Pavitra Rishta 12th September 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 12th September 2013 Written Update by ArVi-licious

Pavitra Rishta 12th September 2013 Written Episode

balan meets soham, soham angrily walks away, but balan tells him he wants to talk something really important, but soham leaves..

shalini is super excited, she comes n tells purvi that onir proposed n thanks purvi for get her feelings across to onir.. purvi tells her its nothing in front of what they did for arvi.. shalini informs that they r getting married d next day in a very simple way, n requests purvi to come with arjun..

soham is drinking at a bar n recalls what archana had told him, balan comes there n sits at his table, soham gets up to leave, but balan says he wants to talk abt gauri.. soham gets interested n sits down to listen..
balan tells him he knows soham since childhood n knows his likes n dislikes.. he tells soham that manv is being partial n getting gauri married to their fav son sachin.. he orders a bottle n makes soham drink too.. he goes on to tell him, that manav has always been favorable towards his others kids, he says soham has to work in a grocery shop n not in their office, he keeps on instigating him.. balan goes on to tell him that balan is a better father n always got him everything he wanted.. balan tells him he knows everything abt his love for gauri, he tells soham if he really wants the girl, balan will get her to him… he tells soham to just give him the word n he’l promise to get gauri.. soham looks determined, he says yes ‘baba’ n takes a swig.. balan is overjoyed

teju is doing some decoration n requests soham to help.. he reluctantly helps.. purvi n arjun comes there, soham is irritated to see everyone so excited.. sachin also is there.. arjun congratulates him n gives him a sherwani.. sachin thanks them.. soham is still struggling with d deco..

purvi then informs archana that onir n shalini are getting married today itself.. teju comes in with d sherwani n archana keeps it in d cupborad… soham also enters her room, archana asks him if he isnt going to work.. he says he’l finish sum chores n leave.. he sees the sherwani in archu’s cupboard..

at d registers office.. arvi, shalini n onir n ovi are assembled… they get reg married n arvi r d witnesses.. they exchange garlands.. purvi gifts them a bappa idol.. n also invites them to all d celeb of sachin’s wedding..

at home teju says its a shaadi ka ghar n there must be music, she makes evry1 dance.. ovi sachin n all dance.. savita n archu look at them enjoying.. teju pulls soham but he doesnt join..

archu then sends teju to gauri’s place to give her some bangles n tells her to take purvi also along.. soham gets annoyed n goes to his room.. he opens his cupborad n sees the bangles he got for gauri.. he gets angry.. he has a bottle of liquor behind his clothes.. he drinks n says that he’l never let gauri be sachin’s!

at gauri’s place.. purvi is putting d bangles on gauri’s hands.. gauri asks her abt soham.. purvi replies that soham is fine n that she has told archana also abt him.. she tells gauri to just enjoy n not worry abt soham.. there is music n dance going on.. teju n purvi join d other ladies, gauri watches them n is also pulled to dance..

a very drunk soham comes to balan’s hideout n keep howling..”where is my gauri, bring her to me” he is i rage n keeps screaming.. balan tells him to wait but soham says he is ready to kill or die.. balan tells him not to do such things.. soham says he needs gauri n if he gets gauri to him.. he will again turn into bisnun lala n becum bahubali n go back to their village, but he just wants gauri.. balan asks him if he will leave his ayee baba? soham takes a moment to think.. balan says if tmrw soham changes his mind what will he do? but soham tells him he will do anything for gauri,leave manv n archana also.. balan is happy..

soham asks him how n when will he get gauri, balan tells him he’l tell him all his plans tmrw.. soham tells him to do anything but gauri coz he cant see gauri with sachin anymore n smashes a glass n leaves..

balan wonders he has promised soham but how will he get her.. his assistant says they’l just kidnap her n get them married.. balan says she is to be manav deshmukh’s DIL n its not easy they’l need a plan..

PRECAP: manav finds d liquor bottle n sachin’s cupborad n asks archana abt it, she is shocked

No pics today..

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  1. sonam
    September 13, 01:12 Reply

    hi guys iam new here!
    but i have been watching this show more than 2 years its getting worse day by day REALLY VERY BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • PAT
      September 13, 12:21

      Welcome Sonam to the forum,,,,, hope a have a wonderful time……………

  2. anonymous
    September 13, 01:11 Reply

    Soham was a fool is a fool and will remsin a fool… stupid are the writers.

  3. kk
    September 13, 01:07 Reply

    very boringggggggggggggggg!!!!!
    its frustating REALLY

  4. lizzy
    September 13, 00:17 Reply

    Never taught I would ever say this about PR but its time to end this show, am sorry the show makes no sense any more it very frustrating and boring…..

  5. حَبيبي
    September 12, 23:03 Reply

    Jeez … Writers … Why not just let Soham hit
    her over the head and drag her by
    her hair into his cave ??

  6. r
    September 12, 17:40 Reply

    these writers on drugs

  7. ammara
    September 12, 16:23 Reply

    hello everyone its been a while i love soham and i dont understand after everything his character has been through y is he still having a hard time for once couldnt he jus be given his love and be happy and dis disgusting balan how many times will the man keep reappearing its outrageous

    • Yolanda
      September 13, 09:10

      I agree with you. Why are they dragging him down like that???? He tried do hard to change wrong no real understanding or support. Manv is supposedly a millionaire in the show but can’t get his list son a good job where he can be trained and educated. It wasn’t his fault that his parents allowed him to be kidnapped by varsha . Plus manv was this millionaire and he couldn’t hire a detective to find his son who was a stone throw away in another village. So nobody really helping Soham. Plus us it my imagination or wasn’t teju and anchanna on to his feelings for gauri ? So I guess the writers randomly changed the track of the show .

  8. AK
    September 12, 13:45 Reply

    Hi all ?

    I am disappointed with Soham ‘s character.

    • Suni
      September 12, 13:47

      Hi dear 🙂 .. . Good to see you ..
      I give you my usual greeting 🙂 . ..

  9. Haresh Sukhraj
    September 12, 13:31 Reply

    Pavitra rishta is jokes… how does balan continue getting release from police so often and so quickly???

    look at everything he has conspired and lately he kidnapped Gauri and yet he’s free and wandering about the place…

    be a bit more realistic Ekta mam!

    • Mahi
      September 12, 14:08

      That’s one among the many unrealistic things lol

  10. ♥RD♥my luv
    September 12, 12:20 Reply

    ThnkQ…..for the fast update….! Hi Ak bhai , mk di , merina di , anonymous and alll . How r u all ?

    • Merina
      September 12, 12:43

      Hi RD. I’m fine, hope all are fine too. It’s good to catch ya guys up after a long time.

  11. Miss Unbelievable
    September 12, 12:19 Reply

    why am i not surprised?

    my predictions are coming true

    so we either kidnap gauri

    or kidnap sachin in the barrat & replace him with soham

  12. kris
    September 12, 12:17 Reply

    Dumb really dum what’s happening to Soham. Senseless

    • Mahi
      September 12, 12:42

      I agree, they are overdoing it with his character now. Just because he was once obeying Balan doesn’t mean in a situation like this he will behave this way.

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