Pavitra Rishta 6th November 2012 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 6th November 2012 Written Update by Tanyaz

Pavitra Rishta 6th November 2012 Written Episode

Vinod is screaming at Varsha and saying that she has become a mistress to balan . Soham unable to take this anymore , attacks Vinod and tells him to shut up . Vinod also screqms back and tells Soham that he is varsha’s brother .He says that he was the one who always cared for his sisters and tried to give them the best he could .Two of his sisters are lliving a respectable life but Varsha has hurt him a lot by becoming an enemy to her own sister Archana . Vinod tries to tal kto Soham but Soham tells him that he is Vishnu and Soham is dead . He tells Vinod to leave their house .A frightened Manjusha takes Vinod away .
Vishnu does not know what to say to Varsha and then he also leaves the house .When he leaves , he hears Varsha breaking down , crying and screaming in the house …

Outside the Deshmukh Chawl, a Gujrati guy is buying vegetables .Teju is also waiting to buy vegetables . This guy takes out a 1000 ruppees note but a goon standing near him takes that note and runs away .The boy tries to stop him but gets beaten up .Teju jumps in and beats the goon up very badly .Others also join her and they all teach this goon a good lesson ..Teju then helps this poor guy to get up. She introduces herself and tells him that his mother and her Aaji ( savita ) had a big fight when they had moved in . This boy called Jignish remembers that his family were talking about the brawl . He gets up and walks away trying to avoid Teju . Teju is annoyed that even though she helped him, Jignish is showing her attitude .

Snehlata and Charulata ( the new Gujrati family ) open their snack shop .Archana goes to buy some goodies fro mthem .They are very talkative ladies and talk a lot about being famous at their skill of making snacks .Archana is very polite to them and orders a few things .They don’t charge her as the first day of their shop they want to do promotion by giving away free goodies … Archana and Snehlata exchange their phone numbers in case if Archu wants to order more stuff later .Archana also tells them her name .
Archana says that she will surely order more and wishes them best of luck .When Archana leaves, Snehlata is very happy that she met such a nice lady specially after her encounter with Savita on her first day at the Chawl .

At home, Savita and Teju are loving the spicy snacks brought by Archana from the Gujrati shop. Archu tells Savita that she got the snacks from the new Gujrati shop.Savita sort of remembers the name of the Gujrati family but she can’t remember that this was the name of the ladies she had fought with .Teju remembers and she is secretly smiling that Savita is loving the snacks made by the very ladies she had a fight with .
Savita tells Archana to buy more things from this shop, specially samosas …

Archana goes to her mother’s house for a visit .Punni is telling her how much she is enjoying working in OVT industries .Manju and Vinod come in , both in a very bad mood .Manju tells everyone what happened . Manju tells Sulochna that Vinod told Varsha not to be a mistress to Balan and Soham heard all this and he attacked Vinod and was so angry as if he would kill Vinod and Varsha did nothing to stop Soham .
Archana is feeling desperate as Manav too is now totally against Soham .She does not know how to tell Soham that he was not ignored and his family did love him . Sulochna says that she wants to go to Varsha’s house . Archu tries to discourage her but Sulochna insists .

Sulochna , along with Archana goes to Varsha’s house .Varsha opens the door for them but is rude and wants to know why they are here .Sulochna tells her that she wanted to ask some questions from Varsha .She asks Varsha why is she lying and cheating her family so much ? Why is Varsha trying to manipulate Soham and turn him against his mother Archana . Varsha says that Soham is not a kid and rejecting Archana as his mother is his own decision . Sulochna refuses to believe this and says that all the dcisions in Soham’s life , from the point when he was kidnapped , have been taken only and only by varsha. She says that because varsha was scared of losing Soham, she has destroyed his past, present and also his future.Varsha accuses Archana of hurting her and she says that Archana always made fun of the fact that Varsha could not be a mother ..She says Archana left Soham with her for 6 months and when Varsha got used to the baby , Archana wanted the baby back …and would not even let Varsha legally adopt him .

Sulochna is so angry with Varsha that she takes the pooja thali , a garland and soem holi water .She puts the garland on Varsha and the holi water on her and does her Sharadh ..She tells Varsha that as of today , she will consider Varsha dead for her .
Archana is shocked and Varsha is crying .

Precap : Archana is talking to Purvi .She is telling her that Arjun has moved on in his life now she has to move on and stop cursing herself . She tells Purvi to be brave and stop running away from her problems …

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  1. KSG
    November 06, 17:14 Reply

    Idiot Varsha!!

  2. Asad and Ayan Lover
    November 06, 15:15 Reply

    Guys how does jignish looks.plz do let me knw ? And wats up with Arvi are dey evr gonna get bak togeda or theyl get bak after 18 years?

    • nellie
      November 06, 17:07

      i think dey wont cuz it showing that arjun moved on nd stuff so

  3. ASAD
    November 06, 13:48 Reply

    This is funy instead of Teju shying off its the complete opposite the boy shys off :-@.

    Varsha your mom just did the right thing in fact she gave you a choice to either set things right or her death rites hats off for sulochnaji ;-D

    to make pr more interesting again they should eliminate Ovi from the show or get her another match and they should re unite Arvi. Soham should stop exaggerating and try and accept his real family.
    Purvi should fight for her love for Arjun.

  4. ArVi Lover
    November 06, 13:03 Reply

    Finally, Teju’s love story begins. Can’t wait to see what happens next. What’s up with the precap? Is there no hope for ArVi at all???

  5. Reader
    November 06, 12:52 Reply

    Missing archana sarees. Some drag game by ekta.

  6. Kriya
    November 06, 12:46 Reply

    Finally after so many days saw some good in this serial..dat shraadh done on alive varsha by sulochana..she deserv dis..good sulo very good…bappa ki mala utar kar varsha ko phna teju k liye kis bhikhari ko utha laye h ye log yr..can’t dey find somebody as smart as teju..jignesh..ewww..chalo koi nai..n poorvi is stupid yr use apne sacrifices se fursat mile toh apni lyf mein move on kar lena..n kuch arvi waala luv dikhao…

  7. D-Evil
    November 06, 12:29 Reply

    n finally varsha get slapped by her own mother this is the biggest punishment fr the daughter.well done sulo aai bt we expect some more tight slaps to varsha by u.Jigi is in the chawl looking forward to tej-jig character development.

  8. Mona
    November 06, 12:11 Reply

    luv u sulochana bcoz varsha deserve this.

  9. nisha
    November 06, 12:06 Reply

    love sulochana finally varsha is dead for her.. soham needs tpo reliase soon and purvi move on sister

  10. a
    November 06, 12:02 Reply


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