Pavitra Rishta 24th June 2014 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 24th June 2014 Written Update by H_Hasan

Pavitra Rishta 24th June 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Naren giving his wedding invitation card to him and asks her to attend meeting in his absence. Ankita says she cannot go as she has other important work. Naren asks her to inform other colleague to attend the meeting and says it will be difficult for gun to work without her. He further says she must be going on a long leave soon. Ankita asks how does he know. Naren says with her symptoms, anybody can guess that she is pregnant.

Pari remembers Naren taking care of Ankita and gets disturbed. Neena asks why is she looking upset. Pari says there is nothing like that. Neena insists saying she is like her mother. Pari says Ankita has shifted in Naren’s cabin and she does not like that, it looks like Ankita is trying to be near Naren. Neena says it is obcious as Ankita had married him for 6 months and Ankita would try to encash money from him. She says it is chawl dwellers cheap mentality, etc. Teju hears her conversation and says in her words then Manav, Archana and their family have also cheap mentality as they live in a chawl. She asks Neena not to brainwash Pari with her hate talks and to keep away from her. Neena angrily goes from there. Teju asks Pari not to think negative, else she won’t be able to live with Naren.

Shashank comes home and goes for a bath. Mansi takes his phone and notes down numbers in a diary while he bathes.

Soham gets money after a day’s hard work and thinks of buying gift for his son. His friend sees money in his hand and demands to clear his debt. Soham gets angry on him and asks him not to force him to become Raghav lala again. His friends runs from there. Soham then sees Naren there enquiring about an address and hugs him calling damadji. Naren pushes him, says he does not know who he is and goes from there. Soham thinks he has changed.

Ankita and Shashank reach a hospital for a checkup. Nurse asks Ankita’s child’s father’s name. Shashank says his name. Nurse gives them a form to fill. Ankita asks why did he give his name. Shashank says nobody will know who child’s father is as she is away from her city. Mansi reaches hospital in a cab.

Archana asks Manav if he got any information about Soham. Manav says no. Archana says we have to find him as she wants Pari’s chudi rasm/premarriage ritual to be done by Soham. Neena says Sachin is also Pari’s uncle, so he should do it. She signals Sachin to come to their room. Once he goes in, she starts brainwashing him and says since childhood Pari called him as mama and he took care of Archana and Manav all these years, she cannot see him getting second=hand care by Archana and Manav.

Pari informs Naren that Shashank is Ankita’s child’s father and Ankita is ruining her sister’s life. She asks Naren to convince Ankita to abort the child.

Sachin asks Manav and Archana when will they divide the property, for which they came from India. Manav gets angry on him for asking property share, Archana tries to console him. Manav angrily goes out. Archana asks Sachin to wait till Soham comes back. Sachin says when will he come back and says he always got a second priority, but now he has a family and has to look after them also. He says even today she was thinking about Soham for Pari’s chudi rasam. Archana says she thinks both children as same and it was her mistake. Sachin asks her to execute the will first and goes from there. Manav hears their conversation standing near the door.

Mansi comes to the hospital and says nurse that she wants to register her sister’s name and says her name is Ankita from Mumbai. Nurse says she is already registered and her husband’s name is Shashank. Mansi says her doubt was right, they both came here for the same.

Ankita comes home and asks Mansi why didn’t she sleep till now. Mansi asks her to stop her fake concern and slaps her asking if she got only her husband in whole world.

Precap: Ankita says she helped her when nobody helped her after her rape and says her child is Ranakh’s and not Shashank’s.

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  1. M@hi
    June 25, 08:47 Reply

    I think Ankita told Manssi the child is Raunaq’s so as to prove to her how much Shashank loves her. She will tell her despite Shashank is aware the child isn’t his he still wants her to give birth to that child.

  2. Miss Unbeliavable
    June 24, 17:28 Reply

    i keep on wondering did ekta’s husband cheat on her with a family member???

    all im seeing is the series pointing in this direction

    • Trisha
      June 24, 20:53

      ukr :p its like she never got her love so she just takes it out on this show

  3. padma pinto
    June 24, 17:19 Reply

    @ Jaya I disagree with you Sachin is right as to Soham was given alot of chance to change but didnot want to change and Sachin did alot to Archna and Manav with bussiness and was there for them no matter what the reason was there

  4. Jaya
    June 24, 14:48 Reply

    Who the hell does Sachin think he is?! He wants to claim rights just because he live with the family longer just because he was lucky to get their love and just because hes too weak! Sheeshh! You have a job learn to provide for your own family not wait for your parents will! So cheap!! And let’s not forget that soham is actually the son of the family but was not fortunate enought to get thir love, Sachin and meena should actually be grateful that that family considers them as son and daughter in law because hes just a nephew! Soham suffered since birth and if he does anything wrong its because he wasn’t lucky to have a proper family otherwise hes a way better person than Sachin!

    • Minnal
      June 24, 22:47

      I agree, sachin is very ungrateful, i can understand Meena being so selfish, but Sachin is not man enough to explain & put her in her place, instead he’s going after the parents who have always stood by & supported him. Archana infact chose Sachin over Soham is why soham turned against his family again. Sure soham made some wrong desicisions in his life and ruined both his & his kids lives too… But from the begining Sachu has been blessed with what was rightfully Sohams, and I cant beleive he still want his right, which isn’t even his to begin with…
      How can he even deny a mothers love or her wait for her son? He’s the most self centered & u grateful one of Archana’s children…

      He only looked after what his dad has already acumilated, he didn’t work solely to provide for them, which if had been the case Meenu wouldn’t have allowed him either… All they did were leach off Manav & Archana of their unbiased love for all their children…

      I mean he’s a well educated lawyer right, who can if he wanted to in his own right earn a good living… Why do u need ur Aayi baabaa’s money to educate & provide for ur children… Had manav & archana thought like that about him, imagin where he would be now…

    • Jaya
      June 25, 16:13

      Exactly! Hes suppose to be a ‘lawyer’ ,he can’t provide for his family and hes still fighting for rights that does even belong to him! The irony!!

