Pavitra Rishta 28th June 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 28th June 2013 Written Update by

Pavitra Rishta 28th June 2013 Written Episode

Onir and Shalini leave the mandir after their ‘fake’ marriage. Photographer tells them, they will get photos very soon. Kinsukh has to go to a play now. She asks Onir and Shalini to go along with her and watch her play. They arrive at the theater and they are too early. Shalini says, thank God I suggested we go home first and change, otherwise you would bring us here in that wedding clothes. Shalini goes in to arrange tickets for Onir and Shalini. Onir and Shalini go to drink coffee.

It’s raining and Purvi is stuck in the traffic. Auto man tells her to take another auto from other side. Concerned Arjun calls her to ask where she is as he’s also stuck in the traffic. Arjun asks her to stay where she is and he is going to pick her up now.

Onir and Shalini see Purvi. They worry as Kinsukh’s poster is there. Arjun arrives and tells Purvi, you should have called me before and I would come to pick you up. Onir tells Shalini to hide Kinsukh’s poster and he goes to Arjun-Purvi. He does his usual act and looks at them with anger. Arjun asks Purvi to go in the car. Purvi watches him as she goes in. Arjun and Purvi leave.

Shalini tells this to Kinsukh when she asks them where were you two. Onir says, I want them to get married as soon as possible. After that we won’t have to play hide and seek. I just want to see them together.

In car, Purvi is thinking about Onir, and then about Arjun. Arjun now looks at Purvi and thinks about her and Ovi.

Pari is crying. Teju tries to calm her down, but she doesn’t stop. Archu, Manav, Savita all come there. Archu asks Manav to call Purvi and ask her when she’s coming. Manav calls her. Purvi hears Pari crying. Manav says, that is why I called you. Maybe she’s missing you. Purvi says, I am on the way. I am stuck in the rain. Manav asks her, where are you? I will come to pick you up. Purvi says, I am with Arjun. He will drop me.

After the call, Arjun asks Purvi if Pari is sick. Purvi says, no.. she is not stopping crying. Maybe she is too used to me now.

Archu asks Manav, What did Purvi say? Manav says, nothing, she is coming, got stuck in the rain. Archu says, how many times I told her not to go outside alone in the rain. Manav says, she is not alone. She is with Arjun and he is going to drop her. Savita gets angry.

Soham calls Ovi and shouts, it’s me Soham. Can you hear me? Ovi says, yes, but why are you shouting? Soham says, I am calling oversea for the first time so I thought if I talk loudly, it will be easy for you to hear my voice. Ovi asks, but what are you doing there? Soham says, I live here now. Ovi is happy. Soham says, I didn’t talk to you since long, so thought to call you. He asks her whereabouts, and then asks if she is happy and if she misses her family. He also says, Manav stays very upset these days because Arjun signed divorce papers. Ovi asks, what? He signed divorce papers? Soham realizes what he just said. He apologizes to her and says, I didn’t want to hurt you, it just slipped from my mouth. Ovi says, you don’t need to apologize. Soham says, only lucky people get family and asks her not to stay away from them for too long.

Dk is worried for Arjun and he calls him. Arjun says, I am coming as soon as possible. Arjun-Purvi arrive at Purvi’s house. Arjun asks Purvi if he can meet Pari. Purvi says, I would take you with me, but right now baba is at home as well. Arjun says, I won’t talk to anyone. Will just meet Pari and leave. Purvi agrees.

They come home and no one seems to be happy seeing Arjun there. Arjun plays with Pari for a while and leaves without saying anything to anyone.

Arjun returns home fully wet. Dk gets a towel and dries his hair. Arjun is too excited and asks him to sit down. He tells him, I met Pari today. I was so happy seeing her. I forgot all my stress seeing her. I don’t know what’s in her that makes me forget all my stress. Dk says, it’s father’s love. Arjun thanks him for supporting him in all his decisions. Arjun then asks him, what are we eating today? Dk says, I made an Australian dish. Arjun is too excited to eat now. He goes to change.

Dk comes to his room and talks with his wife’s photo. He says, I have everything what one expects from his life. I only have one complain that you left me too early. I taught Arjun everything that you would want to. He has many good things about him, but he’s not happy. His marriage is breaking. His life is stopped. Despite being his father, I can’t help him. He lies down with the photo. He continues, after these many years, I feel I couldn’t become a good father because you were not with me. If you were there, then everything could be…. Suddenly his condition gets critical and he closes his eyes.

Arjun comes and tries to wake him up, but Dk doesn’t move. Arjun gets worried.

Precap: At the hospital, doctor says, next 24 hours are very crucial. Our treatment depends on how much response we get, and we also have to decide whether to do his bypass or no.

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  1. miss unbelievable
    June 30, 20:53 Reply

    No Dk don’t die

    Manav should go dead a bush he should have died

    Dk make arjun and purvi promise to marry as your death wish no one can not fulffil a deads man last wish

    June 30, 09:46 Reply

    I am fine xia di … AK bhai were r u

  3. Midhu
    June 30, 09:38 Reply

    It is better to end this crapy show..

  4. Xia
    June 30, 08:54 Reply

    Bhaijaan u r the most kind hearted male human i ever came accross u r just so kind n you are awesome guy proud to cal u my dearest bro

  5. AK
    June 30, 07:51 Reply

    Let me have lunch will be back in a jiffy

  6. Xia
    June 30, 07:50 Reply

    Raggzz me fine hws u

    June 30, 07:48 Reply

    Hey Xia how r u ??? AK bhai I am lying on bed chttng with u cuz I just woke up 50 min ago … And hey tomorrow I am free and tuesday also S days hu include saturday sunday

    • AK
      June 30, 07:52

      Ok Raghzzz I am here!!!!

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