there.
    At one of our youth camp outings, we went there, every easter we have Hindu Youth camp at the waterloo community centre, it is really nice, anyway, there was this one girl who saw lots and lots of shadows, she said they were following her and she hearing them whispering. The stories she gave to me about one entity in her room and she seeing door and drawers opening and closing and no one there, well I took her to my car immediately and started playing kirtan loud and she said that is the only thing that sent it away from her home and helps her deal with seeing them all the time everywhere, even in school, shes at Naps girls. If was me I think I woulda dead from fear,
    but I prayer and chant all the time, never want to weaken my faith. He father had brought some man home who deals in spirits and made her do something and after that she started seeing spirits all over and hearing them too. Scaaaaarrrryyyyy,
    Amaica, there’s satsangh starting in Mondesir soon with the Sister from the Raj Yoga Centre. But it clashing with my Swami’s starting on the 19th and finishing on the 25th of this month, listen in on Radio heritage 101.7 for live broadcast from 7 pm
    Sorry for being so long.
    love you all take care

    • Amaica
      July 17, 18:14

      Kris… Happy to hear from you… That girl story is very scary.. Poor thing.
      My sisters are not perfect… But I understand each one so I kinda know
      what to expect..Sometimes I know it’s a little too much for me but I pray
      about it… I don’t expect anything from my sisters…except their love and
      Our SBOI has a guest from India.. Today is at P Wise centre.. But not going.
      From tomorrow until Sunday we will be attending Prof AKumar lectures.
      A neighboring temple has a function tonight…with Prof Adesh daughter..
      it’s my civil duty to attend…
      Don’t be too hard on your sister… She probably has other issues…

  9. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 17, 08:02 Reply

    All the best with your tests today Amaica .
    I pray that all goes well .
    Thank you very much for your prayers and for always treating me like your own .
    I really appreciate your love and you as a person is just phenomenal .
    I get this feeling that you are pushing yourself a bit these , kinda trying your best to hold on to emotions that are welling up inside you . I think sometimes it’s ok to complain a bit . The best of us have the very worst days sometimes . Like Afreesh would advise me , laugh when you need to , but also cry when you need to . . It won’t make us weak to share our insecurities , even if not with others , at least with God . .
    Amaica dear , if I’m not here a while , please know that I’m ok , I’ll return , I’ll always love you guys here . .

  10. kris
    July 16, 18:44 Reply

    Hey all, returned tired of course from funeral, sun was too hot, no breeze, but that was perfect weather for cremation. Pyre lit up around 12 almost fully burnt by 130, everyone left by then.
    Five sons, all look alike, beautiful boys, but they got lots of family support, 5 uncles, 1 aunty and lots more uncles and aunties, otherwise and grandmas too. Suni Amaica went the Waterloo cremation site first time ever for cremation, been to the temple in the sea few times.
    hmmm, I love Lucy, I love that show too lol 😀
    well take care everyone, Amaica enjoy the sis while shes here,

    • SJ
      July 16, 21:00

      What a day for you kriss , rest and take care of yourself love you sis
      I love Lucy , my fav show , when I get sad I watch it

    • Amaica
      July 16, 23:29

      It’s sad to loose your close relatives… I am sure
      The children will get all the support from their
      Relatives.. Life goes on.. Take it one day at a time.
      . I was in Couva….Perseverance area today..
      Until late afternoon.. Waterloo Cr..is not far from where
      My sister bought her house. It’s actually a holiday home.
      You can use that same road to get to Chaguanas.
      Found out by mistake when I missed an exit to the h/ way..
      Tonight I went to Ramayana in my area.. After last night
      with Prof. Anil Kumar… who was dynamite ..he’s a gem…
      T onight I heard the pundit but I did not listen.
      They forever with boil corn and roast corn..I choose not
      to feel guilty… Because some of them give wrong interpretation.

