Meri Sasu Maa 24th February 2016 Episode Watch Online


    • Suni
      February 24, 23:15

      Here you go hon. 🙂 , just for you .

      Pari is on the phone with her dad . At her father’s place , preparation is underway for the ceremony which is done when the bride visits her parents home . Pari explains to her dad that her mother-in-law is in jail . She vows to set things right and restore her mother-in-law’s reputation . Pari says that she can only come for the ceremony when her mother-in-law is released from jail .
      Pari’s dad relays the information to his mother , who tells him to not worry since Pari is not alone , they are with her .
      Babita , who was eavesdropping dropping outside the door , comes in the room and tells Pari that everyone is angry with her , and that they are all going to meet Massa . The Bhabi tells Pari to get dressed . Pari picks up a sari , but the Bhabi tells her that that the sari is not suitable for people of their status in society and says that she will get a suitable one from her own saris .
      Massa speaks to herself in jail , saying that the adulteration did happen .
      She tells Sattu that she needs his help , but she needs him to be at home to keep an eye on things . Sattu promises to follow her orders .
      Charabi and Suman talk with each other that grandma is refusing to drink tea she will become ill and that first Massa went to jail and now what will happen to grandma .
      Pari overhears the conversation and was going to check on grandma , but the Bhabis stop her .
      Massa is again shown , this time saying ” Let me just find out who this is and I will make their life hell . ”
      Whilst leaving the house Charabi prays for Massa , saying that she is the only one who takes care of them all . She hears a noise and leaves faster
      One of Massa’s sons says that they need to be more careful since things are not yet safe for them .
      Babita says that soon all our plans will come to fruition and that Pari will no longer be there .
      The police takes Massa out of her cell and she stands and speaks with the inspector . The inspector questions her as to why she did not yet apply for bail . Massa says that she knows that they trust her , but the milk was indeed adulterated and she needs to find out the truth and it was necessary for her to be there in jail . The inspector gives Massa the keys to the cell which she opens and exits .
      Sattu enters the house looking very passive aggressive and the evil bhabi’s are there . They put on a charade of being overly concerned about Massa , with one pulling off her jewelry and saying that she can’t wear such things whilst Massa is in jail . They say that Pari is getting dressed for the ceremony .
      Pari is getting dressed , applying sindoor whilst sitting in front a mirror with a newspaper clip of Massa attached to it . In the clip Massa is being praised for the quality of her milk .
      Sattu enters as Pari vows to herself again , to set thing right , and to bring Massa back .
      Pari notices Sattu and says that he didn’t answer her calls . Sattu asks her where are her luggage . The bhabi’s enter with a packed bag which they explain to Pari is what she will need for the trip . They tell her to hurry and they rush both Pari and Sattu out the door ; they laugh when they both leave . One of the sons placed a call to Pari’s dad and informed him that the ceremony should continue .
      In the car Pari asks Sattu about Massa , and Sattu says how can she be ok in jail .
      Pari asks for forgiveness and Sattu says that she already did what she had to do and that he doesn’t want to hear her . Pari realizes that they are on the wrong route and asks where is she being taken . Sattu says that she is being taken where she wants to go .
      Babita calls and asks if they reached their destination yet , lying that Pari’s family is continuously calling .
      Massa speaks to someone on the phone saying to that person that they shouldn’t ask questions, but instead do as they are told .
      Sattu takes an unwilling Pari to her father’s house . They are greeted at the door by Pari’s family . Masi ma performs aarti for Sattu and applies a tilaka . Sattu refuses to enter for the ceremony , instead asking to speak with Pari alone outside .
      When alone together, Sattu tells Pari that she does not understand a mother’s love , that Massa gave him life and loves him and that Pari should stay at her father’s house until she learns the value of a mother . Pari says to Sattu that she swears to God that her intentions were good and that even Massa would forgive her . Sattu says that yes a mother would forgive her and even a mother-in-law would forgive her , but the son will never forgive her .
      Pari stands shocked , Sattu leaves , Pari asks him to wait , but he doesn’t .
      Pari’s family comes out and everyone except Masi ma consoles her . Masi ma creates a scene saying that Pari will remain there all her life and cause hell for her . Pari’s dad tells her to shut up but she accuses him and his mom of not teaching Pari proper values saying that Pari caused her Mother-in-law to be jailed and that she will one day get them killed .
      Massa enters what seems to be her house . She says ” The game will begin now , let me see who has the audacity to stand against me ”
      Sattu is driving and receives a call from the lawyer who requests a vital file that is necessary to get bail for Massa . The lawyer says that it is imperative that the file is delivered to him before 4pm since it is Friday and the courts will be closed for the weekend .

      Pre cap – Sattu calls home and requests the file , Pari is somehow there . The bhabi’s realize the importance of the file . The file is found and the bhabi’s say that they don’t know how to get to court and Pari says that she will go . She reaches the court , gives the folder to the lawyer , but the file is missing and the lawyer says that Massa wouldn’t be able to get bail now . Sattu glares at a bewildered Pari .

    • Suni
      February 24, 23:17

      Btw , a gv is your gravtar , or that pic. you have of Pearl .

    • Suni
      February 24, 23:37

      On the 23rd Massa was confident that her milk was unadulterated. The police carried out tests . The sons somehow managed to erase the evidence of their involvement in the tampering . The police entered Massa’s house , saying that evidence showed that Sattu was the one who tainted the milk and went about arresting him .
      Massa intervened , saying that she is the owner of the business and therefore she is responsible and should be arrested instead . Massa was carried in the police jeep and locked away in a jail cell . The bhabis and their husbands were celebrating the success of their plan . Babita told them that Pari was still a threat since she would seek the truth ; she said that she will get rid of Pari . Sattu was very angry with Pari and didn’t answer her calls . He was the only one to visit Massa in jail and was very upset about her spending a night at there .
      That’s it in a nutshell 🙂 . ..

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