Pavitra Rishta 5th March 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 5th March 2013 Written Update by

Pavitra Rishta 5th March 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts with Ovi telling Purvi that she is too worried for Manav. She says, I told him to come home and rest.. but he just doesn’t want to listen. Purvi says, if we are hurt this much by Archu going to coma, then imagine baba. Ovi says, I know and that is why I didn’t force him much. Purvi blames Soham for everything. Ovi agrees with her saying so many problems came in their family after he came here. Ovi then says, Sulo aaji has also broken from inside, so I was thinking to come to your house. Purvi says, you’re right.. aaji will feel good seeing you and the baby. Ovi says, I will inform Arjun.

Onir is sad and looking at some diary. Scene goes in the flashback and Onir asks Purvi to show him what she writes all the day. Purvi has written baby names. He then shows her his diary in which he has also written names for their baby. Purvi gets surprised and asks, when did you make list? Onir says, all that don’t matter.. you needed names of babies and you got them now. You just have to choose 1 now.

Back to present, Purvi returns home. She says, doctor called her. Onir says, yes I called back him. Purvi sees him upset and asks what happened? If he’s fine?. Onir says, I am fine.. why? Purvi says, I mean are you hiding anything from me? Onir says no and asks, why are you asking me that? She then sees the diary under their blanket.

She takes the diary in her hand and reads it and then looks at Onir. She tells him, this is same diary in which we wrote name for our baby right? Why were you hiding it from me? Onir says, because I don’t want you to remember about your baby.. I know you get upset thinking about the baby. He says, even I get upset. I can take baby in my hand.. play with her. But can’t call myself her father. I can’t hug her as a father.. we saw so many dreams.. her name.. about her education.. what she will become.. we had planned everything. He asks her, how do you take all this pain? Please tell me.. I also want to fight. Onir starts crying. She tells him.. please don’t cry.. we will fight with this situation together.. They hug.


Purvi realizes what she is doing and slowly moves back, but her mangalsutra gets stuck in Onir’s shirt’s button. She removes it and then they hear baby crying. Purvi says, I will be right back and leaves from there.

Arjun is also at Purvi’s house now. Ovi is telling him that baby doesn’t stop crying. Purvi comes there running. Purvi asks Ovi if she can carry her. Ovi gives baby to her and baby stops crying now. Ovi and Arjun look at each other and smile. Ovi says, see Arjun she is so ‘badmash’.. as soon as she went to Purvi.. she stopped crying. Your daughter is already bothering me (in funny way).. Arjun just keeps looking at Purvi and Onir playing with the baby. He speaks in his mind, I am extremely sorry Purvi.. that day because of my one mistake.. you and Onir lost your biggest happiness.. I am seeing Onir smiling after so long… if I hadn’t made that mistake other day, then everything would be so different today. Please forgive me if possible.

Scene shifts to the hospital now. Manav enters Archu’s room. He looks at her and says, Archana please get up.. I am waiting for you to get up since so long. Our pooja is incomplete, let’s go and finish it. If you want, then I will bring flowers myself for the pooja. You never told me what you asked from Bappa. Get up and ask whatever you want from Bappa. You know I can’t live without you.. we saw many dreams and have to fulfill them. Please open your eyes, Archana, for me.

Purvi is standing alone outside her home. Sulo comes there with baby. Baby is crying. Purvi gets busy and happy playing with the baby. Purvi starts the “lauri” and Sulo keeps looking at Purvi. Arjun also comes there now and looks at Purvi from distance. Sulo seems happy seeing Purvi happy. She tells her, you should move on now.. you should think about new babies. Arjun seems to be surprised hearing that (he has his mouth open). Ovi calls Sulo. She goes inside. Purvi tells Arjun, Ovi would be calling her baby.. let me go. Arjun says, no it’s okay.. you can play with the baby.

He then tells her that he wants to tell her something. Purvi says, go ahead. Arjun says, I want to talk about what Sulo aai just told you. I know I shouldn’t interfere.. I may not know fully what you and Onir are going through, but I can understand how it feels when parents lose their child. During this time, everyone empathizes mother more because she keeps child inside her for 9 months. But father also loves his child same as his mother. He dreams that his child live happily until the child born. I am sure Onir would have seen same dream. I know what Onir is going through right now.. it is not easy for you two.. staying strong in front of everyone. I feel Onir has broken down. Anyone would be broken down. He saved everyone’s lives, but couldn’t save his child. I can’t explain husband-wife relationship to you because you would know it better than me.. all I want to say is.. after becoming a dad.. I have realized what would be the pain of losing your child. It’s just a different feeling of staying up whole night and making your baby sleep. I felt all this after becoming a day.. she gave me a new reason to live.. and I think you deserve all this happiness as well. Onir also deserves. Whatever happened.. wasn’t in our hand.. so if possible, please listen to your aaji.. please think about your future. I am sorry if I said too much. Purvi says, baby stopped crying.. take her inside. They come close when she passes baby to him. Arjun goes inside with the baby leaving Purvi in some thoughts.

