Pavitra Rishta 17th October 2012 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 17th October 2012 Written Update by –.NArESh.–

episode starts with at hospital vinod & manju reach. manju telling vinod she is not coming inside, she will sit here. punni is also with manju. vinod meet manav & archu. archu is crying. vinod is giving hope to archu. manju saying what days are came now? now we are coming here to meet one gunda. punni is listen all this. manju is blaming archu. arjun, ovi & DK reached. Dk ask manav what is now soham condition? manav tells soham operation is going. purvi & sulo also came. sulo ask arjun where are all members? sulo goes straight. archu sees sulo & she hugs her & starts crying. she tells aai my soham. i got my soham after 18 years now i want to only one thing i want my soham will be fine. she telling sulo please pray for soham. savita, damodar & vandita arrive at hospital. savita asking archu where is soham? archu replies in OT. savita go near manav & telling him that soham will be fine soon.

Purvi stands a corner. Arjun is telling DK that inside that man is gunda. Does u forgot what he did with me? Purvi listen all this. Purvi goes near them. Punni phone rings. punni go at corner. She sees arjun-purvi together. Arjun tells purvi that manav did not know Vishnu is soham at time of shooting. Purvi tells whatever but soham dad is my elder brother. Punni go near ovi & talking with her. She says I know whatever happens with soham it is bad. She takes along with her & ovi sees purvi & arjun together. Doc telling archu that operation is successful. Archu is happy to hear this good news. Archu asks doc when she meets soham? Doc tells now patient want to take rest after he gets conscious one by one all family members are meet him. At inside soham gets conscious & soham asks doc where he is now. Doc tells him that he is now in Mumbai. Soham sees arman. He recalling that manav was shot him she gets furious & whatever he sees he starts throwing. Doc & nurse hold soham hands & doc give him sleeping injection. soham gets uncouncious. Manav & archu sees all this.Sulo asks archu what happen manav? Manav says I knw when he sees him he gets angry at me. Suddenly teju tells to everyone that he is one gunda. Archu stops her to say anything about soham. Teju tells that u all is not known what happen with them in darbanga.She says he was going to kill archu.[COLOR]

Teju telling to all that if manav baba not shoots him he will be kill archu. I was gave him blood just bcoz of archu. She tells I m not consider he as my elder brother. Archu stops her & tells in darbanga he is Vishnu but here he is now soham. Archu tries to understand teju but she does not listen anything. She leaves from there. Ovi stops teju & says to all she is also leaving bcoz she does not forget that soham/vishnu was fired 2 bullets on arjun leg. Manav says ovi… ovi replies please baba. thet both takes leave. Savita telling manav that u don’t worry time will change everything. She says our soham will be fine soon. She also leaves. Archu gets tense & says to vandita please go with ovi & teju. Vandita replies don’t worry I will go with them. Vandita also leaves. Purvi giving hopes to archu. She tells everything will be fine. Purvi suggest archu that thet should go home for rest. Manav says no purvi we are here. U all are should leave now. Savita, damodar & all are leaves. DK says manav u don’t worry everything will be fine. He leaves. Manav is upset & asking archu when this will over? Archu replies yes manav… soon. She put her head on manav shoulder & both are crying. Episode ends..

Precap: at police station soham, archu, manav, balan & varsha is there. Archu says to soham u try to understand her. Soham gets furious & says he is not her soham. Please stop it. Balan is happy to hear this. Soham says u r says u r my dad na so what did u do with me? U came with police to arrest me. My dad(balan) never does not do with me like this. Soham tells manav that he (balan) is my dad. Manav says soham… soham tells leave me alone. Archu looking at soham.

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  1. Emma
    October 17, 19:18 Reply

    I think that my grandchildren will still have PR to watch.This show will go on and on and on and Savita will still be alive then to.

  2. ArVi Lover
    October 18, 09:05 Reply

    ArVi??? Please get back together and show Ovi that you won’t take any more crap from her.

