Pavitra Rishta 13th September 2012 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 13th September 2012 Written Update

Archana: If I wanted then I could tell all this Manav way before and all this that’s happening with you now could have happened long time ago. But do you know why I was quiet? Just because of Sachin.

Savita: You think you’re too smart right? All this happened because of you. When we were in Canada, we were so happy. Manav did mistake by coming here and spoiled everything.

Archana: Everything happens the way God wants. God never disappoints their followers and maybe late but he always gives justice to them. By lying, you made my family yours but what did you get from it? All this that happened today? And whatever I got today, I got the correct way and they will now always stay with me now. And as long as it’s about creating fights and differences between people.. I am not like that, I can’t do that. Everything that’s happening with you today is all because of you, because of all the mistakes you did.

Savita: Are you trying to scare me? I will see how long my kids stay away from me. One day I will make them mine again.

Archana: I also want same thing because I know the pain of living away from your family. But your family has gone too far from you. If you want your family back, then this time you will have to take the first step.

Savita: We will see. (And she leaves)

Archana (to herself): Aai, I won’t do anything because of which you get hurt. But yes, I am feeling bad because despite knowing your mistake, you’re not accepting it and have no regret for it. Because of you, whole family is angry at you, but you don’t realize it.

Both are remembering their past moments that they spent together and getting emotional and crying.

Arjun in end breaks photo frame which had his picture with Puvi and Ovi sees it.

Arjun (looking at broken photo frame): Why did you do this with me Purvi? Just leave me alone.

Ovi enters and starts collecting pieces of photo frame.

Arjun: What are you doing?

Ovi: You want to forget Purvi right? I am just trying to help you out.

Ajun (takes away frame for her hand): I will do what I want. Why do you bother? (and then he remembers Purvi asked him to keep Ovi happy if he ever loved her)

Arjun: I am sorry. Do you love me?

Ovi: What are you asking? You know very well that I love you before I found out the meaning of love. We were best friends. We have spent so much time together. I don’t love anyone else as much as I love you.

Arjun: Great. So you can understand my situation. I don’t love anyone as much as Purvi. I am not sure if I will be able to forget Purvi or no. I don’t know what will happen to us, how much time it will take for me to get over with this. I don’t know anything. Are you getting me?

Ovi: I can understand.

Arjun: Thanks (and he leaves).

Archana is getting ready to sleep in kitchen.

Teju: You won’t sleep here from today.

Archana: Why?

Teju: Because I am going to sleep here from today.

Archana: How can you sleep here? Your room is there.

Teju: No. That room is yours. Vandu told me that room used to be baba and yours. You came back to this house with all the rights you deserve and you have rights on that room.

Archana: But..

Teju: No, don’t say anything. (Teju takes Archana to her room and Archana is amazed seeing the room).

Archana: Wow Teju, you kept this room very clean.

Teju: All credits go to Ovi. Since she has gone to Arjun’s house, she took all her useless stuff with her. And room got neat and clean itself.

Archana (laughing): I don’t like anyone telling bad stuff about my daughter.

Teju: It feels good hearing daughter from your mouth.

(And they hug & Manav enters)

Teju: Baba you? I was just leaving from your room.

Manav: Was leaving from room? Why?

Teju: I mean, from today this room is yours and aai’s. You two will sleep here. (Teju leaves)

Archana and Manav see a ‘welcome back’ card which Teju left there.

Manav (holding Archana’s hand): After 18 years, I am finally feeling good. In last 18 years, there were made ups and downs in my life and I missed you on every single moment. But today, that missing like feeling is gone.

Manav (hugging Archana): I can live my entire life in this one moment. Do you know, I was celebrating our marriage anniversary alone every year. My every single celebration had your memories.

Archana: Can we go to Ganpati bappa’s temple tomorrow?

Manav: Yes, we will take blessings from Ganpati bappa. Tomorrow’s morning will be a new start for us. I promise you, now no one will come in between us. We will always be together.

(Both hugging very tightly to each other)

Manav wakes up and looks around but cannot see Archana. He goes outside and see her in getting water line. He looks at her and smiles.