Sunny is preparing lunch box for Manav. Savita comes there. She asks him, today you’re eating early? He explains her that Manav doesn’t eat anything or comes at home so I thought to prepare lunch box for him. Savita says, it’s good.. do take care of him and keep informing about Manav.

Sunny leaves. After he leaves, Savita tells Manav’s dad that Sunny is not that bad guy. He’s very good at heart. She tells him how he prepared food for Manav and he worries a lot for Manav’s health. She praises Sunny a lot. Manav’s dad tells her, I had told you.. this guy is good for Teju. Savita asks, did I take Teju’s name? I just said he’s a good guy.. I didn’t say he is good for our Teju. He says, you can say whatever.. but that guy has came here for Teju.. he came to win your heart which he did. Manav’s dad is overjoyed and calls out Archu. He says, Archana look Savita got agreed.. now you don’t to worry about anything.. your 3rd daughter’s wedding will also.. and now he gets quiet. Both Savita and him have tears in their eyes. They pray for Archu and say we can’t live without her.

Purvi enters her room and sees Onir sleeping with a book in his hand. She remembers what Arjun told her about moving on.

We then see Purvi going to him and taking the book away and removing his glasses, but it’s just her thoughts. In real she didn’t do anything like that.

Episode ends.

Precap: Purvi is remembering Archu and crying. She sleeps in Sulo’s lap and asks her, aai (Archana) will come out the coma, right? Sulo is also crying.

sorry for the delay.. but first of all i was not prepared to do the update today.. 2nd my net was slow.. and lastly i had to step out for some important work.. hope you understand…


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  1. drs
    March 05, 21:53 Reply

    hello friends….

    quicknotes of todays epi::

    purvi-ovi:: they are like bonding biig time….aisa lag raha hai…..kumbh ke mele mein bichaadi do behenein hain…lol…! 😉 am jus loving their sisterly talk day by day…..v jus have to wait n see the fate of this bonding wen the truth comes out….. 😉

    savita n her husband:: ahhh ” i hate u like i love u ” jodi of pr…..the way they wer missing archu n praying for her was really good….! the have got sooo used to her dat dey still arent ready to accept dat shez in coma….:(

    savita:: ohh…cmon lady…u urself accept dat sunny is a nice guy….den watz da problem in giving ur nod for tenny rishta….??? wait lemme guess….itz ur biiig fatt larger than life ego….!!!!! ugh! ur being a mean irritating sissy…. :O

    sunny:: ooohhhh….hez soo caring n kind…preparing lunch for manav….datz really sweet of him…:)

    purvi:: oh cmon dumbhead….u blaming soham…ugh! i neva xpected that from u….cmon gal…go talk to him…atleast he deserves dat…! try to look at things from his perspevtive too….!

    dr.onir:: awww…it was heartbreaking to see the gentleman cry…. :'( very true man…nobody bothers about the father the pain he goes thru wen his wife suffers a miscarriage…. 🙁 hope happiness comes back again into his life in the form of purvi…..:)

    arjun:: always the confusedd man…! ugh! y are u feeling guilty now…after the damage is done….! wen u are realizing ur mistake….has a smallest doubt ever crossed ur dumb mind dat purvi cud have been carrying ur baby….??? y r u even bothering to advise purvi n onir about something. wen u n ur dumb wifey wer the reason for their sad state in the first place…..!!! jus get the hell lost from their livez and let them stay happy….:)

    punir hug today….yaaaay 🙂 yippeee….it was worth watching…the convo between them the hug….it was all jus too good…..!!!

    now purvi dreaming about onir…. 😉 somebody remember…even onir had a same kinda dream wer he was tucking purvi n had made morning bed coffee for her…..!!! n now purvi’s turn to dream… 😉
    ye log dream sessions mein kab tak rahenge yaar…wen will they actually fall in love for real….??!*am waiting for dat day*

    purvi n dr.onir:: Mr.&Mrs.Mc Dreamy of pr…. :p

    datz all about todays epi guys…:)

    • Veer
      March 05, 23:18

      thankz doc for d late quicknotes…kidding thankz

  2. Punir
    March 05, 21:39 Reply

    Good morning to all my frinz….drs,xia,tenny

    • drs
      March 05, 22:07

      good morning to u too punir….!!!

  3. Punir
    March 05, 21:33 Reply

    Wow! Purvi n onir emotional hug n sen were soooooooooooo nice luv it yaar …. Arjun was also too good. But onir is onir..

    • Tenny
      March 06, 00:17

      Punir, hug scene was nice. B4 shakti’s entry u were praising arjun the way u are praising onir!

  4. Tenny
    March 05, 18:08 Reply

    Sweet dreams guys/ enjoy ur day kris.

      March 05, 18:19

      Bye Tenny I am also going to sleep bye guys sweet dreams till tomorrow

  5. Tenny
    March 05, 18:00 Reply

    The current plot is sad yaar because of ankita’s break. She is the reason y pr is sad. I have a feeling that teju and sunny’s wedding will unfold soon. So heart up and enjoy the drama. I
    have to confess that the rest of the actors are doing a great job!

