Muskuraane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 17th June 2022 Written Update

Muskuraane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 17th June 2022 Written Update by Amena

Muskuraane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 17th June 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Katha saying now I understand why Uma trusted you, I would be happy to help you. Kabir asks her to drop him to the hotel. She gets Manyata’s call. Kabir sits in the scooty. Manyata hears them on call. Katha asks how did you know its my scooty. He reminds her that they met before. She smiles and says so it was you, small world, sorry for that day, I didn’t say thanks. He says I should say thanks for inspiring me. Manyata says he is really a magician, he made Uma and Katha smile. Katha drives the scooty. He asks is the distributor troubling you. She asks who. He says you complained about Abhinav to Queen’s bakery owner Kabir. She recalls. She asks was it you only. He says yes, don’t know what connection we will find. She sees a boy blowing soap bubbles. She recalls Rahul. She loses focus. Kabir saves her. She says sorry, are you okay. He asks are you fine, shall I drive. She says you would be thinking that I risk someone’s life. He says no, you always save lives, you saved your baby from the society pressure. Kishor says Kabir will sign the deal soon. He sees Kabir coming with Katha. Katha drops Kabir at the hotel. Kishor smiles. He says Kabir is happy with some girl, baba was right, he will get a girl in Nainital, he will get married. Katha leaves. Kabir smiles. Kishor asks who. Kabir says you said I will meet Katha, she was Katha. Kishor smiles. Kabir says come.

He says you went to save her mum, not her, what’s the matter. Kabir says coincidences can be fate. Kishor says when a man talks philosophical things, then it means he is in love, what happened to her mum. Kabir says bike accident, I took her to the hospital. Kishor says you took her for treatment and got this heart illness. Kabir asks him to stop it, they came to do work. Kishor says we want to set up your family, forget the factory, I can see your little children’s Nanihaal here. Uma, Katha and Manyata light a diya at home, and pray. Katha asks Uma not to do such a thing again. Uma says sorry, I turned selfish and didn’t think of you, I shouldn’t doubt your courage. She hugs Katha and Manyata. Manyata says when there is life, there is drama. Kabir thinks of Katha. Manyata says I m impressed with Kabir, he is so famous, he helps the needy people, he has made his business himself. Katha says okay but why are you doing research on him. Manyata says you both have same passion, to make the world a better place. Katha says yes, he was talking to Uma well. Manyata says you both are samples. She shows Kabir’s pic. Kabir sees Katha’s pic. Manyata says I will call Kabir as my college’s guest lecturer. Katha says don’t get after him, he helped us once. Manyata says he maybe thinking about you. Katha asks why. Kabir calls Katha. Manyata says tell him not to interfere between us. Katha says maybe by mistake. Kabir says how did the call connect. He disconnects. Kishor comes with beer. He asks what happened to you, tell me. Manyata says call back. Katha says let it be, I will check if Uma took the bp medicines. Manyata says I will check. She goes. Kishor laughs and says don’t fool me that you called by mistake. Kabir says I have written the thought for Muskaan. Kishor says love has an amazing power, good night. He leaves.

Rahul comes to Uma’s shop. She says shop is closed, come tomorrow. He says I came to give something, this toy for your daughter and her baby. She says you are that Rahul, how dare you. She holds him. She gets a heart attack and falls. He laughs. he leaves. Katha wakes up from the dream. She goes to see Uma. She cries. Uma says I will never leave you both. She hugs Katha. She thinks someone would be there to support Katha.

Manyata hears Kabir and Kishor talking about Katha. She invites Kabir for dinner.

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