Archana’s mother is praying there and Savita enters and prays as well. They see each other now.

Sulochana: Wow, you and in temple? Seems like you have realized your mistake and came here to ask forgiveness to God. But for what you have done this time, even God won’t forgive you. What did you get by doing all this? For your ego, you risked your kids lives. You lied and kept Manav away from her. Why did you do this? Why did you give this big punishment to my daughter? What did she do to you? She cried for her family, her daughters in last 18 years. She was like drying every day. In last 18 years, there is not a single day when she didn’t pray for her family’s happiness. You had your son, your son had his daughters, and you all had some reason to live happily. But my daughter, who was with her? Because of you, she lived alone. Your lies, your selfishness have taken away your son from you.

Savita: I did everything for that son only.

Sulochana: Please stop lying. Don’t hide selfishness saying your son’s name. For whom you did all this doesn’t even want to see your face. He doesn’t even want to talk to you. He’s ashamed of calling you a mother. There is no bigger insult than this for any mother. But you should have know that what you doing will hurt you one day. You created so many troubles in daughter’s lives but Ganpati bappa was with her, he did justice with my daughter. And today same God will punish you for your mistakes. You will also cry in pain one day, just like my daughter. You will also be lonely like her and at that time, you will know what’s loneliness. How it feels when you’re lonely.

(Sulochana is leaving but stops)

Sulochana: And one more thing, if anyone can take you closer to your son then it’s only Archana, no one else. Remember it. (Sulochana leaves)

Precap: Manav, Archana, and Teju are sitting at a dining table. Savita sees them from far and is feeling bad because she is left alone.

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  1. Mary
    September 16, 09:40 Reply

    Why r ppl saying that purvi will met with an accident and some man will take her to London and then they r saying that she will marry some police or Sohom.

    • pooja khana
      November 05, 22:06

      pavitra rishta is doing so well its getting more interesting daily I just hope Soham will accept Manav and Archana as his parents!!1

  2. Anonymous
    September 14, 12:23 Reply

    plz do todays update..stil waitng for arvi scene..hope they will rejoin..

  3. shivana
    September 14, 11:19 Reply

    Wat abt d promises purvi made to arjun. Dnt promises meant anythin to d writer

  4. unknown
    September 14, 11:10 Reply

    serial is going on good ……
    but still we need arvi .
    please do something ..
    we r missing romaantic scenes of arvi a lot

  5. Anonymous
    September 14, 06:10 Reply

    purvi and arjun make a gud cple
    i wnt dem 2 b married

    • Anonymous
      September 16, 09:38

      me too. they should hv been marrid. arjuni shold hv never marrid ovi.

  6. shivi
    September 14, 06:06 Reply

    There are rumours that purvi will meet with an accident and a man
    will take her with him to London as his daughter.Purvi will also go wid him as she has no one left for her in India – arjun and archana are out of her life.
    Secondly some new characters will come in and 1 year leap is also planned.
    God knows what will happen.

  7. Yusra
    September 14, 00:50 Reply

    Nice update… Frnds u can see how dis useless goat is talkin to Arjun, dat gurl Ovi have no human sympathy in her alot. So she doesn’t care what will happnd to Purvi, all she care for is her self… Purvi dnt worry u ll get back ur Arjun.

  8. arvi fans
    September 14, 00:37 Reply

    i think u rejoin arvi together if u believe in rishta…ekta

    September 13, 17:04 Reply

    i think ekta has to think and bring purvi/arjun together. if purvi is going with the new new police officer hero then what will happen to arjun. he will feel betrayed and will think what purvi did to him is how purvi’s character is. arjun se pichha churana chahti thi and she will hate purvi, he will hate himself and as it is he already does not like ovi.
    for no reason, his life will become a hell.purvi’s sacrifice will all be in vain.

    September 13, 16:45 Reply

    hey, if u can do a better job then please be my guest and let’s us all see how u come along.

  11. SYS
    September 13, 16:07 Reply

    Plz plz aab iss Sameer ke saath Purvi never ever fix maat kar na . He is not perfect match for Purvi . Plz plz don’t do that happen . Purvi with Arjun one & only nice , cute & parfect pair .

