Nimki Mukhiya 28th April 2018 Written Update

Nimki Mukhiya 28th April 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Nimki Mukhiya 28th April 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Sweety asks Diamond to sit in car. Diamond leaves.

Grandma comes home, Grandma says we were stuck, its good Abhi was there, he took us home. Sweety says to Diamond why did you leave to village? Nimki says he shouldnt have left grandma. Diamond asks her to shut up. Babbu slaps him and says why did you leave grandma. Nimki says learn from him. Rekha whispers to Mai that now Babbu will raise hand on his brother because of Nimki. Grandma says Abhi cared for us a lot, his aunt is very nice, Nimki asks if Elena irritated them? Sweety says she was ill. Nimki gets worried and says what happened to her? She runs from there. Ritu says its good that our good time is going on. Tettar asks Diamond to leave anger and freshen up. Diamond whispers to Mai that Nimki and Abhi are jumping up a lot,

they will be on my hit list.
Nimki calls Aunt and asks where is Elena? she got ill and you didnt even tell me, you want me to stay away from Elena but remember that Elena and Abhi are mine, where is she? Aunt says Elena is sleeping. Nimki says I am coming there. She ends call.

Nahar slaps his goon and says why did you try to mess with Nimki’s sister. Kundan says stop all this, do something big, something that will make difference. Nahar brings medicine. Nahar says Tettar have a medicine company, what if we temper with his medicines? Kundan says if something wrong happens then Tettar’s company will be searched and then if someone dies then it will be closed.

Scene 2
Nimki is knocking on Babbu’s door. Mai asks what you want? Nimki says I have to go to Abhi’s house, Elena is ill, she needs me, Babbu can drop me there. Mai says Babbu is not your driver, call your father, he is driver since birth. Nimki is hurt to hear it.

Ram comes home. Mauha says to Tunee that you did nice by taking money. Tunee says the way you caught goon was nice. Dumri comes there and says to Ram that your daughter scared me and you didnt say anything. Dumri says Nimki did nice work. Tunee says she and her inlaws are nice, she is handling her inlaws nicely, she is taking care of her inlaws and doing outside work too. Dumri says she will become big politician.

Servant says to Mai that Nimki left house from backside in car. Rekha says did she leave with Babbu?

Nimki is making Jhariya drive car, she says if you dont drive then I will hit you with stick. Babbu is calling but Nimki says dont take call.

Babbu says to Mai that Jhariya is not taking call. Mai says I asked her to stay at home. Rekha says she doesnt value Mai’s words. Babbu says she must have gone to meet Elena, its good that she left, we will have some peace. Mai says its not about peace but value of my words.

Doctor checks Elena. Abhi asks doctor to check her. Nurse says we have got new container of medicines. Doctor says check all medicines. Doctor says to Abhi that we have to admit Elena here for one day.
In hospital, new medicine consignment is getting unloaded.

Nimki comes to Abhi’s house but its locked, she gets worried and calls Abhi but he doesnt pick up call.

PRECAP- Nahar’s goon calls him and says we have put tempered medicines in hospital. Abhi sees medicine truck leaving and a goon standing there.
In hospital, Elena says I dont want to get injection. Aunt says you will get fine soon if you get it. Doctor applies injection to Elena which is tempered. Elena cries. Nimki hugs her.

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