    • Amaica
      July 16, 23:47

      Phoenix…”Love is just like a spring breeze; it comes, and when it comes it brings tremendous fragrance, beauty — but it goes. When it comes it gives you the feeling that it is going to remain forever. And the feeling is so strong that you cannot doubt it, there is no way to doubt it. Under that intense, doubtless certainty, you give promises, the beloved gives promises, not knowing at all that it is a spring breeze. It comes when it comes, it goes when it goes. It is not within your hands. You cannot capture it in your fist. You can feel it when your hand is open, its coolness, but the moment your fist is closed there is no breeze there, there is no coolness there, no fragrance there.”

    • Amaica
      July 17, 00:01

      SJ .. I must say Hi.. Can’t add to the Lucy conversation..
      I have to do ultrasound tomorrow morning.. Just Yearly
      check ups.. Executive blood test was done..everything Okay..
      Still got to do mammogram and the dirty P S… Dental and
      Eye examination… All before September 15 th..
      I am trying to look at everything on the brighter side of life
      And be grateful and thankful to God and all the wonderful people
      who have touched my life…

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 17, 08:07

      I went there once Kris and when we walked to the temple and looked done whilst walking there were lots of flags and effigies . Many people use that place to do grah pooja it seems . .

    • Amaica
      July 17, 15:36

      Phoenix… Believe me I’ m fine.. I have always treated
      My sisters with a lot of love… I am always there for them.
      They all know that. I just want to make sure that my sis
      has everything and is Okay..
      The test results were excellent.. Drank four bottles of
      water within the hour..
      I’m always busy whenever my sister is here… The niece
      who spends all her Mom money is coming home on Sunday.
      She broke up with B/F No 3..
      Suni you must let us know when you are leaving..
      And you can still keep in contact with us.
      I feel sorry for your B/Ff anyway.. You know I will..
      Also I feel sorry for the niece B/F.. Poor fella..
      Any way KR just came in have to go.. Love you..
      Where is Kris today…bye

    • SJ
      July 17, 17:33

      Dear AMAICA you are doing right thing, we are educated people should always have our regular check up, i hate when people have insurances , causes of laziness dint go yo dr later they find somthing is wrong, regular check up, is very important, dental, eyes, over 40 memo gram
      Blood work or what ever test physician recomond ,
      Atleast we will know what is going on in our body
      I am so proude at you you are dong the right things , don’t scared everthing will be ok
      It is better to get checked routinely
      Wish you the best
      I have some days off in summer , so taking easy , it is hot and humid resting and having cofee colleta

  11. SJ
    July 16, 15:22 Reply

    Hello AMAICA , kriss how are you guys
    I hope everything us ok , kriss was at funeral this morning I hope she is ok
    Yah I want to know AMAICA how is your leg ,and eyes too , I hope you recovered by now
    Any kind know what happned yo lenor , she just elope
    I think trinty started to wear flat shoes now because she doesnot stay one place run here run there
    I hope hubby is cooperative wish her well

    • A
      July 16, 17:51

      SJ… Good to see you… Legs are taking me places..
      Eyes are doing it’s job well.. I am good … Praise God..
      Thanks for asking… Take care of yourself ..Mwah..

    • A
      July 16, 18:04

      Excuse me for poking my nose in to your business..
      But I do care about you… and I know that you’ve
      some serious decisions to make…has he returned
      home.. and is everything Okay.. I pray that you make
      the right decision.. Everything works according to the
      divine plan of that higher energy.. Just let it be… Love you..

      Have to prepare for SSangh.. No complaining… Just enjoying…

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 16, 18:29

      Amaica , I don’t love him enough .
      I can’t marry him .
      I’m going to my friends place in Virginia for a while .
      Just need a change of pace 🙂 .