    June 24, 14:32 Reply

    how come the women in this serial cannot fall in love with some Man who is not related( in a relation ship ) with either their sister or cousin? it is really upsetting to me, come on Ekta Kapoor please let us have some sort of morality /decency when it comes to family life .

    • Jaya
      June 24, 14:50


    • Minnal
      June 24, 22:50

      So true, not enough men & women around, they have to keep it in the family so to speak 😉
      Sickening thought….:-€

  6. SA viewer
    June 24, 13:45 Reply

    so irritated with the storyline at the moment!
    How can a sister have such cheap thoughts about her husband and sister?

  7. malika samir
    June 24, 12:50 Reply

    the show is boooring and the story is irritating and fed up with Ankita and her tears about finding the son SOHAM who doesnot want to be found however enjoyed Sachins truth becouse him[Sachin], Purvi and Ovi are the one who worked hard and Soham deserve 0% wish the new leap didnot happen becouse its crap crap and crap bakwaas draggiiiiiing

  8. ISa
    June 24, 12:37 Reply

    that precap doesnt really say much …dont really know know if ankita told her the truth that its naren child ..or did ankita just flare up because of what mansi said that last sentence ..but that doesnt really mean that ankita told her the truth ….but keeping my fingers crosssedd i really really hope ankita did tell her the truth

  9. Who vex get lost
    June 24, 12:08 Reply

    Ankita character is ruining everyone’s life
    Y is she holding onto sha shank and has him as her confidant she shudnt bcoz of the fact that they were at one time in love and to be married y did sha shank give his name that’s jus dumb if ur in another city and no one wud know give naren name pari is a spoilt immature girl who is making problems all around and naren is too foolish to see the light divans storyline is being dragged on tooooooooo long he needs to be reunited do that the truth comes out

    IMO again Ankita character is the whole problem she is not sacrificing she is withholding truth and it’s plain dumb

    • Anonymous
      June 24, 14:14

      That’s true if she’s in a different city she should have put Naren’s name not allow her brother in law to put his name .Very disgusting. These two people are keeping secrets from mansi.

  10. Sarika
    June 24, 10:41 Reply

    How can someone slap her elder sister its so ridiculous!!!

    • Jaya
      June 24, 14:52

      Ikr! These people are constantly contradicting the whole pavitra rishta idea..

  11. Miss Unbeilavable
    June 24, 10:09 Reply

    im happy ankita told mansi the truth

    let the little witch get a taste of her own medicine

    how ironic pari tells people to stay out of others business

    yet she is telling Naren to interefre in ankita’s business


    i feel Old Ovi is here in the form of Pari

    looks like Pia took after purvi and teju

    • M@hi
      June 24, 10:12

      I think Pari is worst than Ovi actually. How can she ask Naren to convince Ankita to abort the child. Since when is she so caring towards Mansi.

      Ankita is certainly in a mess. She’s between Naren and Pari now Shashank and Mansi.

      I wish Ankita could have told her the truth that Shashank is just helping her. Now we have a sisters cat fight to watch.

    • Miss Unbeilavable
      June 24, 11:05

      she’s acting like some self righteous goddess

      like seriously why is Pari even doing this

      its like she wants to make Ankita miserable by any means in order to feel good about herself

      she’s so ughh

      she is so insecure

      thats why

  12. Navi
    June 24, 10:04 Reply

    Thank you H Hasan for the update….

    What are the writers of this serial thinking, writing this kind of storyline???

    They are just so depressing….

    With this precap that I just watched, I am frustrated and dissappointed….They are making sisters turn against each other now….

    The creatives seemed to forgotten somewhere down the line that this show was supposed to be about relationships and maintaining said relationships not breaking them apart and tainting them with lies and so much bitterness….

    I wish Ekta could stop ruining her shows with this over the top drama…All her serials start of so well and then they just take a nosedive…..

    Please just let Naren Remember his time with Ankita….If they planning on letting him remember on the wedding day itself, can this wedding take place faster….

    By the way, just a thought, I don’t remember a divorce between Naren and Ankita….And the wedding preparations are full stean ahead….

    Now a bit of ramblings……Pari is beginning to irritate me…

    Sorry about bothering you guys with my frustrations….But venting is supposed to be good right???

    • M@hi
      June 24, 10:08

      I totally agree with you! Yes, please vent it out. These days entertainment stresses you more than life. PR is very depressing but I just watch it to see Ankita and Naren re-uniting.

    • dejavoozie
      June 24, 12:13

      Naren and ankita dont need divorce as rushali has made it a contract marriage tactfully. . And I agree wit u M@hi.. these days entertainment shows r more a stressor than stress relievers. .

    • Can’t believe ekta kapoor made this serial and them she also made kumkum bhagya wich is awesome and meri aashiqui tumse hi looks awesome too.i just hope kumkum bhagya don’t end up like pr

    • Annonymos
      June 24, 13:01

      @kumkumbagya aurpyaarhogaya quboolhai. I wouldn’t count on that. The Pavitra Rishta writer is one sick person who disgraces relationships and marriage on her serial. If Kumkum Bagya is written by the same writer, she would definitely do that with Kumkum Bagya too as that is her mentality.

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