    Wake up Vishnu! Ur name is Soham and ur parents are Manav and Archana!

    • Emma
      October 17, 19:08

      Same crap different day. Again with the sad story that Vishnu lost his memory.

  3. salva
    October 18, 01:37 Reply

    Yes, it is dragging a lot. Ovi should leave Arjun after seeing so much and in real life we can never find a person like Punni/Manju/Savita. Please PR team make the storyline more realistic. Looks we are going to see a lot of crying for days.

  4. Mary
    October 17, 18:47 Reply

    Soham will have to accept archu and manav.

  5. Jaya
    October 17, 18:23 Reply

    Really like hw it went. Hate dat girl Ovi n Purnima.
    N archu needs 2 put some sense into varsha.

  6. Mary
    October 17, 17:54 Reply

    Teju,Ovi and the rest still hv to accept Soham as their brither, it was’t his fault he is a goon.

    • Jaya
      October 17, 18:27

      Yea u r rite it wasn’t Soham fault he is a goon, its is all that kidnapper Varsha fault. N I am sure everyone wil accept him as a part of d family.

  7. disha
    October 17, 15:15 Reply

    Thanks for taking your time and updating it. Eventhough the english is bad we figured it out. thanks again.

  8. Lol! Soham please don’t accept archu as your mother. She is a horrible person who can’t teach you anything besides just “sacraficing”. Stay away from the family. Woman especially. Go and enjoy your gunda life instead and save yourself from this family that has a lot of drama!

    Please live a no nonsense life. Best wishes!

    • Anonymous
      October 17, 17:35

      If you hate pav. Rishta then y do u read it. First ovi is the best, now u? Why do we hav to deal with u guys. I really don’t understand you pple.

    • Jaya
      October 17, 18:18

      If u think PV is horrible then y do u read it? Maybe somday u wil hav to face somting like dis in life, then what wil u do? So plz stop sayin PV is horrible rista

    • LN
      October 17, 20:07

      Do you guys really believe that this can happen in real life? You people need help big time! Do some mental check up. And everyone has the right to their opinions! You people should just shut up and have the power to take other people’s opinion. Oh shit Indians are not nurtured to have this wide thought. Indians are too narrow minded to understand that.

  9. Arya 4 lyf
    October 17, 13:51 Reply

    Soham should acept his parents like imediately. So that he wil be able to re-unite Arjun and Purvi.
    -Ovi is being a hyperbolist bcos Arjun was not with him when he was shot.
    -I strongly feel that purvi wil make soham understand the situation.
    -Teju should try to get a hold of herself before its too late.

  10. ovi is the best
    October 17, 13:09 Reply

    oh ovi you are sooo caring. ovi is the only one who cares for arjun. purvi is a bitch. go to hell.

    • Anonymous
      October 17, 17:43

      aaah! My earsAre BLeedinggggggg!!!!!! Stop the cursing! Omg! Ovi is NOT god! You don’t have to call purvi a b**** b
      just bcause ovi is the best!(not) 😉 I’m sick and tired of u, and p.r is not a pure rishta! Get a lif for god’s sake!

  11. rk madhubala fan
    October 17, 13:05 Reply

    Ehmmm…(Cough) and what about yesterdays precap.
    The pr team is suffering from temperally amnesia. I hope they don’t forget to re-unite ArVi.
    And what a boring episode. They are dragging the whole Vishnu/Soham thing.
    Disgusted right now

  12. Anonymous
    October 17, 13:03 Reply

    Thank you so much for the effort. I really appreciate it. Thanks 🙂

  13. MES
    October 17, 13:01 Reply


    OH GOD….WHEN WILL THIS PR COME TO AN END ?????????????????????

  14. MES
    October 17, 12:58 Reply

    what a stupid storyline……producers dragging it unnecessarily with such boring consequence.!!!!!!!!

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