    September 13, 16:03 Reply


  13. crappy
    September 13, 15:46 Reply

    hello kiki bitch wat u mean by nasty comments. u r more nasty like ekta kapoor.

  14. Seeca
    September 13, 15:29 Reply

    Who’s this inspector guy I’m hearing rumors about? Someone please tell me

  15. Anonymous
    September 13, 15:10 Reply

    wow!!! after watching today’s episode, i guzz arjun gonna give a try to his wedded life. and hence forth, we r not going to get any arvi scenes…
    thanks to ekta, and i guzz she gonna make arjun ovi relation a PAVITRA RISHTA :P. so it is a tata bye bye for PR from my side!!

    • Tima
      September 14, 18:39

      arjun I think u should fight for purvi and leave ovi though its just entertainment ovi u are a bitch and I’m sure in reality U are one as well

  16. hello1
    September 13, 14:07 Reply

    am surprised how archana has changed seeing she has her family now. she doesn’t care about purvi anymore and is really not there for her. sulo is acting like nothing happened.

    and it’s disgusting that purvi is thinking about arjun her “brother in law” – not caring about the rishta that they have now.

    what is ekta trying to show? that it is okay and moral to miss your bro in law?


    • hello1
      September 13, 14:40

      I want Ekta to introduce a hunk in the serial and him to drool and marry purvi and take her to uk so she can leave behind her selfish mother, her grandmom, her so called stupid “rishtas” that make her sacrafice, and that spineless arjun that does everything for the one he loves. Purvi should have asked Arjun to jump from cliff instead – and I bet arjun would have done it. That’s how stupid Ekta and the writers are. Coming up with mindless crap!

      I know PR is one of the longest running shows – so sh!t – it doesn’t have have to be “the” longest. In the previous episode there was a perfect opportunity for Ovi to realize her mistake and unite Purvi and Arjun but noooooo Ekta wants this show to run for another 10 years!!

      In the upcoming episode I bet there will be another 18 year jump.

      That’s it – I’m not watching this show again!!

    • Anu
      September 14, 11:58

      Hey…Give Purvi some time….. She had oved Arjun and ove is not something you can forget in a day….. It takes time to push that oveto the corner of one’s heart…give her time dear

  17. Yusra
    September 13, 13:59 Reply

    What wrong with today update? Today episode is bored ewwwwwwww.

  18. Anonymous
    September 13, 13:53 Reply

    What happened to the original updates???
    Please bring back the previous writer.
    It was a pleasure to read.

  19. Sehar
    September 13, 13:52 Reply

    Arvi fans plz dont lost hope like arman even arvi will get 2gether so…

  20. ArVi
    September 13, 13:37 Reply

    Ekta U fool… after meeting someone special in live… n after doing something that shouldnt be done now u are making Purvi fall for Sammer? u sick bloody lady… curse u idiot… U seriously making love a joke u fool… God bless anyone that is with you currently cause u seriously dont deserve to be with anyone… u leave n die alone u idiot…

  21. arjun purvi fan
    September 13, 13:03 Reply

    I think I should really stop watching pr. I thought that ekta would do something about arjun and purvi but after reading news that purvi will meet that inspector I lost hope. Thank u ekta….u but faced, evil witch!!!
    P.s: I am happy for archana

    • Anonymous
      September 13, 13:26

      I think that Ajun and Purvi should be reuinted..i hate how its goin with Arjun and Ovi being married….

    • Tima
      September 14, 18:44

      Actually I have stopped watching pavitra rishta I don’t like it any more agh purvi and arjun wake up be like abha and karan ay u guys suck now really

  22. Reader
    September 13, 12:57 Reply

    Miss the original update. This update sucks. Pathetic English

    • Anonymous
      September 13, 13:06

      dont blame for their effort

      September 13, 14:01


    • Kiki
      September 13, 14:08

      hey if you can do a better job then do it. If you’re not willing to i suggest you refrain from making nasty comments

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