    • SJ
      July 16, 21:30

      Suni take your time you are young , Don’t rush Suni, this is your life, than it will be no turning back you are not that kind of gal
      Getting out is a very good idea , will change of a scenery
      You are so pretty, very talented most of all a very loving and kind human being
      Sometime we should leave things on destiny and God’s will
      Love you dearly my new Lucy or Ethal which one you want to be my friend
      I hope afresh and her family are ok

    • Amaica
      July 16, 23:40

      Phoenix My Dear … Going to Virginia is a dream of yours..
      Go fulfill it and then let destiny take it’s course.. You are
      capable of making your own decisions.. I also hope
      that he’s Okay with it.. Matters of the heart are very delicate..
      You’ll always be in my thought and prayers.. Wish you only
      the best in life.. So travel safely towards your new destination.

  12. kris
    July 16, 08:51 Reply

    Hey to all my siss
    getting ready to go funeral, thanks Amaica, nice quote,
    Suni my kids couldn’t agree with you more on your choice of songs and bands.
    Trins, whats up dear, hey MU, SJ, all have a great day.

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 16, 09:41

      They have great taste then 😀 😀 . .
      Take care , have a beautiful day !!! ❤️

    • A
      July 16, 10:25

      Kris… Early morning funeral..
      Take care of yourself..
      Hugs and Kisses..Love you..

    • Heena
      July 16, 15:16

      Hey sis kriss and AMAICA how are you guys, kriss you must be exhausted from funeral

      These things are not easy , I shiver when I see the body and families and their eyes
      At that point I think I can’t Handel and I am in wrong field
      Wish you get dime rest and some peace love

  13. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 15, 21:24 Reply

    SJ 🙂 , what’s cooking good looking 😛
    That’s from the I love Lucy show right ??

    • A
      July 16, 00:24

      Suni…You are too much of a genius .. that’s all I can say..
      Busy with my sis and other activities.. Just returned from SSangh .

      My wonderful sisters… Thought I should share with you..

      Heaven is here — you just have to know how to live it. And hell too is here, and you know perfectly well how to live it. It is only a question of changing your perspective, your approach towards life. The earth is beautiful. If you start living its beauty, enjoying its joys you are in paradise. If you condemn everything, then the same earth turns into a hell — only for you. It depends on you where you live, it is a question of your own inner transformation. It is not a change of place, it is a change of inner space. Live joyously, guiltlessly, live totally. And then heaven is no more a metaphysical concept, it is your own experience.

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 16, 07:03

      Thank you very much for the lovely inspirational words dear 🙂 . ..
      Did your leg heal well or does it still pain sometimes ?
      SJ watches I love Lucy so that’s why I asked her this . ..
      Take care and have a good day ❤️ .

    • A
      July 16, 10:22

      Hi Ph…

      I’m happy to hear that you like it.
      Leg pains.. When I fell.. No pain now..
      I am fine trying to relax ,enjoy and float
      on the ocean waves of life..

      Got to take my sister shopping today..
      and SSang tonight.. Have a happy day..Bye..

    • SJ
      July 16, 11:52

      Hello my beautiful good looking Suni , nothing new same SOS , it is so hot and humid getting bad migraine everyday, muss many classes work days, can’t help
      I put so much weight from migraine medication , jeans don’t button tee’s boobs popping out
      Any way there are log more bigger problem in this world, how many people die by hunger, heat and cold. I am vets lucky complain fir silly things, what is with you these days , if you don’t mind anything sorted out with x bf , do you get summer off generally in education in USA people gets summer off, you are writting lot of excellent poetry these days , I like it a lot , you gave a gift. Publish of not just make a collection book , one day your kudos can admire your talent
      Medical is such a Long it seems you are in love marride and divorce and dint want to do anything anymore , that is wHat I call medical studies love, Marrrige , divorce

      Anyway I hope Affresh and her family is ok, Affresh get memory lists time to time, her part if brain forget us sometime than she wake up in her sleep , hi , SJ, Suni, kriss, AMAICA ,MU, trinty and big hello to everyone,
      Hello AMAICA, how are you think of you, kriss sorry you gave yo go in so many treagdy thus year wish you and family peace