  6. Tenny
    March 05, 17:54 Reply

    Similarities of archana and ovi/purvi. 1. Both archana and ovi miscariged. 2. Both purvi and archu have phd’s in sacrifising. What else can we add here?

  7. Tenny
    March 05, 17:50 Reply

    Hi kris? Y say it’s a headache?

    • Kris
      March 05, 17:54

      O god boy, I can’t take it anymore.
      Too much sadness, not a singly person happy right now
      I know the baby came but also too much sadness

  8. Tenny
    March 05, 17:49 Reply

    Moderator i don’t think so cos in real life not the entire family suffer. What i mean is not every sister’s fate will be the same or like that of their mother. Teju deserves happiness.

  9. Tenny
    March 05, 17:07 Reply

    Savita, what else do you want? Sunny has done his utmost best to win your heart. For a little while you claim that he is good and the next minute you change your mind completely, come on old woman make up your mind.
    A marriage ceremony in the upcoming episodes of pavitra rishta will be amazing. This is because tenny’s pr over powered savita and they live happily ever after. And i hope they wont face problems like divorce, miscarriage, sacrifices as earlier shown with purvi, archu
    and ovi!

    • moderator
      March 05, 17:29

      I feel that sunny will turn out to be negative and teju will end up with jignesh

      Remember none of archu’s children got happiness straight away.. Hard to believe teju will be an exception

    • Kris
      March 05, 17:48

      This show is so messed up. It’s literally become a headache

  10. Tenny
    March 05, 16:55 Reply

    Thanq thanq dtb. I love ur detailed updates. Better late than never. Tnx admin ji for the pics!

    • Tenny
      March 05, 16:57

      No problem! 😉 thanq

  11. Tenny
    March 05, 16:03 Reply

    Dtb am stil awake waiting for the completion of update! I must compliment ur update slow but best!

  12. Micky
    March 05, 14:58 Reply

    I love the fourth picture. Arvi and their sweet family. This epi is beautiful. Dtb nicely updated. Pls finish the update. Thanks

  13. Tenny
    March 05, 14:24 Reply

    Dtb don’t forget the rest of the pics!

  14. Tenny
    March 05, 14:16 Reply

    Hope u werent hurt with my comment. C u til them raghz! Don’t 4get there is no sori or thanq in friendshp. Bye

    • RAGHNEE ( Raghzz)
      March 05, 14:19

      o0key tenny but i cant becuz i am used to write ur name now .. but tell me why cant we do tht

    • Tenny
      March 05, 14:22

      Ths rules were set by drs so as to reduce the fake commentors using our usernames to create misundestanding on this page!

  15. RAGHNEE ( Raghzz)
    March 05, 14:13 Reply

    okey i am sorry tenny i won’t take names again 🙁

    okey bye i am going now it isn’t necessary for me to stay okey bye till friday or maybe saturday if it is posible cuz my brthr just cme bck to home he went to his wrk okey bye if he will find me on my lptp then i am done

    • Tenny
      March 05, 14:15

      Hope u werent hurt with my comment. C u til them raghz!

    • RAGHNEE ( Raghzz)
      March 05, 14:18

      actually i am not hurted with ur cmmnt

      okey i’ll tell u one thing when someone scream,yells to me i begin to cry cuz i cnt bear it even if my dad yells at me just for fun i begin to cry

  16. Tenny
    March 05, 14:09 Reply

    Manav: man u have to gather urxlf cos u r not going 2 cry until anki returns to pr! 4 now what is important is tenny’s wedding, angel’s name ceremony and soham’s freedom

  17. Tenny
    March 05, 14:06 Reply

    Arjun is in a trauma! Little did you know that ur child ie with ovi was the 1 who was stil born. Angel is arvi’s baby!

    • Tenny
      March 05, 14:10

      Lol exactly!

  18. Tenny
    March 05, 13:59 Reply

    Plsssz update fast dtb! The epi is interesting!

  19. Tenny
    March 05, 13:52 Reply

    Purvi is really getting strange. She herself hugd him and nt 4 d 1st time. Now she is realizing what? Baby cries, i believe ovi is there to tc of her. She is angel’s so called mother!

  20. Tenny
    March 05, 13:49 Reply

    Raghz u r breaking pr rules! No revealing real names and ages of users. Refer a person with their username. Am hapi to know u r keepin well now!

  21. RAGHNEE ( Raghzz)
    March 05, 13:46 Reply

    amir hi iam fine and now i am better okey..

    @xia hi i am fine sorry couldn’t reply cuz i was busy

  22. Mahima
    March 05, 13:45 Reply

    Savita always makes me think about my grandmother… she was also a dain like her but still sweet…

  23. Tenny
    March 05, 13:45 Reply

    Xia she hasnt yet but she wil!

  24. Xia
    March 05, 13:41 Reply

    Raghzz din replied me tenny

  25. Tenny
    March 05, 13:37 Reply

    Xia all those pics! Therefore there wil be many pics than words lol

  26. Xia
    March 05, 13:35 Reply

    Hi raghzz im good n hw r u

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