1. srishty
    January 14, 15:47 Reply

    they showed that pari is arjun daughter but they didn’t show that pia is arjun daughter it was ovi who said that the baby is arjuns…but we don’t know if it’s really so

  2. Asha
    January 14, 12:43 Reply

    Sick… Two sister have kids for de same guy…..well it does spell out There Is A Shortage of Men

    • barun lover
      January 14, 12:48

      Did theuy show that pari and pia are arjuns kids… or am i not undrstndng what u said…. sorrryyyy!! Pla explain…..

    • :)
      January 14, 15:43

      yes pari nd pia are arjuns daughters

  3. guest
    January 14, 11:21 Reply

    wtf is ankita her problem!!! why she doesnt give the attu answers!!!! paisa paisa!!!

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