      Live you all, MU, trinty, raji everyone lenor where are high these days we miss you any news about GC

    • SJ
      July 16, 11:57

      Suni yah this is from I love Lucy , every time ethal goes in Lucy’s room she would say too Lucy
      Hey good looking what’s cookin cute

      Oh I like the show so much , I like each and every epic I bought DVD too
      So now my Suni , I am asking you ‘what is cooking good looking
      We are now t Lucy Ethal team lol

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 16, 18:34

      Yeah SJ we’ve become like Lucy and Ethal 🙂 . .
      Just calm your soul my friend .
      Day to day life gets challenging and even dull sometimes .
      Hope your headaches become less . Even Afreesh gets migraines .
      I also pray that she’s fine . She’s doing her best and God will always be with her .
      Love you my sweet SJ , take care ❤️ . ..

  14. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 15, 21:10 Reply



    When the days are cold
    And the cards all fold
    And the saints we see
    Are all made of gold

    When your dreams all fail
    And the ones we hail
    Are the worst of all
    And the blood’s run stale

    I wanna hide the truth
    I wanna shelter you
    But with the beast inside
    There’s nowhere we can hide

    No matter what we breed
    We still are made of greed
    This is my kingdom come
    This is my kingdom come

    When you feel my heat
    Look into my eyes
    It’s where my demons hide
    It’s where my demons hide
    Don’t get too close
    It’s dark inside
    It’s where my demons hide
    It’s where my demons hide

    At the curtain’s call
    It’s the last of all
    When the lights fade out
    All the sinners crawl

    So they dug your grave
    And the masquerade
    Will come calling out
    At the mess you made

    Don’t wanna let you down
    But I am hell bound
    Though this is all for you
    Don’t wanna hide the truth

    No matter what we breed
    We still are made of greed
    This is my kingdom come
    This is my kingdom come

    When you feel my heat
    Look into my eyes
    It’s where my demons hide
    It’s where my demons hide
    Don’t get too close
    It’s dark inside
    It’s where my demons hide
    It’s where my demons hide

    They say it’s what you make
    I say it’s up to fate
    It’s woven in my soul
    I need to let you go

    Your eyes, they shine so bright
    I wanna save that light
    I can’t escape this now
    Unless you show me how

    When you feel my heat
    Look into my eyes
    It’s where my demons hide
    It’s where my demons hide
    Don’t get too close
    It’s dark inside
    It’s where my demons hide
    It’s where my demons hide

    • SJ
      July 16, 11:59

      Suni I am speechless , where it is coming from

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 16, 18:23

      SJ , it’s a beautiful song 🙂 .
      He wants to love her , protect her , but he’s afraid that one day he might hurt her because he knows that he’s not perfect .

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 16, 18:26

      I think he has a deep fear of what he is and he is probably uncertain of if he can change for the better .

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 15, 20:58

      Download “The Phoenix” Ringtone
      “The Phoenix”

      Put on your war paint

      You are a brick tied to me that’s dragging me down
      Strike a match and I’ll burn you to the ground
      We are the jack-o-lanterns in July
      Setting fire to the sky
      He-here comes this rising tide
      So come on

      Put on your war paint

      Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies
      Silver clouds with grey linings

      So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked
      One maniac at a time we will take it back
      You know time crawls on when you’re waiting for the song to start
      So dance alone to the beat of your heart

      Hey young blood
      Doesn’t it feel like our time is running out?
      I’m gonna change you like a remix
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix
      You’re wearing our vintage misery
      No, I think it looked a little better on me
      I’m gonna change you like a remix
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix

      Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks
      Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks
      Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks
      “You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass

      So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked
      One maniac at a time we will take it back
      You know time crawls on when you’re waiting for the song to start
      So dance alone to the beat of your heart

      Hey young blood
      Doesn’t it feel like our time is running out?
      I’m gonna change you like a remix
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix
      You’re wearing our vintage misery
      No, I think it looked a little better on me
      I’m gonna change you like a remix
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix

      Put on your war paint

      The war is won
      Before it’s begun
      Release the doves
      Surrender love

      (Wave the white flag!)

