Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 22nd August 2022 Written Update

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 22nd August 2022 Written Update by MA

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 22nd August 2022 Written Episode

Vidhi asks Kanika if they can’t help Dev and his wife. Kanika says we can just pray that everything gets fine between them. Vidhi says she has Milapni Devi’s temple at home and says they can do puja on their names, and asks her to give details of names and gotra. Kanika asks Rishabh what is gotra? Rishabh says I don’t know. Kanika asks him to google it and tell her.

Dev recalls Amba’s revelation about applying sindoor of his name since 10 years. He is tensed. Sangeeta (helper) asks Dev’s house staff member to tell Satyavati Madam that Vidhi sent her Achaar. Vidhi asks him to tell her that her mother sent it. Vidhi thanks Sangeeta. Sangeeta says it is good that food came from Dev sir’s home, and we sent the achaar. She says his mood is not good, it doesn’t look like he will have it. Vidhi says she has an idea.

Kaluchacha asks Hariprasad to have the gulab jamun. Hariprasad refuses. Kaluchacha says when you have the first gulab jamun then the customers come and have it. Hariprasad says he is inauspicious for himself. Sangeeta brings food for Dev. Dev refuses to eat. Sangeeta tells him that someone from the staff sent this special sabzi for you, and asks him to have it to keep her heart. Vidhi smiles standing outside. Dev tastes the sabzi and likes it. Vidhi smiles.

Hariprasad asks Kaluchacha not to say all these things and says you are saying this to motivate me. Kaluchacha says this is life. Hariprasad says they have difficult time with the job, and now he lost the job. Kaluchacha says it is good that Vidhi got the job. Hariprasad says he will not take daughter’s money. Kaluchacha says if you haven’t let your son take up house expenses. Hariprasad goes insearch of job. Dev tells Sangeeta that the sabzi was good, it is good that he have it. He asks Sangeeta to send Yogesh.

Kanika tells Yogesh that she is thinking how to take this drama further which is started by Vidhi. She says she thinks Simmy as his daughter and Amba is his wife. Yogesh laughs and tells her that Vidhi shall be humiliated 10 times more than him. She says yes. Kanika and Yogesh come to Vidhi and give her Dev’s names and gotra along with Amba’s details. Vidhi says I have to invite Dev sir. Kanika says don’t tell him now, just inform us, we will convince him. Vidhi thanks her and touches their feet, they move back. Vidhi says she needs their blessings. Kanika says our blessings are with you. Vidhi thinks to keep the paper in her bag.

Bimla hopes that Vidhi likes the stuff brought by her. Urmila is publicizes her beauty parlour in the name of Jagrata. Peeli and laali tell that they shall teach her a lesson. Laali says we heard that your Jethani is getting the jagrata. Urmila says we are one. Bimla asks if she talked about me. Peeli says you didn’t want to give money for Jagrata. Urmila says she found them with much difficulty..Bimla scolds her. Peeli and Laali tease Urmila and asks what she will give for Jagrata. Urmila says Make up for Maiyya and also badam halwa. They refuse and leave. Urmila’s husband asks if she didn’t feel ashamed to lie.

Peon comes and gives coffee to Vidhi. Dev talks to the lawyer. He then asks Rishabh about his brother’s admission. Rishabh says it is done by your recommendation. Dev asks another employee about his father and asks him to ask his father to ask him to meet him. The employee says ok. Vidhi gets her mother’s call. She says she is in the office. Bimla asks her to study in the office, as the masons are still working at home. Vidhi says ok. Dev is passing from Vidhi’s cabin and comes inside. He asks if everything ok. Vidhi says no, and says it seems like problems are surrounding me from all sides, and regrets to take economics. Dev asks if she can’t remember or don’t understand. Vidhi says both. She tells that her mind gets diverted in house work, and when she tries to read, she forgets just as she close the book. He says concentration problem. Vidhi says she forgets all theories in the exam hall, due to fear. She says that’s why my chachi calls my pagli film. Dev says there is a difference between memorizing it and understanding it. He says many people in this world have the same problem. He says even I had this problem. Vidhi says no Sir. He says when I was studying in London, then I had joined a theatre group there, whenever we had any show, I used to forget the lines due to fear and thought that this is not my work. He says Director asked me to focus and concentrate, forget the lines, but understand the character and make words of his own. He says this thing worked for him. Vidhi asks didn’t you forget after that. Dev says I didn’t say those lines, but whatever I told was right and with my understanding. He says whatever you write after understanding it, is right. He asks how many cups of coffee, she drinks. She says she drinks 2-3 cups. He says if you drink more, then? Vidhi says it will be harmful. Dev explains her marginal theory, positive and negative. Vidhi says she will never forget it, he explained her so well. She asks shall I explain you a theory in my words. She explains to him. Dev smiles.

Precap: Bimla tells that the jagrata will happen nicely. Hariprasad tells her that he is going through a difficult times and can’t spend much. Dev tells Satyavati, that he tried to teach someone in office, but don’t know if she remembered or not. Vidhi tries to study. Satyavati asks him to say all the best to her. Vidhi checks his message. She tells Seema that this time she will earn good marks.

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