      Hey young blood
      Doesn’t it feel like our time is running out?
      I’m gonna change you like a remix
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix
      You’re wearing our vintage misery
      No, I think it looked a little better on me
      I’m gonna change you like a remix
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix

      Hey young blood –
      Doesn’t it feel – like our time is running out?
      I’m gonna change you like a remix –
      Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix

      Put on your war paint

  15. Good morning all have a wonderful day ahead.

    I’m at the office already got a very busy day ahead of me.

    Spent my wkend being a construction worker,but it was fun its great see the house come together,but now I’ve pains in parts of my body I never had before.

    Phoenix I’m waiting to see Germany’s victory parade in Berlin later today.

  16. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 15, 00:16 Reply

    Lenor , you just disappeared 😕 . .
    I hope that you are safe and happy , love you and all the best to you !!!

  17. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 15, 00:13 Reply

    Preeeee !!! I miss you’re vibrancy and wit and charm , you save it all for the hubby now 😛 …
    May you be happy forever my dear and let me know when you need help with the diapers ok , so that I can disappear 😆 . .. L❤️VE you much ❤️ . ..

  18. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 15, 00:10 Reply

    Pinku my friend , if you visit here , just know that I keep you in my prayers always , with hopes that you are well and happy and fulfilling your ambitions without any obstacles in your way . ..
    Keep strong , love you my friend take care . ..

  19. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 15, 00:00 Reply

    Do you need a Brick?

    A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag’s side door!

    He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting,

    “What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost me a lot of money. Why did you do it?”

    The young boy was apologetic. “Please mister… please, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do,” he pleaded. “I threw the brick because no one else would stop.”

    With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car.

    “It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.”

    Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.”

    Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out his fancy handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him the boy was going to be okay.

    “Thank you and may God bless you,” the grateful child told the stranger.

    Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the little boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

    It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message:

    Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!

    God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us

    • A
      July 15, 10:01

      Very touching indeed…Great lessons… Thanks for sharing.

    • kris
      July 15, 10:13

      so n ice, read it before, but each time it brings tears to my eyes.
      Thanks for sharing.

  20. kris
    July 14, 13:33 Reply

    Hey all my lovely sisters, how are you all.

    Suni I am good dear, taking one day at a time,

    When someone dies, how do you comfort their loved ones, what do you say, I think there is nothing we can say to comfort them but be there for them. How do we give them the courage to move on.
    but life goes on, you must move one, that is life, one has to die one day or the other, it is inevitable,
    One must have courage especially if the person who died was sick and in a lot of pain, after death, there is no more physical pain and suffering in the physical world.
    When we are alive we have to do whatever is prescribed in our religious scripture so that we prepare ourselves for after death. In Hinduism it is believed that the soul must go through a certain and according to its actions in this life and previous lifetimes. So preparation for that begins in this human form.

    • kris
      July 14, 19:34

      Malala Yousafzai, the 17 year-old Pakistani youth activist who was shot in 2012 by Taliban extremists because she believes in the education of girls, will visit Trinidad and Tobago at the end of the month as a guest of University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT).

    • Amaica
      July 14, 19:49

      Hi Kris…Malala will finally be here..
      From your message I guess you are
      doing well.. You gave excellent explanation
      on life and death.. Take care.. Bye

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 14, 20:04

      I know Kris .
      The worst feeling in the world is that feeling of being powerless to change things around us .
      But , your presence alone is enough in situation as these .
      I still remember the support I had gotten from you all when my mom died , I remember the people who took their time to come to the wake and funeral and to help in any way they could . In cases like these , the thought matters a lot and although we can’t change anything , we can stand in solidarity and let out presence be felt .

    • ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
      July 15, 10:33

      O wonder about Malala though .
      She got her strength and knowledge from Pakistan and she’s female , then how is it that she can say that women’s education is restricted there ?

    • A
      July 16, 00:50


      Death is already happening. Whether you face it or not, whether you look at it or not, it is already there. It is just like breathing. With each inhalation you are born; with each exhalation you die. A person who is really living is not in any way afraid of death. If you are living rightly you are finished with death, you are already too grateful, fulfilled. But if you have not lived, then the constant worry continues, ‘I have not lived yet and death is coming. And death will stop all; with death there will be no future.’ So one becomes apprehensive, afraid, and tries to avoid death. In trying to avoid death, one goes on missing life. Forget about that avoidance. Live life. In living life, death is avoided. In living life, you become so fulfilled that if this very moment death comes and the future stops, you will be ready. You will be happily ready. You have lived your life; you have delighted in existence; you have celebrated it; you are contented. There is no complaint, no grumbling; you don’t have any grudge. You welcome death. And unless you can welcome death, one thing is certain — you have not lived.

  21. Yeah I’m happy over the freaking moon that GERMANY WON!!!

    Phoenix I agree with you,messi shouldn’t have won that award.

    There we much more deserving players.

    • kris
      July 14, 13:34

      Hi Trins, how’s the cooking adventures dear.
      Keep good.

  22. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 14, 01:08 Reply

    Afreesh yaar , my prayers and love are with you always ❤️
    Good Morning !!

  23. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 14, 01:02 Reply

    One day, I decided to quit. I wanted to quit my job, to quit my relationships, to quit my spirituality; I even wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. “God,” I said, “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?”

    His answer surprised me. “Look around,” He said, “do you see the fern and the bamboo?”

    “Yes,” I replied.

    “When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.”

    “In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.”

    “In the third year there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.”

    “In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still, I would not quit.”

    “Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots.

    Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge they could not handle,” He said to me.
    “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you! Don’t compare yourself to others. The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come,” God said to me. “You will rise high.”

    “How high should I rise?” I asked.

    “How high will the bamboo rise?”, He asked in return.

    “As high as it can?”, I questioned.

    “Yes,” He said, “Give Me glory by rising as high as you can. And remember…I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will never give up on you. I will never, ever quit on you.”

    Everyone has days when they want to “quit.” When there are struggles…obstacles in life, remember we’re just growing roots!! God has a purpose in mind for each one of us and we need to talk to Him and let Him help us realize that purpose.

    Always remember, He’ll never leave us, He’ll never forsake us, and He’ll never quit on us. BE BLESSED.

    God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

    • kris
      July 14, 09:33

      lovely, so true, enlightening

    • Amaica
      July 14, 19:44

      I received this message before..It’s wonderful..
      and enlightening…thanks for sharing… I also
      appreciate your explanation on the violence issues ..

  24. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 14, 00:22 Reply

    SJ sweet heart , nothing can enter freely through a closed door .
    Don’t say that it’s not possible because whatever is supposed to be yours might think that you’re not willing to accept it .
    I think that Sidarth is much better than Varun . Sidarth has better expressions and draws the audience into his world and let’s them feel what he’s feeling . Sidarth had no links to Bollywood like Varun and Alia .
    I also don’t like Alia very much , but she has improved a bit since Student of the Year .
    She really is an airhead and a bit too full of herself and she said in an interview with Karan Jodha that her dad had told her that she shouldn’t get too consumed with her ownself or it will be her doom 😐 . ..
    Recently she posed nude and she doesn’t seem to have a logical thought at all . I think no one but her would have acted in that crap Highway . ..

  25. ℘ɧðέŋïҳ
    July 13, 18:07 Reply

    Trinity I’m happy that Germany won but what bs walked to let Messi win the golden ball 😡 ??

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